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Theories of Globalization:

Constructivism, Feminism and

Presented by:

Dr. Erwin O. Cruz

Scrutinize the concept of constructivism.
Demonstrate women’s rights.
Dissect the ideology of transformationalism.
Theory of Constructivism

Globalization has also arisen because of the way that people

have mentally constructed the social world with particular
symbols, language, images and interpretation. It is the result
of particular forms and dynamics of consciousness.
Theory of Constructivism
Constructivism is ‘an approach to learning that holds that people actively
construct or make their own knowledge and that reality is determined by the
experiences of the learner’ (Elliott et al., 2000, p. 256).
Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than
just passively take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon
those experiences, they build their own representations and incorporate new
information into their pre-existing knowledge (schemas).
Theory of Feminism
It puts emphasis on social construction of masculinity and femininity. All other
theories have identified the dynamics behind the rise of trans-planetary and supra-
territorial connectivity in technology, state, capital, identity and the like.
Biological sex is held to mold the overall social order and shape significantly the
course of history, presently globalism. Their main concern lies behind the status of
women, particularly their structural subordination to men. Women have tended to
be marginalized, silenced and violated in global communication.
Related Laws
• Republic Act 11210, 105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law
• RA 6725 (Prohibition on Discrimination Against Women) prohibits
discrimination with respect to terms and conditions of employment solely
on the basis of sex.
• RA 926 Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act
• RA 7882 (Assistance for small-scale women entrepreneurs) or the act
that states the Provision of Assistance to Women Engaging in Micro and
Cottage Business Enterprises, and for other purpose.
Related Laws
• RA 9710 (Magna Carta for Women) is a comprehensive women's human rights law that
seeks to eliminate discrimination through the recognition, protection, fulfillment, and
promotion of the rights of Filipino women, especially those belonging in the
marginalized sectors of the society.
• RA 6949 (National Women’s Day) declares the eighth day of March every year as a
special working holiday.
• RA 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Act) addresses the issue of sexual harassment
committed in employment, education or training environment.
• RA 8353 (Anti-Rape Law) states that any person having carnal knowledge of a woman
through force, threat, or intimidation or by means of fraudulent machination or grave
abuse of authority will be punished.
Theory of Transformationalism
This theory has been expounded by David Held and his colleagues. Accordingly, the
term ‘globalization’ reflects increased interconnectedness in political, economic and
cultural matters across the world creating a “shared social space”.
Given this interconnectedness, globalization may be defined as “a process (or set of
processes) which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social
relations and transactions, expressed in transcontinental or interregional flows and
networks of activity, interaction and power.”
Values Infused

Constructivism (Admiration)
Feminism (Courteous)
Transformationalism (Adaptability)
Life Lesson

Set your goals high and do not stop until you

get there. –Bo Jackson

Dr. Erwin O. Cruz

Word of Wisdom

Give confidence and encouragement, cheer others,

inspire others. The world now has plenty of detractors
and critics already. Spread love and understanding, let us
unite for the better world.

Dr. Erwin O. Cruz

Bible Verse

Magtiwala sa Magagawa ng Diyos. Filipos 4:6

Dr. Erwin O. Cruz

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