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Exercises Meeting-1

1. Do you know the origin of “Computer” and what it means?

d. The answer A, B and C true

2. Mention it the type of computer as you know?

b. Mainframe

3. The first use of the word “computer” was recorded in:

b. 1613
4. Origin of word “computer” is...
a. To Compute

5. They are examples of first-generation computing devices

Exercises Meeting-1

1. What is the meaning Mini Computer? Give Example!

Answer: Mini computer is a type of computer that possess most of
features but in small physical size. Example: IBM AS/400

2. What is the meaning Mainframe computer? Give example!

Answer: A mainframe computer, informally called a mainframe or big
iron, is a computer used primarily by large organizations for critical
applications, bulk data processing (such as the census and industry
and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning, and large-scale
transaction processing). Example: IBM System 360, IBM System 390,
Cray 1 dari Cray Research.

3. What is the meaning Personal Computer?

Answer: Cheap and easytouse.Often used asstand-alone computer
sorina network. Maybe connected to large mainframe computer
swith in big companies.
1. One of the most important components within your computer...
a. CPU

2. There thec component of inside a computer, except:


3. The brain of the computer:


4. Measurement capacity of hard drive:


5. Example input device

c.Scaners and Mouse

1. What is the meaning of “CPU” ?

Answer: principal part of any digital computer system, generally
composed of the main memory, control unit, and arithmetic-logic

2. What are the component of inside a computer ?

Answer: the Arithmetic Logic Unit ( the
Control Unit the Memory and the Input and Output
devices (collectively termed I/O)

3. What is the meaning of “ALU” ?

Answer: Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a digital circuit used to perform
arithmetic and logic operations.

4. Can you explain about ROM, RAM ? With your own words
Answer: RAM can be read and written according to cpu commands,
whereas ROM never changes and cpu can only read it.

5. What are some including the hardware computer ?

Answer: Input Device and Output Device

6. Mentioned examples of “Input Device” and “Output Device” !

Answer: a. Input device: Mouse, Keyboard, Tracker Balls, Scanners
b. Output device: Monitor/DVD, Printers, Plotters, Speakers

7. Mentioned examples of Storage Device” !

Answer: Hardisk drive and Flashdisk

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