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Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

Plant disease identification and classification using

Back-Propagation Neural Network with Particle
Swarm Optimization
Moumita chanda, 2Mantosh Biswas
Department of Computer Engineering, NIT Kurukshetra, India

Abstract— Agriculture is the culture of land and rearing of detection of diseases by just observing the symptoms on the
plants to supply food to nourish and enhance life. Different types leaves is more meaningful, time and cost efficient and accurate.
of plants are farmed every year based on environmental The microorganisms that infect plants are bacteria, fungus,
conditions and it is one of the main economic sources in India. protozoa, and virus. Viruses are the strongest among all the
These plants are prone to many diseases which hinders normal pathogens. The viral infection prevents the plant's growth,
growth of the plants; these diseases are caused by seasonal makes the leaves yellowish, wilted and molted. Bacterial wilt,
changes, environmental variations, and cultivation procedures. Crown gall, and Fireblight are some of the examples of
To protect the plants from such damages, diseases need to be bacterial diseases. Anthracnose, Downy mildew, Powdery
identified and properly diagnosed on time. Hence, innovation of
mildew, Black spot, and Late blight are examples of fungal
feasible and powerful methods for identification and
classification of plant diseases is an urgent need. There are lots of
diseases. Fungi cause a significant amount of damages to the
classifiers which are good in the classification of plant diseases: plants; agreeing to a survey 80 % plant diseases are caused by
Back-propagation Neural Network (BPNN), Probabilistic Neural the fungus [1-2].
Network (PNN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network Image processing is the best way to process an image
(RBFNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest by extracting it’s features, dividing it into different parts based
Neighbors (KNN) but only using these methods do not make the on some characteristics, enhancing it’s quality and classifying
best tradeoff between time and accuracy. So to remove this individual objects present in it. It has a big role in plant disease
constraint, in this paper we have given an image processing
detection, which helps to classify the diseases automatically by
solution to distinguish and classify plant diseases efficiently and
accurately. In our proposed method, for classification first, we
just seeing the symptoms along the plant leaves. Therefore, it
use back-propagation algorithm to get the weights of neural eliminates the cost of engaging experts, doing this monotonous
network (NN) connections and then we optimize these weights task of monitoring a large field of crops. Plant disease detection
using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to come out of the consists of different steps: the collection of plant leaf images,
problems like local optima and overfitting which are very quality enhancement, segmentation, extraction of different
common in conventional NN training methods. We have used features and classification. There are various image
images of leaves affected by different bacterial and fungal enhancement techniques: color structure transformation, noise
diseases: Alternaria Alternata, Anthracnose, Bacterial Blight and reduction using filtering, resizing, histogram equalization,
Cercospora Leaf Spot in our experiment and our proposed contrast adjustment which upgrade the quality of the images to
method achieves 96.2% accuracy. have greater visibility of individual parts of the leaves with
similar features. Image segmentation helps to divide the images
Keywords— Back-propagation neural network; Clustering; into different regions depending upon different feature’s
Feature extraction; Image processing; Particle swarm values. There are different methods to segment an image: k-
optimization means clustering (KMC), edge detection, fuzzy c-means and
region based segmentation. There are also many methods for
I. INTRODUCTION feature selection: fuzzy method, genetic algorithm, correlation
coefficient method and so on. Selection of highly influential
Agriculture helps us to get sufficient and necessary food for features is very important to have a good performance of any
a living and it has a big contribution to the nation's economic classification method because based on these features one class
growth. Countries which are highly dependent on agricultural can be distinguished from another class. These features are the
are India, China, US, Brazil, France, Mexico, and Japan. only input to the classifier used to classify the leaf images.
Therefore, to protect these countries from economical
breakdown plant disease detection at an early stage is very In this paper, we have proposed an automatic disease
important. When a plant becomes infected by any disease, it detection method which has five steps. Every step is the pre-
spreads all over the plants; branches of plants suddenly wither, requirement of its next steps and every step has a significant
stop growing, and die. A simple solution to control this drastic role in disease detection. At first, the image is preprocessed by
damages is to hire a group of experts who will continuously resizing, contrast enhancement, green pixel masking, and color
monitor the plants with naked eyes but this costs high and the model transformation. Then, the image is segmented to get the
process is time-consuming and inaccurate. Instead, automatic diseased portion of the leaf which is used to extract the features
and to classify the plant disease using our proposed method

978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1029

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

which uses BPNN and PSO. From the literature survey of the of using it over SVM. It consists of a different number of
various papers of plant disease detection, we have seen that hidden layers of different sizes depending on the number of
Back-propagation neural network is very successful and features, dataset, connection edge's weights, and biases. On the
reliable to classify plant diseases. But when NN is trained using other hand, there are some problems with NN: Local minima
back-propagation, sometimes it converges to a local optimum and overfitting. In local optima neural network produces a
solution which debars it from reaching the global optimum result that is a locally optimal solution, but not a global one. In
solution in optimal time. PSO is a method which searches all overfitting, NN overfits with the training data due to long
over the search space with minimal time and cost. Using both training time. To overcome these problems we have used PSO
BPNN and PSO together is a good tradeoff between cost and after training of NN with back-propagation for classifying
accuracy which is observed in our experimental result. diseased leaf images in our proposed method. We have
described our proposed method in detail in the next section.
Our paper is distributed in different sections. Section II
shows the existing methods for plant disease identification and
classification. Section III illustrates the details of our proposed III. PROPOSED WORK
method. Section IV gives the results of our experiment. Section In our proposed method there are five steps which have
V presents the conclusion which is followed by references. been shown in Fig. 1. In the first step, images are collected
from a reliable source. There are different websites having the
II. LITERATURE REVIEW collection of high-quality diseased plant images. Images can be
collected either from these sources, or they can be clicked by
In the last ten years neural networks have been used in
the camera to have new sets of images. In the second step
many agricultural purposes: characterization of plant leaf area collected images are preprocessed using resizing, green pixel
properties, plant species identification, identification of masking, contrast adjustment, and color model conversion.
nutritional deficiency in a plant, prediction of weed pollution Preprocessing makes the image more visible, clean and suitable
and plant disease detection and classification [3-4]. Lots of
for further processing. In third step image is segmented into
research have been conducted for identifying and detecting different dissimilar regions with respect to color changing,
plant diseases using NNs. Ramakrishnan.M et al. proposed a
using k-means clustering. In the fourth step, important features
BPNN based method to classify groundnut leaf diseases: are extracted from the segment consisting of diseased pixels. In
Cercospora, Cercosporidium Personatum, Alternia leaf blight, the final step, the image is classified into different diseases
Phaeoisariopsis personata [5]. Here, the RGB image is using NN. Here we have used back-propagation algorithm for
converted to HSV color model which is then used for green
training the NN and PSO for further optimization of NN
pixel masking. After that features are extracted and used for weights. PSO makes the plant disease detection faster than the
training of NN using backpropagation algorithm. Pooja other existing methods by increasing the convergence rate.
Kulinavar et al. described SVM based method to classify Following are the detail description of each and every step of
following fungal and bacterial diseases: Alternaria alternate,
our proposed method.
anthracnose, bacterial blight, and Cercospora leaf spot [6].
Here KMC has been used for segmentation, Gray Level Co-
occurrence matrix (GLCM) features have been extracted to use A. Image Acquisition
as input and multiclass SVM has been used for classification. Acquisition of images is an important step in disease detection
Results of the plant disease detection and classification using because performance varies based on the quality of the images.
different kernel functions for SVM has been shown in this In our proposed solution we took images of five types of
paper. Gautam Kaushal et al. proposed KNN based plant diseased leaves from an online source which have already been
disease detection where GLCM features are used for feature used to implement successful disease detection application
extraction, the image is segmented using k-means clustering [13]. The dataset consists of five types of leaves: Alternaria
and KNN is used to classify the image [7]. Shanwen Zhang et Alternata, Anthracnose, Bacterial Blight, Cercospora Leaf Spot
al. raised an approach for disease identification and and Healthy Leaves.
classification using K-means clustering for segmentation,
information digging of the affected region and sparse B. Image Pre-processing
representation for classification [8]. Seven major cucumber Image preprocessing is a significant step in disease detection
diseases were recognized through this approach with 85.7 % to remove unnecessary details in the leaf image. Following are
accuracy. John William Orillo et al. proposed a rice disease
the preprocessing steps which we use in our proposed method.
detection, using the back-propagation algorithm [9]. In this
paper, three diseases have been taken and classified with high
accuracy. Yang Lu et al. proposed an automatic disease (i) Image Resizing and Contrast Enhancement: Image resizing
detection method where CNN is used for classifying rice helps to reduce the processing time in the later stages of
diseases through image identification [10]. It achieved high disease detection. In this step image is converted to 256*256
accuracy, but it is very complex, slow and it needs lots of dimension and contrast of the image is increased.
samples for training compared to other techniques. (ii) Green pixel masking: Green pixel masking helps to
eliminate healthy areas of the leaves. In this step, the pixels
From the above literature survey, we have seen that NN is whose green component value is greater than both the other
very successful in plant disease detection. The obvious reason components: red and blue are eliminated. In Fig. 2(b) the leaf
for this is, getting a comparable performance with most often image after green pixel elimination has been shown.
used SVM classifier. NN has fixed size which is an advantage

978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1030

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8
Image acquisition/Input Leaf image

Preprocessing of the image

(Resizing the image, elimination of high green pixel values and
color model transformation)

Segmentation of enhanced image

(k-means clustering)

Features extraction
(Texture, Color and Shape)

Testing Dataset Training Dataset

NN Training using



Optimization of NN
Neural Network parameters (weights of the
connections) using PSO


Figure 1. Flowchart of the proposed plant disease identification and classification method

(iii) Color space transformation: In color space transformation, region which consists of diseased pixels more in number. One
the image with RGB format are converted to CIE L*a*b color of the best segmentation techniques is k-means clustering
model which is device independent. CIE L*a*b color space which divides the image into k number of clusters depending
carries color information only in a & b components which is on its color. In our proposed method we use KMC to divide the
helpful to reduce the dimension of the image and to make the image into three numbers of clusters which have been shown in
image suitable for segmentation. Fig. 3. Leaf image is segmented based on different colors
present in the image and one of these clusters is selected as the
region of interest. Here cluster with more disease affected
C. Image Segmentation pixels is taken and carried forward for further processing.
Segmentation is the process to separate the image into different
regions having the same characteristics. It helps to obtain the

978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1031

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

(v) Correlation measures the joint probability of occurring two

pixel values together in the image. It is calculated by the
following equation:

Correlation= (5)

Here, Pi,j, μ, and σ represents the probability of the presence

(a) (b) of gray levels i and j together, glcm mean and variance of the
gray levels, respectively.
Color features which we have used in our system are
Figure 2. Leaf image (a) affected by Cercospora Leaf Spot Mean, Root Mean Square (RMS), Variance, Smoothness,
Kurtosis, Standard deviation, Skewness and Inverse
and (b) After high green pixel elimination Differential Momentum (IDM). Mean gives average intensity
value of the pixels. RMS gives the square root of the mean of
the intensity value’s squares. Variance is the measure of the
D. Feature Extraction dispersion of pixel values around the glcm mean. Smoothness
Feature extraction is used to extract the infected portion of the represents the continuity of the gray levels of the pixels.
leaf image in plant disease detection. Every leaf disease has Kurtosis describes the shape of the probability distribution of
some unique characteristics that help to classify it. Features the pixel values. Standard deviation gives the variance
which are used in best plant disease detection are: color, between the pixel values. Skewness is the measure of
shape, and texture. These features are the backbone of disease asymmetry in the distribution of the pixels. IDM measures the
detection method and performance depends on the proper similarity between gray levels of pixel values.
selection of these features. In our proposed method we use
different texture features: Contrast, Correlation, Entropy, E. Classification
Energy, and Homogeneity which are extracted from gray level
co-occurrence matrix obtained from GLCM function. Classification helps to classify each type of leaves based on
their texture, color and shape features. In our proposed method
(i) Contrast represents the number of local variations present classification is done using back-propagation and PSO. At
in an image. It is calculated by the following equation: first, back-propagation is used to train the feed forward neural
network and then NN connection weights are further
Contrast= (1) optimized using particle swarm optimization.

Feed-forward neural networks: Neural networks are good in

Here, C(i,j) is the probability of the presence of the gray levels
approximating any non-linear function. There are different
i and j together.
algorithms to train the neural network. The neural network has
(ii) Energy measures the amount of uniformity present in the been proven to be a good classifier from a long time and it has
image. It is measured by the following equation: been successfully applied in many complex and large
classification problems [11-12]. Here in our proposed method,
we are using a feed-forward neural network having one input
Energy= (2)
layer with thirteen nodes, two hidden layers with thirteen
nodes each and one output layer with three nodes. Each input
(iii) Local homogeneity measures the similarity present in node represents one feature and no. of output nodes depends
between the distribution of GLCM elements and it’s diagonal on the no of classes. Fig. 4 shows the feed-forward neural
elements. It is defined by the following equation: network used in our proposed method implementation. In Fig.
4 Wij denotes the weight of the connection between ith node of
the input layer, I, and jth node of the first hidden layer, J. Wjk
Local Homogeneity= (3) denotes the weight of the connection between jth node of the
first hidden layer and kth node of the second hidden layer, K.
(iv) Entropy measures the amount of dissimilarity present in Wky denotes the weight of the connection between kth node of
the GLCM matrix. It is calculated by the following equation: the second hidden layer and yth node of the output layer, Y.
Entropy= (4)

978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1032

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3. Segmented image (a) Cluster 1 (b) Cluster 2 and (c) Cluster 3

I Wij J Wjk K
Input 1 Wky Y

Input 2

Input 3
. . .
. . .
. . ..
Input 13

Figure 4. Feed forward neural network used in the proposed method

The neural network is trained using backpropagation have good performance or fast learning. The most important
algorithm which consists of two phases: feed-forward phase one is the learning rate. A too low or too high value of this
and backward error correction phase. parameter decreases the accuracy of plant disease detection.
(i) Feed-Forward Phase: In the feed forward phase inputs are Its value should be chosen optimally to have fast global
propagated through hidden layers and the output is determined convergence. When there are many local and global optima
by multiplying the weight vector (between the hidden and then variable learning rate is good. In our experiment learning
output layer) with the input vector (hidden layer). After inputs rate has been taken as 0.15 to have a good tradeoff between
are propagated through all the layers of NN in the forward speed and accuracy. The second important parameter is
direction, the difference between the target output and the activation function which is used to get the final output from
desired output or error is calculated and this error goes the nodes. In our experiment, we have used the binary
backward in the backward phase. sigmoidal function. After training is completed using back-
propagation algorithm NN weights are used to set the
(ii) Backward phase with Conventional Back-propagation: positions of the particles in PSO which we have described
Back-propagation algorithm has a major constraint that hidden below.
layer neuron activation function should be differentiable. In
our proposed method learning is achieved with the aim of
minimizing the mean square error (MSE). Here, the target Particle swarm optimization (PSO): After training is
output and hidden layer error are first calculated and then completed by BP with a predefined termination condition that
weights are updated based on these errors. There are is whether given no. of iterations are reached or not, the
some parameters whose values should be chosen properly to weights are further optimized using PSO. PSO is an

978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1033

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

evolutionary technique where a number of populations are (v) Then current ‘Pbest’ of each particle is compared with
used for searching the optimum solution. ‘gbest’ and if it is less than ‘gbest’ then, the global position is
Initially, a random position and velocity of the particles updated.
are chosen. Then, the velocity and position are updated (vi) Step (iii) is continued until a predefined criterion that
incrementally. There are three components in the velocity is the maximum number of iterations is met.
equation: previous velocity, the difference between ‘Pbest’ & When we use PSO one main concern is to set the
current position and the difference between ‘gbest’ & current parameter’s values appropriately. There are following
position. The first component helps particle to go in the parameters: inertia weight, coefficient of the social
direction of its previous solution. The second component component, coefficient of the global component, and the
considers the best solution or position of the particle till the velocity (i.e., max and min) in PSO. Changing one of its value
time of updating the velocity. The third component indicates changes the performance of the PSO drastically. Here, the
the direction of the global best solution found till the time of performance of the PSO basically refers to the convergence
updating the velocity. Every component is given some weight rate of PSO. After a different hit and trial attempt, the values
according to the number of iteration. So the basic concept of of the parameters have been set to the following numerical
PSO is accelerating particles towards social and global best values to achieve the best performance. We have used -4 and 4
solutions. Following are the steps (i-vi) of PSO in our for Vmax and Vmin, respectively and 0.9 for inertia weight
proposed method. with a damping ratio of 0.99.
(i) The population of particles is initialized taking random
values for positions and velocities of particles using
previously obtained weights from the neural network to set the IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
limit. Here the weights are taken as ±0.1 to the output weights
of BPNN as the limit. 0.1 is taken because it is giving the best Here, we have shown experimental results for plant disease
result for our classification problem. identification and classification of our proposed method in
(ii) For each particle, the fitness function is measured and Table 1 and with three existing methods namely,
Ramakrishnan.M et al. [5], Pooja Kulinavar et al. [6] and
compared with the global best cost. Here we use negative Gautam Kaushal et al. [7] using our considered dataset [13] in
accuracy as the fitness function to make it a minimization Table 2. In Fig. 5 we have shown some diseased plant images
problem. If the fitness function value is less than the global of our dataset. For training and testing, we have divided the
best then global best position and cost are updated. dataset into 75% and 25%, respectively. We have trained the
(iii) Each particle’s velocity, Vi and position, Xi are neural network for four hundred iterations using back-
updated by the following equations, (6) and (7), respectively. propagation algorithm and then we have run hundred iterations
of PSO to optimize the weights. Implementation of the
Vi (t  1)  W *Vi (t )  c1* rand1*[ Pibest  X i (t )]  c2* rand 2*[Gbest  X i (t )] (6) proposed method and other three existing methods have been
done using MATLAB R2016a running at Core I3, 2.20 GHz
(7) processor with 4GB.
X i (t  1)  X i (t )  Vi (t  1)
Table 1 represents the result of our proposed method for
Here, Vi(t+1) is the current velocity of the particle and each and every category of diseases of the considered dataset.
Vi(t) is the velocity of the previous time step. c1 and c2 are Here, we observe that for different classes different accuracy
positive constants used to add different weighting to the social rate has been achieved. In Table 2, we see the performance
and global components, respectively. We set the values of c1 comparison for plant disease detection of our method and other
and c2 by equations (8) and (9), respectively. rand1 and rand2 classification based existing methods: Ramakrishnan.M et al.,
Pooja Kulinavar et al. and Gautam Kaushal et al. based on
are random values between 0 and 1. Xi(t+1) is the current classification accuracy. Here, we have run each method five
position whereas Xi(t) is the previous position of the particle. times and taken the average accuracy. Here, accuracy is
calculated as the percentage of correctly classified images over
c1= (c11 - c12) * (it / (nPop * 1)) + c12 (8) the total number of images used for testing. Comparative
analysis shows that our method gives the best result among the
c2= (c22 - c21) * (it / (nPop * 1)) + c21 (9) four methods using our considered dataset. Here, our method’s
accuracy is 96.72 %, Ramakrishnan.M et al.’s BPNN based
Here, nPop is the number of particles, and c11 and c21 are method’s accuracy is 92% [5], Pooja Kulinavar et al.‘s SVM
the lower limits and c12 and c22 are higher limits of social based method’s accuracy is 87.09% [6], and Gautam Kaushal
and global coefficients. In our experiment we have taken et al.’s KNN based method’s accuracy is 63% [7].
nPop=100, c11=c21=0.5 and c12=c22=2.5.
(iv) The fitness function is calculated and compared with
‘Pbest’. If current position’s cost is less than the previous best
position, then ‘Pbest’ is updated.

978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1034

Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2019)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 5. Diseased leaf images (a) Alternaria Alternata (b) Anthracnose (c) Bacterial Blight and (d) Cercospora Leaf Spot

Table 1.
Results of the proposed method for considered leaf images

Type of leaf image No of images No of correctly Accuracy

(Diseased/Healthy) taken for testing classified images

Alternaria Alternata 25 25 100%

Anthracnose 25 24 96%
Bacterial Blight 25 23 92%
Cercospora Leaf Spot 25 24 96%
Healthy 25 24 96%

Table 2.
Comparative results of Ramakrishnan.M et al. [5], Pooja Kulinavar et al. [6], Gautam Kaushal et al. [7] and our proposed method for
plant disease identification and classification based on accuracy

Methods No of images Accuracy

taken for testing
Proposed method 125 96.72

Ramakrishnan.M et al. [5] 125 92.0

Pooja Kulinavar et al. [6] 125 87.09

Gautam Kaushal et al. [7] 125 63.0

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IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP19J32-ART; ISBN: 978-1-5386-9439-8

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978-1-5386-9439-8/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1036

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