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General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

Polygraphy (Lie Detection)

1. If the subject take medication prior to the polygraph examination, how many hours should the
examiner wait before he should conduct the examination.
A. 2 hours C. 5 hours
B. 4 hours D. 6 hours

2. In polygraph examination, after the taking of each chart where should the examiner request the
subject to sign?
A. Beginning of the three tracings C. Across the three tracings
B. Below the cardio tracing D. Above the pneumo tracing

3. The WAT is concerned with the answer be it “yes” or “no”, this statement is _______.
A. True C. Either
B. False D. Neither

4. Confession while under the hypnotic spell is admissible as evidence because of such
“psychiatric treatment” is voluntary and mentally coercive. This statement is ________.
A. True C. Either
B. False D. Neither

5. What question is formulated without any specific relationship with the case under
A. Weak Relevant Question C. Control Question
B. Irrelevant Question D. Symptomatic Question

6. The following are physiological responses that polygraph instrument is recording, except:
A. Blood Pressure C. Skin Moisture
B. Muscular Contraction D. Respiration

7. To obtain confession without the use of violence, the following are defense mechanism to be
used, except:
A. Blame others C. Rationalize subject’s action.
B. Minimize the crime D. Gain the subject’s sympathy

8. Which of the following is not included in general rules of formulating questions?

A. Must be short as possible
B. Must be simple and direct
C. Must not be in the form of accusation
D. Must involve legal terminologies such as rape, murder etc.

9. If the subject is talking not the normal “Yes” or “No”, what should the examiner place on the
chart as a marking?
A. TS C. T

10.Which of the following component is used to measure the changes on the subject respiration?
A. Galvanograph C. Pneumograph Tube
B. Cardiosphymograph D. None of these

11. What test uses card or number test?

A. Stimulation Test C. Spot Responder Test
B. Mixed Question Test D. Silent Answer Test
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

12. It is the standard number of questions in polygraph examinations.

A. 12 C. 13
B. 10 D. 8

13. What phase of polygraph examination whereby he polygraph component is attached on the
A. Post-test Interview/Interrogation
B. Pre-test Interview
C. Initial Interview with the investigator
D. Actual test

14. The alteration of consciousness and concentration in which the subject manifest a heightened
of suggestibility while awareness is maintained is known as:
A. Narcoanalysis C. Hypnosis
B. Word Association Test D. Hypnotism

15. The questioning of a person who is reluctant to make full disclosure of information in his
possession, which is pertinent to the investigation, is referred as:
A. Interview C. Investigation
B. Interrogation D. Examination

16. In polygraph examination, the examiner is supposed to ask relevant question but made a
mechanical adjustment prior to the question, what question should be ask by the polygraph
examiner after the mechanical adjustment?
A. Relevant Question C. Irrelevant Question
B. Control Question D. Knowledge Question

17. Upon beginning the test, how many seconds should the examiner wait before asking the first
A. 10-15 minutes C. 5-10 seconds
B. 15-20 seconds D. 20-25 seconds

18. Which of the following question is designed to stimulate the guilty subject and focus his
attention on the probability of incriminating proof that would tend to establish his guilt?
A. Evidence Connecting Question C. Knowledge Question
B. Strong Relevant Question D. SKY Question

19. What instrument is an accurate and delicately engineered for recording physiological
A. Polygraph C. Hydrosphymograph
B. Deceptograph D. Sphygmomanometer

20. If SKY question is used in the examination, what technique was utilized?
A. R/I Test Technique C. Peak of Tension Test Technique
B. Backster Zone Comparison Test Technique D. None of these

21. Which of the following techniques is applicable if there where two or more persons who are
allegedly participated in the commission of the crime?
A. Mutt and Jeff Technique C. Emotional Appeal
B. Bluff on Split-pair Technique D. Stern Approach

22. The confession made prior to the trial of the case is:
A. Voluntary Extra-Judicial Confession C. Admission
B. Involuntary Extra-Judicial Confession D. Extra-Judicial Confession
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

23. What artery should the arm cuff be placed?

A. Carotid Artery C. Brachial Artery
B. Poplitial Artery D. Aorta

24. What drug is being used in the administration of truth serum?

A. Hyosine Hydrobromide C. Scopolamine
B. Sodium Penthotal D. Metamphetamine

25. Which of the following detects, measures and graphically displays the voice modulations that
we cannot hear?
A. Word Association Test C. Psychological Stress Evaluator
B. Polygraph Machine D. Deceptograph

26. The following are use of drugs that try to inhibit the inhibitor, except:
A. Hypnotism C. Administration of Truth Serum
B. Narcoanalysis or Narcosynthesis D. Intoxication

27. If mechanical adjustment is done during the examination, the examiner should indicate it
A. Minus sign C. Plus sign
B. Vertical line D. Arrow

28. It refers to the response wherein no question is asked or an irrelevant question is asked.
A. Specific Response C. Normal Response
B. Electrodermal Response D. Reaction

29. For identification purposes of the test chart, following are information to be place near the
beginning of the test chart before the pneumo tracing, except:
A. Subject’s name, rank and profession C. Time and date of the examination
B. Signature of the examiner D. Test or chart number

30. The Primary or Key question is asked by the examiner in order to resolve a specific subject
matter is:
A. Sacrifice Question C. Control Question
B. Relevant Question D. SKY Question

31. Which of the following is not a countermeasure that affect the validity of polygraph
A. Autonomic Responses C. Controlling Thoughts
B. Knowledge of Results D. Belief in Machine

32. Who founded the oldest polygraph publication?

A. James Mackenzie C. Richard O. Archer
B. Richard I. Golden D. Vittorio Benussi

33. The following are principal use of polygraph, except:

A. It is an investigative aid. C. It identifies the guilty subject.
B. It speeds up the process of investigation. D. It eliminates innocent subjects.

34. What symbol should be placed if the subject burps during the examination?
A. L C. B
B. Y D. BI
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

35. Which of the following symbol is used if the subject answers “Yes” to the question being
A. Plus sign C. Vertical sign
B. Minus Sign D. X

36. The card test and specialized peak of tension test was introduced by:
A. William Moulton Marston C. Harold Burtt
B. Leonard Keeler D. Cesare Lombroso

37. What component of polygraph machine is considered as the most controversial?

A. Cardiosphymograph C. Kymograph
B. Galvanograph D. Pneumograph

38. What technique is used, if the interrogator created a mood conducive to confession?
A. Mutt and Jeff Technique C. Emotional Appeal
B. Bluff on Split-pair Technique D. Stern Approach

39. The pneumograph tube is strapped around the subject thorso and ___________:
A. Abdomen C. Brachial Artery
B. Fingers D. Arms

40. At the beginning of the examination, what symbol should be placed?

A. ↑ C. /
B. XX D. X

41. At the end and in the beginning of each question, what marking is used?
A. Vertical line C. Plus sign
B. Minus Sign D. Arrow

42. Confession made under the influence of spiritual advice of paternal sentiment is not
admissible, this statement is ____________.
A. True C. Partially True
B. False D. Partially False

43. What confession is being obtained during the arraignment of a case?

A. Extra-judicial Confession C. Judicial Confession
B. Voluntary extra-judicial confession D. Involuntary extra-judicial confession

44. The rate of the motor that pulls or drives the chart paper under the recording pen is:
A. 4 to 8 inches per minute C. 8 to 10 inches per minute
B. 8 to 12 inches per minute D. 6 to 12 inches per minute

45. Strong relevant question is also known as:

A. DYAT Question C. Secondary Question
B. SKY Question D. Crucial Question

46. The question which concern some secondary element of the crime or problems and deals
mostly on guilty knowledge and partial involvement is:
A. Weak Question C. Relevant Question
B. Control Question D. Irrelevant Question

47. The first scientific instrument used to detect deception is:

A. Hydrosphymograph C. Galvanograph
B. Sphygmomanometer D. Psychological Stress Evaluator
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

48. The Italian physiologist who developed the galvanic skin reflex is:
A. Galvani C. Sticker
B. Keeler D. Golden

49. What type of lie is often found on a résumé?

A. Lie of Minimization C. Lie of Omission
B. Lie of Fabrication D. Lie of Exaggeration

50. When is polygraph examination test result admissible in court?

A. When the polygraph examiner is experienced enough to conduct the examination.
B. If both parties agreed and it is ruled by the judge.
C. If the victim agreed that the polygraph test result will be used as evidence in court.
D. If the prosecutor permits it.

51. Which of the following polygraph component records breathing of the subject?
A. Kymograph C. Cardiosphymograph
B. Galvanograph D. Pneumograph

52. Which of the following major parts of polygraph machine consists of finger/palm electrode?
A. Galvanograph C. Pneumograph
B. Cardiosphymograph D. Kymograph

53. What is the general type of drugs that is being used in Narcoanalysis?
A. Amphetamine C. Barbiturates
B. Methamphetamine D. Laudanum

54. Which of the following is designed to produce a response in the innocent subject and serve as
a basis of evaluating the subject perceptual set?
A. Sacrifice Question C. Control Question
B. Relevant Question D. SKY Question

55. What specific drug is being administered in Narcosynthesis and Narcoanalysis?

A. Hyosine Hydrobromide C. Sodium Amytal
B. Amphetamine D. Metamphetamine

56. The person other than the suspect who is requested to give information concerning the
incident is:
A. Witness C. Suspect
B. Victim D. Complainant

57. The confession obtained through force, threat, intimidation, duress or anything influencing
the voluntary act of the confessor is:
A. Voluntary Extra-Judicial Confession C. Judicial Confession
B. Involuntary Extra-Judicial Confession D. Extra-Judicial Confession

58. What phase of examination where the rights of the subjects is informed?
A. Phase II C. Phase III
B. Phase I D. Phase IV

59. The question, which is designed to detect and evaluate the presence of outside issue that
might suppress subject’s responses to the relevant question, is:
A. Symptomatic Question C. Strong Relevant
B. SKY Question D. Knowledge Question
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

60. The motor that pulls or drives the chart paper under a recording pen simultaneously is:
A. Cardiosphymograph C. Kymograph
B. Galvanograph D. Pneumograph

61. The part of polygraph machine that records changes of blood pressure and pulse rate is:
A. Cardiosphymograph C. Kymograph
B. Galvanograph D. Pneumograph

62. Why is it that the subject undergoing polygraph examination not allowed to face a glass
A. Because, the subject will be able to see the officer handling the case
B. Because, the subject can think of an alibi when question is asked.
C. Because, of possible outside distractions, which may affect test response
D. Because, the subject will not concentrate on the question being asked to him

63. How many feet long is the chart paper?

A. 90 ft. C. 80 ft.
B. 100 ft. D. 120 ft

64. Which of the following is not included on the tri-pod of polygraphy?

A. Mechanical C. Psychological
B. Physiological D. Psycho-physiological

65. Control Question is also known as:

A. Evidence Connecting Question C. Secondary Control Question
B. Sacrifice Question D. Probable Lie

66. Which of the following question is designed to probe whether the subject possesses
information regarding the identity of the offender, or as to location of evidence or other
secondary elements of the facts of the case under investigation?
A. Control Question C. Knowledge Question
B. Symptomatic Question D. Evidence Connecting

67. Which of the following major parts of polygraph machine records the skin resistance of the
subject to a very small amount of electricity?
A. Cardiosphymograph C. Kymograph
B. Pneumograph D. Galvanograph

68. What is the primary purpose of pre-test interview?

A. To obtain confession C. Determine suitability of the subject
B. Obtain subject consent D. Condition the subject for the test

69. The following are rights of subject undergoing polygraph examination except:
A.Right to be determined if fit for examination.
B.Right to be informed of the reason of the lie detector.
C.Right to be expose to oral criticism or abuse.
D.Right to be examined by qualified examiner.

70. The error in polygraph examination, where a truthful subject is reported to be deceptive is
known as:
A. False Interpretation C. False Examination
B. False Positive D. False Negative
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

71. Which of the following cases, whereby the polygraph examination result was admitted as
evidence in court of Kansas?
A. State v. Hesson C. State v. Piccionnona
B. State v. Wakefield D. U.S. v Galbreth

72. One who loves to lie and to avoid the consequences of confession is known as:
A. Ethnological Liar C. Psychopathic Liar
B. Panic Liar D. Black Liar

73. Which of the following tests consists of preparation and asking of certain questions about
fictitious incident similar in nature but appears to be real in so far as the subject is concerned?
A. Guilt Complex Test C. Silent Answer Test
B. Yes Test D. Peak of Tension Test

74. Many jurisdictions allow the introduction of evidence of polygraph test results if the parties
to the case stipulate to its admissibility, but what country offer the admissibility of polygraph
evidence without the stipulation of parties?
A. Philippines C. Australia
B. Hawaii D. New Mexico

75. The special test that should be administered if distortions occurred in the first test, card test
and the third test is:
A. Guilt Complex Test C. Silent Answer Test
B. Yes Test D. Supplementary test

76. What phase of polygraph examination where the purpose is to obtain confession?
A. Phase II C. Phase I
B. Phase IV D. Phase III

77. The Ordeal applied chiefly among clergy and monk is:
A. Ordeal by Blessed Bread C. Trial of the Cross
B. Trial of the waxen Shirt D. Test of the Eucharist

78. Who determined that respiratory changes were indication of deception?

A. Harold Burtt C. Angelo Mosso
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Sticker

79. In polygraph examination using the general question test, what is the third question that is
being ask?
A. Relevant Question C. Irrelevant Question
B. Control Question D. Evidence Connecting Question

80. What test technique uses padding questions during the test?
A. Guilt Complex Test C. Stimulation Test
B. Peak of Tension Test D. Mixed Question Test

81. What is the purpose of Silent Answer Test?

A. To check possible distortions.
B. To serve as a confirmatory check.
C. To compare the degree of reaction between relevant and control question.
D. To determine the responsiveness of the subject to crucial questions.

82. Under Phase I of polygraph examination the investigator must furnish the examiner of the
following, except:
A. Incident or spot report C. Sworn statement of the subject
B. Background Investigation of the subject D. Personal data of the subject
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

83. What type of lie is used if the individual will accept that something has occurred but down
plays the implication?
A. Lie of Exaggeration C. Lie of Omission
B. Lie of Fabrication D. Lie of Minimization

84. Which of the following test is answerable by no only?

A. Card Test C. Yes Test
B. Guilt Complex Test D. Silent Answer Test

85. In chart tracing where color coding was utilized, what color represents the respiration?
A. Red C. Yellow
B. Green D. Blue

86. What ordeal was practiced in England, where slain dead could point out their killer?
A. Ordeal of the Bier C. Trial of the Waxen Shirt
B. Donkey’s Tail Ordeal D. Trial of the Cross

87. In order for the examiner to draw a better conclusion a special test is conducted aside from
the standard test, this test is known as:
A. Guilt Complex Test C. Silent Answer Test
B. Zone Comparison Test D. Supplementary Test

88. The test where the examiner answers the question silently in his mind is:
A. Card Test C. Silent Answer Test
B. Mixed Question Test D. Yes Test

89. What test technique is used, when symptomatic questions are asked during the test?
A. Zone Comparison Test C. General Question Test
B. Peak of Tension Test D. Silent Answer Test

90. Which of the following clues in deception is not included in words that are?
A. Tirades C. Pauses
B. Oaths D. Emblems

91. What is the purpose of Test II in RI technique?

A. To determine responsiveness of the subject to crucial questions.
B. To compare the degree of reaction between relevant and control question.
C. It is a confirmatory check.
D. To check possible distortion when the chosen number is asked.

92. What is the second phase of polygraph examination?

A. Post Test Interrogation
B. Actual Test
C. Pre-Test Interview
D. Initial interview with the Investigator handling the case

93. What question is concerned with some secondary element of the crime or problems and deals
mostly on guilty knowledge or partial involvement in the crime?
A. Weak Relevant Question C. Control Question
B. Strong Relevant Question D. Irrelevant Question
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

94. Statements taken from the subject while under the influence of truth serum is involuntarily
obtained hence, it is not admissible as evidence because:
A. It is mentally coercive.
B. Subject cannot recall everything that he mentioned
C. It involves potential risk on the application of its procedure.
D. It infers the use of intelligence and attention which is self-incriminatory.

95. Which of the following test is usable only if the subject is not informed of all the important
details of offenses in question?
A. Zone Comparison Test C. General Question Test
B. Peak of Tension Test D. Card Test

96. When the subject makes admission or confession with respect to his answer to he control
question, he is usually _________.
A. Hesitant or resisting the test.
B. Telling a lie.
C. Telling the truth.
D. Did not understand the question.

97. What is the best desirable statement at the end of the interview?
A. “It’s been a pleasure talking with you.”
B. “Our second interview is tomorrow at 10:00AM. See you.”
C. “You were observed speaking to the victim last night. Why?”
D. “Would you care to sign this statement.”

98. The following are signs of lying except:

A. Sweating C. Twitching of the Eyes
B. Repetition of Question D. Blushing

99. How long is the pneumograph tube?

A. 10 inches C. 8 inches
B. 7 inches D. 5 inches

100. What is the usual behavior symptom of an innocent subject in lie detection?
A. Often times the requesting party.
B. Nervous
C. Receptive to the test.
D. All of these.

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