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Cancer Solution In Exchange For Peace

Cancer Blueprint Day

The Keshe Foundation is proud to announce a new cancer solution
breakthrough! Mr Keshe will unveil for the first time to the
public, the extraordinary results found by medical doctors and
clinical trials using Keshe "gans" products.

Special information will be released on Tuesday April 18th, 2017 during

Cancer Blueprint Day, starting at 9AM CEST - ROME, Italy 3AM EDT -
New York, USA; 12AM PDT - Los Angeles, USA; 3PM HKT - Hong
Kong, China; 5PM AEST - Victoria, Australia; 1AM – Montana, USA

Mr Keshe invites doctors, scientists and professionals of all kinds to watch

the presentation, and examine the data presented.


Disclaimer: We are sharing knowledge, and it is upon every individual and companyto
take full responsibility for applying the new knowledge, that is shared freely fromthe
Keshe Foundation.

Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute
Keshe Foundation Education

0413-2017—comments from Mehran Keshe at Knowledge Seekers Workshop

Mr. Keshe:
Trials were conducted by Tokyo University using Keshe Foundation technology
developed by Mehran Keshe, a nuclear engineer. 5 groups with 10 mice in each group
with the first trials in trying to use chemical injection to produce cancer in the mice
caused the death of almost all 50 as they showed resistance to be able in the process of
life of carrying the cancer. They were happy animals and they resisted scientific

Then we brought 50 more mice and decided to place injected cells inside the intestine of
the animals and the mice gradually showed cancer signs. They had to reach certain
marker points that the mice have cancer and the tumor could be identified. It took some
time and as they came to the maturity of the cancer and now they could be processed by
international standards. One by one they were released from the lab into the testing
process. There were 14 as control and the rest were divided into 4 groups. We followed
the work as done by Tepco (the American corporation that is in charge of Fukushima—
Tokyo Electric and Power Company who used Keshe Technology in the clean up on
Fukushima. In the last 6 months they had a construction failure on one of the reactors
that is now releasing radiation into the surrounding area and the ocean, affecting not
only Fukushima, but the ocean and ultimately the West Coast of North America).

What has raised massive interest in Tokyo University and outside the University in
Japanese scientific organizations is the result of the data. The technology and the process
belong to us and the university provides the facilities and expertise. As the mice became
available with the markers we picked one batch; in the first process we started 15 days
ago with the 1st category. The 1st animal was tested for cancer as it is assumed it would
take 30 to 90 days. The blood sample showed 100% tumor and cancer markers. The
value was zero after 9 days and there was no cancer or tumor. When, where and how did
this happen. We agreed to start the blood tests from day 1.

As we started our process in this trial everyday the mice were tested for cancer, tumor
and the markers. What we have found is shocking in the world of science. There are two
decisions Mr. Keshe asked from the members of the Doctors Health Group which meet
on a weekly basis and share information on their uses of the Keshe Technology. He
asked them for their input on how the Keshe Foundation would proceed in light of what
is happening. He asked which of the doctors would like to practice the new technology
for treating cancer.

From the testing the 1st day after the first process at the 2nd day we saw the drop in
markers from 23 to 30% in 8 out of 10 infected mice. One mouse didn’t show change for
7 days and by 9th day he started showing the process. We reached 100% reversal in all 10
cases. By the 3rd day the reduction is high and by the 4th day we can’t see markers. By

international testing standards we have to wait for a time lapse. As the animals come to
the time lapse they are sacrificed. The first 2 were sacrificed and there was zero toxicity.
We saw some residue of what was used to treat the cancer. There was a small amount in
the wall of the intestine and it was so negligible that we can ignore it.

The effectiveness of this method has to be followed as the university did it. What we see
is that 90% showed total eradication of the cancer by 5 days. What we have seen on the
toxicity report is 100% clear in all the tissues. We have called those trials to a halt as it is
not necessary to continue since we have no toxicity in the tissues in 100% of all the mice
tested. We are carrying on with 3 other applications.

In the 2nd case of doing differently in the trials we see the same reduction in the cancer
tumor and the markers as the first group. What has come to light and do not forget we
are considering ever aspect of the animal behavior, was during the time when the cancer
grows the animals are docile and less active. As the effects of the process takes place
they are happy, active and content to play. On the final sacrifice we have seen 5% to 8%
weight reduction that complies with the joy and activity of the animal. As we stand today
we have achieved 100% cancer eradication in the case of intestinal cancer. The total
amount of material needed for the maximum 10 to 30 days is 1 mg. of material once a
day for 30 days. There is a physical and emotional effect on the animals.

We discussed with our team in Japan and we and they agree we cannot ignore the minute
amount of gans material in the blood where we did not inject in the blood shows the
energy transfer and conversion happens. We find the minute amount of material in the
blood vessels and hemoglobin and this means it will come in touch with any other cancer
if other metastises occur. We will most probably see reduction in the secondary cancer.
The immune system of the animal is not touched. The body only takes from the gans
plasma state what it needs. The emotional part of the body takes what it needs not
knowing the markers of the tumor.

We have one conclusion of how much and how long we are going to delay the
discussion. We will have the international conference in Tokyo and I will go with DrR
(Rodrigo) and DrP (Parviz). We have released the breast cancer condition that DrR
conducted. I discussed this DrK and DrP last week that we have 2 choices: we can offer
the technology at 1 euro per patient (per capsule) as a symbolic respect and allow people
around the world to benefit rapidly. Secondly people can donate what they like. The
total cost for 30 capsules is $35 to $50. But we need collect future data for understanding
of the system. But it has to be available to the man who cannot afford the 50 euro and it
doesn’t go to the highest bidder. Within 15 days you should see if the material works.

Now we have found the solution for the biggest killing machine of man. How can we
benefit man now? You are from all continents on this planet. We have to come back to
you. Now we don’t see random results and we have full research capabilities. We will
finish the 3rd trial of the animal tests at Tokyo and the data will be gathered and shown.

As we achieved such rapid results in 3 days and we would like to announce this publicly.

This will be announced publicly on Tuesday, April 18, 2017 when Mr. Keshe makes the
blueprint of making this treatment available to people all over the world. there will be no
patents, no prolonged testing and withholding of the product by FDA or other
organizations because this is not a patented product, but something that has been given
freely to men, women and children across Planet Earth.


This is a presentation done at the Keshe Foundation International Conference in Rome,

Italy in April, 2017. Dr. Rodrigo presents information on plasma technology and the
success of teaching breast cancer.


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