Standard Wet Methods of Testing Water Based Drilling Fluids: Serial No Name of The Test Reagents Technique Calculation

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Serial Name of the Reagents Technique Calculation

no test
4 Alkalinity test 1.H2SO4(0.02N) Pf = V1
2.Phenolpthalein  Pf determination: Mf = V2
(Phenolpthalein indicator. Take 1ml of filtrate in a
alkalinity of 3. methyl orange conical flask and add 2 1. When Pf =Mf,
filtrate, Pf and indicator. drops of phenolphthalein [OH]= Pf*340 mg/l
Methyl orange indicator. If the solution
alkalinity of the turns pink, titrate the 2.Mf < 2Pf,
filtrate , Mf) solution with 0.02N H2SO4 [OH]=[2Pf-Mf]*340
solution until the colour mg/l
changes from pink to [CO3]=[2(Mf-
colourless. Note the volume Pf)]*600 mg/l
of H2SO4 added. (V1).
3. Mf= 2Pf
[CO3]= Mf*600 mg/l

 Mf determination: 4.Mf> 2Pf,

To the same titrated [CO3]= 2Pf*600 mg/l
solution, add 2-3 drops of [HCO3] = (Mf-
methyl orange. If the 2Pf)*1200 mg/l
solution turns yellow, add
0.02N H2SO4 drop wise until 5. Pf=0
the yellow solution turns [HCO3] = Mf*1220
pink. Note the total volume mg/l
(V2) of H2SO4 added
(including V1).

5. KCl Sodium perchlorate

determination solution(150g/ 100 ml of  Take appropriate volume of KCl in filtrate (mg/l)
distilled water). filtrate in a centrifuge tube.
Dilute it to 7ml. Add 3ml of = (7/ ml of filtrate) *
standard sodium perchlorate value from standard
solution. curve.

 Centrifuge the solution at a

speed of 1800 rpm for one
minute. Read the precipitate
volume immediately and
record (counter balance the
centrifuge with another tube
and liquid of the same

 Add 2-3 drops of sodium

perchlorate solution to the
tube. If the precipitate still
forms , repeat the above two
steps again.

 Determine the KCl

concentration from the
standard calibration curve
from the volume of the

[Note: prepare a standard plot

beforehand using known concentration
of KCl solutions]

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