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Aggression: In psychology, the term aggression refers to a range of behaviours that can result in both physical and

psychological harm to oneself, other or objects in the environment. The expression of aggression can occur in a
number of ways, including verbally, mentally and physically.

Types of Aggression:

 Instrumental Aggression: Instrumental aggression refers to an aggressive behaviour intended to achieve a

goal. It is made against another person in whom the aggression is used as a means of securing some reward
or to achieve an external goal such as a victory. When one receives a reward because of deviant aggressive
act, s/he will be conditioned towards committing that act again when motivated to obtain that previously
possessed reward.
 Hostile Aggression: Hostile Aggression refers to violent attitudes or actions that are associated with anger
and a desire to dominate a situation or others. Its displays itself in verbal, non-verbal and physical ways and
holds the intention of causing harm.
 Relational Aggression: Relational aggression is defined as a type of aggression that is intended to harm
others through purposeful direction of their social standing and relationships. The use of relationships to
harm another person for example starting rumours, spreading gossip, teasing, creating or joining cliques,
and deliberately excluding another person. This type of aggression is used for the healthy psychological

Theories of Aggression:

Instinct Theory: This was the first theory for aggression in sport and was defined by Freud, and Lorenz (1966). This
theory is based on a nature approach; it argues that aggressive behaviour is inborn. The theory suggests aggression
is built up and needs to be released to maintain our well being. This aggression can be directed towards another
person or displaced and it argues that sport allows this release through a Catharsis ( thereby providing relief from,
strong or repressed emotions). Rather than releasing our aggression in an inappropriate place we may wait until a
more appropriate time to release it, and we use displacement when we want to do something that we know is not
acceptable, If your boss at work makes you angry you may want to hurt them but you resist so the sporting
environment provides the perfect opportunity to release this aggression.

Frustration-Aggression Theory: A performer becomes aggressive when the goal is blocked and this leads to
frustration in the performer and eventually aggression. They state that frustration will always lead to aggression and
aggression is always caused by frustration. An example could be a performer’s aggression drive increases due the
opponent playing well. As a result frustration in the performer increases so they commit an aggressive act e.g. a
personal foul in basketball, the player is then satisfied as there has been a cathartic release, however if the
performer is punished for the act then further aggressive acts may follow.

Significance of Aggression in Sports: Although there are many positive aspects to sports participation as a player, as
spectator often allied with aggressive behaviour. Defined as the intention to physically, verbally or psychologically
harm. Someone who is motivated to avoid such treatment. Aggression can be hostile or instrumental hostile.
Aggression refers to action that are motivated by anger and that are intend slowly to harm someone. In instrumental
aggression however harmful actions have purpose over and above that of wounding another players athletes might
for instance, attempt to injured an opponent because they believe that doing so will increase their chances of
victory. In sport research has focused mainly on the aggressive actions of three groups of individuals, athletes,
spectators and parents. Research into player aggression has identified several factors that might promote violence.
Heat is an example as temperature rise. A second situational determinant of player aggression is the point
differential between two teams with the highest degrees of aggression arising when teams are separated by a wide
scoring margin.

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