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This little book by the British military historian, Charles Oman,

England and the 100 years' War

England and the 100 years' War Sir Charles Oman

begins with the accession of the warrior king, Edward III, to the
English throne in 1327 and ends with the downfall of Richard III
at Bosworth Field in 1485. By carrying the story of the Hundred
Years' War through the Wars of the Roses, Oman portrays this era
of battle and plague within the larger context of the dynastic
struggles and civil wars which destabilized England and left
France vulnerable to invasion and conquest. Summary by Pamela

Read by Pameli Nagami Total running time: 5:52:12

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Sir Charles Oman

distributed, or modified without permission. For more

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Cover picture Siege of Orleans (Vigiles de Charles VII 15 th
century). Copyright expired in U.S., Canada, EU. and all countries
with author’s life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Annise This
design is in the public domain.

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