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SEPTEMBER 29, 2021

Entertainment & Promotional Features

lifestyle 05

Understanding bad How can regular exercise

influence cholesterol ?
Regular walking, wogging,
jogging, swimming, etc are
excellent for a healthy heart
Busting heart-related myths
if they experience any of
these symptoms.
and heart attack are the

and good cholesterol and to reduce the level of bad

cholesterol and increase the
level of good cholesterol.
Follow these points for good
heart health and to keep your
cholesterol levels in check:
What are some tips for
everyday cardiac care?
How often should a
person visit a cardiologist
for regular check-up?
What are early indicators
of a heart attack?
Pressure, tightness, pain, a
squeezing or aching
sensation in your chest or
t is vital to understand the supply to the tissues. High What is the relationship l Say no to stress, smoking, Snap out of a sedentary arms that may spread to

I effects of cholesterol. In
fact, cholesterol is just one
of the many substances
created and used by our body
to keep us healthy. It promotes
levels of bad cholesterol
and low levels of good
cholesterol HDL (high density
lipoproteins) may be
responsible for premature
between cholesterol and
Excessive alcohol intake can
raise bad cholesterol,
triglycerides and may cause
sedentary lifestyle, saturated
fat, excess alcohol, salt, sugar
l Practice heart-friendly
exercises for 30 minutes daily
l Do not eat junk or fried food; Dr Aparna Jaswal PHOTO: HTCS
lifestyle, exercise regularly
and consume healthy fats.
Do not smoke, maintain a
healthy weight. Reduce
alcohol intake and have a
your neck, jaw or back.
Symptoms also include
nausea, indigestion,
heartburn or abdominal
pain, shortness of breath,
synthesis of cell membranes heart attack in the younger high blood pressure or heart include more nuts, fruits and low salt and low sugar diet. cold sweat, fatigue and
and hormones. Unfortunately, population, especially those attack. Also, tobacco vegetables in your diet ere are some Keep stress under control, lightheadedness or
cholesterol does not get
processed in a beneficial way
every time. In other words,
elevated levels of bad
cholesterol is a major risk
who are obese with pot belly
(>90cm in men and >80cm in
women), in hypertensives,
diabetics and smokers.
consumption in any form
raises bad cholesterol, even
LDL and triglycerides, lowers
the level of HDL. HDL level
decline is greater in women
l To be cholesterol fit, ensure
you are adequately hydrated
l Manage anger to enhance
heart health. Also, cope with
stress by practising all eight
H important points to
keep in mind, for a
healthy life ahead.

What’s the contribution of

get regular check-ups done.

What are some common

myths related to cardiac
health and age?
sudden dizziness.

How can one take care of

themselves to reduce the
chances of a heart attack?
factor for the rising epidemic What are the normal and smokers, as compared to men. limbs of yoga and meditation. female cardiologists in the • I am too young to worry Do not smoke. Control your
of heart attack, brain attack, etc risk levels of cholesterol? l Eat the right food at the right field of medicine ? about heart disease. blood pressure and
in our country. Covid-19 is pro- Normal range of blood How are age and stress time, place, in the right dose In a field that is typically •I would know if I had high cholesterol levels. Check for
thrombotic, pro-inflammatory cholesterol is 150-250 mg/dl. Dr HK Chopra PHOTO: HTCS related to cholesterol? and the right environment dominated by men, blood pressure, because and manage diabetes. Get
and pro-immunogenic. These Ideally, blood cholesterol in an Any kind of stress may raise l Get annual health check-up pioneering women have there would be warning regular physical exercise.
factors are responsible for adult should be < 130 mg/dL, two times more vulnerable to bad cholesterol. Also, as age done after the age of 30 brought innovation and signs. And it’s okay to have Maintain a healthy weight.
severity and mortality, more so LDL cholesterol levels atherosclerosis than those with advances, it enhance vascular l Optimise your heart-mind diversity to cardiovascular higher blood pressure when Eat a heart-healthy diet.
for those with underlying < 70 mg/dL, triglyceride level < lower levels. Regular exercise, age and raises bad cholesterol. connection for a more medicine, enriching heart you are older. Control your stress levels.
comorbidities. 130mg/dl, VLDL level < 30 mg/ healthy diet, reduced alcohol And after menopause, bad healthy heart health and patient care. •I can lower risk of heart Adhere to your medications
The theme of World Heart dl, HDL cholesterol levels > 40 intake, fenofibrate may be cholesterol level becomes high l Follow 3Ms (mindfulness, Though half of all medical disease with vitamins and and maintain regular
Day this year is ‘Use your heart mg/dl in males and > 50 mg/dl recommended to reduce and good cholesterol low. meditation and medication) students and over 40% of supplements. If I have heart contact with your doctor.
to connect to healthy choices in females. The cholesterol/ triglyceride levels. l Please take statins with your internal medicine residents disease, I should eat as little The author of the article is
digitally to improve awareness, HDL ratio should be < 4, LDL/ What is the recommended doctor’s advise are women, the number of fat as possible. Dr Aparna Jaswal, MD
prevention and treatment’. HDL ratio should be < 3. LPa What about fats? protocol for lipid profile The author of the article is women in cardiology •I will know when I am (Internal Medicine), DNB
Healthy heart is not by chance, level should be < 30 mg/dL, Saturated fats are solid at room check after the age of 30? Dr HK Chopra, senior remains abysmally low. It is having a heart attack, cardiology gold medallist,
it is by choice. non-HDL < 130 mg/dL, temperature. They are found in Lipid profile should be checked consultant cardiologist, important to increase because I will have chest Certified Cardiac Device
Apolipoprotein A1 .89 -.1.86,g/l fats of animal origin such as on a yearly basis after 30 and Medanta Moolchand Heart representation of women pain. And diabetes won’t Specialist (CCDS), Fellow of
What is cholesterol? What Apolipoprotein B .45 -.1.69 g/l beef, butter, cream. Coconut every six months after 55. It Institute, chairman CME, in subspeciality. threaten my heart as long as Heart Rhythm Society, USA,
are the types and risks? (>LDLC-Non HDLC) oil, though of plant origin, is can be individualised on Moolchand Medcity, Delhi, I take my medication. Fellow of American College
Cholesterol is a waxy, soft, Apolipoprotein < 90 mg/dL, solid at room temperature and doctor’s advise and an chairman, World Wellness What are some common •Heart disease runs in my and Cardiology, IBHRE –
fat-like substance found in all Remnant Cholesterol .4-.5 has high saturated fat content. individual’s comorbidities. Foundation, WHA, country heart-related post-Covid family, so there is nothing I HRS – world ambassador,
body cells, and is essential for mmol/L (total cholesterol- High intake of saturated fat head, AHA, former national conditions and can do to prevent it. I do not director cardiologist, Dept of
life. However, high levels of LDL-HDL). Increase in levels of spikes cholesterol. On the What is the role of diet in president, CSI and IAE, former precautions to be taken? need to have my cholesterol Cardiac Pacing and
bad cholesterol such as total these lipoproteins may contrary, unsaturated fats are reducing cholesterol? national editor-in-chief, IHJ, Severe fatigue is common level checked until I am Electrophysiology, Fortis
cholesterol (CH), triglycerides increase risk of heart attacks. liquid at room temperature. Reduce fat intake, so that less JIAE, editor-in-chief, Top 10 after Covid-19. Many people middle-aged. Escorts Heart Institute,
(TG), low density lipoproteins Sources of polyunsaturated than 10% of total calories Textbooks of Cardiology, experience shortness of •Heart failure means heart Okhla Road, New Delhi;
(LDL) LPa, remnants How is high triglyceride fats are plants such as comes from saturated fat and chief advisor, heath breath, chest pain or stops beating. My heart is Call: 9818797594; Email ID:
cholesterol, Apolipoprotein A1, level harmful to the body? sunflower, corn and soyabean. 10% from polyunsaturated fats. committee, SCOPE; palpitations. Any of these beating really fast, I must be
Apolipoprotein B, may lead to The source of triglycerides is Consumption of Eat more nuts, vegetables and. Email: problems could be related to having a heart attack!
premature hardening of the diet. If high, it may be an polyunsaturated fat oils One can have chicken and fish, the heart, but they could •I should avoid exercise Disclaimer: The veracity of any
arteries in the heart, brain, independent risk factor for lowers cholesterol level. no red meat. Avoid egg yolk, Disclaimer: The veracity of any also be due to other factors, after having a heart attack. health claim made in the above
peripheral arteries, aorta, heart attack and brain attack. Monounsaturated fats are in opt for egg white. Ditch junk, health claim made in the above including the aftermath of •I have smoked for years, article is the responsibility of the
kidney arteries, etc. Narrowing Individuals with high levels of olive, peanut, avocado oil, and deep-fried food such as article is the responsibility of the being very ill, prolonged there is no point stopping concerned hospital/doctor
of the arteries reduces blood triglycerides (> 200 mg/dl) are lowers cholesterol levels. samosa, cutlets, etc. concerned hospital/doctor inactivity and spending now. Heart disease only
weeks convalescing in bed. really affects men.
One must see a cardiologist, •Cardiac arrest

Today, on World Heart Day,

experts share tips to improve
A HEALTHY HEART, cardiovascular health and
keep ailments at bay



For acute heart attack, Tackling early onset of

best option is complete cardiovascular disease
Why are heart revascularisation ardiovascular disease is one of

problems increasing in cute heart attack or appearance during coronary C the most common causes of
death and disability in India.
We Indians are prone to heart

younger age group? A ST-segment

infarction remains the
biggest killer on the planet.
angiography. The reason
may be that in the setting of
an acute heart attack, FFR
may be underestimating the
physiological ramifications
disease due to genetic predisposition
and rampant prevalence of risk
factors such as diabetes, high blood
pressure and tobacco consumption.
The disease is characterised by its
he untimely death lung cancer. But, did you More people succumb to an of a blocked artery. premature occurrence; around 50%

T of TV celebrities
in the past few
months has left
everyone in a state of
shock. Heart attack,
know it also makes you
more likely to have a
heart attack?
Every cigarette you
smoke makes you more
acute heart attack in a year
than diabetes, hypertension,
cancer or lung disease. More
importantly, Covid-19 isn’t
one of the biggest killers.
Currently, the take home
message, hence, should be
that stenting of both the
culprit and the non-culprit
vessel should be done either
heart attack patients are less than 50
years old, and 25% are less than 40.
A study says people born after 1970
are more prone to heart disease due
to less sensitive attitude towards risk
cardiac arrest and other prone to heart disease. In the event of a heart in the same hospital setting factors. India, we say, is a country of
cardiovascular diseases Roughly one out of five attack, one artery supplying or within one-and-a-half young with 65% population below 50 Dr Manoj Kumar PHOTO: HTCS
are a major concern deaths from heart disease blood to the heart is months of the heart attack, if years of age. But, are we healthy?
around the world. But is directly related to completely blocked, that is, Dr Deepak Natarajan the non-culprit artery is 70% Heart diseases, as much as we take Certain steps that can help reduce
recently, a rising number smoking. People who 100% occluded. There are PHOTO: HTCS or more blocked, regardless into account all factors, are majorly the chances of heart attacks are:
of cardiovascular issues smoke are two to four usually three coronary of ischemia. because of our bad habits. This l Will power: People need to be
among the younger times more likely to get arteries supplying blood to vessel alone. The composite But, in case the non- means our poor lifestyle choices, strong to make lifestyle changes
population is being heart disease. The risk is the heart. The artery that of death and myocardial culprit vessel has a block of including diet, smoking, alcohol l Smoking: Quit smoking; it’s the
diagnosed and reported. even greater for women gets totally blocked is infarction was reduced from 50% to 69%, the patient consumption, etc. Our urban biggest risk factor for heart attack
Young people these who smoke and also take termed the culprit artery. 10.5% to 7.8% in a follow-up should be assessed for youngsters have an irregular lifestyle, l Right diet: By consuming fresh
days start gymming birth control pills. The best treatment for an of three years. The trial was ischemia by FFR after a with high stress of meeting targets on fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole
without a pre-cardiac Cigarette smoke is also acute heart attack is to get to published in the New month of the index time. They are not giving enough greens, we can reduce the risk of
check-up. At the gym, bad for the people the closest hospital with a England Journal of Medicine procedure. In case there is a time to their bodies to recover from cardiovascular disease by 62-85%.
they do weight training, around you, as passive cath lab at the earliest; time in September 2019. block in the non-culprit daily stress. Beans, other low-fat sources of
which increases the smoking can also cause saved is heart muscle saved. The decision to stent the artery of less than 50%, Modifiable reasons for increasing protein and certain types of fish can
thickness of the heart. heart disease and lung The blocked artery needs non-culprit vessel was taken treatment is medical heart attacks in young include: also reduce risk of heart disease.
They do treadmill work cancer in people who treatment with coronary if it was blocked 70% or management by pills. l Diabetes: It is one of the biggest risk Healthy fats from plant-based
out, cross training; some don’t smoke. Dr Subrat Akhoury angioplasty and stenting to more, and if the blockage Crucially, the patient factors, majorly caused by dietary sources such as avocado, nuts,
even take supplements, Around 80% of restore blood flow to the ranged between 50% to 69%, must get to the closest choices such as exposure and olives and olive oil can help your
which are not good premature heart attacks l Sedentary lifestyle – dying cells. stenting was done when the heart hospital as quickly as access to ultra-processed food, heart by lowering the bad type of
and can cause damage to and strokes are Exercise In some patients, another fractional flow reserve (FFR) possible. sedentary lifestyle and decreased cholesterol.
the heart, leading to preventable. Healthy diet, The author of this article coronary artery may also was below 0.80. Usage of The author of the article is physical activity l Diabetes screening: Keep your
arrhythmia. So, it is regular physical activity is Dr Subrat Akhoury, be blocked. This is the non- FFR in the cath lab confirms Prof Dr Deepak Natarajan, l Smoking blood sugar levels under control
always advisable to go for and not using tobacco director — cath lab, culprit artery. It was whether a 50% to 69% block MBBS, MD (Medicine), l Hypertension l Hypertension: Ensure blood
regular health check-ups products are key to interventional cardiologist believed earlier that the is actually producing DM (Cardiology), chief of l Obesity pressure is in the range of 120/80
after the age of 35. prevention. Checking and and head (Unit-I), Asian union culprit vessel is best schema in the heart muscle cardiology, principal director, l Alcohol consumption l Exercise: Workout daily without fail
However, there are controlling risk factors Institute of Medical left alone during the index being supplied by the Cardiac Sciences, Supreme l Lack of fruit and vegetable intake for at least 30 minutes
many other factors also for heart disease and Sciences, Delhi-NCR, procedure. But, a large non-culprit vessel. Hospital, Charmwood l Too much time sitting at one place The author of the article is
that cause cardiovascular stroke such as high blood Sec 21 A, Badhkal Flyover randomised trial, the This year, another big Village, Sector 39, Faridabad, l High cholesterol Dr Manoj Kumar, senior director and
diseases, such as pressure, cholesterol and Road, Faridabad; COMPLETE trial, including randomised trial from Haryana - 121009; HOD – cath lab, Max Superspeciality
smoking, drinking high blood sugar or Call: 0129-4253000; over 4,000 patients with France that included more Call: 7290021726 SOLUTION Hospital, Patparganj, New Delhi
alcohol, unhealthy eating diabetes is also very acute heart attack, showed than 1,100 acute heart The solution lies in the reasons itself.
habits and patterns, important. that opening up both the patients, documented that Disclaimer: The veracity of any Young people are fortunate that if Disclaimer: This initiative is undertaken in
stress, family history and Follow 5 S programme: Disclaimer: The veracity of culprit and the non-culprit using FFR for a non-culprit health claim made in the above they can change their lifestyle, the the public interest. The information is only
sedentary lifestyle. You l Smoke – No any health claim made in the artery provided significantly vessel having 50-69% block article is the responsibility of the chances of progression of heart suggestive for patient education and shall
probably know that l Salt – No extra above article is the better clinical outcomes did not provide a clinical concerned hospital/doctor for disease and eventually heart attacks not be considered as a substitute for
cigarette smoking causes l Sugar – Control responsibility of the than treating the culprit advantage over visual more information comes down multifold, compared to doctor’s recommendations or advice. Please
breathing problems and l Stress – Control concerned hospital/doctor middle-aged and the elderly. consult your doctor for more information

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