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Ref No: CRBC/MTH/ 086/13 Dates: August 6,


TO: CORE Consulting Engineer PLC

Addis Ababa

Ref: Megenagna – Torhyloch Road Project, Contract 2.

Subject: Revised drainage design

Dear Sirs,

This refers to your letter ref: CORE/MTP/034/13 dated July 23, 2013
whereby you issued us the revised drainage design. As we understand from
the revised design, 4.5km length of ø 1200mm pipe is required for the main

As we have repeatedly informed to you and the Employer, our capacity to

manufacture 1200mm pipe is very low compared to other pipe sizes. It may
take us more than a year to produce 45000m length ø 1200mm pipe and
this will negatively affect time of completion of the project. To this effect, we
have been checking possible adjustments on pipe size to reduce the number
of 1200mm pipe.

Though we couldn’t perform detail hydrological and hydraulic analysis to

justify our proposal as we do not have your design calculations, here are
some justifications from factual observation of existing site for your further
reconsiderations on your drainage design:

k4+000 – k4+200 LHS

We have checked that there is an existing Box Culvert crossing our road at
4+080 LHS. Any inflow of storm drain from km 3+960 can be discharged to
this main storm drainage line. As the same is done for the newly
constructed Bole road drainage, there will not be extra inflow to our

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
drainage system. We hope this will reduce the Engineers previous worry.
Hence, ø 900 pipe would be sufficient similar to the adjacent drainage from
k3+940 – k3+660 LHS.

Contractor’s proposal: replace ø1200 with ø900 for k3+940 – k4+080


K5+700 – K4+080 LHS

In the revised design, the section from k5+700 to k5+180 is provided with
ø1060 pipe and the section from k5+120 to k4+220 is to be with ø1200. We
also suggest that there is a possibility of using ø900 at the starting points of
the drainage system and progressively change to bigger sizes. Hence, we
propose to begin with ø900mm at k5+700 similar to the adjacent reverse
flow direction (as both sides have more or less similar catchment area). We
also propose to use ø1060 for the downstream section from K5+120 –
K4+480 and eventually come to pipe size of ø1200 for the end section from
k4+440 up to the discharge point at k4+080. Please note that the Debrezeit
road joins our road at k4+420 and is reasonable to change the pipe size to
ø1200 from km 4+400 onwards as there will be inflow of surface water and
drainage connections from Mesuwalekia area. On the other hand the
preceding upstream sections have relatively minimum surface water which
could be conveyed using 900 – 1060mm pipe size.
Thanking you for in advance your usual cooperation, we remain.

Sincerely yours

Wang Yang
General Manager

Enc: 2 set of Shop drawings

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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