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NAME ____________________________________________________ NUMBER ____________________

CLASS _______________________ Teacher ____________________ DATE _______________________
Enc. Educ. ________________________________________________ SCORE _____
(Time 30 minutes)


Read the text.

It’s a little-known fact that most magazines and newspapers depend on the money they get from advertising.
In fact, some make more money from selling advertising space than they do from customers buying the
publication in newsagents. However, this makes it easy for advertisers to influence newspapers.

For instance, a company can threaten to stop advertising if the newspaper prints a negative story about it.
The loss of this money can seriously harm a small newspaper, or even make it go out of business. The result
is that many newspapers will not print negative stories about companies that advertise in them. Worse, some
companies use their advertising contract to put pressure on journalists to praise them and their products. In
other words, the whole newspaper becomes an advert! Because very big companies can afford to advertise
in all newspapers, it means that some news may simply never reach the public.

It’s difficult to know what to do about this problem. In our age of free, online news services it’s getting worse,
because newspapers find very difficult make money from sales. Of course, journalists need to be brave, but
readers have to be more aware of what’s going on. Why don’t you check for yourself? If a company has a
full-page ad in a newspaper, it’s unlikely you’ll read anything bad about it in the news pages!

A. Mark the sentences R (right), W (wrong), or DS (doesn’t say).

1 Most people understand the relationship 4 The Internet is helping newspapers

between advertisers and newspapers. _______ make money. _______
2 Some newspapers may choose to 5 Readers don’t like full-page ads. _______
report only some of the news. _______
3 Advertisers also influence TV channels. _______
Points ____
52 10
B. Complete the sentences.

1 Nowadays, it is from ______________________ 4 There is a danger that because of advertising

that publications make the most money. pressure _______________________ turns into
2 Some companies may ____________________ an advert.
if they don’t like the stories a publication prints. 5 Journalist need to have more courage and
3 If a small publication loses a lot of money it can readers should ______________ of the problem.
_____________________________________ .

Points ____
52 10

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


C. Choose the correct answer.

1 It’s an old form of advertising, but you can still 4 I wouldn’t want to be in her gloves/shoes right
see people with sandwich boards/SMS adverts now.
in some cities. 5 Come on, let’s roll our hats/sleeves up and get
2 Advertisers can influence/encourage the way down to work!
we make decisions.
3 Writing a TV ad/radio ad is a challenge as it can
only use voices, music and sound effects.

Points ____
52 10

D. Fill in: store, stuck, measures, station and logo.

1 Sometimes a jingle from an ad gets 4 The government wants to take ______________

___________________ in my head for days. that will reduce the amount of advertising.
2 The new department ___________________ 5 We need to stop at the petrol _______________
has a great menswear section. to fill up the car.
3 They have a tree with purple leaves as their
company ___________________.
Points ____
52 10


E. Fill in: asked, suggested, said, explained and told.

1 “I don’t have a smartphone,” said James. 4 “This is how the printer works,” Ian said to Ben
James __________________ me that he didn’t Ian __________________ to Ben how the printer
have a smartphone. worked.

2 “Go and get my glasses for me, please,” Monica 5 “I’m just going out for a minute.”
said to Bert. He __________________ that he was just going
Monica __________________ Bert to go and get out for a minute.
her glasses for her.

3 “It might be better if you clean the screen,” said

Abby __________________ cleaning the Points ____
screen. 52 10

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F. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1 “What kind of smartphone do you have?” Paul 4 “You need to turn the handle to the left for the
asked Lucy. door to open,” John said to Frank.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________

2 “Stop that noise now!” she said to her brother. 5 “Why don’t we all go to the new Indian restaurant
_______________________________________ tonight?” Mina said.
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
3 “Please come early for the charity run,” Mike said
to us.
Points ____
52 10


G. Write a description of your favourite gadget for a technology blog (80-100 words). Your answer should
include the following:

● a description of the gadget ● any downsides the gadget has

● what you use it for ● your recommendation


Points ____

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