Servicii Hoteliere - Turism Si Agrement

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2021 SENA

Nr. de inregistrare a planului de invilimdnt MSU SENATE

Registration no. Proces verbal nr. 3

Minutes no.


cALrrATrr tN roucalrE $r CERCETARE
National Agencyfor Quality Assurance in
Education and Research

Nr. tle tnregistrare

Registration no.
Facultatea de $tiinte Economice
Faculty of Economic Sciences

Nivelul calijicdrii conform ISCED- 6
Level of QualiJication, ISCED -6
Domeniul general de studii -101 Servicii publice
General Field of Study - I 0l Personal services
Domeniul deformure profesionald -1013 Servicii hoteliere, Turism qi Agrement
Professional Training Field - I01 3 Hotel, Tburism and Leisure

Specialitatea - 1013.1 Servicii hoteliere, turism qi agrement

Specialty - 101 3,I Hotel, Tourism and Leisure
Numdral total de credite de studia - 180
Total Number of Credits 180 -
Titlul ob(inut -Licenliat in Servicii publice
Title awarded - Bachelor of Personal Services

Baza admiterii - diplomi de bacalaureat, diploma de studii profesionale sau un act echivalent de
Access Requirements - Baccaloureate Diploma, Diploma of Professional Studies or an equivalent
academic certificate
Limbu de instruire - rom0ni, rusi, englezi
Language of Instruction - Romanian, Russian, English
Forma de organiryre a invd(dmhfiului --cu frecven{i
Mode of Study *full-time

Responsabil de program/ Proyme Coordinator: Aprobat:
Approved by:
gef Departamefi W
Head of Department Maria Himuraru,
dr., conf. univ.l PHD, Associate professor

AprobatlApproved by: Galin

Departamentul Economie, Marketing qi Turism
Economy, Marketing and Tburism Department

.._05 " _ianuarie 2021, P.V. 6

Calendarul universitar/ Academic Calendar
Anul de Activitifi didactice Sesiuni de examene Stagii de Vacanfe
studii Didactic Activities Exams practici Vacations
Academic Sem.I Sem.II Sem.I Sem.II Intership Iarni Primivari Yari
Year First Second First Second Winter Spring Summer
Semester Semester Semester Semester
Anul I 01.09- 24.01- rs.t2-24.12 16.0s-0s.06 24.12.202r- 25.04-02.05 26.06-
14.t2 15.05 2021 2022 08.01.2022 2022 31.08
202r- 2021 2022 Pagte 2022
2022 10.0r-22.01
2022 (1
(15 (r5 (4 (3 (2 sdildmand) (10
sdotdmdni) sdntdmfrni) sdpfimdni) sdotdmAni) sdptdmdni) sdptdmdni)
Anul II 01.09- 23.01- r5.t2-24.r2 02.0s-21.0s 26.09- 25.12.2022- 17.04-24.04 26.06-
14.12 15.04. 2022 2023 04.12.2022 08.01. 2023 31.08
2022- 2022 2023 Practica de 2023 Pagte 2023
2023 25.04- 09.01-22.01 20.05-21.05 ini{iere in
30.04. 202s 2023 specialitate
Practica de
specialitate (1
(r5 (r3 (4 (3 I (2 sdptdmdnd) (10
sdptdmAni) sdptdmhni) sdpfimAni) sdpfimAni) (4 s'dptdmdni) sdptdmdni)
Anul III 04.09- 09.01- 15.12-31.12 27.02-10.03 11.03- 01.01-08.01 06.05-13.0s
t4.12 26.02 2023 2024 t9.04.2024 2024 2024
2023- 2023 2024 Practica de Pagte
2024 specialitate

Practica de

(1s (7 (2 (2 (4 (1 sdptdmdnd)
sdotdmdni) sdotdmdni\ siipfimAni) sdofimLni) sdntdmkni) sdpfimAnd)
Numlrul de ore pe
de ore tipuri de activiti{i/
Number of Hours Number of hours by ()
tvpes of activities a<
?t >at
!1 t
Cod/ Denumirea uniti{ii de curs/modulului ?.9 cgb oS
Code Course/ Module 9r ER u E.S :h )€! f/
Total ?? (!ls
c! r: tr.s
Total ;ts
Fi E*
.ri ts\ zk,
Q.\ o-v
E il.

ANUL ll lst year

SEMESTRU l/ I st Semester
F.01.O.0.01 Teorie economicd
180 90 90 30 60 o
Economic Theory
F.0r.o.0.02 Geografia turismului
180 60 120 30 30 ex 6
Tourism peography
F.01.O.0.03 Bazele contabilit6{ii
150 90 60 30 60 CX
Basics in Accountinp
F.01.o.0.04 Dreptul afacerilor
150 60 90 30 30 ex 5
Business Law
G.0r.o.0.05 Tehnologii Informa{ionale de Comunicare
120 60 60 30 30 EX 4
Co mmunic o tio n I n fo rmatio n T echn o log ies
G.01.O.0.06 Limba englezd de afaceri
l2Q 60 60 60 CX 4
Business Enslish
G.01.o.0.07 Educa{ie fizicd
Sport education
t5 l5 l5 col
Total Sem. I
915 435 480 150 180 105 30
Total l't Semester
Semestruf lll 2nd Semester
F.02.O.0.08 Servicii publice
120 60 60 30 30 EX 4
Public senices
F,02,O.0.09 Economia turismului
Tourism Economy
r80 75 10s 30 45 o
F.02.O.0.10 Management
150 75 75 30 45 CX 5
s.02.o.0.11 Marketing
150 90 60 30 60 CX 5
G.02.O.0.12 Limba englezd de afaceri
150 60 90 60 EX 5
Business Enslish
u.02.A.0.13 Filozofie/Philosophy
u.02.A.0.14 Politologie/Po I itic al scie nce
u.02.A.0.15 SociologieiSo ciologt
150 60 90 30 30 EX
u.02.A.0.16 Instituliile juridico-statale din Republica 5

Moldova/ Legal-State Institutions of the

Republic of Moldova
Educafie fizicd
G.02.O.0.17 l5 l5 t5 col
Sport education
Total Sem. II
lotal z'- Jemester
915 435 480 r50 210 /5 30
Total Anul I
TOTAL ]ST YEAR 1830 870 960 300 400 180 0 60

Anul II/ 2d Year

Semestrul II Semester
F.03.O.0.18 Finan{e
150 75 75 30 45 ex 5
F.03.O.0.19 Antreprenoriat in turism
150 60 90 30 30 EX 5
Entre pre neurs hi p i n t ouris m
F.03.O.0.20 Servicii turistice
150 90 60 30 60 CX 5
Touristic senices
F.03.O.0.21 Comunicare Ei negociere in turism (in limba
Communication and negotiation in tourism
t50 /) 75 30 45 5
(in Enslish)
s.03.A.0.22 Economia Europeand Ei integrarea economic6
European economy and economic integration
s.03.A.0.23 Come( electronic t20 60 60 30 30 4
u.03.A.0.24 Psihologie
u.03.A.0.25 Istoria culturii gi civilizaliei
Civilizqtions and historical patterns
u.03.A.0.26 Integrare europeand
European Integration
u.03.A.0.27 Cultura comunicdrii interpersonale qi t20 60 60 30 30 CX 4
I nt e rper s o na I and or ganiz ati onal
communication culture
u.03.A.0.28 Etica qi estetici
Ethics and aesthetics
G.03.O.0.29 Educalie fizicd
Sport education l5 l5 15 col
Practica de iniliere in specialitatel Internship
60 60 ex 2
of initiation in specialry)
'otal Sem. IIl/ Total 3M Semester 91s 435 480 r80 240 15 30

Semestruf lY/ 4th Semester

F.04.O.0.30 Patrimoniul nalional cultural qi protec{ia
patrimoniului cultural
National heritage qnd cultural heritage 120 o) 55 26 39 4
s.04.o.0.31 Gestiune hotelier6
150 OJ 85 zo J9 CX 5
Hotel management
s.04.o.0.32 Standarde Ei norme in ospitalitate qi turism
Standards and norms in in hospitalitv and 120 52 68 zo 26 CX 4
s.04.o.0.33 Sisteme informa{ionale de rezervare
120 52 68 26 26 CX 4
B o oki ng Informati on Sy ste ms
s.04.o.0.34 Management intercultural in turism
I nte rcul tur al manage me nt in t our is m 150 o) 85 26 39 EX 5

s.04.A.0.35 Activitatea agenliilor de turism gi tour-

operatori (in limba englezd)
The activity of travel agencies and tour
operators (in English)
s.04.A.0.36 Logistica qi organizarea serviciilor de 120 65 55 26 39 CX +

transport (in limba englezd)

Logistics and organization of transport
semices (in Enelish)
G.04.O.0.37 Educalie fizicd
Sport education l3 13 la
IJ col
Practica de specialitate I
Internship in specialty I t20 120 4

Total Sem. IV
Total 4th Semester 913 377 536 156 208 13 30
Total Anul II
1828 812 1016 336 448 28 60
Anul III/ 3no Year
Semestruf Y /5th Semester
s.05.o.0.38 Marketingul destina{iilor turistice
Marketing of tourism destinations 150 /) 75 30 4) ex 5

s.05,A.0.39 Turismul rural qi ecologic

Rural and ecological tourism
s.05.A.0.40 120 60 60 30 30 EX 4
Managementul proiectelor in turism
Project Management in Tourism
s.05.A.0.41 Trasee turistice in Republica Moldova
Touristic routs in the Republic of Moldova
s.05.A.0.42 150 75 75 JU 45 EX 5
Turism religios
Relisious tourism
s.05.A.0.43 Gestiunea vdnzdrilor gi rela{iilor cu clienlii
(in limba englez6)
Sales and customer relationship management
(in English)
s.05.A.0.44 150 75 75 30 45
Crearea gi promovarea produsului turistic (in 5

limba englezd)
Creating and promoting the tourism product
(in Enslish)
s.05.o.0.45 Managementul calit6{ii serviciilor
gastronomice 150 75 75 30 4J 5
Quality management of pqstronomic sentices
s.05.o.0.46 Agrement gi organizare de evenimente
Leisure and event orpanization
t20 60 60 30 30 4
s.05.o.0.47 Proiect de cercetare
60 60 I
Research project
Total Sem. V
900 420 480 180 240
-'-tL^ )"' Jemester 30
Semestrul V 11 6h Semester
s.06.o.0.48 Leadership gi managementul resurselor
umane 120 70 50 28 11
CX 4
Leadership and HR Manasement
s.06.o.0.49 Ghidaj 9i practica excursionisti
Guidance and excursion practice
t20 56 64 28 28 ex 4
s.06.A.0.50 Turism internalional (in limba englezd)
International tourism (in English)
s.06.A.0.51 Administrarea interna!ionalS a grupurilor
hoteliere (in limba englezd) 90 42 48 t4 28 3

International management ofhotel groups (in

G.06.O.0.52 Etica profesional6
60 28 JZ T4 14 EX 2
Professional ethics
Practica de specialitate II
Internship in specialty Il 180 180 o
Practica de cercetare
Research internship 180 180 ev o

Examen de licen|6
150 150 5
Grqduation Exqminati o ns
Total Sem. Vl
Total 6th Semester 900 196 704 84 ttz 30

Total Anul III 1800 616 I 184 264 352 60

s458 2298 3160 900 1200 208 180

Numirul de ore pe
de ore tipuri de activitifV
Number of Hours Number of hours by
tvpes of activities al,
Cod/ Denumirea unitnfii de curs/modulului 6l\ >s
Code Course/ Module 9s pR Gb
9'F r6t (,
Total ??\) 6s
Totul ;F s* zt
EE .r-
ri q, _\) bi
aq 9S
! il.
.i rl rt

G.01.o.0.53 Limba rom6nd de comunicare

120 60 60 0 60 ex. 4
C ommu nic at io nal Rom ani an I anguage

Limba romdnd de comunicare

G.02.O.0.54 120 60 60 0 60 ex. 4
Communic ati onal Romanian language

TOTAL 240 120 120 120 8

An de Durata
Nr. Tipul stagiului de practici Numir
studii Sem. Times
d/o The internships Perioada ECTS
Year Sem Slptimini Ore Pefiod ECTS
Weeks Hours Credits
Pe parcursul
Practica de iniliere in specialitate
Internship of initiation in specialty
II III 2 60 semestrului/ 2
During the semester
2 Practica de specialitate I mal, lunle
II IV + 120
Internship in specialtv I May, June
J Practica de specialitate Il martie, aprilie
Internship in specialtv I
Il VI o t80
March, April
Practica de cercetare Mai
II] VI 4 180 o
Research internship Mn
Total l6 540 18



Numlrul de ore pe
Numir de ore tipuri de activitifV
Number of Hours Number of hours by
tvpes ofactivities ol
Cod/ Denumirea uniti{ii de curs/modulului = 'i< UN
9ta os
Code Course/ Module 9rs PS !qi
c'F rcg r,
Total )r qJ
Totul ;:. E*
c! r:
ES <t QS 9 -q, (Js
15 if av)
.i rY rt
Anul I lnd Year
Limba Italian6/Englez6,/Franc ezd/ Germand
G.01.LA.055 Italian, English, French, German t20 60 60 60 ex. i

L im b a Ital i an d/Engle zd,/ F r ancezd/ G erm and

G.02.LA.0s6 Italian, English, French, German t20 60 60 60 ex. 4

Anul IIl 2"d Year

Managementul confl ictelor (in limba

s.03.LA.057 englezd) 120 60 60 30 30 ex. 4
Conflict manapement (in Enslish)
Anull IV 3nd Year
s.05.LA.058 r20 60 60 30 30 ex. 4

TOTAL 480 240 240 90 60 90 l6



Termene de
Numir de
Nr. Forma de evaluare finali a studiilor credite/
d/o Form of Jinal evaluation of the studies organizare
Number of
Examen de licen!6 la Servicii hoteliere, Turism gi Agrement Iunie 2
The license exam in Hotel, tourism and leisure June
Teza de licenlI Iunie J
Gr aduat i on t he s is defe ns e June


Numirul de ore pe
Numir de ore tipuri de activitl{i/
Number of Hours Number of hours by ()
tvpes of activities at,
Cod/ unitifii de curs/modulului >:
Course/ Module
9I "t
.=\ €!a
L$ g?
c'F )G C/
Total q)
c!lt trF
c€i tr\r
;F .Et Q.\ O
aq -qr
L zx,
F.01.o.0.01 Teorie economicd 180 90 90 30 60 CX 6
Economic Theory
F.02.O.0.08 Servicii publice t20 60 60 30 30
Public senices
F.01.O.0.03 Bazele contabilitAtii 150 90 60 30 60 EX
Basics in Accounting
F.02.O.0.10 Management 150 75 75 30 45 5
F.03.O.0. I 8 Finanle 150 75 75 30 45 CX 5
s.02.o.0.11 Marketing 150 90 60 30 60 5
Total 900 480 420 180 300 30
1. Descrierea programului de studii. Profilul specialitilii Programului de studii - 1013.1 Servicii
hoteliere, Turism gi Agrement corespunde domeniului fundamental al gtiinfei, culturii gi tehnicii -10
Servicii; domeniul general de studiu - 101 Servicii publice; domeniul de formare profesionald -1013
Servicii hoteliere, Turism qi Agrement. Programul este elaboratinbaza corespundere cu Nomenclatorul
domeniilor de formare profesional5 qi al specialitililor in ?nvdfimdntul superior, aprobat prin Hotdrdrea
Guvernului nr.482 din 28 iunie 2017 gi Plan Cadru pentru studii superioare de licenfd (ciclul I), de master
(ciclul II), Ei integrate, aprobat prin ordinulMECCM nr. 120 din 10.02.2020.
Durats studiilor - 3 ani inv6!6mdnt cu frecvenlI
Credite de studiu - 180 credite ECTS. I Credit ECTS - 30 ore
Forma de organizare -inv6!6miint cu frecven{i
2. Competen{ele generale dezvoltate in program sunt:
1. Cunoa;terea conceptelor, teoriilor gi metodelor debazd ale serviciilor publice in raport cu problemele
teoretice gi practice tipice;
2. Utilizarea metodelor, instrumentelor gi tehnicilor de cercetare a industriei turistice in contextul
elabor[rii de proiecte, rapoarte, comunicdri gi alte demersuri profesionale;
3. Luarea deciziilor in domeniul industriei turismului, utilizind normele, reglementbrile qi standardele
specifice ramurii;
4. Organizarea eficientf, a activitAtrii de prestare a serviciilor in condilii de autonomie gi in echipi;
5. Proiectarea unui comportament ralional gi eficient al prestatorului/ intreprinzdtorului/ clientului
adecvat situaliilor tipice economiei sustenabile;
6. Evaluarea respectbrii normelor etice qi deontologice in activitatea de turism Ei servicii;
In corelalie cu CNC, prin disculii in cadrul Eedin,telor Comisiei de Asigurare a Calitalii qi
comunicirii cu reprezentan{ii pie{ei muncii, absolven{i, personal academic Ei studen{i, au fost stabilite
urmltoarele competenfe specifi ce:
Cl. Cunoagterea concepteloro teoriilor, metodelor gi instrumentelor de marketing, gestiune hotelieri,
servicii turistice qi agrement in raport cu tendin{ele industriei turismului;
C2. Conducerea activitdfilor in domeniul serviciilor turistice, hoteliere gi agrement in funcfie de profilul
piefei gi al legislaliei in vigoare;
C3. Utilizarea informaliei in elaborarea de studii de piafa in domeniul serviciilor hoteliere, turism qi
C4. Gestionarea necesarului de resurse umane, materiale qi financiare in raport cu cerinfele volumului gi
eficienlei entitdlii turistice Ei de servicii;
C5. Cercetarea problemelor de organizare a activitdfilor in domeniul serviciilor hoteliere, turism si
agrement la nivel regional, nalional Ei intemafional.
C6. Elaborarea, realizarea gi evaluarea proiectelor in turism Ei servicii;
C7 Construirea gi aplicarea mecanismelor de asigurare a calitiliiin turism gi servicii
3. Obiectivele programului de studiu inclusiv corespunderea acestora misiunii universiti{ii.
Scopul programulzi Servicii hoteliere, Turism qi Agrement este formarea competenlelor generale
(generice) qi specifice (profesionale) necesare pentru activitate profesionald de prestare, organizare si
administrare a serviciilor in industriile turismului Ei a serviciilor hoteliere, elaborarea, promovarea gi
realizarea produselor turistic Ei hotelier care sf, corespundd cerinfelor consumatorului Ei standardelor
calitfiii. Absolvenlii programului sunt pregdtili pentru activitatea antreprenorialI ?n industria turismului gi
cea a serviciilor hoteliere.
Obiectivele programului de studiu Servicii hoteliere, Turism gi Agrement sunt:
- evaluarea problemelor contemporane referitoare la oferirea posibilititii dezvoltdrii personale,
intelectuale Ei profesionale a studenfilor,
- infelegerea elementelor specifice industriei hoteliere gi a celei turistice,
- identificarea tendin{elor, caracteristicilor gi tehnicilor de management gi marketing in domeniile
- aplicarea TIC in procesul de activitate,
- utilizarea metodelor ;i tehnicilor de analizd a piefei serviciilor hoteliere,
- oferirea cunoEtinJelor tehnice gi mijloacelor necesare dezvoltdrii gi elabordrii proiectelor turistice
in scopul maximiz[rii performanlei activitdlii turistice,
'analiza, evaluarea gi oferirea de solulii pentru probleme complexe in domeniu.
Aceste obiective corespund misiunii Universitilii de Stat din Moldova qi sunt corelate cu
documentele strategice institulionale: Planul Strategic, Strategia de cercetare qi inovare, Plan strategic
institulional de intemaJionalizarc.
4. Racordarea programului de studiu qi a confinuturilor din planul de invifimffnt la
tendin{ele interna{ionale din domeniu. la elaborarea programului de studiu s-au luat in considerarea
bunele practici europene cu referire la conlinuturile ofertei educalionale $i s-au valorificat in cadrul
programului prin includerea unor unitdli de confinut in vederea asiguririi compatibilitalii progiamelor gi a
mobilitAfllor academice reciproce. De asemenea, conlinuturile planului de studii sunt racord ate la
Tendinfele Turistice Internalionale din statele membre UE -28, prezentate in raportul Organizaliei
Mondiale a Turismului gi Agenlia Organiza\iei Nafiunilor Unite. Principalele tendin{e turistice
internafionale relevf, promovarea unui turism responsabil, durabil si universal accesibil.
5-6. Evaluarea aqteptirilor sectorului economic qi social qi consultarea partenerilor in
procesul de elaborare a programului de studii. Procesul de consultare la ciclul I are loc in cadrul
perfeclionirii programului de studii, in cadrul organizdrii practicii de produclie Ei de licen{6 (forma
acordurilor corespunzdtoare), in timpul sus{inerii examenului de licenfi (forma participativa).
In vederea realizdrii unor studii calitative gi relevante in mediul real au fost realizate o serie de
activitS{i prin rezultatul cdrora sunt reflectate necesitd{ile gi tendinlele de pe piala muncii in domeniul
Serviciilor Hoteliere qi Turism. La nivel facultate, in cadrul Comisiei de Asigurare a Calit[tii este inclus
cdte un reprezentant al pielei muncii pentru fiecare domeniu de formare profesionald. in cadrul
de lucru al Comisiei sunt discutate con{inuturile planului de inv6ldm6nt, tipurile de sarcini pentru lucrul
individual, metodele de petrecere a lecliilor practice c6t gi corelarea unitdlilor de conlinut pentru
disciplinele predate qi alte subiecte. Au fost analizate figele de post a urmdtorilor poten{iali angajatori
SRL Gold Travel, SRL Sakura Tur, SRL Pro Ilicris, SRL Prosper Transo SRL Androstrani, SRL
Maxpasa, hotelul Jolly Alone, ANTRIM, Zentrum Apartments Hotel, Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel, in
vederea determinlrii calificdrii necesare a unui specialist din domeniul industriei turismului
Ei identificirii
necesarului de cunogtinfe, abilitili gi competenle ce vor fi asigurate prin realizarea planului de studiu.
7. Relevan(a programului de studii pentru piafa for(ei de munci este determinatf, de obiectivele
stabilite in Proiectul Strategiei Nalionale de Dezvoltare a Turismului 2030, in care sunt specificate
necesitatea preg[tirii cadrelor pentru industria turismului a Republicii Moldova. Gradul de noutate al
programului dat constd in reliefarea necesitSlilor economiei reale din sectorul hotelier si turism, care au
fost evidenfiate in urma anchetdrii gi intervievdrii profesionigtilor din domeniu, care au stipulat necesarul
de competenle generice gi specifice pe care trebuie si le delind un angajat la absolvirea programului de
8. Posibiliti(ile de angajare a absolven{ilor. Absolven{ii programului Servicii hoteliere, Turism gi
Agrement sunt pregitifi pentru organizarea. planificarea gi conducerea activitflii atdt la nivelul
intreprinderilor din industriile hotelierd gi a turismului cdt gi la nivel nalional: specialigti capabili si
elaboreze politici qi strategii de dezvoltare economicd durabild a turismului, proiecte de amenajare
turisticd teritoriali, documente normative din domeniul serviciilor turistice/hoteliere Ei de agremint.
Programul de studiu Servicii hoteliere, Turism gi Agrement are gi menirea de a pregiti speciali;ti pentru
activitdtile de administrare a companiilor tour-operato arc, a agenfiilor de turism, a entit[tilor hotelieie:
143910 Conducdtor pensiune turistica (rurald, agroturistic6)
l439ll Director agen{ie de turism
143912 Director agenlie de turism tour-operatoare
143913 Director birou/centru de informare turisticd
143922 Manager in activitatea de turism
4221 Consultanli qi funcJionariin agenliile turismului
4222 Funclionari in centrele de informare
4223 Operatori centrale telefonice
4224 Recepfioneri in domeniul hotelier

4225 Funclionari in birouri de informalii
4226 Recep{ioneri (exclusiv in domeniul hotelier)
422101 Agent de asistenfd turisticd
422102 Agent de recepfie a comenzilor pentru bilete
422106 Agent de turism
422107 Funclionar agenlie turisticl
422401 Lucrltor concierge
422402 Receplioner unitate de cazare
422403 Registrator
422404 Responsabil cmare
422405 $efrecep{ie unitate de cazare
422406 Tehnician compartiment securitate hotel
Aceqtia vor fi responsabili pentru buna desfbgurare a tuturor activititilor: organizarea procesului de
elaborare a produselor turistice/hoteliere, vdnzarea gi distribufia produselor turisticelhoteliere, elaborarea
itinerariilor in turismul intem gi interna{ional, conducerea departamentelor funcfionale in hoteluri
(vdnzdri, front-office, personal g.a.) etc. Totodat[, absolvenfii domeniul de formare Servicii hoteliere,
Turism gi Agrement sunt potentialii antreprenori, care vor crea locuri de muncd gi noi perspective pentru
dezvoltarea turismului qi a refelelor hoteliere.
9. Accesul la studii a titularilor de diplome ob{inute dupi finaliz re respectivului program de
Absolvenfii programului de studii, care au oblinut titlul - Licenliat in Sertticii Publice au
urmltoarele oportunitdli de continuare a studiilor:
o Programe de master - nivelul 7 ISCED in domeniul Servicii Publice;
. Programe de master - nivelul 7 ISCED in alte domenii cu acumularea minimului curricular;
o Programe de formare continul pe tot parcursul vie{ii.
1. Description of the study program: Specialty's profile of the Study Program - l0l3.l
Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Services comply with the fundamental domain of science, culture
and technology - l0 Services; with the general domain of study - 101 Public Services; professional
formative domain - l0l3 Hotel, Tourism and Recreation Services. The program is developed in
consideration with the Classification of professional formative domains and specialization in Higher
Education, approved by the Govemment Decision No. 482 from 28 June 2017 and the Framework ilan
for bachelor studies (cycle I), master studies (cycle II) and integrated studies approved by the Order of
MECCM Nb. 120 from 10.02.2020
Studies duration - 3 years of full+ime education
Study credits - 180 credits ECTS, 1 credit ECTS - 30 hours
Organization form- Fulltime education

2. The general competences developed in the program are:

1. Knowledge of the basic concepts, theories and methods of public services in relation to typical
theoretical and practical problems;
2. The use of tourism industry research methods, tools and techniques in context of the projects,
reports, communications and other professional approaches development;
3. Decision-making in the field of the tourism industry, using industry-specific rules, regulations and
4. The efficient organization of the service provision under the autonomy and team conditions;
5. Designing a rational and efficient behaviour of the provider/entrepreneur/client appropriate to the
situations, typical of sustainable economy;
6' Assessment of compliance with ethical and deontological norrns in tourism and services.
In the correlation with the National Quatifications Framework, but also during the discussions in
the working session of the Qualify Assurance Commission, communication with the labour market

representatives, graduates, academic staff and students, there were established the following specific
Cl. Knowledge of conceptso theories, methods and marketing tools, hotel management, tourism and
recreation services with reference to tourism industry trends;
C2.Managing activities in the field of tourism, hotels and recreation services according to the market
profile and the existing legislation;
C3. Using the information in the market studies development in hotel, tourism and recreation services
C4. Managing the humano material and financial resources with regard to the required demands, in
terms of volume and efficiency of the tourist and service entityl
C5. Issues research of organizing activities in the field of hotel, tourism and leisure services at
regional; national and international level;
C6. Elaboration, development and evaluation of tourism and services projects;
C7. Establishment and application of quality assurance mechanisms.
3. The objectives of the study program, including their consistency with the university's
The aim of the Hotel, Tourism and Recreation program refers to general (generic) and specific
(professional) skills formation that are required by the professional-activity of providing, organizing and
managing services in tourism and hotel services industries, developing, promoting and realizing tourist
and hotel products that match the requirements of the consumer and the quality standards. Program
graduates are prepared for entrepreneurial activity in the tourism and hotel industry.
The objectives of the Hotel, Tourism and Recreation program are:
o the evaluation of contemporary problems regarding the possibility of students personal,
intellectual and professional development,
o understanding of the hotel and tourism industry specific elements,
o trends identification, characteristics and techniques feature of management and marketing in the
considered fields,
o the implementation of ICT in the process of activity,
o analysis methods and techniques utilization of the hotel services market,
o provision of technical knowledge and means necessary for the tourism projects development and
elaboration, in order to maximize the performance of tourism activity,
o analysis, evaluation and solutions offering for the complex problems in the study domain.
These objectives correspond to the mission of the Moldova State University, and are related to the
following institutional strategic documents: The Strategic Plan; The Research and Innovation Strategy;
The Institutional Strategic Plan for Internationalization.
4. Connection of the study program and educational content to international trends in the
activity domain. During the study program preparation, there were taken into consideration the best
European practices with reference to the contents of the educational offer, and were utilised in the
program by including some content units to ensure compatibility of programs and reciprocal academic
mobility. The contents of the study plan are also linked to the international tourist trends of EU-28
Member States, submitted in the report of the World Tourism Organization and the United Nations
Agency. The main international tourist trends shall mean the responsible, sustainable and universally
accessible tourism promotion.
5-6. Evaluation of the economic and social sector's expectations, and partner's consultation
during the study program preparation.
The consultation process at Cycle I take place within the framework of the study program
improvement within the organization of the production and licensing practice (the form of the
corresponding agreements), during the bachelor's examination (the participatory form).
In order to achieve qualitative and relevant studies in the real environment, a series of activities
were carried out, that reflect the needs and trends in the Hospitality and Tourism Services labour market.
At the Faculty level, a representative of the labour market for each field of professional formation is
included in the Quality Assurance Commission. During the Commission working meetings there are

discussed the contents of the education plans, the types of tasks for individual work, the methods of
spending practical lessons and the correlation ofcontent units for the taught subjects etc.
The job descriptions of the following potential employers: LLC Gold Travel,LLC Sakura Tur, LLC
Pro Ilicris, LLC Prosper Trans, LLC Androstrans, LLC Maxpasa, Jolly Alone Hotel, ANTRIM, Zentrum
Apartments Hotel, Radisson Blue Leogrand Hotel were analyzed, in order to determine the necessary
qualification of a specialist in the tourism industry and to identif, the need for knowledge, skills and
competences to be ensured through the implementation of the study plan.
7. The relevance of the study program for the labour market is distinguished from the
objectives that are set in the Tourism Development Strategy "Tourism 2020", approved by the
Government Decision no. 338 from 19 May 2014, Project of the National Strategy foi Tourism
Development 2030 where are specified the necessity of employee qualification for the Republic of
Moldova tourism domain. The level of novelty of the program consists in highlighting the needs of real
eaonomy in the hotel and tourism sector, which were pointed out after an investigation and professionals
interviewing, where were stipulated the need for generic and specific skills that an employee must have at
the bachelor program graduation.
8. Job opportunities for graduates. Graduates of the Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation
Program are prepared for organizing, planning and managing activities in the hotel and tourism industries,
as well as working in national level organizations as: specialists with competences in touristic policies
and strategies development, territorial tourism projects development, normative documents development
in the field of tourism / hotel and leisure services. The study program Hospitality, Tourism and
Recreation has also the goalto prepare specialists f,oradministrative activities of travel companies, travel
agencies, and hotel entities:
143910 Manager of tourist pension (rural, agro touristic)
14391I Director of the travel agency
143912 Director of tour-operator agency
143913 Director of Bureau/ tourist information centre
143922 Manager in the tourism activity
4221 Consultants and clerks in tourism asencies
4222 Clerks in information centres
4223 Telephone exchange operators
4224 Hotel receptioni sts
4225 Clerks in information bureaus
4226 Receptionists (hotel only)
422101Agent of tourist assistance
422102 Agent of Ticket Orders reception
422106 Travel agents
422107 Travel agency employee
422401 Concierge worker
422402 Receptionist at accommodation unit
422403 Registrator
422404 Responsible for accommodation
422405 Head of front-office in accommodation unit
422406 Technician of Hotel Security compartment
They could be responsible for the effective administration of following activities as: tourism,&otel
products development process, selling and distributing process of tourism,ftotel products, establishing
routes in domestic and international tourism, leading functional departments in hotels (sales, front-office,
personal etc.), etc. At the same time, the graduates of the Hotel, Tourism and Recreation formative
domain are potential entrepreneurs, who can create jobs and new prospects for the tourism and hotel
networks development.
9. Access to studies by holders of diplomas obtained after completion of the study program.
The graduates of the study program who obtained the title- Graduated in Public Services have the
following opportunities to continue their studies:

. Master Programs - level T ISCED in Public Services domain,
o Master programs - level 7 ISCED in other areas with additional credit accumulation.
o Lifelong continuous training programs.

corela{ia ,,Finaliti{i de studiu qi competenfe - curriculumo', ciclul r (Licen{n)

Correlation "Finalities of study and competences- curriculum", cycle I (License)

Nr. Competen(e specifice

Codul SpeciJics competences
Modululidisciplina ECTS/
Module/Cours Code of
of cl
cours C2 C3 C4 C5 c6 C7
Teorie economicd F.01.O.0.01
Economic Theory 6

Geografia turismului F.0 r.o.0.02

Tourism geosraphv o

Bazele contabilit6lii F.0t.o.0.03

Basics in Accounlins
Dreptul afacerilor F.01.o.0.04
Business Law
Tehnologii Informalionale de G.01.O.0.05
Communication I nformation
Limba englezS de afaceri G.01.o.0.06 A
Business Enslish
Educalie fizicd G.01.O.0.07
Sport education
Servicii publice F.02.O.0.08 A
Public semices
Economia turismului F.02.O.0,09
Tourism Economy o
Management F,02.O.0.10
Marketing s.02.o.0.1 l
Limba englezd de afaceri G.02.O.0.12
Business English
Filozofre/Philosophy u.02.A.0. 3 5
Politologie/Po litical sc ie nce u.02.A.0.14 5
Sociologie/So c i ol o g,t u.02.A.0 5 5
Instituliile juridico-statale din Republica u.02.A.0.16
Moldova./ Legal-State Institutions of the
Republic of Moldova
Educafie fizicd
Sport education
Finan!e F.03.O.0.18
Finance 5

Antreprenoriat in turism F.03.O.0.19

Entre pre neurs hi p in tour i sm
Servicii turistice F.03.O.0.20
Touristic sentices
Comunicare qi negociere in turism (in F.03.O.0.21
limba englezd)
Communicalion and negotiation in
tourism (in Enelish)

Nr. Competenfe specifice
credite Specifics competences
Modulul/disciplina disciplinei
Module/Cours Code of
of c1 C2 c3 C4 c5 c6 C7
Fconomia Europeand qi integrarea s.03.A.0.22
European economy and economic
Comer! electronic s.03,A.0.23
Psihologie u.03.A.0.24
Istoria culturii si civilizatiei u.03.A.0.25
Civilizations and historical oatterns
Integrare europeanb u.03.A.0.26
European Intesration
Cultura comunic6rii interpersonale 9i u.03.A.0.27
organiza{ionale A
I nte rpers onal and organi z at i onal
communication culture
Etica qi esteticd u.03,A.0.28
Ethics and aesthetics
Educatie fizicd G.03.O,0.29
Sport education
Practica de iniliere in specialitate/
Internship of initiation in specialty
Patrimoniul najional cultural qi proteclia F.04.O.0.30
patrimoniului cultural
National heritage and cultural heritage
Gestiune hotelier6 s.04.o.0.31
Hotel manasement
Standarde gi norme in ospitalitate Ei s.04.o.0.32
Standqrd.s and norms in in hospitality
and tourism
Sisteme informationale de rezervare s.04.o.0.33
ns I nformati on Sv stems
B o oki
Management intercultural in turism s.04.o.0.34
Intercultural management in tourism
Activitatea agenfiilor de turism qi tour- s.04.A.0.35
operatori (in limba englezd)
The activity oftravel agencies andtour
oDerators ftn Enslish)
Logistica Ei organizarea serviciilor de s.04.A.0.36
transport (in limba englezd)
Logistics and organization of transport
services ftn Enslish)
Educalie fizicd G.04.O.0.37
Sport education
Practica de specialitate I
Internship in specialtv I
Marketingul destina{iil or turistice s.06.o.0.38
Marketing of tourism fustinations
Turismul rural Ei ecologic s.05.A.0.39
Rural and ecolosical tourism
Managementul oroiectelor in turism s.05.A.0.40 4

Nr. ' Competen{e specifice
credite SpeciJics competences
Modulul/disciplina disciplinei
Module/Cours Code of of

Trasee turistice in Republica Moldova s.05.A.0.41

Touristic routs in the Republic of

Gestiunea vdnzdrilor gi relaliilor cu s.05.A.0.43

clien{ii (in limba englezd)
Sales qnd customer relationshio

Crearea qi promovarea produsului turistic s.05.A.0.44

(in limba englezd)
Creating and promoting the tourism

Managementul calit6{ii serviciilor s.05.o.0.45

Quolity management of gaslronomic
Agrement Ei organizare de evenimente s.05.o.0.46
Leisure and evenl orsanization

Leadership Ei managementul resurselor s.06.o.0.48


Ghidaj gi practica excursionistb s.06.o.0.49

Turism intemafional (in limba englezd) s.06.A.0.50

I nternat i onal touri sm / in
Administrarea international6 a grupurilor s.06,A.0.51
hoteliere (in limba englez6)
International management of hotel


Practica de specialitate II

Examen de licen{d
G raduat i on Examinat ioru
Limba romdnd de comunicare G.01.O,0.53
limba englezi *Note: English


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