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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number

A Data Augmentation Method Based on

Generative Adversarial Networks for
Grape Leaf Disease Identification
College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Internet of Things (Northwest A&F University), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangling, Shaanxi
712100 China
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Agricultural Information Perception and Intelligent Service (Northwest A&F University), Yangling, Shaanxi 712100
College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Yan’an University, Yan’an, Shaanxi 712100, China
Ningxia Smart Agricultural Industry Technology Collaborative Innovation Center, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, China
West Electronic Business, Co., Ltd., Yinchua, Ningxia 750004, China

Corresponding author: Bin Liu (

This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no. 61602388, by the China Postdoctoral
Science Foundation under grant no. 2017M613216, by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under grant no.
2452019064, by the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China under grant no. 2017JM6059, by the Postdoctoral
Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China under grant no. 2016BSHEDZZ121, by the Ningxia Smart agricultural Industry
Technology Collaborative Innovation Center under grant no. 2017DC53, by the Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi
under grant no. 2019ZDLNY07-06-01, by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant no. 61902339, by the Shaanxi
Key Laboratory of Intelligent Processing for Big Energy Data, Yanan University under grant no. IPBED14,by the Doctoral Starting
up Foundation of Yan'an University under grant no. YDBK2019-06 and by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of
Northwest A&F University of China under grant no. 2201810712291. (Bin Liu and Cheng Tan are co-first authors.)

ABSTRACT The identification of grape leaf diseases based on deep learning is critical to controlling the
spread of diseases and ensuring the healthy development of the grape industry. Focusing on the lack of
training images of grape leaf diseases, this paper proposes a novel model named Leaf GAN, which is based
on generative adversarial networks (GANs), to generate images of four different grape leaf diseases for
training identification models. A generator model with degressive channels is first designed to generate grape
leaf disease images; then, the dense connectivity strategy and instance normalization are fused into an
efficient discriminator to identify real and fake disease images by utilizing their excellent feature extraction
capability on grape leaf lesions. Finally, the deep regret gradient penalty method is applied to stabilize the
training process of the model. Using a total of 4,062 grape leaf disease images, the Leaf GAN model
ultimately generates 8,124 grape leaf disease images. The generated grape leaf disease images based on Leaf
GAN model can obtain better performance than DCGAN and WGAN in terms of the Fréchet inception
distance. The experimental results show that the proposed Leaf GAN model generates sufficient grape leaf
disease images with prominent lesions, providing a feasible solution for the data augmentation of grape leaf
disease images. For the eight prevailing classification models with the expanded dataset, the identification
performance based on CNNs indicated higher accuracies, whereby all the accuracies were better than those
of the initial dataset with other data augmentation methods. Among them, Xception achieves a recognition
accuracy of 98.70% on the testing set. The results demonstrate that the proposed data augmentation method
represents a new approach to overcoming the overfitting problem in disease identification and can effectively
improve the identification accuracy.

INDEX TERMS Generative adversarial networks, convolutional neural networks, data augmentation, grape
leaf disease identification

I. INTRODUCTION treatment. With the development of artificial intelligence,

Grape leaf diseases greatly influence the growth and yield of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which are one of the
grapes. Hence, the quick and accurate identification of grape most momentous branches of deep learning, have made
diseases is of significant importance for early prevention and important breakthroughs in plant disease identification.

VOLUME XX, 2017 1

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

Rather than manually selecting features to feed traditional method, the GAN-based hybrid dataset, which contains 8,124
machine learning classification methods, CNNs provide end- grape leaf disease images, is established. Trained with the new
to-end pipelines to automatically extract advanced robust dataset, the four common classification models show better
features and thus significantly improve the usability of plant recognition performance. The proposed method can provide a
leaf identification. In [1-16], various kinds of CNN-based high-quality solution for the data augmentation of grape leaf
models are applied in the plant leaf disease recognition field disease images and can improve the identification accuracy of
which demonstrates deep-learning-based models have grape leaf disease images.
become the prevailing methods. However, sufficient training The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In
images are an important requirement in high generalization Section II, the background is introduced. In Section III, the
capability of CNN-based models. In the grape leaf disease details of the Leaf-GAN-based data augmentation method and
identification field, the collection of disease images is labor the detailed structure of the Leaf GAN model are presented. In
intensive and time consuming, which results in the lack of Section IV, experiments are described, and the results are
training disease images. Thus, insufficient training images analyzed. In Section V, related work is introduced. Finally,
are the main factor that hinders further improvement in the this paper is summarized in Section VI.
identification accuracy of grape leaf diseases. II. BACKGROUND
Researchers have attempted to address this challenge by
using traditional data augmentation. In general, data The basic principle of GAN is to obtain a probability
augmentation methods such as random flipping and cropping distribution PG of the generator so that the probability
and color jitter are the most common choices [17-18]. distribution is as similar as possible to that of the initial dataset,
However, little additional information can be gained from which is assumed to be Pdata . The generator G maps the
these methods. In this paper, a novel and robust data random data to the target probability distribution as shown in
augmentation method based on the generative adversarial Figure 1:
network model named Leaf GAN is proposed to perform
data augmentation for grape leaf disease images and
overcome the overfitting problem faced by the identification
model. The proposed data augmentation method can provide
sufficient and high-quality grape leaf disease images for
various training models.
The main contributions of this paper are summarized as
follows: FIGURE 1. The basic working mechanism of GANs.

Ÿ A Leaf GAN model for generating grape leaf disease GANs are supposed to make a probability distribution that
images is proposed. To adapt to the requirements of perfectly fits the initial dataset under optimal conditions. Thus,
training models for image big data, the generator model the data generated do not increase the amount of information,
is first recomposed with degressive channel layers. Then, and the model does not learn new information. To simulate the
the dense connectivity strategy and instance initial data distribution as realistically as possible, the target
generator G* in Eq. (1) should minimize the divergence
normalization are applied to the discriminator model for
distinguishing real and fake disease images due to its between PG and Pdata .
excellent feature extraction capability. In addition, to G* = arg min Div( PG , Pdata ) (1)
stabilize the training process and generate clear grape However, under real-world conditions, as the dataset cannot
leaf disease images with prominent lesions, the include all the information in the world and PG cannot always
discriminator and generator models are trained together simulate Pdata perfectly, the generator model of the GAN
with a deep regret analytic gradient penalty algorithm.
cannot perfectly fit the probability distribution of the dataset
Ÿ The GAN-based hybrid dataset is established, and a data in practice. This property allows the generated images to be
augmentation method based on GAN is first employed to used as data augmentation so that further training can improve
diagnose grape leaf diseases. The initial grape leaf the recognition accuracy.
disease images selected from the Plant-Village dataset The information generated by the GAN is effective. The
and the generated grape leaf disease images are mixed
GAN generator model attempts to simulate the probability
into the training set. With the synthetic dataset, the
distribution of the dataset; even if it cannot fit perfectly, its
identification performance of the classification models
based on CNNs obtain higher accuracies and are all probability distribution should be very close to the probability
better than that of the initial dataset. distribution of the dataset. As shown in Figure 2, the red points
The experimental results demonstrate that the generated in the right-most distribution are the noise information. These
grape leaf disease images of Leaf GAN are of higher quality points are close to the real data. The new information
than those of the DCGAN and WGAN in terms of the Fréchet generated in this way is practicable.
inception distance. With the proposed data augmentation


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

differentiated features continuously, the generator model

should maintain a balance between the discriminator and
generator model in training. Therefore, a generator model
similar to the original DCGAN [20] is implemented. With
seven deconvolution layers that decreasing the number of
FIGURE 2. The relationship between PG and Pdata .
channels through layers, the generator model has the
III. DATA AUGMENTATION METHOD BASED ON GAN expected output RGB grape diseased images with a
FOR GRAPE LEAF DISEASE IMAGES resolution of 256×256 pixels. Besides, the common ReLU
A. DATA ACQUISITION activation is implemented empirically.
A total of 4,062 images of grape leaves with typical
symptoms were collected from Plant-Village [19], which
contained 1,180 Black rot images, 1,383 Esca measles
images, 1,076 Leaf spot images, and 423 healthy leaf images.
These grape leaf disease images with a resolution of 256 ×
256 pixels constitute the initial dataset. Details on the dataset
are presented in Table 1.
TABLE 1. Grape leaf disease dataset.
Class Total FIGURE 4. The architecture of the generator model.
Black rot 1180 The detailed generator model of Leaf GAN is shown in
Esca measles 1383 Figure 4 and related parameters are shown in Table 2. The
Leaf spot 1076 generator model consists of a series of deconvolution layers.
Healthy 423 The input of the model is a 128 × 1 × 1 latent vector which
Total 4062 is drawn from a gaussian distribution. The size of the input
Figure 3 shows the obvious differences among the four vector is changed to 2048 × 4 × 4 by the deconvolution of
types of grape leaves. For grape leaves with Black rot disease, the first layer. Then, the number of channels is decreased,
there are some relatively small and brown lesions on the and the subsequent deconvolution is carried out layer by
leaves such as round spots. Esca measles disease usually layer to generate disease features smoothly. The number of
appears as dark red or yellow stripes on leaves, which channels of each deconvolution layer is halved, and the
eventually dry out and become necrotic. Grape leaves with output tensor is doubled. Finally, the last generated image is
Leaf spot disease always have leaves with a yellow color output by the tanh activation layer.
TABLE 2. The generator model and related parameters.
with small black lesions. Healthy grape leaves are supposed
Name Type Input Size Output Size
to be light green.
CovTranspose0 ConvTranspose 128×1×1 2048×4×4
Norm0 Normalization 2048×4×4 2048×4×4
ReLU0 Activation 2048×4×4 2048×4×4
CovTranspose1 ConvTranspose 2048×4×4 1024×8×8
Norm1 Normalization 1024×8×8 1024×8×8
ReLU1 Activation 1024×8×8 1024×8×8
(a) (b)
CovTranspose2 ConvTranspose 1024×8×8 512×16×16
Norm2 Normalization 512×16×16 512×16×16
ReLU2 Activation 512×16×16 512×16×16
CovTranspose3 ConvTranspose 512×16×16 256×32×32
Norm3 Normalization 256×32×32 256×32×32
(c) (d) ReLU3 Activation 256×32×32 256×32×32
FIGURE 3. The four types of grape leaf diseases. (a) Black rot. (b) Esca
measles. (c) Leaf spot. (d) Healthy. CovTranspose4 ConvTranspose 256×32×32 128×64×64

B. BUILDING LEAF GAN MODEL FOR GENERATING Norm4 Normalization 128×64×64 128×64×64
GRAPE LEAF DISEASE IMAGES ReLU4 Activation 128×64×64 128×64×64
1) THE GENERATOR MODEL FOR GRAPE LEAF CovTranspose5 ConvTranspose 128×64×64 64×128×128
DISEASE IMAGES Norm5 Normalization 64×128×128 64×128×128
Due to the lesion features of Black rot, Esca measles are tiny
ReLU5 Activation 64×128×128 64×128×128
and similar, and the small differences between them are
difficult to identify. Generating highly differentiated lesion CovTranspose6 ConvTranspose 64×128×128 3×256×256
ability is required for the generator model. To generate Tanh0 Activation 3×256×256 3×256×256


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

2) THE DISCRIMINATOR MODEL FOR GRAPE LEAF model has a small number of parameters, and the total
DISEASE IMAGES number of parameters is 1,001,057, which is approximately
For Black rot and Leaf spot diseases, the tiny lesion features one-eighth that of DenseNet-121. The ReLU activation
of the grape leaf images are a vital factor that impacts the function is implemented as its stability. A schematic diagram
results of the grape leaf disease identification models instead of the dense connectivity strategy is shown in Figure 6.
of the image background. However, these tiny lesion features
will vanish during forward propagation in neural networks.
Therefore, the dense connectivity strategy from DenseNet
[21] is applied to the discriminator model to extract lesion
features effectively and alleviate the vanishing-gradient
problem. Analogously, the differences in individual grape FIGURE 6. Dense connectivity strategy.
leaf disease images are preferentially focused on in the For the normalization layer, instance normalization is
identification process, instead of common characteristics utilized to replace the usual batch normalization [23].
such as the green color and leaf shapes. As a result, instance Instance normalization focuses on a single image instance,
normalization [22] is applied to the discriminator model to whereas batch normalization focuses on the overall
focus on the differences in individual grape leaf disease distribution of data and ensures a consistent data distribution.
images. The discriminator model mainly consists of a Batch normalization is often affected by other grape leaf
transition layer and two dense blocks with instance disease images, and the instability of each batch’s mean and
normalization layers. The detailed discriminator model of standard deviation can affect the correctness of individual
Leaf GAN is shown in Figure5, and the related parameters grape leaf images. The noise will weaken the independence
are shown in Table 3. among grape leaf image instances. In image generation
problems, the overall information obtained by batch
normalization will not provide any benefits. Instance
normalization learns information directly from a single
image so that it can maintain the independence of each image
instance. The identification of lesions that contain more edge
and corner features can benefit from instance normalization.
Table 3. The discriminator model and related parameters.
Name Type Input Size Output Size
Cov0 Convolution 3×256×256 64×128×128
FIGURE 5. The architecture of the discriminator model.
Norm0 Norm 64×128×128 64×128×128
According to the dense connectivity strategy, for each ReLU0 Activation 64×128×128 64×128×128
layer, the feature maps are used as inputs of the latter layers. Pool0 Pool 64×64×128 64×64×64
The dense connectivity strategy shares weights from prior
DenseBlock1_Layer1 Dense Layer 64×64×64 32×64×64
layers and improves the feature extraction capability. In
DenseBlock1_Layer2 Dense Layer 96×64×64 32×64×64
grape leaf disease images, the lesions are illegible features
DenseBlock1_Layer3 Dense Layer 128×64×64 32×64×64
that impact the results of identification models. The tiny
DenseBlock1_Layer4 Dense Layer 160×64×64 32×64×64
lesions are expected to be extracted effectively by the
discriminator model. The dense connectivity can provide a DenseBlock1_Layer5 Dense Layer 192×64×64 32×64×64
strong ability to take advantage of the extracted features and DenseBlock1_Layer6 Dense Layer 224×64×64 32×64×64
reuse the prior information. The shorter connections alleviate Transition1 Transition 256×64×64 128×32×32
the vanishing-gradient problem. Because one of the DenseBlock2_Layer1 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
problems hindering the training process of the GAN is the DenseBlock2_Layer2 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
discriminator model’s vanishing-gradient, the dense DenseBlock2_Layer3 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
connectivity strategy is supposed to contribute to stabilizing DenseBlock2_Layer4 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
the model training. Considering training both the generator DenseBlock2_Layer5 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
and the discriminator requires more memory and is time- DenseBlock2_Layer6 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
consuming, the discriminator is supposed to be a pruned DenseBlock2_Layer7 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
DenseNet. The proposed discriminator model is built with DenseBlock2_Layer8 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
two dense blocks which have enough layers for feature DenseBlock2_Layer9 Dense Layer 128×32×32 32×32×32
extraction. The first dense block has 6 dense layers so that it
Norm1 Normalization 416×32×32 416×32×32
can be initialized from ImageNet-pretrained weights to
ReLU1 Activation 416×32×32 416×32×32
accelerate the model convergence. The second dense block
Adaptive_AvgPool Pool 416×32×32 416
has 9 dense layers to further feature extraction within proper
Classifier Linear 416 1
memory. Since only two dense blocks are used, the light


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

C. Stabilizing the Model Training overconfidence about its prediction [27]. Therefore, the
1) LOSS FUNCTION labels of the real images are replaced by a random number
The training performance on previous layers strongly between 0.7 and 1.2, and the labels of the fake images are
impacts latter layers, which requires the generator to be replaced by a random number between 0.0 and 0.3 to make
highly stable. The volatility of the layers will negatively the training process more stable.
impact the generation of grape leaf lesions, which result in 3) WEIGHT INITIALIZATION
blurry lesions. Therefore, to stabilize the generator training Leaf GAN learns latent representations from grape leaf
process, Leaf GAN model implements the loss function with disease images based on unsupervised learning technology,
the gradient penalty method of DRAGAN proposed by and the linear layer in the discriminator model outputs the
Kodali et al. [24]. The loss is less strongly disturbed by explicit representations of the information that the generator
confusing lesion features, as it has been limited by the deep model has learned. The model layer the previous feature
regret gradient penalty method. The method can produce information of the grape leaf lesions into a single output,
more satisfactory results in generating grape leaf disease which is significant for examining the results of Leaf GAN
images than other GANs such as the series of WGANs. model. Because the grape lesion features are small and easily
The adversarial loss of the discriminator model is defined cause confusion during the disease identification, the
based on the original GAN model, and the formula is as discriminator model with the reliable weight initialization is
shown in Eq. (2): expected to accurately guide the image signal.
Ladv = -E x ~ Pdata log D( x) - E z -PG log(1 - D(G( z))) (2) Common weight initialization methods include random
initialization, Xavier initialization [28], Kaiming
Pdata indicates the distribution of the real data. G and D initialization [29], etc. Considering that weight initialization
indicate the generator model and discriminator model, is supposed to be implemented in the linear layer that directly
respectively. z is the input noise, while x is a grape leaf outputs the explicit representations of grape leaf disease
features, Xavier normalization, which maintains good
image as real data. distributions of the output, is the most suitable weight
The gradient penalty loss of the discriminator is defined as normalization method in the training process. The biases are
shown in Eq. (3): initialized to be zero, and the weights Wij at each linear layer,
Lgp = E x ~ Pdata ,d ~ Nd (0,cI ) [|| ÑxD( x + d ) ||2 -1]2 (3) are as shown in Eq. (6):
where c ~ 10 is set empirically. 6 6
Wij ~ U [- , ] (6)
The loss of the discriminator is the sum of the adversarial nin + nout nin + nout
loss and the gradient penalty loss. l gp is the balance factor nin is the number of input channels, and nout is the
for the gradient penalty loss, which is defined as 10. The
number of output channels.
formula is defined as shown in Eq. (4):
L( D) = Ladv ( D) + lgp Lgp ( D) (4) IV. EXPERIMENT
The loss of the generator is the same as the original GAN. In this section, the experimental setup is first introduced, and
The formula is defined as shown in Eq. (5): the details of the experiments are provided. Finally, the
experimental results are analyzed and discussed.
L(G) = Ladv (G) = E x ~ Pnoise [log(1 - D(G( z)))] (5) A. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
2) LABEL SMOOTHING The experiments were conducted on a deep learning server
Aside from the generator model, the discriminator model that contained two Tesla P100 processors (16 GB memory)
also requires a stable training process. When the with the Ubuntu operating system. In addition, the PyTorch
discriminator model cannot extract practical information and deep learning framework was used to implement the
discriminate between blurred and clear lesions, the proposed model. Additional configuration parameters and
discriminator training will be degraded. The label smoothing the training hyperparameters are listed in Table 4.
technique was independently rediscovered by Szegedy et al. TABLE 4. Software and hardware environment.
[25] and was shown to be able to reduce the vulnerability of Configuration Item Value
GAN’s discriminator model [26] caused by the above- CPU Intel® Xeon CPU E5-2650 v4
mentioned reason. GPU NVIDIA GTX P100 16 GB
Hard disk 1TB
When training one class of grape leaf diseases, there are Operating system Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (64-bit)
two target labels. In typical GAN training, the label of the Python 3.7.2
real image is 1, while that of the fake image is 0. For the PyTorch 1.0.1.post2
Batch size 32
reason that the training set is limited and cannot cover all the Learning rate 0.0001
grape disease images, such coding often leads to overfitting. Optimizer Adam (beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999)
Moreover, this coding approach can cause model Weight decay 0.00001


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

B. Experimental Results and Analysis [6, 3] is weak to extract sufficient features, while LG-[6, 12]
1) IMAGE QUALITY EVALUATION with more dense layers converge quickly so that the
The proposed Leaf GAN is evaluated from two different generator cannot follow its steps. Among these models, Leaf
perspectives: the Fréchet inception distance score [30] and GAN outperforms and get a balance between the generator
general overviews. The Fréchet inception distance score is a and discriminator.
prevailing method to evaluate the generated images of GANs. (2) The Overview of Generated Images
(1) Fréchet Inception Distance As shown in Figure 7, it can be seen that under the same
In this paper, the Fréchet inception distance evaluation training settings, the images generated by the DCGAN fit
method is selected to compare the generated image quality high-resolution but are similar to the oil painting, and the
of the generated grape leaf images of DCGAN, WGAN and lesion is not obvious, while the leaf images generated by
Leaf GAN. Under the feature space of a specific layer in the Leaf GAN model have obvious lesion characteristics.
pretrained Inception Net, the Fréchet inception distance is
the distance between the distribution of the original data and
the generated data. Better images should have a lower
Fréchet inception distance. The formula is shown in Eq. (7):
FID( x, x* ) = ||µx - µ y ||22 +Tr (Cx + Cx* - 2(Cx Cx* ) 2 ) (7)
The qualities of the images generated by DCGAN,
WGAN, and Leaf GAN are analyzed using the evaluation
method of the Fréchet inception distance in Table 5. As the
assumption of Leaf GAN is based on the seven degressive- (a) (b)
channel deconvolution layers, Leaf GANs with different FIGURE 7. The generated Black rot grape leaf images. (a) DCGAN-
discriminator architectures are included in the experiment as generated Black rot grape leaf images. (b) Leaf GAN-generated Black rot
well. As Leaf GAN’s discriminator has two dense blocks grape leaf images.
with 6, 9 dense layers respectively, it can be noted as LG-[6, The mode collapse phenomenon of the DCGAN-
9]. Several network sizes such as LG-[6, 3], LG-[6, 12] are generated images is serious, which means that the generator
tested. While the proposed Leaf GAN’s discriminator model collapses, producing limited varieties of samples. As shown
applies ReLU, Leaf GAN with leaky ReLU (LG-LR) and in Figure 5(a), the images in the red frame are almost the
Leaf GAN with PReLU(LG-PR) are tested. Both LG-LR and same, and the other images look very similar. The image
LG-PR has the same network size as the proposed Leaf GAN. diversity generated by Leaf GAN is obviously better.
TABLE 5. Fid score comparison between Leaf GAN, DCGAN and WGAN.
Furthermore, without the gradient penalty method, DCGAN
Model Black rot Esca Leaf spot Healthy Avg
is more sensitive to different colors. Some flavescent grape
DCGAN 301.93 208.18 245.56 289.98 261.41 leaf images in the initial Black rot dataset can make the
WGAN 342.87 241.43 262.91 301.32 287.13 generated Black rot images significantly yellower. Therefore,
LG-LR 249.98 229.09 236.42 257.14 243.16 Leaf GAN is suitable for the generation of grape leaf disease
LG-PR 252.23 226.79 229.95 264.33 243.33 images as it can generate grape leaf disease images in higher
LG-[6, 3] 298.21 245.03 256.90 277.45 269.40 quality than WGAN and has less mode collapse than
LG-[6, 12] 253.65 232.11 234.64 260.22 245.16 DCGAN.
Leaf GAN 249.23 214.84 222.30 256.86 235.81 As shown in Figure 8, comparing with DCGAN, Leaf
From Table 5, it can be seen that, in the generation of GAN can always generate high-quality images with clear
Black rot, Leaf spot, and healthy images, Leaf GAN clearly lesions, which is expected to be significant in improving
achieves better average results than DCGAN and WGAN, classification model accuracy. WGAN has difficulty to
while for Esca measles, the leaves show a slightly worse generate clear high-resolution grape leaf disease images. In
result. The small difference between the results of Esca addition, leaf spot disease images are the most difficult class
measles disease may be caused by the diversity of Leaf to generate. Both DCGAN and Leaf GAN have trouble
GAN’s generated images and the inability of Fréchet generating leaf spot disease images; however, Leaf GAN’s
inception distance’s overfitting examination. WGAN has generated leaf spot images have more prominent lesions.
bad results as its strong gradient penalty method limited its Comparing with other kinds of architectures of the
ability to generate high-resolution images. For Leaf GAN discriminator, Leaf GAN can generate slightly clearer
with different kinds of activation functions in the lesions than LG-LR, LR-PR, and LG-[6, 12] and much better
discriminator, leaky ReLU and PReLU have bad images than LG-[6, 3]’s. The bad performance of LG-[6, 3]
performance as their activation for negative values increase is caused by its discriminator’s weak ability of feature
the difficulty of model learning. For the different network extraction, so its generator can learn little information from
sizes of the discriminators, the discriminator model of LG- it.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

TABLE 6. The numbers of images in the initial dataset and the generated
Initial DCGAN’s WGAN’s Leaf GAN’s
Dataset Dataset Dataset Dataset
Black rot 1180 2360 2360 2360
Esca measles 1383 2766 2766 2766
Leaf spot 1076 2152 2152 2152
Healthy 423 846 846 846
(a) (b) (c)
Total 4062 8124 8124 8124

(2) The Identification Performance on Four Classification

Initialized by ImageNet-pretrained weights, eight common
image classification models (AlexNet [31], VGG-11 [32],
ResNet-34 [33], DenseNet-121 [21], Xception [34],
ResNext-50 [35], SEResNet-50 [36], EfficientNet-b0 [37])
(d) (e) (f) were implemented to train and test these datasets. These
prevailing models are selected to show the robustness of the
proposed data augmentation method as their various
characteristics: AlexNet and VGGNet are composed of plain
convolutional neural networks with a number of layers;
ResNet and DenseNet are the typical models that implement
skip connections by different ways; Xception and ResNext
apply depth-wise separable convolutions and group
convolutions respectively to extract features in channel-wise;
(g) (h) SEResNet implements squeeze-and-excitation modules
FIGURE 8. Generated image comparison. (a) The original images. (b)
DCGAN generated images. (c) WGAN generated images. (d) LG-LR
which inspired by the attention mechanism; EfficientNet is a
generated images. (e) LG-PR generated images. (f) LG-[6, 3] generated recent AutoML work that searching typical network
images. (g) LG-[6,12] generated images. (h) Leaf GAN generated images. architectures through compound scaling which including
2) THE IDENTIFICATION ACCURACY COMPARISON depth, width and resolution dimensions. The proposed data
augmentation method based on Leaf GAN is supposed to
(1) The Workflow of GAN-based Data Augmentation obtain great performance on different kinds of models.
The generated data were synthesized through the GAN For the initial dataset1, five basic data augmentation
model with real data. Then, the generated data were added to technologies (random horizontal flip, random vertical flip,
the training set. For these datasets with generated images, all random contrast, random saturation, and random hue) are
the generated images were placed in the training set, and all composed during the training process. The probability of
the images in the testing set were from the initial dataset. The applying these random operations was set to 10%. For the
testing set was completely derived from the initial data set initial dataset2 and the initial dataset3, the state-of-art data
and was guaranteed not to be used in the GAN models for augmentations MixUp [38] and random erasing [39] are
data augmentation. The flowchart of the data augmentation applied. For the rest hybrid datasets, the datasets were
method is shown in Figure 9: expanded by adding images generated by DCGAN, WGAN,
and Leaf GAN to obtain a dataset twice the size of the initial
dataset. These models with different datasets were trained in
four trials for each dataset. In each trail, the data were
reshuffled in each trial and five-fold cross-validation training
technique was applied. The training procedure uses early
stopping strategy with a five epoch patience and one percent
minimum threshold on the validation set. The average
accuracy is shown in Table 7.
FIGURE 9. The flowchart of the data augmentation method The generated grape leaf images based on Leaf GAN had
To train the classification model, the three datasets were prominent lesions, while the generated grape leaf images
split into training and testing sets with a ratio of 9:1. The based on DCGAN and WGAN had blurred and confusing
numbers of images in each class and dataset are shown in lesion features. Therefore, the hybrid dataset with images
Table 6. generated by Leaf GAN always gave more satisfactory
results than the initial dataset under different classification


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B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

models. In contrast, the dataset with images generated by grape leaf disease identification accuracy. With its more
other GAN-based methods achieved lower scores than the proper GAN architecture, Leaf GAN has a stronger feature
initial dataset and even produced identification errors. extracting ability than DCGAN and WGAN, which makes it
The data augmentation results prove that the data possible to simulate the data distribution of grape leaf disease
augmentation method based on Leaf GAN can improve images.
TABLE 7. Accuracy(%) on testing set with different image classification models.
Dataset \ Model AlexNet VGG ResNet DenseNet Xception ResNext SEResNet EfficientNet
Baseline 89.89±0.22 92.31±0.69 92.46±0.25 95.25±0.57 95.71±0.36 95.51±0.27 95.33±0.51 95.24±0.84
Initial Dataset1
91.31±0.44 92.45±0.15 94.24±0.65 96.15±0.85 96.53±0.32 95.77±0.53 95.04±0.60 96.21±0.76
(Basic operations)
Initial Dataset2
92.18±1.10 92.88±1.07 95.31±0.34 97.60±1.28 98.22±0.55 97.22±0.70 97.52±0.98 97.31±0.98
Initial Dataset3
91.83±0.60 92.57±0.44 95.57±0.51 97.94±0.34 97.87±0.60 97.94±0.57 97.39±0.28 98.05±0.86
(Random Erasing)
DCGAN’s Dataset 91.81±0.34 91.83±0.79 93.23±0.82 96.22±1.86 96.10±0.67 96.99±0.69 95.58±0.76 96.15±1.39
WGAN’s Dataset 88.62±1.04 89.92±1.25 94.36±0.24 93.58±0.97 95.20±0.71 94.70±0.50 95.22±0.91 94.42±0.73
Leaf GAN’s Dataset 94.60±0.64 93.75±0.74 96.32±0.46 98.13±0.65 98.70±0.28 98.33±0.12 97.60±0.61 98.25±0.60

V. RELATED WORK could be modified using simple arithmetic. In [44], Qu et al.

In recent years, the generative model has become a research proposed an enhanced pix2pix dehazing network to reduce
hotspot and has been applied to a variety of fields. In [40], the image dehazing problem to an image-to-image
Kingma et al. proposed a deep learning technique named translation problem and generate haze-free images without
variational autoencoder (VAE) for learning latent relying on the physical scattering model. The model was
representations. The model was used to generate data based embedded by a GAN model and an enhancer inspired by
on semi-supervised learning technology. VAEs can pair a visual perception global-first theory. The experimental
differentiable generator network with a recognition model results showed that the model is superior to the other
based on neural networks. The recognition model applied methods in terms of PSNR, SSIM, and PI. In [45], Zhu et al.
approximate inference. The variational sampling approach proposed the Cycle GAN model to implement image domain
achieved some success; however, the samples often suffered transformation directly. The model could learn a mapping
from blur. In [41], Ian Goodfellow et al. proposed a GAN from the source domain to the target domain using an
model that was used for learning latent representations based adversarial loss and cycle consistency loss. Cycle GAN
on unsupervised learning. The model could generate images achieved a breakthrough in image-to-image translation. In
through an iterative forward diffusion process with the [46], Wu et al. proposed an enhanced TripleGAN
framework that specific training algorithms could be yielded (EnhancedTGAN) model to improve both instance synthesis
for many types of models and optimization algorithms. It and classification in learning class-conditional data
could overcome the difficulty of approximating many distributions. The model achieved superior performance on
intractable probabilistic computations that arose in multiple benchmark datasets and demonstrated the
maximum likelihood estimation and related strategies. In effectiveness of the mutual reinforcement between the
[20], Radford Alec et al. proposed DCGAN, which utilized generator model and classification models in facilitating semi-
deep neural networks to extract hidden features and generate supervised instance synthesis and classification. In [47],
data. The model learned a hierarchy of representations from Karras et al. proposed a progressive GAN to generate high-
object parts to scenes in both the generator and discriminator. resolution images. The model started from low-resolution
It had been verified that DCGAN could be used as a feature images and gradually increased the number of network
extractor to learn useful feature expressions from unlabeled layers of the generator and discriminator, increasing the
data and then be applied to supervised learning. In [42], resolution of the generated image. The method could
Zhang et al. proposed StackGAN to generate photorealistic generate images of 1024×1024 pixels. In [48], Yang et al.
images from text descriptions. StackGAN used the Stage-I proposed SAVAER-DNN for network intrusion detection.
GAN to sketch the primitive shape and colors of the object The model used WGAN-GP instead of vanilla GAN to learn
from a given text description and used the Stage-II GAN to the latent distribution of the original data. The experimental
generate high-resolution images with photorealistic details. results showed that the model was a suitable choice for the
In [43], Larsen et al. presented an autoencoder that leveraged data augmentation operation than other data oversampling
learned representations to better measure similarities in data methods.
space and combined a variational autoencoder with a To take advantage of the latent representations learned by
generative adversarial network so that the model could learn the GAN and apply them to supervised learning, researchers
an embedding in which high-level abstract visual features have attempted to propose data augmentation methods based


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
B.Liu et al.: A Data Augmentation Method Based on Generative Adversarial Networks for Grape Leaf Disease Identification

on GAN models. In [49], Xian et al. proposed the f- the vanishing-gradient problem of the WGAN. The model
VAEGAN-D2 model to address any-shot learning problems used the gradient penalty to update the weights. This ensured
in a unified feature-generating framework. The model was the continuous optimization of the weights, significantly
developed with a generator model that combined the improved the training speed, and solved the problem of slow
advantages of VAE and GAN and a discriminator model that convergence of WGAN. In [57], Qi proposed LS-GAN to
learned the marginal feature distribution of unlabeled images. limit the gradient explosion problem, which regularized the
The experimental results showed that the model learned loss function with a Lipschitz regularity condition on the
highly discriminative features on five different datasets. In density of real data, thereby yielding a regularized model that
[50], Zheng et al. improved the DCGAN for generating reID could better generalize the data to produce new data from the
pedestrian images. The experiments showed that adding the classic GAN. In the experiments, LS-GAN achieved better
GAN-generated data effectively improved the discriminative performance than many other classical GAN models in terms
ability of the learned CNN embeddings, and the model of the minimum reconstruction error (MRE). In [58], Din et
achieved a 0.6% improvement over a strong baseline. In [51], al. proposed a GAN-based network to remove mask objects
Zheng et al. proposed a joint learning framework to improve in facial images. The model used two discriminators where
learned re-ID embeddings by better leveraging the generated one helped learn the global structure of the face and then
data. The proposed DG-Net model was coupled with re-ID another come in to focus learning the deep missing region.
learning and data generation in an end-to-end manner. In the The experimental results outperformed other state-of-the-art
experimental results, DG-Net achieved gains of 8.3% and image editing methods.
10.3% mAP on Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID,
respectively, indicating the advantage of the proposed joint V. CONCLUSION
learning. In [52], Lee et al. proposed an any-time-of day This paper has proposed a high-quality generative
camera-based BSD system and generated a synthetic adversarial network called Leaf GAN model to generate
nighttime side-rectilinear images to improve the nighttime sufficient training images for the identification of grape leaf
performance of the hand-crafted feature-based BSD system. diseases. With the decreasing-channel generator model, Leaf
The framework with a conditional GAN for data GAN can make good use of features and generate better
augmentation was built, and the nighttime detection grape leaf disease images with prominent disease lesions.
performance was improved. In [53], Ali-Gombe et al. Furthermore, a discriminator model based on a dense
proposed a GAN-based data augmentation approach to connectivity strategy and instance normalization is
handle the class imbalance problem. The method used employed to achieve excellent feature extraction
multiple fake classes to ensure fine-grained generation, and performance from the original grape disease images. Finally,
the results showed that the method could generate diverse the deep regret loss function is applied to stabilize the
minority class instances. In [54], Ge et al. proposed a scheme training process.
for improving glioma subtype classification. The pairwise In image quality valuation, the generated images of Leaf
GAN model was used for data augmentation in a GAN obtain a better average score than DCGAN and
bidirectional cross-modal fashion. The results which WGAN with respect to the Fréchet inception distance
obtained average 88.82% accuracy on the testing set for evaluation standard. Furthermore, while other data
gliomas subtypes demonstrated the scheme were effective augmentation methods focus on the global context features,
and robust. Leaf GAN focuses more on lesion features which are
Although deep convolution networks make the GAN significant in grape leaf disease identification. In the
structure strong in terms of feature extraction, model training accuracy comparison, Leaf GAN’s dataset has a higher
is well known for being delicate and unstable. Its sensitivity average recognition accuracy than other normal data
to the training process produces a mode collapse augmentation methods and GAN-based data augmentation
phenomenon, that is, the generator generates a large number methods. On Xeception, the average test accuracy was
of almost identical images, resulting in a lack of diversity in 98.70%. The experimental results demonstrated that the
the generated images. The basic idea for solving the problem proposed Leaf GAN model can efficiently generate sufficient
is deploying the gradient penalty algorithm and evaluating grape leaf images with prominent lesions, providing a
the distribution in different ways. In [55], Arjovsky et al. feasible solution to remedy the existing training disease
proposed the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN), which could image shortage for the model training of grape leaf diseases.
balance the sensitive gradient loss between the generator and
the discriminator. The WGAN replaced the Kullback-Leibler REFERENCE
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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998839, IEEE Access
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