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Research paper

Use of drugs with anticholinergic effect and impact on

cognition in Parkinson’s disease: a cohort study
Uwe Ehrt,1 Karl Broich,4 Jan Petter Larsen,2,3 Clive Ballard,5 Dag Aarsland1,6

< See Editorial Commentary, ABSTRACT There is increasing awareness in a variety of

p129 Background Cognitive decline is common in Parkinson’s conditions that certain drugs may accelerate
Department of Psychiatry, disease (PD). Although some of the aetiological factors cognitive decline. For example, drugs with anti-
Stavanger University Hospital, are known, it is not yet known whether drugs with cholinergic properties are widely used and may
Stavanger, Norway 2The anticholinergic activity (AA) contribute to this cognitive cause central nervous system anticholinergic syn-
Norwegian Centre for
Movement Disorders, Stavanger decline. Such knowledge would provide opportunities to dromes like delirium and cognitive impairment.4e6
University Hospital, Norway prevent acceleration of cognitive decline in PD. Because of the increased permeability of the
Department of Neurology, Objective To study whether the use of agents with bloodebrain barrier, age-related pharmacodynamic
Stavanger University Hospital, anticholinergic properties is an independent risk factor for changes, the risk for polypharmacy and interac-
Stavanger, Norway 4Federal
Institute for Drugs and Medical
cognitive decline in patients with PD. tions, the ageing brain is particularly sensitive to
Devices (BfArM), Bonn, Methods A community-based cohort of patients with PD these toxic effects.7 8
Germany 5Wolfson Center for (n¼235) were included and assessed at baseline. They Although the prescription of anticholinergic
Age-Related Diseases, Kings were reassessed 4 and 8 years later. Cognition was agents as a treatment for the motor symptoms of
College, London, UK 6Institute of assessed using the Mini-Mental State Examination PD is now less favoured, it is not at all uncommon
Clinical Medicine, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway (MMSE). A detailed assessment of the AA of all drugs that patients with PD receive drugs with anticho-
prescribed was made, and AA was classified according to linergic properties. Some agents targeting motor
Correspondence to a standardised scale. Relationships between cognitive and bladder symptoms, and drugs used to treat
Dr Uwe Ehrt, Stavanger decline and AA load and duration of treatment were common neuropsychiatric symptoms including
University Hospital, Psychiatric assessed using bivariate and multivariate statistical depression9 and psychosis,10 have anticholinergic
Clinic, PO Box 1163, Hillevåg,
4095 Stavanger, Norway; analyses. properties. Comorbid physical conditions are also Results More than 40% used drugs with AA at baseline. common in elderly PD patients, and many drugs
During the 8-year follow-up, the cognitive decline was commonly prescribed for older people such as
CB has received honoraria from higher in those who had been taking AA drugs (median bronchodilatators, antiarrhytmic drugs, corticoste-
Novartis, Pfizer, Shire, Lundbeck,
Myriad, Janssen, Astra Zeneca
decline on MMSE 6.5 points) compared with those who roids, analgesics, antihistamines or antihyperten-
and Servier pharmaceutical had not taken such drugs (median decline 1 point; sives have also anticholinergic properties, many of
companies, and research grants p¼0.025). In linear regression analyses adjusting for age, which are not recognised as anticholinergics by
from Novartis, Lundbeck, baseline cognition and depression, significant a substantial proportion of physicians.5 7 8
Astra-Zeneca and Janssen associations with decline on MMSE were found for total Patients with brain diseases with cholinergic
pharmaceuticals. DA has
received honoraria from AA load (standardised b¼0.229, p¼0.04) as well as the deficits are particularly sensitive to anticholinergic
Novartis, Lundbeck, GE Health duration of using AA drugs (standardised b 0.231, drug-effects. For example, drugs with anticholin-
and Merck Serono and received p¼0.032). ergic effects were found to be significantly associ-
9.5 mill NOK, 2003e2007 (Age Conclusion Our findings suggest that there is an ated with a higher risk in women to progress from
Research programme 153480);
association between anticholinergic drug use and mild cognitive impairment to dementia.11 In
Health Region Western Norway;
500 000 NOK/year, 2008e2010 cognitive decline in PD. This may provide an important another study, antipsychotic drugs were associated
for the project Neurochemistry opportunity for clinicians to avoid increasing progression with worsening cognitive decline in people with
for dementia and PD; of cognitive decline by avoiding drugs with AA. Increased dementia, potentially due to their anticholinergic
unrestricted industry grants awareness by clinicians is required about the classes of activity (AA).12 In a direct comparison of two
100 000 NOK/year from Kavli
fund. DA received honoraria drugs that have anticholinergic properties. antipsychotic agents with and without AA, the
from Novartis, Lundbeck, GE increase in AA measured with radioreceptor
Health and Merck Serono. assay was found in the group taking the drug
with AA, and this increase was associated with
Received 1 July 2009 increase in anticholinergic side effects and cognitive
Revised 17 August 2009
Accepted 21 August 2009 slowing.13
Published Online First INTRODUCTION Given the reduced cholinergic function in PD and
21 September 2009 Cognitive impairment and dementia are frequent in its association with cognitive impairment, drugs
Parkinson’s disease (PD)1 with major consequences with anticholinergic activities may contribute to
for daily functioning, quality of life, care giver the observed cognitive impairment in people with
burden and health-related costs. Cortical Lewy PD. However, this hypothesis has not been
bodies, diffuse a-synuclein aggregates, Alzheimer- systematically investigated. Therefore, using data
type changes including amyloid plaques and from a prospective, longitudinal study, the use and
neurofibrillar tangles, and neurochemical changes all impact of drugs with anticholinergic properties in
contribute to dementia in PD. Of the cortical a community-based sample of patients with PD
neurochemical alterations, cholinergic deficits was studied. Such information is important for the
appear to be particularly important, and are management of patients with PD, as avoiding
associated with cognitive impairment in both drugs which accelerate cognitive decline may be
postmortem2 and in vivo3 studies. a key part of optimal therapy.

160 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81:160e165. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.186239

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Research paper

MATERIAL AND METHODS detected using an in vivo radioreceptor assay, grading them in five
Patients: longitudinal community cohort of PD patients levels, 0 (no AA); 0/+ (no or minimal AA), + (low AA), ++
Patients were drawn from a longitudinal prospective commu- (moderate AA) and +++ (high AA). We transformed this grad-
nity-based prevalence study of 245 patients diagnosed as having uation in five categorical scores from 0 to 4. For drugs which were
PD on 1 January 2003 in Rogaland County, Norway. Three not included in this study, AA scores were specified by two of the
patients were rediagnosed as not having PD during follow-up, authors independently from each other using available evidence
and seven had insufficient data about their medication or MMSE from the literature (UE and KB). The scores from every agent
score, leaving 235 patients for this study. The recruitment used by each patient were summed up, and this sum score was
strategy, patient samples, and design of this study have been considered as the total AA load. This was done for each assess-
described elsewhere.14 PD was diagnosed according to published ment point. For the 8-year observation period, a total AA load
criteria15 by neurologists with special expertise in movement was calculated by adding together the AA load at baseline and the
disorders. Patients with dementia, diagnosed according to DSM two follow-up assessments.
IIIR as previously described,16 were included if it was clearly The scale does not take into account the individual doses of
established that onset of dementia occurred at least 1 year after the drugs. Furthermore, there was no detailed information
onset of PD. Twenty-seven of the total PD population have come available for the start and stop date of the drugs. Therefore, to
to autopsy, and the diagnosis of PD was confirmed neuro- estimate the duration of treatment with AA drugs, the number
pathologically in all cases.16 After a comprehensive baseline of assessment points with AA drugs was calculated, that is, each
assessment, patients were followed longitudinally and reassessed patient would have a duration category between 0 (never) and 3
after 4 and 8 years, including a full drug history. A total of 146 (at each assessment).
subjects were available at 4-year and 92 at 8-year follow-up
evaluation. Attrition was mainly due to death; only 14 (year 4) Analyses
and five (year 8) subjects refused to participate or could not be Statistical analyses were performed using the software program
traced (figure 1). Information on the assessment at follow-up has SPSS V.16 (SPSS, Chicago). To examine if patients who received
been provided elsewhere.17 AA drugs differed from those who did not on demographic and
clinical variables at baseline, comparisons of normally distrib-
BASELINE ASSESSMENT uted continuous variables were carried out using a one-way
Clinical assessment at baseline analysis of variance. The ManneWhitney U test was used for
Cognition was assessed with the Mini-Mental State Examina- non-normally distributed variables. The c2 test was used for
tion (MMSE)18 at baseline and at each follow-up assessment. categorical variables. The primary outcome variable was the rate
The clinical examination of motor symptoms included disease of cognitive decline, that is, the difference between MMSE scores
stage according to the Hoehn and Yahr Scale.19 Depression was at baseline MMSE and at 8-year follow-up. A secondary confir-
rated using a clinical rating scale, the MontgomeryeÅsberg mative analysis was undertaken, focusing on the baseline
Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), by a neurologist after cognitive performance. Normality was assessed using the
a training procedure.20 Major depression according to DSM IIIR KolmogoroveSmirnov test. Only patients with follow-up data
was diagnosed after a clinical interview as previously described.14 on MMSE were included.
Follow-up assessments were completed with the same instru- Multivariate hierarchical linear regression analyses were
ments at 4- and 8-year visits as part of a systematic longitudinal performed to adjust for potential confounders, with cognition or
follow-up of the cohort. change in cognition as dependent variable, and AA load or AA
duration as predictor. In the first model, age, education and
Measurement of anticholinergic load gender were entered, then baseline MMSE and MADRS scores,
To estimate the use of with AA in our sample, we modulated the and finally the AA drug use.
procedures recommended by Chew et al.5 In that study, the AA p Values less than 0.05 were considered statistically
of 107 medications commonly prescribed to older adults was significant.

Figure 1 Flow chart showing the distribution of

patients and use of drugs with anticholinergic activity at
the three assessment points.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81:160e165. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.186239 161

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Research paper

RESULTS was 9.2 (5.8) years. The median (interquartile range (IQR))
Cross-sectional analyses Hoehn & Yahr Score was 3,2 MADRS 69 and MMSE 27.6
Of the 235 patients included at baseline, 114 (48.5%) were men, A total of 99 substances were used by the PD patients, and 29
the mean (SD) age was 74.7 (8.4) years, and the duration of PD of these drugs had clinically relevant AA. The AA rating of all the

Table 1 Rating of anticholinergic activity of drugs used in the sample

Drug class 0 1 2 3 4
Antiparkinsonian agents Bromocriptin Benztropine
Cabergoline Orphenadrine
Levodopa Trihexyphenidyl
Analgetics and anti-inflammatory Acetylsalicylic acid Propoxyphene
drugs Buprenorphine
Antidepressants Mianserin Citaloprame Nortryptyline Amitriptyline
Moclobemid Fluoxetine Paroxetine Doxepine
Sertraline Fluvoxamine Trimipramine
Antipsychotics Chlorprotixen Quetiapine Promazine Clozapine
Haloperidol Olanzapine Thioridazine
Antidiabetic agents Glibenclamide
Anxiolytics and sedative drugs Clomethiazole Diazepame
Nitrazepam Flunitrazepame
Oxazepam Phenobarbital
Cardiovascular agents Amlodipin Digitoxin
Atenolol Digoxin
Bumetamide furosemide
Miscellaneous Alimemazin, Lansoprazole Ranitidine Emepronium
Allopurinol, Theophylline Oxybutinine
Atorvastatin, Ipratropium

162 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81:160e165. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.186239

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Research paper

Table 2 Demographic and clinical characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients at baseline
PD patients receiving
PD patients not receiving agents with AA Degree(s) p
Baseline characteristic agents with AA n[133 n[102 Test of freedom Value
Female n (%) 66 (49.6) 55 (53.9) Pearson c2¼0.427 1 0.301
Age (years) 74.2 (9.07) 75.28 (7.34) ANOVA; F¼2.561 1; 233 0.105
Duration of PD (years) 8.32 (5.41) 10.62 (6.04) ANOVA; F¼0.724 1; 233 0.396
Education (years) 9.5 (3.2) 8.7 (2.4) <0.05
MontgomeryeÅsberg depression rating scale score* 6 (5.25) 9 (9.25) <0.001
Major depression, n (%)y 5 (3.9) 13 (12.9) 0.013
Mini-Mental State Examination score* (range) 28 (4) (0 to 30) 25 (7) (0 to 30) 0.001
Dementia n (%) 29 (21.0) 33 (32.4) 0.074
Hoehn & Yahr stage* 2.5 (1) 3 (1.5) 0.001
AA, anticholinergic activity; ANOVA, analysis of variance.
*Numbers represent mean (SD) or median (interquartile range) (ManneWhitney test).
yData available for 228 subjects.

used agents is displayed in table 1. At baseline, 102 of the 235 at some point during the study are shown in table 4 . The median
patients (43.4 %) received at least one drug with AA. The most (IQR) change in MMSE over the full 8-year period in subjects
common drugs with AA were antidepressants (n¼84), cardio- who had used AA drugs at some point (n¼56) was 6.5 points
vascular agents (n¼80), anxiolytics and sedatives (n¼61), and (IQR 15.3), whereas those who had not used AA drugs at any
antipsychotics (n¼44). Seventy-two subjects (30.6%) were assessment (n¼20) declined by only 1 point (IQR 6.25). This
taking more than one AA drug (total range 0e5). A total of 75 difference was significant (ManneWhitney test z¼2.5,
subjects (74.5%) took psychotropics: 17 patients (16.7%) received p¼0.025). The correlation between total AA load during the
antidepressants only, five (4.9%) an antipsychotic only, 12 8 years (ie, sum of AA load at all three assessments) and the
(11.8%) an anxiolytic only and 41 (40.2%) a combination of change in MMSE score was significant (Spearman r¼0.32,
psychotropic and other AA drugs. Cholinesterase inhibitors were p¼0.004). In the linear regression analysis, after adjustment for
used by only three patients during the study period. gender, education, age and baseline Hoehn & Yahr stage scores at
The baseline characteristics of patients receiving drugs with baseline, the association between AA load and MMSE decline
AA at baseline and those without drugs are shown in table 2. was significant and remained significant after including baseline
Patients taking AA agents had significantly lower cognition MMSE and MADRS scores (b 0.162, SE 0.077, standardised
(median 25) and higher depression scores9 than those not taking b¼0.229, p¼0.040; total model F¼3.1, p¼0.010). Similarly, there
AA agents (28 and 6, respectively), whereas age, duration of PD, was a significant association between duration of use of AA
or severity of motor symptoms did not differ significantly. Total drugs and cognitive decline after adjustment for age, education,
AA load correlated significantly with MMSE (Spearman gender, baseline Hoehn and Yahr stage, and baseline MMSE
r¼0.205, p¼0.002) and MADRS (Spearman r¼0.321, p<0.001). and MADRS scores in a multivariate linear regression analysis
Using linear regression analysis, after adjusting for age and (b¼1.8, SE 0.9, standardised b 0.231, p¼0.032, total model F¼4.9,
gender, MADRS (standardised b 0.291, p<0.001) but not MMSE p<0.001).
score remained significantly associated with the AA load in
a linear regression analysis. DISCUSSION
We report a significant association between drugs with AA and
Longitudinal analyses the rate of cognitive decline in a large and community-based
Seventy-six of the 92 patients seen at 8-year follow-up cohort of patients with PD followed prospectively for 8 years.
completed an MMSE. The characteristics of those completing The rate of decline was 6.5 times higher in the group using such
MMSE at follow-up and those who did not are shown in table 3. drugs compared with those never taking drugs. Our finding of an
The characteristics at follow-up of those who had used AA or not association between cognition and estimates of load and dura-
tion of AA drug use after adjustment for potential confounders
adds robustness to the findings and is consistent with studies in
Table 3 Demographic and clinical baseline characteristics of the general population. Emphasising the importance of the
Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients who did or did not complete 8 years’
PD patients PD patients Table 4 Clinical characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients at
completing not completing 8 years’ follow-up
follow-up follow-up p PD patients PD patients
Baseline characteristic (n[78) (n[157) Value not receiving receiving
Clinical feature at agents with agents with p
Female n (%) 42 (53.8) 79 (50.3) 0.6
8-year follow-up AA (n[20) AA (n[56) Value*
Age (years) 68.7 (8.4) 77.7 (6.5) 0.000
Duration of PD (years) 8.9 (4.8) 9.1 (6.2) 0.7 MontgomeryeÅsberg depression 5 (3.0) 8.5 (12.75) 0.31
rating scale score (n¼61)
Education (years) 9.6 (3.3) 9.0 (2.8) 0.14
MMSE score 28 (9) 21 (16) 0.002
MontgomeryeÅsberg depression 6 (7) 7 (7) 0.16
rating scale score* MMSE decline 1 (6.75) 6.5 (15.25) 0.025
Mini-Mental State Examination score* 29 (3) 26 (8.3) 0.000 Dementia n (%) 6 (30.0) 36 (64.3) 0.013
Dementia n (%) 4 (5.1) 58 (36.9) 0.000 Hoehn & Yahr stage 2.5 (1) 3 (1.8) 0.000
Hoehn & Yahr stage* 2.5 (1.5) 3 (1.5) 0.000 All values are median (interquartile range).
AA, anticholinergic activity; MMSE, mini-mental state examination.
*Numbers represent median (interquartile range) (ManneWhitney test). *ManneWhitney U test.

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finding to the population of people with PD, at baseline, more commonly used AA drugs in this study. However, it is highly
than 40% used at least one drug with AA. unlikely, for ethical reasons, that randomised trials with drugs
The additional finding of an association between AA drug use with anticholinergic effects will be performed to clarify these
and depression at baseline is in line with previous studies issues.
reporting an association between cholinergic deficit in Lewy Since a relationship between cognitive impairment and drugs
body diseases with depression.3 However, although this associ- with anticholinergic properties has been discussed for many
ation remained significant after adjustment for age and gender, it years based on findings in non-PD cohorts, clinicians might also
is possible that it is entirely due to antidepressant drugs being have reduced the anticholinergic load in patients with emerging
given to patients with more severe depression. Similarly, an cognitive decline, which would have attenuated any relationship
uneven distribution of other psychopathologies, some of which between cognitive impairment and AA drugs. Finally, MMSE is
may be associated with cognitive impairment in PD, and not a very sensitive measure of cognitive impairment in PD.32
frequently treated with drugs with AA effects, might also have This strengthens the finding of the observed association between
influenced the findings. A recent trial with nortriptyline, a tricy- AA and cognitive impairment, and an even stronger association
clic antidepressant with AA, demonstrated superior efficacy over might have been observed if more sensitive cognitive measure-
placebo, with no worsening of cognition.25 Our findings, ments had been applied.
however, suggest marked long-term cognitive effects of drugs Strengths of the study include the large and community-based
with AA which may offset the positive effect on mood. Clinical cohort and the long, prospective follow-up period. Standardised
judgement is required to solve this dilemma. clinical assessments were performed, and the diagnosis of PD
There are several potential mechanisms for a more rapid was made by movement-disorder specialists, according to oper-
decline in PD patients taking AA drugs. First, cholinergic activity ationalised criteria. Patients were continually followed by
is reduced in PD.2 Cholinergic activity enhances attentional a study neurologist during the observation period, which
processes and other cognitive functions,6 and drugs with anti- increases the accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of PD. In addition,
cholinergic effects induce impairments in various cognitive a subset of patients have come to autopsy with confirmation of
domains including memory22 and language.21 Stimulation of the diagnosis in all cases.16
cholinergic circuits seem to increase cerebral perfusion, and thus A further strength is the detailed assessment of the anticho-
cholinergic blockade may cause neurovascular dysregulation and linergic load, taking into account both the duration and total
worsen cognition.26 dosage, and including not only the well-known drugs such as
In addition, there is convincing evidence linking muscarinic tricyclic antidepressants and neuroleptics, but also other drugs
receptor activity to the processing of amyloid precursor protein in associated with such effects. There is no universally accepted
animal models, with stimulation of muscarinic receptors method yet to assess and quantify the anticholinergic burden.
increasing non-amyloidogenic processing.27 This might explain Older measures of anticholinergic medication exposure were
the findings that drugs with anticholinergic effects were associ- developed based on clinical experience and knowledge of the
ated with more severe amyloid plaques,27 and conversely that pharmacological properties of the medications drawn from the
cholinergic drugs may reduce cortical amyloid load.28 There is literature.33 34 Serum radioreceptor assay quantifying the drug
also evidence that activitation of muscarinic receptors may induced muscarinic blockade has been used to detect serum
prevent tau phosphorylation,24 which may explain the findings AA.35 36 However, serum AA may reflect primarily the peripheral
of increased neurofibrillar tangles after anticholinergic treatment endogenous and exogenous AA and may be less representative for
in PD27 and neuroleptic treatment in dementia with Lewy the anticholinergic effects on brain and cognition.37 We used
bodies.29 There is also preliminary evidence linking muscarinic a recently published classification that takes into account the
receptor activation to the processing of a-synuclein,30 the key dose-dependent anticholinergic properties of the drugs, since
protein in the pathogenesis of PD and the main substrate under- higher doses than the clinically relevant doses may be required for
lying cognitive decline in PD.16 In addition, cholinergic deficits some drugs to induce anticholinergic effects.5 We slightly modi-
have been reported to be associated with reduced neurogenesis.23 fied the scale by also including drugs which were not included
There are methodological limitations that need to be consid- previously, after independent assessment by two of the authors.
ered when interpreting these findings. First, due to the long A limitation with this method was that dosage and duration of
testeretest interval, there was a high attrition due to death, and treatment are not taken into account.
some of the survivors could not provide adequate scores on tests In conclusion, we found that drugs with anticholinergic
such as MMSE and MADRS. Since dementia is associated with properties are commonly administered to patients with PD, and
mortality in PD, this may have introduced a selection bias. In that the number and treatment treatment duration of drugs
addition, the long interval increased the likelihood that changes with AA seem to be associated with more rapid cognitive
in drug treatment relevant to the study would go undetected. impairment. These findings have implications for the manage-
Second, since this was a naturalistic study, and patients were not ment of PD patients, since avoiding such drugs may avoid
randomised to AA treatment, the groups taking AA drugs may increasing progression of cognitive decline, and highlight the
have differed from those not taking such drugs. As discussed need for continued physician education to ensure avoidance of
above, it is possible that patients who were already on a steeper inadvertent prescription of such drugs.
trajectory of cognitive decline, due to coexisting psychopa-
Funding The study was funded by the Stavanger Hospital Trust, Norway. UE was
thology or dementia, were more likely to be prescribed AA drugs. supported by a grant from Helse Vest, Norway. The funders had no role in the planning
However, there were no differences in the motor symptoms or of the study or interpretation of the results.
age at baseline. Depression was, however, more severe in those Competing interests None.
with AA at baseline. This might have influenced the finding,
since depression has been found in some studies to be associated Ethics approval Ethics was approved by the Regional Committees for Medical and
Health Research Ethics (REK), Western Norway.
with increased cognitive decline.31 However, we have not found
such an association in our longitudinal studies.17 This aspect is Patient consent Obtained.
further complicated by antidepressants being one of the most Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

164 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81:160e165. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.186239

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J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81:160e165. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2009.186239 165

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Use of drugs with anticholinergic effect and

impact on cognition in Parkinson's disease:
a cohort study
Uwe Ehrt, Karl Broich, Jan Petter Larsen, et al.

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010 81: 160-165 originally published

online September 21, 2009
doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2009.186239

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