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 11  August  2015  5:51:40  pm  Singapore  Standard  Time

Subject: RE:  [FMS  2015]:  Le0er  of  Advice  &  dra;  Le0er  of  Demand  [Client]
Date: Tuesday,  11  August  2015  5:49:14  pm  Singapore  Standard  Time
From: Ramesh  Kumar
To: Shanice  ANG  Xuan  Run
Dear  Shanice
Thank  you  for  your  advice  and  the  draft  demand  letter.
I  am  okay  with  the  draft  demand  letter  –  please  proceed.

Ramesh  Kumar
Partner  |  Allen  &  Gledhill  LLP
T  +65  6890  7878  |  M  +65  9853  7431  |  F  +65  6302  3267  |
One  Marina  Boulevard  #28-­00  Singapore  018989  |

Allen  &  Gledhill  LLP  (UEN/Registration  No.  T07LL0925F)  is  registered  in  Singapore  under  the  Limited  Liability
Partnerships  Act  (Chapter  163A)  with  limited  liability.  A  list  of  the  Partners  and  their  professional  qualifications
may  be  inspected  at  the  address  specified  above.

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From: Shanice ANG Xuan Run []

Sent: Sunday, 9 August 2015 10:29 PM
To: Ramesh Kumar
Subject: [FMS 2015]: Letter of Advice & draft Letter of Demand [Client]
Dear  Mr  Phua,
Hope  that  you  have  had  a  great  NaRonal  Day  weekend.
A0ached  are  a  Le0er  of  Advice  as  well  as  a  dra;  Le0er  of  Demand.  If  you  are  agreeable,  we  will  issue  the
Le0er  of  Demand  to  Mr  Damien  Drake  on  Tuesday,  11  August  2015.
Thank  you.
Yours  faithfully,
Shanice  Ang
Legal  Associate  |  Ang  LLC
T:  +65  9092  3688  |  F:  +65  6583  3664  |
1  Pive0  Drive  #12-­‐01  Singapore  901256

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