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Week 1

1. What is IT?

The use of digital technology, like computers and internet, to store and process data into useful information.

IT has scope in Education, Medicine, journalism, construction, transportation, entertainment and almost in every field.

Some communities in the world do not have access to the internet and some do have the access to the internet, this
is called DIGITAL DIVIDE, IT support specialist are the bridge on digital divide.

The role of an IT support specialist varies whether you work on-person or remotely. However, it often involves:

Managing, Installing, Maintaining, Troubleshooting, Configuring office and computing equipment.

2. What is a computer

Computer is a device that stores and processes data by performing calculations.

Abacus difference engine analytic engine

3. What is an algorithm?

A series of steps that solve specific problems.

4. What is cryptography?

Cryptography is the art of writing and solving codes. It has much importance in digital security.

5. What is binary system?

The communication that a computer uses, also know as base-2 numeral system.

6. What is character encoding?

Assigns our binary values to characters, so that we as human can read them.

7. What is abstraction?

To take a relatively complex system and simplify it for our use. For example, there is complexity how engine works
and other stuff in a car, but we get a steering and pedals to use it. There are different types of car but we drive them
in almost same way.

There are four main layers in a computer. 1)Hardware 2)Operating system 3)Software 4)User

HARDWARE is made up of the physical components of a computer.

OPERATING SYSTEM allows hardware to communicate with the system.

SOFTWARE LAYER is the thing how we as human interact with our computer.

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