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Name: Regine M.

Del Puerto
Year & Course: BSN-1
Assignment: Theoretical Foundation pf Nursing

1. Nightingales Environmental Theory

History & background of the theorist :
- Born to a wealthy family & educated intensively by her father
- Travelled throughout Europe including to Kaiserswerth where she first studied nursing & was
introduced to poor sanitation in relation to nursing.
- 1853 Nightingale accepted the unpaid position of superintendent at the establishment of gentlewoman
during illness.
- Began the practice of providing quit & comfortable recovery from illness & surgery.
- Notes on matters affecting the health efficiency & hospital administration of the British Army (1858).
- Opening of the Nightingale training school at St. Thomas Hospital.

Major Concept & Definition

- Florence Nightingale Environmental Nursing Philosophy.
- Holistic Nursing Care.
-Nurses who have been guided by her philosophy are sensitive to the effect to the environment & it’s
impact on the patients health & recovery of illness.
- Her philosophy provide the foundation for other theorist to develop their philosophy’s & theorist.
- She was the first nurse theorist. She continues to pair the way for those who followed and will
continue to come to this profession.

Assumptions (Person, Health, Environment, Nursing)

- Person
- Patient
- People are multidimentional composed of biological, psychological, social and spiritual components.

- As opposed to illness
- Health is not only to be well but to be able to use well power we have.

- How the environment affects health & recovery from illness.
- Poor or difficult environments led to poor health & disease.
- Environment could be altered to improved conditions so that the natural laws would allows healing to

- As opposed to medicine
- Two types of nursing general nursing & proper nursing.
- Nursing is the “activities that promote health which occurs in any caregiving situation.
Application of Theory
“The foundation of Nightingale’s theory is the environment all the external conditions influence the life
& development of an organism and her goal is to help the patient retain his own vitality by meeting his
basic needs through control of the environment according to nightingale she can help the patient to
restore his usual health or bring patient in recovery.”

2. Watson’s theory of human caring

History & Background of the theorist:
- In Watson’s view disease might be cured but illness would still remain because without caring health is
not fully attend.
- Born in West Virginia in 1940 July 21 st.
- BSN (1964) Ms. ( 1966) PhD (1973) from University of Colorado.
- She was the Dean of Nursing at the University Health Sciences Center & President of Natural League
for Nursing.
- Distinguished Professor of Nursing at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.

Major Concepts & Definition

- Included grounded & combined with philosophy , ethical, intellectual and experimental background.
- Used concepts from personal & professional experience.
- Her theory is one based on the human interactive process that recognizes the spiritual & ethical
dimensions relevant to the human care process.

Assumptions (Person, Health, Environment, Nursing)

- She adopts a view of the human being as person of him or herself to be caved for respected nurtured
understood & assisted in general human is viewed as greater than & different from the sum of his or her

- Watson believes that there are other factors that are needed to be included in the WHO definition of

- According to Watson caring has existed in every society. A caring attitude is not transmitted from
generations to generation.

- It focuses on health promotion and treatment of disease. She believes that holistic health care is
central to the practice.
- According to Watson nursing is concerned the health preventing illness, caring for the sick & recovering
the health.
“According to Watson a theory is an imaginative grouping of knowledge, ideas and experiences that are
represented symbolically and seek to illuminate a given phenomenon and demonstrate as the practice
of loving kindness equanimity.


History & Background of the Theorist:
- Dr. Benner was born in Hampton, Virginia in August 1942 her nationality is American they graduated as
Nursing theory nursing education.
- Dr. Benner is the author of the books also like from Novice to Expert. The primary of caring, The Crisis
of Care, Caregiving Expertise in Nursing Practice: Caring, Clinical Judgement & Ethics.
- Patricia Benner research & theory work provides the profession of Stages of Clinical Competence, they
also work as nursing profession.


“The utility of the concept of skill acquisition lies in helping the teacher understand how to assist the
learner in advancing to the next level”
- Dr. Benner categorized nursing into 5 levels of capabilities novice advanced beginner competent
proficient & expert.
- Her research was aimed at discovering it there were distinguishable, characteristics differences in the
novices met experts descriptions of the same clinical incident.

ASSUMPTIONS (Person, Health, Environment, Nursing)

“The person’s is a self interpreting being that is the person does not come into the world defined in the
courses of living a life.”

“Dr. Benner focus on the live and experience of being healthy & being ill. Health is defined as that can be
assessed where well being is the human experience of health or wholeness.

“To be situated implies that are has a past, present & future and that all of these respect.

- It described as a caring relationship an enabling condition of connection and concern.
Dr. Benner understands that nursing practice as the care & study of the moral art & ethics of care &

- Nursing school curriculum.
- Development of the Clinical Simulation.
- Building clinical ladders for nurses.
History & Background of the Theory
“Eriksson was born on Nov. 8, 1943, in Jakobstad, Finland her native language is Swedish, she also
graduated in 1965 in her school of nursing and in 1970 she completed her public health nursing specialty
education at the same institution in the late 1960’s & early 1970’s Eriksson worked in various fields of
nursing practice & continued her studies at the same time in 1972 after teaching 2yrs at the nursing
education unit at Helsinki Swedish School of Nursing, Eriksson was assigned to start & develop an
educational program to prepare nurse educators at that institution. Eriksson has received many awards
& honors for her professional & academic accomplishments.


- Dignity constitutes one of the basic concept of caritative caring ethics, Human dignity is part absolute
dignity, partly relative dignity. Absolute dignity is granted the human being.
- Institution refers to the act that occurs when the career welcomes the patient to the caring
- Suffering is ontological concept described as a human beings struggle between good & evil in a state of
- Caring culture is the concept that Eriksson uses instead of environment, it characterizes the total caring
reality is based on cultural elements such as traditions, rituals and basic values.
- The act pf caring contains the caring elements (faith, hope, love, finding playing and learning) involves
the infinity & eternity.
- The art of caring is the art of making something very special out of something less special.

ASSUMPTIONS (Persons, Health, Environment, Nursing)

“Eriksson’s theory is based on the axion that he human being is an entity of the body , soul and spirit.
She emphasizes that the human beings have not recognized this dimension. The human being also
emerges in his effort to be unique, while he simultaneously for belonging in a larger communion.

“Eriksson considered health in many of her earlier writings in accordance with an analysis of the
concept. In the ontological conception health is considered as a becoming a movement toward a deeper
wholeness and holiness. As a human being inner health potential is touched a movement occurs that
becomes visible in the different dimensions.”

“At the beginning of the 1990’s when Eriksson introduced the idea of suffering as a basic category of
caring, she returned to the fundamental historical conditions of all caring, the idea of charity as the basic
of alleviating suffering.”

“Love & charity or caritas, as the basic motive of clearing has been found in Eriksson (1987b, 1990, 2001)
as a principal of idea even in her early words.”
“Caritas constitutes the motive of caring & It is through the caritas motive that caring gets it’s deepest


- Focus on the relationship with the human being.
- Drawing on it’s spiritual foundation caritas enables as to have patience.

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