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Balachandra.S R1817204

Dhanush Kumar.V.C R1817214


Essentially, ecommerce (or electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of

goods (or services) on the internet. Most businesses with an ecommerce presence
use an ecommerce store and/or an ecommerce platform to conduct both online
marketing and sales activities and to oversee logistics and fulfillment.


The main objectives of the ecommerce system are as follows:

• Ecommerce helps small businesses sell directly to customers.

• Ecommerce also makes it easier for companies to reach new customers all over
the globe.
• Without a need for a physical storefront (and employees to staff it),
ecommerce retailers can launch stores with minimal operating costs.
• Jobs related to ecommerce are up 2x over the last five years, far outpacing
other types of retail in regard to growth.
• Supply chain management has evolved. Survey data shows that one of
ecommerce’s main impacts on supply chain management is that it shortens
product life cycles.

E-Commerce is associated with the buying and selling of information, products

and services via computer network today. Consumer desires are very hard to
predict pin point or decipher in electronic markets whose shape, structure and
population are still in early stages.

Electronic Commerce and the World-Wide-Web We have broadly defined

electronic commerce as a modern business methodology that addresses the
desire of the firm, consumer and management to cut cost while improving the
quality of goods and increasing the speed of services. The need for electronic
commerce stems from the demand within business and government to make
better use of computing, that is, better apply computer technology to improve
business process and information exchange both within an enterprise and across
organizations. In short, electronic commerce appears to be an integrating force
that represents the digital conversions of twenty-first century business
applications and computing technologies.

Electronic commerce applications emphasize the generation and exploitation of

new business opportunity and to use the popular buzzword, “generate business
value”. For instance, when buyer-seller transactions occur in the electronic
marketplace, information is accessed, absorbed, arranged and sold in different
ways. In fact, the information a product or service is separated from the physical
product or service and has become important on its own.

OPERATING SYSTEM : Windows 10 Home.

FRONT END : Visual Basic 6.0.

DATABASE : Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18.


PROCESSOR : Intel i3 or Higher




Ecommerce Module:

This is used for managing the details of the particular customer who requests for
the particular order and views the order history, items in cart, search product.

Create Account Module:

This module is to create a new user.

Login Module:

This module is used to login/sign-in by the user.

Order History Module:

This module is used to view the order history of the user.

Search Module:

This module is used to search a particular item.

Cart Module:

This module displays the products added for purchase.

Payment Module:

This module is used for payment mode of the item purchased by the user.

This module is used for managing the details of the particular seller, create seller
account, upload items, and alter items.

Upload Item module:

This module allows seller to upload item details for sale.

Alter Item module:

This module allows seller to alter item details.

Create Account Module:

This module is to create a new seller.

Login Module:

This module is used to login/sign-in by the seller.

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