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708 Appendix D_Useful Tables TABLE D2 SOLAR SYSTEM CONSTANTS Universal gravitational constant @ = 6673110") mi/ikges?) 3.439(10-4) AAbs) ‘Mass of Earth 5.976 10%) kg = os5c0" wes!in Period of Barth's rotation (1 sdereal day) = 23h 56 minds 23,9844 Angular velocity of Barth 0.7292(10°) rads ‘Mean angular velocity of Karth-Sun line’ = 0.1991(10-") rade ‘Mean velocity of Barth's center about Sun = 107 200 kwh = 66,610 mi MEAN SURFACE, wistanve | ecumnrmerry | vemov | mean | mass | Gxavitatiunan | svar Tosun | oFoRerr | oF ORBIT) DIAMETER | RELATIVE | ACCELERATION | VELOCITY popy | km (ni) e solardays | Jan (mi) | TORARTH | mvs? (tte?) | kas mile) Sun = = — | 1302000 | 333.000 m4 as (265 000), 298) (383) ‘Moon | 384 398" 0.055, 2132 3478 | 00128, 162 287 (738 854) (2160) 632) aan Mercury | 573 x 10% 0.206 S197 5.000 | 0054 347 47 (35.8 x 10%) (3.100) aa) 259) Venus | 108 x10° | 0.0068 224.70 12400 | 081s 844 10.24 (61.2 * 108) 7700) aun (636) Barth | 1996x108 | 0.0167 365.26 i27a2t | 1.000 gaat 1118 (92.86 x 10%) (79is)F (2.29) (695) Mars | 227.9% 108 0.093, 686.98 e738 | 0107 373 5.03 lai x 108) (4218) asi G13) * Mean distance to Barth (center-to-center) + Diamotor of sphore of equal volume, based on « spheroidal Earth with a polar diameter of 12 714 kim (7900 mi) and an ‘equatorial diameter of 12756 km (7826 mi) * For nonrotating spherical Earth, equivalent to absolute value at sea level and latitude 37.5° 709 ‘TABLE DS PROPERTIES OF PLANE FIGURES FIGURE (CENTROID AREA MOMENTS. ‘OF INERTIA AreSegment <7 aw TABLED PROPERTIES OF PLANE FIGURES Continued AREA MOMENTS eT ‘OF INERTIA Rectangular Area the Bape ne) me ye | eat ue I be * as yeh 5 4nd + 2 + ap a-(g-Qe 2s bone be (glee ab ge 1a t+ 6 Subparabolic Area ole ok TABLE D4 PROPERTIES OF HOMOGENEOUS SOLIDS (an = mass of body shown) MASS MASS MOMENTS BoDy CENTER OP INERTIA ik it Iag= foo? + mt? : - cireular ck Cylindrical - 2 Halt af Cylindrical gee Shell * is | circular a Cylinder I= bmi? +B hy = gma?) = Tam mie +65) Ing mb + Slt 4, Ly, = fb? +P) TABLE D4 PROPERTIES OF HOMOGENEOUS SOLIDS Continued ‘on = mass of body shown) 1s, | aS uomme men A - ws OO ..-| .; ae | ng } i, =7,= Spot — Uniform _ fy aml Useful Tables ns TABLE Dit PROPERTIES OF HOMOGENEOUS SOLIDS Continued (m = mass of body shown) BODY ‘MASS MOMENTS (OF INERTIA Quarter. - ‘Greular Rad a Elipical _ Cylinder y= fr? + Aoki? Bicied Jag = are + gmt Lp? Shell Ign be 7, = yoo? + mi att Conical Shel zo 3 Ig = Sym + Ett = owt + hount : Right: soa yg, a0 + fam 4 a t= Smt x mn? 7, = Syme? + hymn’ TABLE D4 PROPERTIES OF HOMOGENEOUS SOLIDS Continued ‘on = mass of body shown) BODY Mass CENTER ‘MASS MOMENTS OF INERTIA wean a= ly Saunt mr + San 1 1, hm ht lan hme z-(2-2 t= (3-4) me Semicllipsoid a= bit +e) 1, = bmi +e e= hat + 8% F,= te? + Bey Ty bn? + 1% Taek Tyg = db + Set y= nat + Bnet z-% = dnt + 8h 20% = dla? + 8) T= dnt +k i, = Init + he d= bbe +e) — 1, = nla? +e) a acti A- Rectangular | 8 romla + 04) g Tetrahedron | 774 3 ge 7 g 4 = Anite ant Halt Torus ENGINEERING MECHANICS DYNAMICS SixtTH Evitian|

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