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Name: Mandar B.


Roll no.: 20MBAMM089

PRN: 1062201051

Subject: Marketing Research (Case Study - 2)

Q1. Critically examine the methodology of the above case study.


• The sample population of the survey is very small in compare to the total number of customer
base in that segment.
• The method they used in the survey is very difficult to process, because it is a very tedious
process to note every purchase activity and TV viewing and cinema going activity. Even
sometimes some housewives could be forget to record their purchase and TV viewing and
cinema going activity.
• The area which is selected in the survey is very limited because in India there so many cities
which holds the upper middle class customer base.
• The characteristics which are considered in the survey process is very narrow and also the
criteria of sample population.
• Range of the purchased products and TV viewing time duration is little bit less for the analysis

Q2. How would you ensure the maintenance of panel continuity?

Ans. The research process was longitudinal. In this survey, study was done on the market media by the
consumer panel. The survey was conducted in 4 metropolitan cities which are Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata,
Chennai. The population sample divided into 4 groups. Each group contains 750 population sample
which 3000 in total. Which was a quite good number of population to study. The criteria of sample
population was decided on the basis of age and income of the housewives.

So, to maintain the panel continuity, they should increase sample population from 750 to 800 or 850
from each city. Because, if we consider some of sample population will shift from the current city to
another then it will affect the calculations. So, by increasing population sample we can neglect 5%-10%
error in the calculations.
Q3. What in general, are the major limitations of a panel study?

Ans. The case has some limitations which make the survey very narrow.

• The area of survey should not be bounded in just 4 metropolitan cities. The survey should be
conducted in more cities like Pune, Nagpur, etc. Because, this type of cities also have very large
number of upper middle class housewives.
• The panel should add more characteristics than the characteristics given in the case. Because
every aspect affects on the purchasing behaviour positively as well as negatively.
• The number of sample population should be more, because, more data can help to understand
the buying behaviour of the customers in depth.
• Also, they need to focus on working women in upper middle class. Because, they also decide
which product should be suitable for their family and which not.
• They should change their way of conducting data from the population. It very difficult to
maintain purchase record and TV or cinema viewing record in two different diaries.

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