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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

National Center for Waste Management

Conditions & requirements for issuing a license to

import, supply and install waste treatment
Date 02/23/2021 Conditions & requirements for issuing a license to
Ver. No. V1.0 import, supply and install waste treatment
Page no. 2/2 technologies.

Activity of importing, supplying and installing waste treatment technologies.

To obtain a license in the field of importing, supplying and installing waste treatment technologies, an online
application must be submitted, an application form filled out, general, special and administrative requirements must
be fulfilled in accordance with the activities practiced and compliance with the applicable requirements.
Main Activity Waste treatment technologies
Sub-activities o Importing, supplying and installing waste treatment technologies
Beneficiary Companies working in waste management and environmental sectors
General  Filling out the E-application form.
Requirements  Attach the commercial register or the investment license in which the activity is added.
 Attach the title deed or lease contract.
 Attach Zakat & Tax Certificate.
 Attach experience record of the facility to be licensed (in the case of ex-work in the same
field of the required activity), and to each participating party (the joint companies.)
 Attach a diagram showing the facility’s organizational and administrative structure.
 Attach the EHS Plan (Environment, health and safety).
 Attach the Quality Plan.
Special 1. Provide the technology technical specifications.
Requirements 2. Provide accreditation certificates from environmental authorities and waste management
for the efficiency of technologies in the manufacturing country and the countries in which
these technologies were installed and operated.
3. Submit the resumes for the technicians qualified for installation.
4. Presenting a visual presentation on the technology to the National center’s specialists, in
which the technology is explained and inquiries are answered.
5. Obtaining the necessary permits from the relevant authorities.
Administrative o Attach an authorization from the facility\project owner certified by the Chamber of
Requirements Commerce or a power of attorney.
Conditions o The facility is not entitled to practice any activity related to waste except after obtaining
the professional license from the National Center for Waste Management.
License renewal 1. Previous license.
requirements 2. Fulfillment of the general, special and administrative requirements above.
Main Extract A License to (import, supply and installation of waste treatment technology).
Note The center has the right to amend the application requirements at any time or request any
additional requirements without prior notice.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Center for Waste Management

Conditions & requirements for issuing a license to

establish recycling facilities.
Date 02/23/2021
Conditions & requirements for issuing a license to
Ver. No. V1.0
establish recycling facilities.
Page no. 2/3

Recycling facilities establishment license.

To obtain a license in the field of establishing recycling facilities, an online application must be submitted, an
application form filled out, and general, special and administrative requirements must be fulfilled in accordance with
the activities practiced and compliance with the applicable requirements.
Activity o Fertilizers
o Plastic recycling
o Paper and cardboard recycling
o Electronic waste recycling
o Used batteries recycling
o Tire recycling
o Oils recycling
o Demolition and construction waste recycling
o Any other activities classified within the recycling process
Beneficiary Companies working in recycling.
General  Filling out the E-application form.
Requirements  Attach the commercial register or the investment license in which the activity is added.
 Attach the title deed or lease contract.
 Attach the Zakat & Tax Certificate.
 Attach experience record of the facility to be licensed (in the case of ex-work in the same
field of the required activity), and to each participating party (the joint companies.)
 Attach a diagram showing the facility's organizational and administrative structure.
 Attach resumes for all technicians indicating their experiences in the required field of activity.
 Attach a diagram of the various activity facilities (the Site).
 Attach a statement of the main equipment and devices used in the activity and their
 Attach the proposed work plan and the technique used.
 Attach the EHS Plan.
 Attach the Quality Plan.
Special 1. Submitting a detailed action plan that accurately demonstrates the project’s ability to achieve
Requirements the National Center’s objectives, including its contribution to achieving the main goals and
objectives of the National Waste Strategy, the targets for diversion from landfills, the
adoption of best practices and modern technologies in the areas of waste management, and
how the project contributes to reducing risks to Environment, Health and Safety, the strategic
dimensions of the project, the benefit to the city that will be the headquarter of the plant, and
an estimate of the capital costs and the necessary financing for the project.
2. The approval of the National Center for Environmental Compliance on the Environmental
Impact Assessment Study.
3. Specify the sort of waste.
4. Determine and describe in detail the Site of the sorting and recycling plant.
5. Determine the exact field of work and materials to be recycled.
Date 2021/02/23
Conditions & requirements for issuing a license to
Ver. No. V1.0
establish recycling facilities. (Cont.)
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6. Attach a description of the stages of pre-treatment, sorting and recycling, and the
method and technology of recycling.
7. Determine the means of disposal of the remaining non-recyclable waste.
8. Provide an operating procedure guideline.
9. Provide response plans for emergencies and contingencies.
Administrative 1. Attach an authorization from the facility\project owner certified by the Chamber of
Requirements Commerce or a power of attorney.
Conditions o Granting the license shall assist in achieving the objectives of the National Center in
terms of organizing and developing the sector, stimulating investment and promoting
its quality.
o The site must be within the approved location schemes as industrial zones.
o That the area of the recycling plant is commensurate with the volume of work and
the amount of production according to the areas approved in the industrial schemes.
o Provide electronic gates and scales at the entrances and exits of the recycling plant.
o The facility shall keep records and data related to its operations, and make them
available for the inspectors of the National Center, as well as submit periodic reports
to the Center on the volume, types and quantities of wastes that are recycled, as they
can be examined at any time by the Center.
o The facility shall provide periodic reports (E-version) containing the movement of
waste receiving, its types, sources, volumes & quantities, and other basic information
on the operational processes.
Main Extract A License (to establish a recycling facility) with specifying the activity (or sub-
Note The center has the right to amend the application requirements at any time or request any
additional requirements without prior notice.

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