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1.Describe a place you visited on vacation 2. Describe a café you like to visit 3.

t 3. Describe a quiet place you like to spend

and would like to recommend to others You should say: your time in
You should say: Where it is You should say:
Where it is What kinds of food and drinks it serves Where it is
When you went there What you do there How you knew it
What you did there And explain why you like to go there How often you go there
And explain why you would like to What you do there
recommend it to others And explain why you like the place

4. Describe a tall building in your city you 5. Describe a town or a city you would like to live in the future
like or dislike You should say:
You should say: Where it is
Where it is How you knew it
What it is used for What it is famous for
What it looks like And why you would like to live there
And explain why you like or dislike it

Useful sentence structures:

1. it’s quite close to where I live. It usually takes me … to get there by …
2. If I’m not mistaken, I first went there … ago. At the time, …
3. it has … floors with a magnificent architecture. On the outside, it ……. On the inside, it ……
4. There are several reasons why I really love …… For one thing, …… for another, ….. On top of that……
5. If you’re looking for a place that gives you some peace and quiet, I highly recommend…..
6. I like to immerse myself in it.

Part 2 and Part 3 地点篇

1. Describe a place you visited on vacation

You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you went there

Part 3 相关题目
1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?
With a vast territory and a long history, China offers so much to see and explore. One of the iconic symbols of China is the
Great Wall, which is the longest wall in the world, and an awe-inspiring feat of ancient defensive architecture. Its winding
path over rugged countryside and steep mountains takes in some stunning scenery. Then, there’s the Li River in Yangshuo,
which has captured the heart of many an artist. Generations of Chinese painters and poets have been inspired by the beauty
of the nature there, using their pens and brushes to capture the breathtaking natural landscapes. Nowadays it's a popular
photography destination. When Chinese travelers seek a place for natural beauty, they first think of the Li River and

2. Do old people and young people choose different places to go on vacation? Why?
While people of all ages love any opportunity to break free from work, it appears that older and younger generations have
very different ideas about travel. In my country, old people prefer places where the roads are even, the climate is pleasant
and transportation is convenient. They’re at an advanced age, and they just want to calm down and enjoy life. Most of them
aren’t interested in dealing with hardships while traveling; they just want to be able to relax. However, for the younger
generation, we often prefer to go to places that are fun or even thrilling. For example, I experienced the Glass Bridge in Hua
Mountain last year. I bet that place would give my 75-year-old grandmother a heart attack!

3. What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans?
Well, there are many distinctions between young people and old people’s ways of planning a trip. In terms of the
destination, young people tend to search for some interesting places that would really excite them, regardless of the time
and distance involved, while at the same time, old people may think twice before choosing a destination, as unlike younger
people, the time and distance are important factors. For example, my grandmother prefers going away with a tour group
since the expense doesn’t matter much for her, although for younger people, especially those who’ve only just started
working, the costs are probably the most significant factor.

4. How do people find out about a new place?

I think this is also a generational thing. Senior citizens, such as my grandparents, consider various recommendations from
relatives or close friends or simply newspapers and magazines. But nowadays, online media is prevailing and young people
tend to gather information from all sorts of websites and apps. We often scroll through a sea of posts on our mobiles and it
can take ages before we finalize a destination. Or, sometimes, we only need a second to decide on a trip to a place thousands
of miles away. You know, with our best mates, our eyes will meet and off we go

2.Describe a café you like to visit

You should say:

Where it is
What kinds of food and drinks it serves What you do there
And explain why you like to go there
Part 3 相关题目
1. What kind of people would like to go to a café?
In my experience, you often see young cute couples hanging out in coffee shops. You see, at least in my country, cafes are
often romantic places, and most have a unique style of decor, which suits young people’s taste. So these places attract these
types of people. Also, I think if you are a bookworm, a cafe is a great place to go. Some play soft music so it’s enjoyable to
read while listening to it. Besides, coffee can refresh one’s mind and help us stay sharp.

2. Why do young people like study in a café instead of at home?

Well, as I mentioned before, coffee can help one stay awake. Also, when many people hit the cafes to study, it creates a
productive learning atmosphere. Human beings are social animals. When the people around us are concentrating on their
work, it can influence us to focus on our studies as well. But at home, where it is comfortable and cozy, we just want to sit
back and relax. Also, cafes aren’t that expensive to go to these days and lots of young people can afford them easily.

3. Do old people like to drink coffee?

Um, I kind of believe that coffee is part of most cultures, but there are differences. In some countries, for example, Australia
or England, it’s probably common to see seventy-year-olds sitting with their friends or pets, enjoying a cup of coffee
basically at any time of the day. I mean, that’s because they’re used to drinking coffee. However, in countries like China,
coffee’s really only a trendy drink for young people exclusively. If you asked my grandma whether she drinks coffee, she’d
raise her eyebrows with surprise and expect you to explain the question. So I guess it depends on what culture the old
people are in.

4. Do Chinese people like to drink coffee?

I’m afraid most Chinese people aren’t really into coffee. In general, we prefer tea, though some Chinese people, including
the younger generation, simply go for plain water. You know, China is a country which produces a great amount of tea, and
a large proportion of its residents are accustomed to drinking tea since this has been a tradition from ancient times. So, even
though I’m not so sure about accurate statistics, I can assure you that tea lovers outnumber coffee drinkers in China,
especially among middle-aged and older groups. Coffee is only for the minority of young Chinese, I’d say, but maybe in
future it’ll be different.

3. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in

You should say:

Where it is
How you knew it
How often you go there What you do there
And explain why you like the place

Part 3 相关题目
1. Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?
Well I would say yes to this question. With the development of science and technology the society is advanced and people
are getting richer. High buildings have risen from the ground. We are surrounded by reinforced concrete and more and more
people start to feel very depressed and out of breath. Our sight is blocked by tall buildings and when you look up you can
only see the small piece of sky. The noise of noisy traffic, the noise of people talking and the noise of various machines
make it difficult for us to find a truly quiet place in the city.

2. Why is it quieter in the countryside?

Well, first of all, I think there are not many people living in the countryside and everyone lives in their own buildings.
Unlike the tall and crowded buildings in the city you can even hear neighbors talking at night. The number of people
determines that there will be no such noisy voices in the countryside. On top of that, there are no factories in the
countryside, no loud cars or horns. People’s lives are quieter and less stressful so people in the countryside are calmer,
unlike urban people who are more stressed and more prone to irritable emotions. So I think these are the reasons why it is
quieter in the countryside.

3. Why do people go to quiet places?

Some people like quiet places because it has something to do with their character. Some people are more stable and
introverted so they are more into quiet places. Some people have a lively personality and they prefer a noisy environment.
Secondly, I think a quiet place is more suitable for people to think and to recharge their energy. When people have a tiring
day at work and after dealing with various complicated interpersonal relationships, they will want to find a quiet place to
think quietly or even without thinking just stay alone in a quiet place to recharge themselves so that they can have better
energy to face the next day's work and life. That's why people like quiet places so much.

4. Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
Yes I reckon that old people prefer to live in quiet places more than young people do because most elderly people are more
sensitive to sounds. For example, when they are sleeping, a little noise may cause insomnia or wake them up from their
sleep. Secondly, elderly people act more slowly and their pace of life is much slower than that of young people, so they
don't like noisy environments. A quiet environment helps the elderly to soothe their body and mind and it is also good for
their health. Therefore, most elderly people prefer to live in a quiet place.

4. Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike

You should say:

Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you like or dislike it

Part 3 相关题目
1.What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?
First of all, living in a tall building there is a danger of falling hazards. In recent years, there have been many reports about
children falling from their own balconies or windows. So, if the height of the railing is not enough, the consequences will be
disastrous. Secondly, there are hidden dangers in the fire safety of tall buildings. At present, the fire-fighting ladder truck
can only reach the 28th to 30th floors. If a fire occurs to residents above the 30th floor, it will greatly increase the difficulty
of rescue. Residents in tall buildings often wait longer for elevators than people living in a lower level. They rely on
elevators for daily trips. Once the power goes out, it will be difficult for those residents.

2. Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?

Yes, I do think there will be more and more tall buildings in the future, especially in large international cities. The economy
of these cities is still developing, and if the economy is continually developing there must be room for development. Almost
all large cities are facing the problem of insufficient land area. To solve this problem, we have to develop upwards. It is an
inevitable trend to have taller cities. Secondly, the super high-rise buildings in the city represent and symbolise it. For
example, the Burj Khalifa, as everyone knows, is representative of the entire city. For the sake of popularity, many cities
will choose to build taller buildings.

3. Why aren’t there many tall buildings in the countryside?

The first reason is the influence of government policies and laws. In rural areas, the number of levels of a house cannot
exceed 3 levels, the height of the ground floor cannot exceed 3. 6 meters, and the height of the other floors cannot exceed 3.
3 meters. Therefore, the country’s policy makes it rare to see tall buildings in the countryside. Secondly, the villagers often
raise livestock around the household and they even build small rooms to feed the livestock. If it is a tall building, how can it
meet the needs of the villagers? Also, most people in rural areas grow fresh vegetables. If it is a tall building, it is not
convenient for farmers to cultivate vegetables and fruit.

4. Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?

First of all, normally the quality of tall buildings is better than that of flat-story or low buildings. Living on a higher level
means that the view is better, the air quality is relatively fresher and much better than the air at the bottom. It’s also quieter
in tall buildings. The higher you go in tall buildings you get more sunlight, especially above the 15th floor. The distance
between the buildings is larger and there are fewer visual obstructions. This not only protects privacy, but also allows
sufficient sunlight. These are the reasons why some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays.

5. Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future

You should say:

Where it is
How you knew it
What it is famous for
And why you would like to live there

Part 3 相关题目
1. Why do more and more people live in the city?
I think there are many reasons why more and more people like to live in the city. Firstly, cities have better educational and
survival resources, so more parents are willing to follow their children to live in cities. Some parents are even willing to
invest a lot of money to live in larger cities in order to have better educational resources for their children. Secondly, there
are many more job opportunities in cities than in the countryside, so a large number of young people will also migrate from
the countryside to the cities. In cities, they can find better jobs and get higher incomes. Therefore, more and more people are
living in cities.

2. How does this affect the environment and nature?

The impact of urbanization on the environment and nature is huge. For example, the expansion of the scale of urban
construction means that cities need more land. Due to the expansion of cities the original habitat of wild animals has been
destroyed and some of the wild animals have become extinct or reduced in number due to changes in the living
environment. In addition, cities produce a large amount of manufacturing and domestic solid waste, which contains a lot of
toxic and harmful substance that are dumped on the land, polluting the land and degrading the quality of urban land. In
general, urbanization has a bad effect on the environment and nature.

3. What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?
I think there are many reasons for attracting people to settle down in a certain place. Some may choose to settle in another
city because their child's educational resources are better in a certain place. Some may have to leave their hometown and
settle down in another city or even another country because they want to stay with their lovers. Some may be attracted by
the local food and beauty and want to settle there for a long time. Some may have to settle down in another city because of
work. Some people may be tired of their city and just want something different, so they settle in another place. Everyone
chooses to settle in certain places for different reasons.

4. What are the differences of the young and old when choosing where to live?
I think young people prefer lively places more than old people, so when they choose a place to live, they will first look at
the environment of the place. For example, whether there are bars around, whether there are shopping malls, whether there
are food courts and so on. Of course, some young people want to live with friends, so they choose a big house or a villa and
then several friends live together. The elderly generally prefer quieter locations and living alone, so they tend to prefer the
suburbs or the seaside with fewer people. Some elderly people like the clear air, so they also choose to live in the mountains
with good scenery.

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