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A strategy that focuses on developing a unique long-run competitive

position in the market by assessing consumer needs and the firm's potential
for gaining a competitive advantage.

 A business’ approach to marketing its products/ services expresses in

broad terms, which forms the basis for developing a marketing plan.

 Marketing starts with market research, in which needs and attitudes and
competitors' products are assessed, and continues through into advertising,
promotion, distribution, and, where applicable, customer servicing and
repair, packaging, and sales and distribution.

 The broad marketing thinking that will enable an organization to develop its
products and marketing mixes in the right direction, consistent with overall
corporate objectives.

Tele Calling: -
The company uses the tele calling/ phone calling to reach the customer,
which are interested. This is the most important technique to save time and
giving demo of the companies’ product through making call in order to know
the customer interest towards the product. This is the strategy with which
one can motivate customer to go for the product and etc.
 LMS:
It is leads management system which means leads are generated by the
customers who want to purchase the product of the company. Companies
provide facility to the customer on online to fill the registration form through
which the companies’ executives can provide more information to the
 Yellow Pages:
Yellow pages are used to gather data for making calls so that customer
who did not fine time and are unaware of the product can know about the
product. Customers are given freedom to ask question related to the
products this is the technique used to increase the awareness of the
 Canopy’s:
This is the most important technique used by share khan securities to
market its product in different areas of the city, company put their canopies
and customer who are willing to know about the product come forward and
provide best of their knowledge. Besides these companies executives ask
customer to fill the questionnaire that tells the company about the levels of
brand awareness. It also increases the product awareness because it is
generally put at the crowdies places like near main markets, cinema s,
hotels, ATM or etc where people come in good numbers.
* Direct Marketing
Share khan executive’s reaches to the does of the customer by fixing
appointments with the interested customer, they describe the details of the
product. Executive give demonstration of the products so that customer can
understand better.
 Advertising:
Advertising is the most important tool of increasing awareness of the
product and this is the most widely used technique by the company to tell
about the new features and new lunch by giving briefing of the product.
Share khan use banners, distribution of pamphlets, and advertisement in
newspapers, magazines.
 References:
Share khan strategy is to satisfy the customer in terms of their need by
providing them timely services and knowledge about the trade in equities,
mutual funs by giving tips for investment advises through e-mails or toll free
calls for this purpose customers are provided relationship manager who
give investment advise and also make transaction on their behalf on
demand. B satisfying customer executives ask their references that not only
increase the awareness but also increase the good will of the company.
 Competitiveness:
The company is innovative and uses the latest technology to improve the
product to fulfill the demands of the customers. Share khan makes it easy
for the customer to make online transaction of shares. The company is
competitive in terms of the product price and facilities it offers to the
 Internet:
Company provides detailed information about the products on Internet so
that customer can know about the product easily and completely.

1. Do you know about electronics market?

(a) Yes
(b) No




The response is general to the above question which was put to
different age group was positive as indicated by the chart above. Only
the younger and middle age group people were affirmative and were
optimistic regarding their knowledge about the electronics market.
2. Do you have any interest in electronic media?
(c) Yes
(d) No


The response to this question from the respondent who allowed
interest in electronic was mostly for a specified in the chart above.
Since this not increased their knowledge but it is a also a good source
of relaxation and keeps one in a touch with the corporate world.
3. Which company’s electronic equipment do you use?
(a) Sony
(b) Samsung
(c) Any Other


Since my research is on future electronic marketing giant of India it
was of utmost importance to put forward this question in order to get
this views. The response is generally mixed. Some preferred Sony
where as some preferred Samsung where as some preferred neither
Sony nor Samsung.
4. Which company’s electronic equipments would you like to use in the future?
(a) Sony
(b) Samsung




It is learnt from the response to the above question that people prefer to continue
with the electronic equipments from the same company as which they are
currently using.
5. If sony, then which electronic equipment do you mostly use?
(a) Television
(b) Music System
(c) Mobile Phone
(d) Any Other

Music System
Mobile Phone
Any Other

The question is very important as it left a findy the driving force behind customers
preference for any particular company. It is very clear from the above graph that
the most preferred is Mobile Phones from Sony. The music quality and reliability is
an important factor due to which people prefer Sony mobile phones.
6) How many prefer to invest;
A) shares
B) mutual funds
C) bonds

Preference of Investment

Only Shares-- 75 %
Mutual Funds-- 16%

D) debentures

This shows that although the mutual funds market is on the rise yet,
the most favored investment continues to be in the Share Market. So,
with a more transparent system, investment in the Stock Market can
definitely be increased.
7) How many of you aware of online share trading?

Awareness of online share trading

Yes -- 91%

No-- 9%

Interpretation: With the increase in cyber education, the awareness

towards online share trading has increased by leaps and bounds. This
awareness is expected to increase further with the increase in Internet
8) How many of you aware of Demat account market of;
a) Share Khan
c) Kotak Mahindra
d) India Bulls
e) Others

DEMAT account market

Sharekhan- 12%
ICICI Direct- 31%
Kotak Mahindra- 7%
India Bulls- 24%

This shows that even with sufficiently high Brand Equity, Sharekhan
ranks only 3rd amongst the Demat account providers. This is probably
because of two main reasons:
1. Lack of promotion and unfocussed approach towards Product
2. Non – transparent marketing policies of the company
Hence, the company should crystallize its products and should indulge
in aggressive marketing and promotion.

Satisfaction level among Customers with current


Yes - 92% No- 8%

9) How many of you satisfy with the level of current broker?

This pie chart accentuates the fact that Strategic marketing, today,
has gone beyond only meeting Sales targets and generating profit
volumes. It shows that all the competitors are striving hard not only to
woo the customers but also to make them Brand loyal by generating
customer satisfaction.
10) How many of do training:
A) Daily
B) Monthly
C) Weekly

Frequency of Trading

Daily- 9%
Weekly- 27%

D) Yearly

Interpretation: In spite of the huge returns that the share market

promises, we see that there is still a dearth of active traders and
investors. This is because of the non – transparent structure of the
Indian share market and the skepticism of the target audience that is
generated by the volatility of the stock market. It requires efficient
bureaucratic intervention on the part of the Government.
11. According to your perspective which investment gives you maximum
(1) Share market
(2) Mutual funds
(3) Purchasing insurance policy

share market

mutual funds

purchasing insurance

As of today people believe in secured investment with no risk & high
return. So insurance policy are the best option for them as they give
good return after a period of time .Share market has also come up in a
big way though the risk factor is a bit too high despite good return.

We suggest following measures, which Share Khan could take so as to take on

heavy competition from India bulls and 5 Paisa

1. To identify regions where promotions are required. Share Khan lacks visibility
in northern region where as it is a well known name in western region. Even
then, its promotional campaign focuses on western region where as northern
region is still waiting for promotional campaigns.

2. Try to reduce cost, so that benefits can be passed on to customers. Senior

managers at Share Khan keep on telling that it is difficult to reduce cost,
because of services we provide. But the fact is, India being a price sensitive
market, people at times go for monetary benefits rather than for long term non-
monetary benefits.

3. If charges can’t be reduced because of costs involved, make the services

customized, so that services are provided to only those customers who are
willing to pay the price for services they are getting and let the other customers
enjoy costs benefits without getting services.

4. Concept of margin funding should be introduced, as more and more people are
asking for it.

5. Share Khan should contact with their clients regularly for knowing the problems
faced by them. This will help Share Khan in providing best services to
customers. This will result in additional customer base by getting further
references from satisfied clients.
6. To launch slab wise brokerage structure as Share Khan has fixed brokerage
structure which can not be negotiated. But other players in the market offer
launch slab wise brokerage structure which motivate customers to increase
their volumes. That’s why heavy investors do not open their account with Share


We suggest following measures, which Share Khan could take so as to take on

heavy competition from India bulls and 5 Paisa

1. To identify regions where promotions are required. Share Khan lacks visibility in
northern region where as it is a well known name in western region. Even then, its
promotional campaign focuses on western region where as northern region is still
waiting for promotional campaigns.

2. Try to reduce cost, so that benefits can be passed on to customers. Senior

managers at Share Khan keep on telling that it is difficult to reduce cost, because
of services we provide. But the fact is, India being a price sensitive market, people
at times go for monetary benefits rather than for long term non- monetary benefits.

3. If charges can’t be reduced because of costs involved, make the services

customized, so that services are provided to only those customers who are willing
to pay the price for services they are getting and let the other customers enjoy
costs benefits without getting services.

4. Concept of margin funding should be introduced, as more and more people are
asking for it.

5. Share Khan should contact with their clients regularly for knowing the problems
faced by them. This will help Share Khan in providing best services to customers.
This will result in additional customer base by getting further references from
satisfied clients.
6. To launch slab wise brokerage structure as Share Khan has fixed brokerage
structure which can not be negotiated. But other players in the market offer launch
slab wise brokerage structure which motivate customers to increase their volumes.
That’s why heavy investors do not open their account with Share Khan


Q1. In which of these Financial Instruments do you invest


Shares Mutual Funds Bonds


Q2. Are you aware of online Share trading?

Yes No

Q3. Heard about Share khan?

Yes No

Q4. Do you know about the facilities provided by Share

Yes No

Q5. With which company do you have your DEMAT account?

Share khan ICICI Direct Kotak Mahindra

India Bulls

Others (please specify)

Q6. What differentiates your Share trading company from


Q7. Are you currently satisfied with your Share trading


Yes No

Q8. How often do you trade?

Daily Weekly Monthly

Q9. What percentage of your earnings do you invest in share

Up to 10% Up to 25% Up to 50%

Above 50%

Q10. How do you rate these share trading companies?

a. Share khan
b. ICICI Direct
1. 2. 3. c. India Bulls
d. Kotak Mahindra
e. Others (Please specify)
4. 5.

Q11. What more facilities do you think you require with your
DEMAT account?

Books and Newspapers:

 The Economic Times, Business Standard, Business line

 Securities Market (Basic) Module :--NCFM

 Economic Times.

 Training Kit Provided by the Sharekhan.

 Indian financial system by M.Y KHAN

 NSDL Depository operations module :--NCFM



 www.economics


 www.


www.sharekhan .com

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