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Effects of One’s Lifestyle on

the Functioning of the
Respiratory and Circulatory

Let’s Learn

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you understand how
one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory system. This module
provides discussions and activities that will help you learn the concepts, ideas, and relevant
information about the lesson. This module emphasizes the prevention, detection, and
treatment of diseases, and to conduct information dissemination on the effective ways of
taking care of the respiratory and circulatory system.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. describe the negative effects of cigarette smoking.
2. explain the cause, effect, and treatment of the respiratory and circulatory diseases.
3. give examples of unhealthy lifestyle that would affect the respiratory and circulatory
system; and
4. create a campaign advertisement on how to take care of the respiratory and circulatory

Let’s Try

Multiple Choice. Read the question carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on
your notebook

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about asthma?

A. Asthma is caused by virus
B. Asthma is fairly common condition
C. Asthma is caused by harmful bacteria
D. Asthma attacks can be triggered by weight loss

2. Which of the following are examples of healthy lifestyle?

A. Refraining from smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohols.
B. Exercising regularly.
C. Eating healthy foods.
D. All of the above.

3. Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide. What problem does this cause?
A. carbon monoxide causes death
B. carbon monoxide causes lung cancer
C. carbon monoxide irritates the airways, causing bronchitis
D. carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin in the red cells,
reducing the ability of the blood to carry oxygen

4. When you exercise, your heart beats faster to____

A. inflate your lungs
B. make you feel excited
C. let you know you’re working hard
D. spread oxygen throughout your body more quickly

5. A nurse is assessing a client which is experiencing shortness of breath. The

client exhibits nasal flaring, use of accessory muscles, a respiratory rate of
36 breaths per minute, and an oxygen saturation of 89% on 2 liters of
oxygen via nasal cannula. After listening to the client’s breath sounds, which
of these interventions is appropriate based on the assessment data?
A. Get the client back to bed
B. Notify the clients physician
C. Check the position of the nasal cannula
D. Ask the respiratory therapist to give a breathing treatment

6. How does the respiratory and circulatory system works together?

A. They supply the body’s cell with oxygen.
B. They breakdown food into energy to eliminate waste.
C. They are responsible for the movement of the body.
D. They are responsible for the movement of the body.

7. Which of the following is NOT a cause of lifestyle diseases?
A. smoking C. poor diet practice
B. being pessimistic D. excessive alcohol drinking

8. Which of the following disease is unlikely to be caused by smoking:

A. Lung cancer C. Bronchitis
B. Tuberculosis D. Heart attack

9. An inflammation of lung tissue, where the alveoli in the affected areas fill with
A. Pneumonia C. Tuberculosis
B. Influenza D. Stroke

10. Smoking and _______ are risk factor for heart disease.
A. High Cholesterol C. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
B. Blood infection D. None of the above

11. Which of these contribute to high blood pressure?

A. Getting a lot of vitamin C.
B. Drinking a lot of alcohol.
C. Getting a lot of calcium.
D. All of the above.

12. Which of these is a cause of heart disease?

A. Stroke C. Arthritis
B. Thickening of inside of the arteries D. All of the above

13. Which of these are signs of anemia?

A. Bleeding C. Dark circle under the eyes
B. Pale gums D. Numbness in hands and feet

14. A disorder of the lungs that causes the bronchi to become restricted so air
can’t get to the lungs.
A. Cold B. Asthma C. Influenza D. Bronchitis

15. You can keep your heart strong by _____.

A. smoking
B. sleeping 18 hours a day
C. eating heart shaped candy
D. doing activities like playing outside

You may answer this test online, please visit the link below.

Effects of One’s Lifestyle on
the Functioning of the
1 Respiratory and Circulatory
Lifestyle is the way people live reflecting the entire range of social values, attitudes,
and activities. It also includes personal habits, cultural and behavioral patterns. We get to our
lifestyle through social interaction with parents, groups, friends, school, and mass media.

Today our health, fitness, and illness are greatly influenced by our lifestyle which covers
many aspects of human behaviors like patterns of eating, drinking (alcohol), smoking,
exercise, drug dependence, human reproduction, sexual behaviors.

Let’s Recall
The system supplies the blood with oxygen for the blood to deliver oxygen to any or all
parts of the body and thus the vascular system transports blood and oxygen from the lungs to
tissues within the body. How do the systems work together? The system works very closely
with the system to supply body cells with needed oxygen and to urge eliminate gas waste.
Oxygen taken in from the system moves into blood vessels then circulates oxygen-rich blood
to tissues and cells.

In the past lesson, you’re aware that strenuous activities may cause an increased pulse
rate, you'll be able to now monitor your activities to avoid the risk of cardio-respiratory
diseases. Another risk factor that drastically increases pulse and reduces the quantity of
oxygen within the blood is smoking cigarettes. Perform the following simple activity to find
more about the negative effects of cigarettes on a person’s circulatory and respiratory systems

Let’s Explore

Activity 1: No to Smoking
Explain the negative effects of cigarette smoking on the circulatory and respiratory


• Pencil
• Foil from cigarette’s box
• Bond paper
• Cigarette’s box

1. Look at the cigarette’s box below. Check the specific disease posted on it. You can
see pictures and the restriction if you choose to smoke.

2. Search the specified disease from any resources such as books, internet,
magazines, newspapers, etc.

Q1. Why do cigarettes have warning labels?

Q2. How does smoking cause a heart attack? Is it similar to how smoking
causes stroke?

Q3. What are lung cancer symptoms?

3. Write or draw the information you have gathered in the foil inside the cigarette box.

4. Using any media resources search for other negative effects of cigarette on both
respiratory and circulatory system. Write your data on an intermediate pad paper.

Let’s Elaborate

Lifestyle is the way you live including your

style, attitudes, and possessions. Healthy
lifestyle is an abbreviated definition of how
you should live if you want to get the
healthiest body you can—one that both looks
good and feels good. While unhealthy

lifestyle is defined as a lifestyle where a
person engages in activities that are known
to be detrimental to one's health, such as
smoking, not exercising regularly or enough,
eating unhealthy foods on a regular basis,
and not maintaining a healthy weight.

A healthy lifestyle has many benefits not only for the body but for the mind too. Also, if you
follow a healthy lifestyle then you can reduce the risk of having diseases. Unhealthy lifestyle
such as smoking, overuse of alcohol, poor diet, and lack of physical activity are key
contributors in the development of preventable chronic diseases, including hypertension,
cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer.

Smoking cigarettes have many effects on the body. Variety can cause life-threatening
complications. In fact, an inline was the (CDC), smoking cigarettes increases the danger of
dying from all causes, not just those linked to tobacco use. Cigarette smoking harms nearly
every organ within the body, causing many illnesses and affecting health generally.

Health Effects of cigarettes smoking
Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, causing many illnesses and affecting
health in general. The negative effects of smoking on the circulatory system include heart
disease, arteriosclerosis, and vascular diseases. The respiratory diseases caused by smoking
are chronic bronchitis, asthma, cough, colds, tuberculosis, lung cancer and other respiratory

The best way to prevent diseases in the respiratory and circulatory systems is to have a
healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, prop er
hygiene, and avoiding vices like cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking. The respiratory
and circulatory diseases can easily be detected with regular health check -ups and

physical screening. Perhaps, pollution is often discussed additionally, which affects
one’s system.
Several lifestyle choices can affect a person’s risk of developing respiratory and circulatory
diseases. A negative lifestyle weakens your system while a healthy lifestyle finishes up in
complete wellness. Vices, stressful environments, unhealthy eating habits can cause various
diseases, specifically of the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Let’s Dig In

Activity 2: What’s the Word?

Infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory
1. All four pictures in each given set depict negative ways of living. They are connected by
one common word that indicates the effect of one’s lifestyle on the functioning of the
respiratory and circulatory systems.

Set A Set B

Q1. What idea is common in each set of pictures?

Q2. What are the negative lifestyles that are depicted in the pictures?

Q3. How can lifestyle affect the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems?

Q4. How can these negative lifestyles be changed?

Q5. What might happen if a person goes on with a negative lifestyle such as what
was seen in the activity? Write your answers in your journal notebook

Let’s Remember

Do people say that living a healthy lifestyle is difficult, but is it? Or does it depend on how a
person sees it? These habits can be worsening with unhealthy lifestyles such as not
exercising, smoking, drinking alcohol way too much, and too often.

Making a healthy lifestyle means caring for your health and wellbeing, such as exercising
and keeping a balanced and well-composed diet. And in this action can prevent you to
illness or any disease.

As a student, what should you do to protect yourself and others against diseases?

Direction: Using the given concept map, write the necessary information on how you protect
yourself and others against any diseases.

Q1. Who’s at the highest risk of developing severe Covid-19 disease? Are patients
with hypertension or asthma patients?

Q2. Do you agree with the saying: "Eat your breakfast, share your lunch with a friend
and give your dinner to your enemy"? Why do people say so?

Q3. What is a healthy lifestyle? And because of the pandemic as we face, how can you
manage a healthy lifestyle?

Let’s Apply

You have been through several activities on the negative effect of smoking and how to prevent
diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems. You are now ready to do the following

Activity 3: Information Dissemination Activity

▪ To present helpful information to the public about effective ways of taking care of the
respiratory and circulatory systems based on gathered data.

• Oslo paper
• Art materials
• Colored pens
• Mobile phone

1. Gather information about effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory
2. Make a flyer using an oslo paper.
3. Using your art materials enhance your flyer.
4. Make sure that you put the necessary information in your flyer.
5. Take a photo of your work and upload it to your social media account to give social
6. Make sure you give acknowledgement to your sources of information.

Information Dissemination Activity Rubrics

Category 4 3 2 1
Presentation The poster The poster The poster The poster
clearly communicates indirectly does not
communicates some of the communicates sufficiently
the main idea important ideas the idea and communicate
and strongly and slightly hardly promotes any idea that
promotes promotes awareness can promote
awareness awareness awareness

Creativity and All the graphics Most of the The graphics The graphics
Originality used on the graphics used were made by were not made
poster reflect an on the poster the student but by the student.
exceptional reflect student were copied
degree of ingenuity in from the design
student their creation

ingenuity in or ideas of
their creation others
Accuracy and All graphics in Most graphics Some graphics The graphics in
Relevance of the poster are in the poster are in the poster are the poster are
the Content accurate and accurate and accurate and neither accurate
related to the related to the related to the nor related to
topic. topic. topic. the topic.

Required The poster All required Few required Required

Elements includes all elements are elements are elements are
required included. included. missing.
elements as
well as

Let’s Evaluate

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. A healthy lifestyle can be described as:
A. eating anything you like and exercising
B. taking a shower twice a day, avoiding fat
C. avoiding meat, eating a balanced diet, exercising every day.
D. eating a balanced diet with fruit and vegetables, exercising regularly.

2. How does the respiratory and circulatory system works together?

A. Supply the body’s cell with oxygen.
B. Responsible for the movement of the body.
C. Breakdown food into energy to eliminate waste.
D. Send chemical signals throughout the body via hormones.

3. Which symptom is most likely to be associated with smoking cessation?

A. Anxiety B. Dry mouth C. Blurred vision D. Stomach pain

4. What is the main function of the circulatory system?

A. To control blood flow around the body.
B. To supply blood for the body.
C. To help us breathe.
D. None of these.

5. Why can smoking lead to heart disease?

A. Causes the arteries to harden and thicken.
B. Reduces HDL (‘good’) cholesterol.
C. Raises blood pressure.
D. All the above.

6. What are the best ways to guard yourself against the virus?
A. Taking antibiotics.

B. Consulting a doctor.
C. Eating more vegetables.
D. Covering the nose and mouth when sneezing, putting the
used tissue into a closed bin.

7. What important process takes place in the lungs?

A. Food is digested here.
B. Liquid waste is filtered from the blood.
C. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide.
D. The trachea is exchanged for the larynx.

8. Which one of the choices below is a lung disease that a person can suffer
A. Asthma C. Headache
B. Heart attack D. Muscle cramps

9. Disease that causes the inside of the arteries to get smaller with fat
deposits and can cause heart attack or stroke.
A. High blood pressure C. Thrombosis
B. Atherosclerosis D. Asthma

10. When you are sick, help you get better by attacking viruses or bacteria.
A. White blood cells C. Red blood cells
B. Platelets D. Plasma

11. Allan receives a vaccination against chicken pox, made from a weakened
version of the chicken pox virus. What is the intended result of the vaccination?
A. The weakened virus becomes stronger.
B. The weakened virus is attacked and destroyed by antigens.
C. The weakened virus is attacked and destroyed by antibodies.
D. The weakened virus is recognized and continues to live in his body.

12. How can one prevent emphysema, a well-known lung disease?

A. Taking vitamins
B. Exercising consistently
C. Abstaining from smoking
D. Maintaining a healthy diet.

13. Which of these contribute to high blood pressure?

A. Getting a lot of vitamin C C. Drinking excessive alcohol
B. Obtaining too much calcium D. All the above

14. When you exercise, your heart beats faster to _______.

A. Inflate your lungs.
B. Make you feel excited.
C. Let you know you working hard.
D. Spread oxygen throughout your body more quickly.

15. Which of the following disease is unlikely to be caused by smoking:

A. Lung cancer C. Bronchitis
B. Tuberculosis D. Heart attack

You may answer this test online, please visit the link below.
Let’s Extend

Create a 3-stanza jingle about having a healthy respiratory and circulatory system. Write it in
a short bond paper, design it and post it or if possible, perform it in front of your teacher and

Jingle Presentation Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor

4pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Theme Jingle stays on Jingle stays on Jingle stays of Jingle doesn’t
topic throughout. topic. Topic is the on some stay on topic.
Topic is positive positive and topic. Topic is Topic is not
and appropriate appropriate for occasionally and shown in a
for school school appropriate for positive way or is
advertising. advertising. school not always
Clever lyrics. Competent lyrics advertising. Fine appropriate.
to advertise the lyrics written with Group has
topic. some teacher difficulty and
support. needs much
support to write
Melody Melody is simple Melody is simple Melody is fair, but Melody requires
and very “catchy”. and very “catchy”. not “catchy”. much
Rhythm and Rhythm and Could be improvement, is
melody range melody range improved not appealing or
appropriate and appropriate and rhythmically or is “stolen” from
appealing. Is appealing. melodically. another source
original Demonstrate Lacks originality.
some originality.
Group Work Entire group Entire group All group Group does not
involved in involved in members are work well
composition and composition and involved in together, not
performance performance, but composition and everyone
equally. All not all equally. All performance at involved in
members ideas group members times in every composition
are always ideas are usually class. Teacher and/or
valued- group valued respect is must mediate performance.
always shown most of occasionally. Group members
demonstrates the time. Respect often undervalue each
respect. shown. other’s idea. -
Respect not
shown. Group
either falls apart,
requires much
intervention, or
does not finish
project together.

1. Science 9 Leaner’s Module

2. Here is your free sample essay on Lifestyle

Article Shared by Dnyanesh Kumar

3. Your Dictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by LoveToKnow Corp

4. How to Live a Healthier Lifestyle?

By Paige Waehner Updated on January 03, 2020

5. What Is an Unhealthy Lifestyle?



Development Team of the Module
Content Evaluators: MINERVA M. CONTRERAS, MT II,
Language Evaluator: MERLY V. JARANILLA, TI
Illustrator: VICTOR G. TALEON
Layout Artist: VICTOR G. TALEON

For inquiries, please write or call:

Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City

Telefax: 8384251

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