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Do You listen to music, watch movies, go to a picnic or play sports with friends and/or family
members? Why do you do these activities? What other activities do you enjoy doing? These are some
questions that will be asked later on. You do lots of activities every day. You do household chores,
answering your modules and other routine activities. Do you these for fun or do you enjoy doing these
tasks or not? Many of these activities are already part of your daily activities and you cannot get away
with them. Now, in order not to get bored or tired of these tasks, you have to think of other activities
that are relaxing and enjoyable to help you get back in focus.
In this lesson, you will learn activities that can be done indoor or outdoor which you will enjoy
and make you feel relaxed at the same time.

III. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
 explain the basic concept of recreation, its characteristics and importance;
 determine how recreational activities can help in the development of one’s physical, emotional,
mental and social skills and conditions; and
 identify the different recreational activities.


Please see attached sheet.

Please watch a video presentation in You Tube conceptualized by NCCA – NCD

Unity Dance under the leadership of Dr. Shirley – Halili Cruz. Before you do this, get your
heart rate at rest (HRrest) first. Record it, then perform the Unity Dance. After doing it, find
your pulse again and begin counting for 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6. Record it
Summarize what you have learned in Lesson 1. Write it on 1 whole sheet of yellow pad.

1|P a g e SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL // Prepared by: Mrs. Iluminada Estinos P.E. AND HEALTH 4 // WEEK 3
Recreation is the process or a means of refreshing or entertaining oneself after work by some
pleasurable activity. It is the term given to spending time in a manner which is intended to offer refreshment
and provide a fulfilling experience. It is the expenditure of time in a manner designed for therapeutic
refreshment of one’s mind and body. It is an activity that is done during leisure. It rejuvenates your body,
emotions and mind. This could be and indoor activity or outdoor undertaking.


1. Active Recreation – refers to activities in which you need to participate directly or you are required to do
the task. Examples: swimming, dancing, jogging and the like.

2. Passive Recreation – includes activities that require not much of your energy or those that only require to
observe. Examples: watching movies/TV/games, listening to music and the like. Whether active or passive, as
long as you enjoy the activity and it makes you feel relaxed, it is a form of recreation.


1. Learn to appreciate more routine activities – It’s not good to be working all the time and not having any
leisure or recreation time at all. You will end up bored and stressed. This time, you can no longer appreciate
the things you are doing. If you take a break from these routine activities, you will start anew and feel
refreshed before doing the task again.
2. Positive effects in your views – When you enjoy what you are doing, you feel happy, your attitude also
change positively because your mind and body become relaxed. You can make wise decision in case of
3. Build a strong bond with friends and family – Recreational activities with family and friends is also a good
way to bond. It gives us great opportunities to talk about personal thoughts and update about what is
happening to each member of the family.
4. Develop leadership and social skills.
5. Reduces stress.
Crafts and Arts Sports and Fitness Environmental Activities Technology Type of Recreation

Drawing Painting Basketball Chess Hiking Camping Internet Surfing

Dancing Singing Volleyball Athletics Orienteering Biking Playing musical instruments

Sculpture Weaving Football Swimming Mountaineering Watching movies

Playing online games

2|P a g e SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL // Prepared by: Mrs. Iluminada Estinos P.E. AND HEALTH 4 // WEEK 3
1. Indoor Recreation – is an activity that is normally done in a covered or closed environment free from the
effects of unfavorable weather condition. Ex. Chess, Scrabble, Domino, Bowling, etc.

Chess – is a tactical board game that is played by two opposing players on a checkered board with
specified rules and use 16 pieces with the objective of putting the opposing player’s King under “check”
where there are no squares for it to move to.

Scrabble – is a social game that can top the list of Fun Activities played in groups. It allows players to relax,
enjoy and have fun. It provides opportunity to build language skills, improve mental capabilities and
develop desirable attitudes.

Domino – generally refers to the collective gaming pieces making up a deck or pack or to the subcategory
of tile games played in the area of mathematical tilings or polyominoes. It is also often refers to any
rectangle formed from joining two congruent squares edge to edge.

Darts – a game that requires good eye and hand coordination and lots of concentration.

Bowling – a game in which players must knock as many pins as possible.

Dama – a game played by 2 people on opposite sides of a playing board, having alternating moves.

Sungka – a game that used small shells from the sultanate of Malacca and was played by their royalties. In
the Philippines, It uses a wooden board called Sungkaan that consists of a set of cups (14 small cups in the
middle and 2 big cups at both ends) that holds small stones.

2. Outdoor Recreation – activity is done in an open area or outside of an enclosed space. It provides
wholesome experience for the person to develop his/her fitness and make good judgment as well. Ex.
Hiking, Camping, Orienteering, Biking, Mountaineering, etc.

HIKING – involves walking a long distance for pleasure or exercise. This activity is not only for leisure but
also promotes physical fitness.

CAMPING – is a recreational activity in which one has to spend a day or more living in a tent or camp,
usually away from home.

BIKING - is an outdoor activity that requires special equipment like the bicycle which can be used for
downhill, cross country and track racing. This activity can help improve endurance.

ORIENTEERING – involves navigation skills, like using a map and a compass to select routes and navigate
through an unfamiliar track or course.

NAME Kyla E. Orantia STRAND/GRADE: H.E 12 B DATE Feb. 2, 2021

3|P a g e SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL // Prepared by: Mrs. Iluminada Estinos P.E. AND HEALTH 4 // WEEK 3


I. Identify what is being asked for and write the answer on the space provided.Choose your answer inside the box.
Hiking Recreation Biking Active Recreation Indoor Recreation
Chess Orienteering Scrabble Domino Outdoor Recreation
Dart Bowling Passive Recreation Camping Biking Sungka
Indoor Recreation 1. It is an activity that is normally done in a covered or closed environment free from the effects of
unfavorable weather condition.
Active Recreation 2. It refers to activities in which you need to participate directly or you are required to do the task.
Recreation 3. It is the process of refreshing or entertaining oneself after work by some pleasurable activity.
Outdoor Recreation 4. It is an activity that is done in an open area or outside of an enclosed space.
Passive Recreation 5. It includes activities that require not much of your energy or those that only require to observe.
Chess 6. It is a tactical board game that is played by two opposing players on a checkered board with specified
rules and use 16 pieces.
Dart 7. A game that requires good eye and hand coordination and lots of concentration.
Camping 8. It is a recreational activity in which one has to spend a day or more.
Scrabble 9. It provides opportunity to build language skills and improve mental capabilities.
Sungka 10. A game that used small shells from the sultanate of Malacca and was played by their royalties.
Hiking 11. It involves walking a long distance for pleasure or exercise.
Bowling 12. A game in which players must knock as many pins as possible.
Domino 13. Often refers to any rectangle formed from joining two congruent squares edge to edge.
Orienteering 14. It involves navigation skills, like using a map and a compass to select routes.
Biking 15. It is an outdoor activity that requires special equipment which can be used for downhill, cross country
and track racing.

How can we classify recreation? Give an example of each classification
Crafts and Arts Sports and Fitness Environmental Activities Technology Type of
Drawing Athletics Camping Playing musical
Painting Football Biking Watching movies
Dancing Swimming Orienteering Playing online games


What are the benefits of engaging in recreational activities?

 Learn to appreciate more routine activities- It is not really convenient to work all the time and not have
any time for leisure or fun at all, you're going to end up unhappy and frustrated, each cycle, if you take
a little break from these routine tasks, you can start again and feel relaxed before starting the job
again, you might no longer notice the things you are doing.

4|P a g e SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL // Prepared by: Mrs. Iluminada Estinos P.E. AND HEALTH 4 // WEEK 3
 Positive effects in your views- because once you embrace what you do, you feel fulfilled, as your body
and brain become comfortable, your behavior often changes positively, in the case of an emergency,
you will make wise decisions.
 Build a strong bond with friends and family- recreational activities with loved ones are also a nice
method of bonding, giving us great opportunities to chat about personal feelings and inform each close
relative about what has been happening.
 Develop leadership and social skills and Reduces stress

Do you agree in “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy? Why?
Yes, because based on her All work and no play is a proverb that makes Jack an uninteresting kid, meaning
that working all the time is not good and that people can get bored if they don't get any time off from work,
and to achieve our goals in life, hard and industrious work is important. But with no leisure, focusing on work
alone tends to make a person boring and unsociable. The Constitution of the mind is such that it can survive
for a long time. But at the same time, to prevent it from getting overtaxed, proper relaxation is absolutely
important. An overtaxed mind lacks all the social spirit that makes the character boring.

C. REVIEW: Summarize what you have learned in Lesson 1.

When I first heard the music and watch the video it was very beautiful and had a very energetic vibe. On the
video presented there’s a lot of people dancing and vibing on song, when you closely understand what the
lyrics is you will know that the nature and exercise are fit, the lyrics has very wonderful meaning, we should
exercise when we have a time, make a process to appreciate the creation of nature don’t ignore the beautiful
ambience of every days, make a plan to and take time to value the nature because you will see that
appreciating the nature and all the things that existing is valuable and knowledgeable, you must make sure
that exercising is important for own good and health so. Dancing is very a great talent in every individual
person but on that video the lyrics say “Tayo ay pinag isa ng langit” for me it has a meaningful meaning a
message to everyone that we should acknowledge what the God’s creation and be active and live your life to
the fullest.

5|P a g e SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL // Prepared by: Mrs. Iluminada Estinos P.E. AND HEALTH 4 // WEEK 3

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