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How To Pray Effectively For Miracles

By Pastor Ikechukwu Chinedum

January 26, 2020

There are times that all that we need in our life is nothing short of a Miracle.
God is not a magician, but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t work wonders. There
are moments in our lives that things happen and we will know that this can only
be God.

Prayer is a means of communicating with God, it is a means of getting returns

from God too. Effective prayer for miracle demands an extra effort from
believers. When the situation becomes tensed and all hope was gone, the only
thing that we expect is Miracle. God will always do wonders even at the last
minute when it seems all hope has been lost. The will of God for man is that we
ask and He will answer us.

A miracle could mean a perfect expression to show how much God loves you.
That is why they don’t happen all the time and to everyone. There are so many
people who have died from an event that others survived. Events that are
beyond the comprehension of even the best medical practitioners in the world,
perfect healing that will cause them to be greatly overwhelmed.

God’s miracle goes beyond human understanding. It destroys the protocol of

man. The only question people will be able to ask is how did it happen? but no
one will be able to give concrete explanations as to what and how it happened.
However, in the realm of the spirit, there are rules and guidelines for doing
things. There is a need for believers to follow certain principles when praying for
a miracle.

Pray With Faith

The book of Hebrews 11: 6 explained that without faith it is impossible to
please, anyone who will come to God must believe that He exists and He is a
rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Before anyone can demand
something from God, he or she must first believe that God exists.

It is apparently impossible to ask something from someone who does not

believe in it. Prayers that are rendered to a God or object that one does not
believe in will not be answered. The first thing someone must do in the process
of praying effectively for a miracle is to believe that God exists. Faith comes by
hearing, also, many at times our faith builds up when we have nowhere to turn
to. When life hits us so hard that we fall on our feet, it is not a time to wail or
be sorrowful, that is the best time to talk to God.

The scripture also says God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. This
means that one must be a consistent prayerist. We pray to the extent that God
Himself recognize our voice when we cry, that is the power of being diligent.
Faith is a veritable tool in causing a miracle to happen. Abraham might not have
had a child despite God’s promise, Abraham’s faith was the catalyst that births
the coming of Isaac.

Pray For Things That Only God Can Do

God alone is the one that can do the impossible. There are times we pray to
God to help us solve situations that He has given us the grace and ability to do
by ourselves. We miss it the moment we start praying for things that God has
given us the ability to do by ourselves, God will just sit and watch us. It is
during those moments that we think God doesn’t listen to prayer anymore.
During those periods, we might even doubt the existence of God.

We must understand when to pray for a miracle. A student that has not read
anything praying hard to God that he should know answers to the questions in
the examination that he will write in a little while, this is just an instance of how
quite a number of Christians pray wrongly. They evoke the spirit of God for the
wrong course, and at that time, even God will be silent. The scripture says in
the book of Proverbs 5:23 He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great
folly, he has led astray.

This explains why many people think God doesn’t exist and they are drift away
into the bottomless pit of the unsaved simply because they lack wisdom. The
same book of Proverbs says Wisdom is profitable to direct. We as a believer
must understand when to pray to God for Miracles.

In the book of Ezekiel 37:3, God asked prophet Ezekiel that if the dry bones will
rise again, Ezekiel answered that only God knows. He is the God of possibilities
there is nothing that he can’t do. In our minds, we know the situations that only
God can solve. For instance, a person who has been confirmed to die by a
veteran medical practitioner, when all medical efforts proved abortive and the
medical practitioners have lost hope in the revival of such a person, God can do
his wonders. He is the only one that makes a dry bone to receive life again.
Pray With Word Of God
The scripture says your word is a lamp unto my feet, we light to my part. The
word of God is a powerful weapon, the Bible makes us understand that God
honors His words even more than his name.
Though the heavens and earth will pass over, none of my words will go unless it
has fulfilled the purpose for which it has been sent. Whenever we want to pray,
we must learn to use the word of God in prayers.

Even Christ study the scripture, and that moment he was tempted by the devil
that he should turn stone into bread because he was hungry. Christ said it has
been written that man must not live by bread alone but by every word that
comes from the mouth of God. Moreso, when he was tempted to bow to the
devil, Christ said it has been written that thou shall not tempt thy Lord your

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