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“No Don’t Left me Love please.” said angel.

(Angel tightly

“Fall in love with the snatcher”. hug Jc)

Jc suddenly cried and saying “You know Angel im so being
proud of you because you change me, you change me from
a criminal person to a good person, I remember the day
that I snatch you bag, and you chasing me, because you
Writer: Caesar John P Sobrevega
want to take back your bag on me, I don’t know why I
doing that.. but the time you chase me and you kick my
back and I suddenly tumbled, that day is the most
memorable moment I will not forget”, said Jc.
“Angel you know how much I love you, but…” said Jc.
“Memorable moment? Ah maybe you mean the memorable
“but what? Jc you know how much I love you too, and I day you been refer is the time you snatch my bag?”, replied
will fight you no matter what, just like you always do on angel.
me, you always cared of me, that’s why I quickly fall in love “No, I didn’t regret that day because that day I snatch you
on you” replied angel. bag.. I could actually think because the time I snatch your
“But you cheating on me, why? Is it because Im so loved bag….you snatch my heart too, but there so many such
you? You have a strength to play my feelings? Because you thing that we can’t actually know that would be happened
know that I can’t leave you”, replied Jc. likes this.. you’re fooling me then I didn’t know”, said Jc on
“Im so sorry Jc… this will not be happened again love just Angel.
forgive me, and I promise I will change” said Angel. “Maybe I’m Plutonium, because the time I snatch your bag
“You always said that Angel Im being stupid, Im tired you can say that im one of the most dangerous person
Angel im so sorry, I will not forget you I love you angel”,
sadly said of Jc.
you’ve ever encounter, but you are my hydrogen; you father after a week, she was so mourned that time, because she
purified me’’, said Jc didn’t know how can she start her every day without her
parents, she always sad every day.
(what could possibly happen on their relationship?, did Jc
She became irresponsible, because of the tragedy that
change her decision? or he just give up
happens on her life, she neglected all of legacy that their
parents left on her, it gradually exhausted, she didn’t know
Let’ see what’s happening on them…
what to do, she thinking a plan how can she correct all of her
fault, all of her shortcoming.

“Ha...what should I do, how can I retrieve my

shortcomings that I do” she thinking deeply, and asked
herself at the same time.

Chapter 1 “Maybe I should ask for her help, I remember that

(Meet Angel Marie Walton) my mom tell to me that I had a relative on the Philippines,

Angel was a beautiful and have a complexion skin, she maybe I must call them for help’’. She called their relatives,

is a noble daughter in US, their family had been said as the in the help of the calling card given by her parents, before they

most powerful, rich and dominant influencer in the US, in the died.

reason that their family can do anything in the power of money, Toot…Toot…. the telephone ringing. ‘’Hello Auntie’’ said
Angel was spoiled by her parents that all of their want can give angel. “Who are you?” calmly replied of her auntie
by her parents.
“I’m angel auntie, I am the daughter of your Sister,
Years past angel’s parent have been suffered on the Victorina Walton”.
serious illnesses, after a month her mother was died, next his
“Angel I was waiting for your call, after I heard the news “Where’s your destination ma’am”, politely said of the taxi
that your parents are died, after your mother died she said driver
that I should take care of you, and I promise on her that I
“On Dasmarinas Village please”, replied angel on the taxi
will take care of you, so you better go back on the
Philippines, you can stay here, together with your cousins,
arrange your baggage go back on the Philippines okay?’’, “Okay”, said of the taxi driver

replied by her Auntie. A while ago…

Angel go back on the Philippines as early just like her Gosh is it the Manila? It’s been a year, maybe decades?
auntie said.. as she’s on the plane there’s a tears and fear on her Since I saw Manila.. maybe I can say that Manila was
face, she didn’t expect that this would be happened on her, growing up in the helped of the workers of course together
almost all legacy that their parent give on her suddenly gone. with the government of the Philippines”. Wonderment said

“Hays how can I start my day without my mom and dad.. angel on herself as she viewing the sunset.

its fresh to me since the day they left me what should I do After a while
please God help me to escape on this sad things that
“Is it their house? Wow it looks like a mansion like our
happened on me”, said angel on herself.
house on State” amazed said of Angel.
After a day Angel was arrived on NAIA, she currently shocked
at the same time amaze, because it’s been a long time ago since
the last she saw this airport.

She was looking for a taxi… after a while ago she saw a taxi
and she took it.
"Chlorde? is this you, you’re so tall, the last I saw you
you’re a little boy, but this time...look your absolute a
teenager'', said of Angel on his cousin.
Chapter 2 "Let's go inside ate, mommy is waiting on you", said Angel
"Where's your ate Kaye? " asked angel.
(Meet Villaluna Family) "Tskk...she's still sleep, because she's tired doing her

As she walking on the gate of the mansion she saw a doorbell homework overnight", said Chlorde on her cousin.
and she pushed it, So Angel together with her cousin go inside the mansion to

"Villaluna residence, who are you miss?" said of the guard meet her Antie.
on the gate
After a while…
"I am the nephew of Mrs Villaluna, My name Angel Marie
“Wow…so elegant structures are on inside this house
Walton", replied of Angel on the guard.
Chlorde I think every vase on this house is so expensive like
"I’m sorry ma'am pleased come in...let's go come in, your
a Gold”, the wonderment said of angel.
Auntie was waiting on you inside", said of the guard on Angel.
“Definitely Ate because when my mom go outside the
As she nearly entering the house, she's so amazed on her
country she always buy antique furniture like vases; vases
Auntie's house, after a while ago she so a garden that full of
are one of the most favorite of mom because we have a
many kind of flowers, she want to get a flower on the garden
garden outside’’, replied of Chlorde on her cousin.
then suddenly someone hugged her tightly.
“Really?? Auntie loves vases?’’, said angel.
"Hi ate Angel I miss you so much, it’s been a long time ago
“Yeah”, replied Chlorde.
since we saw each other", said Chlorde to her cousin Angel.
“She’s always same as Mommy, they are really siblings”,
said Angel.
“Really?? Auntie Victorina likes vases too?..thats great”, “Its okay Chlorde just like I said its not your fault come on
replied Chlorde. lets go on Auntie, maybe she’s waiting us for a long time”,
Suddenly Angel remembered the days that her mom going gladly replied of Angel.
together with her to buy flowers, because her favorite flower is ”Oh sorry I forgot,yeah she’s waiting us on the kitchen,she
rose, her mom always buy her a bouquet of roses, as his cousin prepared a lot foods for your coming back Ate”, said
tell about the story tell by her mom about her Auntie, Angel Chlorde.
was sad, because the memories of her mom bringback, After A while Angel and Chlorde decide to go on Kitchen, just
suddenly a tear drop on eye going down on the floor, and she like Chlorde said that her mom was there.
starting cry. “Auntieeeee”, joyful said of Angel.
“Ate are you okay?”,said Chlorde. Angel hug her Auntie tightly.
“Ah Yeah don’t mind it…i-im just being sad for what “Angel its not to see you my nephew,look how pretty are
happened on my parents”,replied Angel. you?how’s your flight?”, asked of her Auntie.
“Im so sorry Ate, I don’t have intention to make you cry,im “it’s a long flight Auntie..whoohhh Auntie my body
sorry for what happened I promise I wouldn’t remind to changing on the temparature…maybe its time to adjust”,
you again..i mean the story of your mom with mom,sorry I stagy reply of Angel.
don’t know that i will offend you..sorry again couz”, sadly “You need to train your self on the climate that Philippines
say of Chlorde. have Angel”, said her Auntie.
“I wish and I hope Auntie”, replied of Angel.
“Sshhh Its not your fault Chlorde I just remember my “Don’t worry your room is aircondition, you don’t need to
mom,that’s it you don’t need apologized”, replied Angel. worried”, said her Auntie.
“Is that so ate? But again im sorry”, said Chlorde.
“By the way Auntie can I have I wish”, shyly said of Angel.
“Sure Angel anything you want,forgot that im your “Whooh siz don’t ask it,it was a long flight so tired”, replied
Auntie?’’, replied of her Auntie. of Angel.
“Thank you Auntie…Auntie my wish is I want to studied “The breakfast is ready guys let’s eat”, said Mrs Villaluna.
on the Philippines, may I”, asked Angel.
“Sure?!,why not Angel starting now you studied here on As they eating,they talked about the life of Angel when she
the Philippines together with your cousins”, said of her was on States,they talk a lot,suddenly Angel became sad as she
Auntie. tell her story,then her Auntie changed the conversation so
Angel was so happy, because she didn’t expect that her Angel would forgot her fast rather her Auntie start again the
Auntie allow her to studied on the Philippines, she actually conversation on her child’s life on the Philippines;about their
think that she stay on the Philippines to stay only. study,their hobbies,their favorite foods and their dreams.
“By the way Angel do you brought your papers?, I mean
your requirements on school just like I told you when you After a week
are in States’’, asked of her Auntie.“Yes Auntie can I forgot
that?of course not”. Replied Angel. It was the enrollment day where Angel and her cousin Kaye
“Since the summer was end, be prepared next week,next should go to school,to enroll.
week you should go with Kaye to help on your “Siz,may you come with me on Registrar “, wish of Angel
enrollment,okay?”, said her Auntie. “Sure why not,hahaha are u nervous?”, ridiculous asked of
“AnGELLLLLL”, shouted Kaye. Kaye.
Kaye run nearly on Angel to Hug her. After an hours Angel and Kaye was successfully enrolled.
“How are you siz,how’s your flight?”, repeated asked of “Siz do you come with me I go on Supermarket I just buy
Kaye. facial wash”, asked Kaye.
“I want to..but I have a lot to do siz,im sorry”, unhappy A young boy snatch her shoulderbag,she pursuited the man,she
reply of Angel. didn’t think what would be the possible happen when they
“Its okay Siz,don’t worry when I go home I buy your chasing the man.
favorite shawarma and milktea offcourse the frenchfries As she is running she saw a rock she quickly pick up the rock
too”, said Kaye. and aim to the man.
“Thank you siz”,happy replied of Angel. The man collapsed.
“So-sorry ms this is your bag,don’t hurt me please”,
“By the way siz where do not the same way,can you go begging of young boy.
home?”,worried of Kaye.
“Offcourse siz,I can go home alone”,replied of Angel. “Why you snatch my bag?!”, rage said of Angel.
“Take care of your self siz,bye”, reminder of Kaye. “Sorry miss actually its my first time to do this,in fact I
“Yez siz”,replied of Angel. don’t have intention to snatch your bag,I just need money
As Angel walk on the way she didn’t expect the next seen that to buy medicine for my mother”,
will happened. breathless reply of young boy.
To those who do not know,when Angel was on Highschool she
studied taekwando,she graduated as a black belter taekwando
member,and I can say a professional taekwando member.
Instead on become mad,angel have mercy on the young
boy,she help the young boy to get up and asked him.
“Really your mom is sick?”, asked of Angel.

Chapter 3 “Yeah,Im really really sorry miss,its not really my

intention,to snatch you bag”, begging of young boy.
(Wickedness turn to Goodness)
“don’t think about it,for now I just want to tell that after “Your welcome,just remember what I said,don’t ever ever
this happen I want to help you,so be thankful,next time I do this again”, replied by Angel.
don’t wanna see you grabbing other bags,may you promise “I’ll promise I wouldn’t do that again”, said of young boy.
that?”, said Angel. “By the way before we go on Pharmacy what’s your
“Pr-promise I would not do this again”, replied young boy. name?”,asked of Angel.
“What are you waiting for lets go?”, said Angel. “I-Im Jc and you are?”,dull said of Jc.
“Go?when?”, asked of young boy. “Im cutie”, replied by Angel.
“In the Pharmacy,you said that your mom have a sick so I “Cutie?really?”,asked of Jc.
think that your mom should drink medicine”, said Angel. “Just kidding im Angel,Angel marie walton”, ridiculous
“Embarrassing..miss but I would not lose this replied of Angel.
opportunity,again miss sorry,for what happened I’ll Jc and Angel decide to go on pharmacy to buy medicines for
promise I would not do this anymore,im so thankful to you jc’s mother.
because a girl that I do wickedness,I don’t expect that do to
me goodness’’, blessed reply of young boy. But concealed of her know,Angel didn’t know that Jc
“You know young boy its not talk about wickedness or lying on her,the truth jc don’t have a mother he was live
goodness,as long you have a good heart even you think so alone,so I introduce to you jc,he is a serial killer who rent by
many evil things,if your good heart and conscience still his/her many boss,maybe he is the dangerous person that angel
remain,promise in the end you choose to be good”, advice of would regret to meet but guess what will be the next possible
Angel. scene happened.
“Thank you miss,Im so blessed that I found a girl,what I As they walk on the way to go on pharmacy,Jc said he
mean I met a girl like you”, said of young boy. want to go on comfort room so Angel allow him to go on
comfort room,he didn’t expect that Jc plan to escape on her.
After a while… “Siz are you okay?”, worried of Kaye.
“Wheres Jc I thought he only go on comfort room”, “Yeah im alright”, reply of Angel.
wondered by Angel. “Siz if you have a problem I will be their on you
She didn’t know that Jc successfully escaped. always,remember that”,said of Kaye.
The days past Angel find Jc but she failed to find him. “Thank you siz,I’m just thinking’’, replied of Angel.
“Siz are you okay?”, asked Kaye. “Okay,Im leaving you,take a rest siz”, said Kaye.
“Yeah im okay,I just find someone”, replied Angel. “Thank you again siz,thanks for your concern”, replied of
And suddenly Angel was heared a news where a serial killer Angel.
killed a politician,based on the news a serial killer is a man but “Always welcome siz”, joyful said of Kaye.
negative on his fully identity,a serial killer was last seen on the After a days the serial killer continues to kill the authority was
subdivision where the congressman was living,he waited the failed to find the killer because the killer was slippy,so they
congressman and while the car of the congressman was organize a taskforced where who can handle the serial
outgoing the serial killer fire his gun aim on the killer,and they said that dead or alive the killer should be catch.
congressman,the congressman was killed,the authority was “Siz do you heard the news?”, worried of Kaye.
failed to find the serial killer,the serial killer quickly escaped “News?what news?”, replied of Angel.
on the subdivision,on the other hand Angel thinking who is the “Gosh siz the news about the serial killer,he continued
serial killer,she was foreboding if the serial killer was killing”,said Kaye.
Jc,madness?yeah,but she thinking if Jc is the serial killer “Where did you hear that?”, asked of Angel.
because the mold of body of jc was exactly on the body mold
of the serial killer,but she didn’t believing because she know “Lately in cafeteria,while Im buying Milktea I just heared
that Jc have a goodheart aldo he was suddenly dissappear that the news where he was involved.
time that they would buy medicine for his mother.
While Kaye telling the news about the serial killer Angel was After a months Angel don’t have any news about jc,she was
thinking again. worried,and wish that the killer wasn’t him.
“Is it him?no no no,is not him,he can’t do that,he was a “Toot-toot,toot-toot”,the phone is ringing.
good man”,said of Angel of herself Angel quickly pick up the phone.
“Siz,are you okay?”,asked of Kaye. “Whose this calling?”,asked of Angel.
“Yeah,im okay”,replied of Angel. “Angel is it you?”, said of familiar voice.
“Are you sure?what’s bothering on you?”, said Kaye. “Do I know you?your voice looks familiar,is it you
“Nothing im just curious on the serial killer”,answered of Jc?”,replied Angel.
Angel. “Yeah,it’s me Jc”,said of Caller.“How did you know my
“Serial killer?are you crazy siz?he is dangerous the you number?its a long time ago?what happen to you?where are
became curious on him?”,replied of Kaye. you going?are okay?”,repeated ask of Angel on Jc.
“What I mean,I wonder who is the killer,who is the face “It’s a long story,can we meet,I have something to tell
hidden on the mask,that’s it”,said Angel. you”,said Jc.
“Just forgot it siz,he was dangerous,we should avoid “Yes off course why not?tomorrow on the parkside,did you
him”,replied of Kaye. know that?”,replied of Angel.“Yeah,I know that
“Maybe your right siz,we should avoid him,but not only park,tomorrow at 9 am see you..”,said Jc.
us,but also the citizen,we should be take care”,reminder of
Angel.“Yeah,your right,how smart are you siz,wish that I Tomorrow…
could have a mindset like you”,said Kaye. “Where’s Jc I’ve been waiting for a long time”,said Angel
“Hahaha your really crazy”,replied Angel. on herself.
After a while..
“Hi Angel,sorry for waiting for a long time”,breathless said “No, I mean how did you know? it thought you just
of Jc. focusing on your study and you don’t have time to watch
“How are you?are you fine?what happening on you?why news”, said Jc.
did you left me?why did you dissappear for a long time that
don’t have reason?”,repeated ask of Angel. “I just heard that on my cousin, and did you not know that
“Im so sorry,if you know the truth im sure you would is a public issue on us, that killer threatening citizens”, said
understand me”,said Jc. Angel.
“So what’s the reason on your suddenly dissappear”,asked
of Angel. “Yeah, I know Angel but I have something to say on you”,

“Im here to confessed Angel,I know im wrong,and I know said Jc.

that I have a lot to explained on you”,said Jc.

“Wait but before you said that, let me first to ask you this
“Yeah,exactly this past months I have doubt that you are
picture shows the facial identification of the killer”, said
the responsible on the killing issues in the news,are you?”,
said Angel.

“W-What??!!”, asked of Jc on Angel.

“Think this picture how would you explained to me this

“How did you know?”, said Jc
picture”, said Angel.

“What?”, asked of Angel.

“Where did you get this picture?”, said Jc.

“Im just asking Jc!!, is this you?!”, anger asked of Angel.

“Ah-ahh…”, stuttering reply of Jc on Angel. “But Jc you know that it is bad, we have authority right?
Why did you call the police to ask for help?”, advice of
“Jc tell to me, please tell me the truth”, said Angel. Angel on Jc.

“Yeah it’s me, I am the killer, I am the responsible of all “I already think that but I afraid because he said that the
killing crimes on our community, is this what you want? I authority is in his hand too, so the only way to save my
know this time you’re ready to judging me, you’ll able to mother from misfortune is to accept what he want, I know,
say to me a lot of bad things that I have, I know”, sadly say yes Im bad because im doing things that against on the law,
of Jc on Angel. but what should I do this is the only way that I think to
protect my love one”. Said of Jc.
Angel suddenly cried because she don’t expect that Jc could do
that bad thing, but Angel was a compassionate, and “Jc I can help you as long as I can, but you must promise
understanding woman, so instead of judging him, she asked Jc on me that you wouldn’t do that again, promise to me that
why did he do that, jc was suddenly cried too, however he this time you listened to me, okay?”, said of Angel.
doing that bad thing Angel was open and stay on him even the
world against oh him, and he explained the reason why did he “You know Im so blessed that I met you maybe this is the
became a killer, after being a snatcher. right time to surrender myself on the authority”, said of Jc.

“Angel this is not my intention I don’t have a intention to “I know it’s hard to accept Jc but this is the only way you
kill someone, there’s someone threatening me, he said that can clean up your mess that you do, yeah I know im the
if Im not do what he want, he would kill my mother.” Sad only one who can understand you but this is the only way to
said of Jc. clean yourself, to clarify the truth”, sadly said of Angel on
“Your right Angel, I cannot live in this world quietly if I Its hard to clean his name but the lawyer chosen by Angel was
continuing kill, if I getting eat by the evil”, said of Jc. very nice, so after a year Jc was get out on the prison and the
true responsible on the crime that he do was imprisoned.
“Just remember my promise on you Jc, your fight is my
fight too, I would not let you rot, as long as I can, I will help
you, always remember that”, promise of Angel on Jc.

Suddenly theres someone said that “,Jc Sobrevega surrender

yourself on us, or else we will be forced to shoot you”, said Chapter IV
of the policeman on Jc.
(Confession of Feelings)
Jc put his hands up, signed that he want to surrender his self on
After Jc’s cased Angel deside to plan to surprise Jc on his day
the authority.
that he go out on the prison.

The authority grab him, they will shackled his hand and put
“Sis what should I do, how can I surprised Jc”, said of
him on the police car, Angel cried and she did nothing.
Angel on Kaye

There’s so many case filed on Jc, but as angel promise on him,

“You so incest on Jc, is it not enough that you help him on
she get a nice lawyer to help jc to get out on the prison and
escaping on the prison?”, reply of Kaye.
clean his name.

“Sis, im just asking if you can help me or not”, said of Angel

“Of course I can help you sis”, replied of Kaye.

After that Kaye and Angel decide to plan on how they “Are you sure sis you will able me to borrow your car?”
surprised Jc on his day the he go out on the jail. said of Angel.

(The day that Jc was go out on the jail) “Yes, catch this Key”, said of Kaye.

“Sis make it sure that everything is gonna be okay, the “Thank you very much sis, I will keep your car”, said of
buffet, the drink”, said of Angel on Kaye. Angel.

“Of course sis let me handle this I can fix this all”, said of “I trust you, take care”, said of Kaye.
Kaye on Angel.
So Angel decide to go on the jail to welcome jc on his day the
“Okay sis Im will go on Jc and I will welcome him and he go out on the jail, Angel was so excited, on the other side
invite him to go here”, said of Angel. while Angel was on the way to surprised Jc, Jc don’t expect
that Angel was surprising him.
“Okay, okay”, reply of Kaye.
After a while…
“Okay sis Im gonna go”, said of Angel.
“Jc… ”, shouted of Angel on Jc.
“Okay, take care yourself”, reply of Kaye.
“Hey Angel what are you doing here?” reply of Jc on Angel.
“Thanks”, reply of Angel.
“I just plan to welcome you”, said of Angel.
“Wait sis did you used my car? You can use that to make
your travel fast”, said of Kaye.
“Really?, You’re so sweet, thank you, thank you Angel”, “Alright, I’ll go with you, thank you Angel”, thanksgiving of
reply of Jc on Angel. Jc on Angel

“Your welcomed, wait a minute after this, where do you And Jc tightly hug Angel.
go? Do you go on outside to have some fun? It’s been a long
time since you hung out”, asked of Angel on Jc. “Ah, im sorry im just carried away, again I just want say
thank you on you, for all your efforts that you do on me, I
“Hmm I don’t have any idea to go outside and have some know I can’t pay you now but I promise someday I will pay
fun, why?”. said of Jc. you back”, said of Jc.

“Great”, said of Angel on Jc. “It’s okay, so what are we waiting for? Can we go now?”,
replied of Angel.
“Great?”,. asked of Jc.
“Okay, let’s go”, said of Jc.
“Since you don’t have plan to go outside I decide to treat
you for free, just go with me and chill, I get your back As they driving they talking to each other looks like they see
dude”, joking of Angel on Jc. each other for the first time; like they miss each other.

“Hahaha, are you serious, im the one who should treat “Jc since you go out on the jail, what will be your plan
you”, reply of Jc. now?” ask of Angel on Jc.

“No, im planning this since you are inside the jail”, said of “Hmm for now?, I don’t have any plan or idea, where did I
Angel. go after this happened on my life”, replied of Jc.
“Don’t think negative stay positive, I can help you for “Well the truth your so blessed to met a girl like me”, said
that”, said of Angel. of Angel.

“Really?” asked of Jc. “Super, im so blessed to met you”, said of Jc.

“Yeah”, reply of Angel. “Enough crying Jc, you just need to eat are you hungry?”,
joking of Angel on Jc.
Then suddenly Jc hug Angel.
“Hahaha”, replied of Jc.
“Im sorry im just being happy because after this tragedy
and many problems that comes on my life, theres someone “That’s what I miss on you Jc, your smile and laugh too”.
who can understand and always ready to help me”, said of Said of Angel on Jc.
Jc on Angel.
“Wh-what?My smiles, but why did you miss my smile?”,
“Jc just like I said no matter what bad things you do, even asked of Jc.
you’re the dangerous person I ever met I always be there to
help you, I swear it to myself”. Replied of Angel. “Off course I miss your smiles it’s been a long while ago
since I saw that smile on your lips”, replied of Angel.
Then there’s a tears drop on Jc’s eyes.
“Seriously?”, replied of Jc.
“Oh Jc why did you cry?”, asked of Angel.
“Yeah, seriously if you act just like that everyday
“Nothing im just being happy”, replied of Jc. everything is gonna be okay, haha”, jest of Angel.
“hahaha, okay, okay, I will doing this everyday just like you “It’s just a simple way to payback your good things that
said”, reply of Jc. you give on me,” said Jc.

“Very good Jc”, applause of Angel on Jc. “what are you, can I just repeat on what I’ve been said on
you always, that I will help you as much as I can do,” said
“Just for you, I will do”, reply of Jc. of Angel.

“Yeyyy, Thanky you”, said of Angel. “Ah, angel can I just say something on you, actually I’ve
been keeping this for a long time, im just scared that you
“Your welcome”, reply of Jc. left me if I said this on you,” said of Jc.

After a while they arrive on the place where they celebrate Jc’s “What? Why are you scared? I won’t get mad promise just
special day. tell me,” asked of Angel.

“Jc let’s go you go down first and I check the car,” said “Just forget it, I actually scared,” said of Jc.
“I will be mad if you keep that, go ahead tell to me, what is
“I’ll just go with you Angel, I will wait you here”, said of Jc. that?” please of Angel.

“Are you serious?” said of Angel. “I’ve been hide this feelings for a long time, I feel this since
the day I met you, I saw you, the day I snatch your bag,”
“Yeah, im serious I will wait you,” said Jc.
said of Jc.

Angel smiled and said “Thank you Jc”.

“What? Im confusing Jc, just direct me,” please of Angel. “Im just thinking how could you fall In love on me,
remember you snatch my bag and I pursued you, are you
“I Love you Angel,” said of Jc. light-headed?” said of Angel.

Angel laugh silently and said, “Im serious, your so very kind, who doesn’t fall in love on
you, your perfect look, your beautiful, actually theres many
“Are you kidding me? Haha your really a joker”, said of handsome guys that suited on you,” said of Jc.
Angel was very confused she could not know what might be
“No im not joking im serious,” reply of Jc. her answer on Jc’s confession on her, so she run away while
“How?” asked of Angel.

“Angel wait,” said of Jc.

“Just like what I’ve been said lately, I feel this since the day
I first met and see you, the day I snatch your bag,” said of Angel continuing run and Jc chase her.
“Wait Angel, wait me, what’s the problem, did I say
“You fall on me? That day? Are you serious?” said of something wrong?” said of Jc.
“No Jc, just leave me alone,” said of Angel.
“Yeah, if you don’t believe me it’s okay, as long as I told my
feelings on you,” said of Jc. “I will not able you to be alone, I’ll be with you, just like I
promise on you,” said of Jc.
“No,just leave me alone!” shouted of Angel. “But im not like him? Im sorry Angel, but if you think that
im same as him , im not like him,” said of Jc.
Jc tightly hug Angel, he could not see Angel sad so even Angel
said that she need to be alone, he would not able her. “He been said that too and so many guys that I met on
states,” said of Angel.
“Angel I would able you to be sad and to be alone,” said of
Jc. “I could not force you to believe but just like what I said im
not like him,” said of Jc.
“Jc im the one who’s scared,” said of Angel.
“Sorry Jc but for now let’s be friends first,” said of Angel.
“Scared?” asked of Jc.
“I understand Angel, I will wait you until you trust me,
“Yes, im just scared that If I fall in love on someone maybe until you believe on me, until you love me,” said of Jc.
he left me, he hurt, he just broke my heart,” said of Angel
while crying. “Jc im not said that Im not trust you or believe you of
course I believe you, I trust you, that’s why im helping you
“Have you ever loved?” asked of Jc. right? Im just being afraid,” said of Angel.

“Yes, and he broke me into pieces, he left with no valid “Yeah, I feel your presence, I know you believe me and
reason, he just dissappear and I never saw it again,” said of trust me, I don’t know it hurts so much, the words you
Angel. been said on me was so hurting me,” said of Jc.
“I-im sorry Jc, it’s not my intention to hurt you, im just He punch himself and terrifically act like a crazy person on the
confusing,” reply of Angel. street, while he walk he nothing in itself a car suddenly collide
on him.
“Don’t worry I would not disturb you anymore,” said of Jc.
The people converged thinking who is the person were being
P O V of Jc accident many says that we must call an ambulance , while
other said that he is dead, anyone actually don’t know what
As he walk away from Angel theirs a tear drop on his eyes he could be happen on the man that smash by a car.
actually don’t know why he act like historical, but he know to
himself that he love her, but Angel said for now they will be After a while…
friends first.
A ambulance coming seems like “hurry up I try to retrieve that
“Hays Jc why you act like you are obsessed on Angel, did man”.
you think who you are, who only you are!,” said of Jc to
himself. P O V of Angel

But Jc don’t know what should he do for now, technically he Angel was thinking too what did she do so that Jc go away and
act like a crazy and obsessed person, but he couldn’t actually left her, she is so very sad and she was thinking deeply,
listen to Angel’s said that “Just wait me, because for know I because for now she actually don’t know what could be her
don’t know what could be my answer on you,” Angel said. answer on Jc confession on her.

“Hays sis what should I do I feel regret on what Im being

said on Jc,” said of Angel on Kaye.
“What did you on Jc,” replied of Kaye. “This can’t be happen Kaye, this can’t be,” added of Angel.

Angel historically cried and go outside to go on Hospital were

“I feel conscience sis because he cried after I said he left
Jc was located, after this happen Angel was getting paranoid
me,” said of Angel.
and so disturbing, she could not accept the tragedy that happen

“I hope he would understand you, if he love you surely he on Jc, she say to herself that she could not forgive herself if

will respect your decision,” said of Kaye. something went wrong on Jc, while she driving she cried
continuously and hurry to go on the hospital.
“I hope sis because if he left me alone I don’t know what I
do,” said of Angel. After a while she found the hospital where Jc was located, as
her cousin Kaye said.
“Just trust me sis he would not able you to be alone, if his
love on you is true he would respect and understand you,” “Nurse did you know where Mr jc sobrevega located?”

Advice of Kaye on Angel. asked of Angel on the nurse.

While on the other side Jc was getting comatose on getting hit “Who are you miss?” replied of the nurse on Angel.

by a car.
“Im his friend miss,” said of Angel.

“Sis did you hear the news?” question of Kaye on Angel.

“Alright, he is located at the room 35 miss just straight this

“News?, what news?” replied of Angel. way miss and find room 35,” said of the nurse on Angel.

“Jc is in hospital he is getting hit by a car,” said of Kaye. “Thank you nurse,” thanksgiving of Angel on the nurse

“What?!, Are you serious?” reply of Angel. The nurse smiled, and Angel left the nurse to find Jc’s room.
“Number 30, 31, 32,” counting of Angel, while she finding the “If just said the true that you love him too, this could not be
room 35. happened, now see the karma of being a lier on him,” added
of Angel on herself.
“This is it the room 35,” said of Angel.
She waiting an hour but there’s no answer on what time did jc
“Ah miss who are you ” asked of the nurse on Angel.
woke up, are his good? Or are his able to live more.
“Nurse im his friend may I see him?” request of Angel on the
Days past but Jc was sleeping on the deathbed, Angel looks
like a dead while she waiting Jc to open him eyes but she just
“Im sorry miss he is in coma for now, you’re not able to see imagining it, because for now even the doctor said that it’s a
him as doctor said,” reply of Nurse on Angel. miracle if Jc was survive on that accident, because only the
apparatus; oxygen was giving him life.
“Nurse even for a moment please I want to see him please
miss,” said of Angel on the nurse while crying. “JC wake up please, open your eyes, please” said of Angel
on JC while crying.
“Im sorry miss but it’s impossible to happen, im sorry
miss,” sad replied of the nurse. But no JC was replying onto her moaning, after a while the
doctor entered the room and check JC.
“Please, please forgive me,” begging of Angel on the nurse.
After a while the doctor said…
The nurse left Angel while Angel crying, Angel was very sad
because she could not accept what had happened on JC, she The doctor straightening Angel said that…
blamed herself on what happened on JC.
“Miss the patient was technically dead only the apparatus
“It is your fault Angel,” said of Angel on herself. giving him life, what should we do?” said of Doctor on
“What should we do? Save him! Are you crazy you just there’s such a more tragedy moment that Angel wouldn’t
abandon him,” shouted of Angel on the doctor. accept.

“Miss just calm this is not our intention, we just only said “Doc, doc call the doctor please, hurry call the doctor
what should we do, because it’s not sense if we continuing nurse,” said of Angel on the nurse
giving him oxygen,” replied of the Doctor on Angel.
“Doc the patient was overreacting,” said of the nurse on the
“how can I calm down, you just screw me up, but the truth doctor.
anytime you’ll just keep him dead,” said of Angel on the
“Miss go out for now please just stay away on the patient
we do our best to save him,” promise of doctor on Angel.
“Miss we do our best to retrieved him, but up to the point
“Please save him doc, do your best, please, please save
he really is,” replied of the Doctor.
him,” historically replied of Angel on the doctor.
Angel historically cried she could he could not want to lose his
“Yes miss we will do our best,” promise of the doctor again.
beloved man, she said to herself I wish I had told the truth, the
“Nurse go with her outside,” said of the Doctor.
proverb “The repentance is on the end” was right, now look? I
deserve this. Angel go out on the room while the nurses and the doctor
retrieving JC, the retrieving was taking for a long hour.
Days past again but there’s the vital signs on JC was not good,
the doctor spilled JC, as the doctor said on Angel that anytime After a while the doctor came out.
they decide to remove the apparatus that using of JC.
“Doc are he okay?” asked of Angel on the doctor.
The day passed again, the limitation of JC was nearly, Angel
was so afraid, because anytime God take JC, the night comes
“Yeah, he is lucky we retrieve him 10x but in the 11th times JC was sleeping but his vital signs are okay, they just waiting
luckily he survived” said of the doctor on Angel. him to woke up.

“Thanks God you save him, thanks Doc too,” thanks of P O V of Angel.
Angel on the Doctor.
She remembered the days when they are happy, the day that JC
“Your welcome miss, by the way, I’ll will leave you,” replied snatching her bag, the day that she met JC, and for now she just
of the doctor. waiting him to walk up, waiting that his eyes opening, because
she so missed him, she felt this feeling long time ago, and for
After a while Angel decided to entering the room.
now she was ready to gamble, she was ready to gamble her
(The door opening) love.

“Nurse may I see him?” please of Angel on the nurse. “Hays God please help JC, I don’t want to lose him, I love
him so much,” Pray of Angel on God.
“Sure miss, reminder don’t disturb the patient,” replied of
the nurse on Angel. After a week there’s a such moment that Angel hoping to be
“Okay nurse thank you,” replied of Angel on the nurse.
JC woke up, Angel was so happy.
The nurse going outside and left Angel.
“JC do you know me? I thought you were leaving me,”
Angel starting to talk on JC.
crying of Angel after she asked JC.

“JC please wake up, I will wait you until you open your
“Off course I know you, you are my love should I forgot it,”
eyes,” said of Angel on JC.
replied of JC.
“Thanks you so much God you help him,” thanksgiving of “Nothing im just- im just smell something wrong,” replied
Angel on God. of Angel on JC.

Angel tightly hug JC she so missed him, her long wait was “Smell something wrong? im sorry if my smell is not good,
worth it, because after all her sacrificed JC was survived. because I would not able to take a bath because Im
suffering on coma that time,” said of JC.
“JC are you alright?” asked of Angel on JC
“No, is not you im just kidding,” replied of Angel.
“Yeah Im okay,” reply of JC
“So what is it? If not my smell is the issue?” asked of JC
“I thought you’ll leaving me, im afraid that time,” said of
while his forehead puckish.
Suddenly Angel Laugh silently and say “because im tingled
“Of course I would not able to happened it Angel,” reply of
after you say “you need me and please stay on my side,” im
blushing you know, I look back because maybe if you so me
“Anyway, is there anything you want? Are you hungry?” tingled and blushing you teasing me, of course I hate that.”
asked of Angel on JC
After that JC was smirking and start to laughed.
“Nope, im not hungry, I just need you, please stay on my
“See? I guess im correct you teasing me if you saw me
side,” said of JC
tingled and blushing,” irritated of Angel.
Angel was tingled after she hear that words on JC, but she
“No, that’s not my point I smirk and laugh because while
looked back so that JC would not saw her tingled.
you act like that, while you reasoning to me, I saw a cute
“Angel is there anything bothering you?” asked of JC on girl act like a cute kid on my front,” replied of JC
Angel liked it even more, she tingled and blushing again and “Are you serious, this was so embarrassing, I am ashamed
suddenly JC said… on you, this is too much Angel,” replied of JC on Angel

“come here I hug you,” said of JC on Angel. “You are not other JC, you said that you love me right?”
said of Angel
Angel come to JC and JC tightly hug her, she felt more
“Yeah? But this is too much, but I guess I don’t have no
Romantic excitement and feeling that she is the happiest girl in
choice, but the choice to accept it,” replied of JC
the world.
“Your right this is too much but you will pay this, all you
“Angel this time I would not wasting my time, after I
need to do is to recover, fix yourself and make your
recover on this, I will court you,” said of JC
promise on me real,” said of Angel
“Just promise me that you will not leave me,” replied of
“Promise I will pay back this, im so ashamed on you, you
always treat me like a special however im a boy, im the one
“Promise I will not leave me you anymore, promise,” said of who must help you, who must do something good on you,”
JC replied of JC

After 1 week JC was released on the hospital. “What are you, just forgot it, my future boyfriend,” said of
(The engine of the was starting)
“Wha-what? What did you said?” asked of JC
“Come on JC let’s go, I decided that for now you will live
temporarily on my rest house,” said of Angel “Nothing, just go inside the car and I’ll take you to the rest
house,” replied of Angel was smirking.
“Okay,” said of JC “You’re a princess for me, and I should treat you like a
Queen also,” replied of JC

“There you are again you fooling me,” disappointment reply

On the driveway JC was asleep and Angel was focusing on
of Angel on JC
driving, in the dash cam she seeing a cute face, cute face that
sleeping on her side. “No, im serious, I must treat you like a Queen nor a
princess because I promise on you, that you are become
“Hays, obviously he is cute,” said of Angel on herself
my princess and Queen someday,” said of JC
“I don’t know why I rejecting him, but I will promise on
Angel feel romantic excitement again that words keeping
him I would not waste this time too,” added of Angel.
herself to fall in love on JC
After a while JC and Angel was arrived on the rest house
“JC stop saying that im…” said of Angel
“Angel are you serious you will able me to live here?” asked
“Why,” asked of JC
of JC
“Just stop it,” reply of Angel
“Why? Are you not comfortable on this? You don’t like
this?” replied of Angel on JC “Did I say something wrong?” asked of JC

“No, what I mean this is so Big, this is like a mansion? And “Nothing,” reply of Angel
a man like me would able to live by a princess?” said of JC
“Then why you asking me to stop?” said of JC
Angel is laughing after she hear that,
“Because im blushing, you’re so very sweet on me,” reply on
“Are you serious? Im not a princess, duh” said of Angel Angel
Suddenly JC smirking and said “Nothing, I’ll go ahead get a rest for a while, because you
have a trip later,” reply of JC
“”Anyway we got to go, let’s go come inside,” said of JC
“Are you sure you’re okay?” asked of Angel
“Oh yes, yes haha im sorry I forgot,” reply of Angel
“Yeah im okay, you need to rest don’t worry about,” reply
Then the Angel and JC go inside the rest house…
of JC
“JC get put your baggage here,” said of Angel
“Okay I’ll get rest, im just tired,” said of Angel
“Ow thank you Angel,” reply of JC
JC looking at Angel while she sleeping, he suddenly smiled
“So btw JC this is your room, you stay here and just asked because he seeing a beautiful face that he never seeing
our maid If you need something okay,” said of JC
It’s already 6 PM
“Thank you, but Angel wait a minute, are you here to stay
“Angel, angel,” repeated called of JC on Angel
too?” asked of JC
Angel was yawning…
“Im sorry JC but I need to go on Manila because my
Auntie call me yesterday she needs me on her Business,” “What time is it JC?” asked of Angel on JC
said of Angel
“It’s already 6 PM princess you got to go faster Angel,
“Hays, what a waste” reply of JC wake up,” sweet replied of JC

“Why? JC is there any problem?” concern of Angel “O M G I need to hurry up,” said of Angel
Angel was readying her dress that she wear before she go on “Alright miss see you on the next window, thank you come
Manila and she advising their maids to take care of JC. again,” reply of the staff

“Sure Thank you,” said of Angel

(The phone is ringing) After she got her order she decided to take a rest for a while so
she can enjoy her meal.
“Yes, Auntie?” asked of Angel while driving the car
After she eat she decided to continuing her driving because the
“Where are you now?” reply of her Auntie
night was deepening
“Im on the driveway Auntie,” said of Angel
After an hour she was arrived on her Auntie’s house
“Okay, have a safe trip Angel I call you later,” reply of her
(The door bell ringing)
“Angel your home, how’s your trip?” asked of her Auntie
“Okay Auntie, Thank you,” said of Angel
“It was long but good Auntie,” said of Angel
While on the driveway Angel feel hungry she decided to go
through a drive thru on the restaurant the she saw. “By the way have you eaten?” asked of her Auntie

“What’s your order ma’am?” asked of the staff on the drive “Yeah Auntie, lately I felt hungry so I decided to go on the
thru restaurant that I saw and order a food,” replied of Angel

“I want burger, fries and my drink is coke zero,” said of “Alright, anyway you should take a rest, our business plan
Angel on the staff that I told you, let’s talk about that tomorrow okay.” Said
of her Auntie
“Yeah Auntie im tired Thank you so much,” reply of Angel “I think you almost forgot me but I know you, angel” said
of the stranger
“Your welcome Angel, you know that I would not able you
to be tired,” said of her Auntie “Can you just tell your name? I didn’t know you” reply of
Angel while thinking whose the stranger calling her.
“Angel wake up its already 9:00 am, we have some lot
things to talk about the business, wake up” said of her auntie “I’m Ramon your Ex-boyfriend,” said of the stranger

Angel was stretching up her arms and opening her eyes “What? How did you know my number?” asked of Angel

“Sorry Auntie, all right I’ll stand up,” said of Angel “Simple, I have a money so I can pay someone to gather
information about you,” said of the stranger
“Okay, but before that eat breakfast first okay?” said of her
Auntie “Fuck, leave me alone, I forgot you, were not us now so
leave me alone,” said of Angel
The phone is ringing…
“What if I still love you?” said of man on Angel
(Toot… toot… toot… toot…)
“Are you crazy?” said of Angel
“Hello who is this?” asked of Angel on the unfamiliar number
that calls her “Yeah im still crazy on you,” reply of man on angel

“Do you still remember me?” said of unfamiliar man “Leave me alone! I don’t have feelings on you,” shouted of
“Who are you? Did I know you?” asked of Angel
“I will do everything angel just forgive me a second
The man smirking and said…
chance,” said of Ramon.
“After you cheating on me, did you remember that?” said busy so they separate each other Ramon was working on
of Angel on Ramon Hongkong and Angel was left on States, on the beginning
they were understand their relationship status, they were
“Please let me explain first,” reply of Ramon
seeing each other one times a month, often they were see
“No that’s enough, I learned things about my mistakes, my each other on video call, because Ramon was often busy on
mistake that I give my love on you,” said of Angel his work, and her boss was not allowed him to have a
vacation or daybreak, and then Angel heard a news that his
“Please give me a second chance don’t leave me promise,
boyfriend have a relationship on his boss, so she plan to go
I’ll promise, I’ll get back on you,” said of Ramon
on hongkong to clarify the news that she heard, if its true

“Sorry but I don’t love you Ramon,” said of Angel or not.

“Angel please,” said of Ramon while crying She go directly on the office of his Boyfriend

Angel turnoff her phone (She don’t expect the next scenario that will happen)

“Angel! Don’t leave me,” historically shouted of Ramon while “Ramon ugh kissed me slowly, just slow ugh,’’ said of the

crying. unfamiliar girl on his boyfriend

P O V of Angel and Ramon And she opening the door slowly

On the university on states Angel and Ramon was met, “What the hell Ramon!” said of Angel on his boyfriend

almost everyone been said that Angel and Ramon was a

“Ah-Im sorry Angel let me explain babe,” said of his
perfect couple, Ramon court Angel for a long time, almost 1
year and Angel give her love on Ramon, they was being
strong for a couple year but a years passed they were being “How could you do that to me?” said of Angel while crying
“Im sorry,” reply of Angel “Okay, anyway Angel be ready later we will meet the
investor of my company, I suggest on them that you’ll be
“That’s enough, were done,” said of Angel
my secretary and my speaker too,” said of her Auntie
“Please don’t leave me” reply of Ramon
“That’s pleasure Auntie, thank you for that opportunity,
Angel was going out while crying she thinking while his I’ll do my best all through it was pressure on me,” reply of
boyfriend could do that on her, she almost give all on him, she Angel on her Auntie
being honest and loyal on him.
“You will do that, just be yourself, I know how smart you
And that’s the story of Ramon and Angel. are,” said of her Auntie

“Angel are you okay?” asked of her Auntie “Thank you for trusted me, but Auntie why did you don’t
give this task on Kaye?” asked of Angel
Angel was flabbergasted that time.
“She refuse, she said that she can’t do this task,” reply of
“Angel, are you okay?” asked again of her Auntie
her Auntie

“Ah- yeah im okay Autie, sorry I didn’t heard you” reply of

“Okay, that’s why you give her task on me,” said of Angel
“It seems like that,” reply of her Auntie
“Are you sure, looks like you are paranoid, are you sure
your okay?” asked of her Auntie “Let me handle this Auntie, I will do my best,” said of Angel

“Yeah, Auntie im sure, im okay don’t worry about me,” “You can do it, good luck later angel, just be ready on their
reply of Angel questions,” reminder of her Auntie

“Angel goodluck later,” said her Auntie

On the meeting Angel feel so pleasure not because on the Then suddenly the phone ringing
investors , she train by her Auntie so she expected that she can
answered all question that maybe the investor asked on her, but
because she didn’t prepared on that situation, because she “Hello?” said of Angel
promise on JC that, that day she goes on the rest house to visit
“Still remember me?” reply of unfamiliar guy
and greet him, but she must do her Aunties wish, she did not
want to disappoint her Auntie, so she don’t have a chance to “Ramon!?” silent shouted of Angel
change her decision
“Did you miss me?” reply of Ramon
“Great Angel you do your job well, the investors decided to
invest on us, great, good job.” Acknowledgement of her “Off course not!?” said of Angel

Auntie “Ows, really?” reply of Ramon

“I just do my job Auntie,” reply of Angel “Did you forgot what I said on you, I forgot you, I hate

“Have some treat later? Coffee?” asked of her Auntie you” said of Angel

Angel was nothing in itself, her Auntie was see that so she “But I still love you,” reply of Ramon

asked her “I don’t wanna see you anymore, I don’t wanna hear you,”

“Are you okay Angel?” asked of her Auntie said of Angel

“Yeah Auntie im okay,” reply of Angel Then Ramon smirking like an evil guy.

“Are you sure, lately I noticed you that you are nothing on Angel turnoff her phone and she decided to change her

yourself,” said of her Auntie simcard.

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