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Malicious bot can infect one host and after infecting will create connection to the central server

which will provide commands to all infected

hosts attached to that network called ____________

Answer: Botnet

Is the art of manipulating people so that they give up their confidential information like bank account details, password etc. These criminals
can trick you into giving your private and confidential information or they will gain your trust to get access to your computer to install a
malicious software- that will give them control of your computer.

Answer: Social Engineering

These days every organization follows a rule BYOD. BYOD means Bring your own device like Laptops, Tablets to the workplace. Clearly BYOD
pose a serious threat to security of data but due to productivity issues organizations are arguing to adopt this.

Answer: Corporate data on personal devices

With new threats emerging everyday, updation in security software is a pre requisite to have a fully secured environment.

Answer: Outdated Security Software

There is a saying when there is a connectivity to Internet there will be danger to Security.

Answer: Mobile Malware

With the advancement in technology, with every passing day a new gadget is being released in the market. But very few are fully secured and
follows Information Security principles. Since the market is very competitive Security factor is compromised to make device more up to date.
This leads to theft of data/ information from the devices

Answer: Technology with weak security

In this cyber criminals identify and infect a cluster of websites that persons of a particular organisation visit, to steal information.

Answer: Social Media Attacks

Messages that request the list server to take a prescribed action.

Answer: Commands

A file containing summaries of stories and news from a Web log (blog) or Web site.

Answer: Newsfeed
An XML file format that makes it possible to share updates (such as headlines and other Web site content) via a newsfeed

Answer: RSS

Three wireless roles

Answer: Wireless Clients, Access Points, Ad-Hoc

Three types of routers

Answer: Omnidirectional, Sector, Focused

Quality standards of printed materials are controlled through a system of checks and balances imposed by peer review, editors, publishers,
and librarians, all of whom manage and control access to printed information.

Answer: Prints Sources

As every one of the messages are put away on the PC itself, if there was a product or equipment disappointment and the messages could
never again be gotten to, calling an information recuperation organization like Ontrack would be the most ideal alternative

Answer: Lost email on an Email Client

This is on the grounds that every one of the messages are put away on the email specialist co-op's online servers.

Answer: Lost email on a webmail account

Because of Email Clients sparing all messages (sent and got) on the PC itself, if there is a product or equipment mistake and the messages
have not been supported up, at that point there is a hazard that all messages will be lost.

Answer: Backingup

Some email suppliers use IMAP, which is perfect for matching up between PCs.

Answer: Accessing email on multiple computers

With Webmail, you get refreshes at regular intervals or something like that yet for Email Clients, it can take a long time for any updates to be

Answer: System Updates

Is a work area program that enables clients to get to their messages on their PC without signing in by means of the web.

Answer: Email Client

As Webmail is facilitated on the email supplier's server, the extra room will in general be extremely constrained.

Answer: Limited storage space

With anything free, there constantly will in general be bargains and commercials topping off your screen is unquestionably one of them with
regards to Webmail.

Answer: Adverts

In the event that you converse with a specialist, they will prompt you against getting to your Webmail from an open PC.

Answer: Security

Is an email framework that can be gotten to by means of any internet browser when associated with the web.

Answer: Webmail

E-commerce builds long-term mutually satisfying relations.

Answer: Relationship Marketing

Internet is a central depository of huge amounts of data.

Answer: Data Depository

Is individualized and interaction is with carefully selected individual customer.

Answer: Individual Communication

Information could be leaked by accidentally sending a fax to an incorrect address, or making too many copies of a document and leaving
them behind.

Answer: Security policy breaches due to careless

A document left on the tray of a multifunction printer could be read or taken by anyone.

Answer: Information leaks via hard copy

Multifunction printers have a built-in storage device, such as a hard disk drive, for strong information such as address books and documents.

Answer: Information leaks from HDD storage media

Multifunction printers in an office environment are exposed to security risks of __________.

Answer: Unauthorized access via a devices operation panel

Multifunction printers exchange critical information with computers and servers over networks.

Answer: The tapping and alteration of information over the network

Enabling a device’s fax feature may mean connecting it to the outside via a telephone line which means that blocking potential unauthorized
access via the fax line is critical.

Answer: Improper access through fax telephone lines

In an increasingly connected modern world, the number of possible points of entry for a malicious attacker also increase.

Answer: Malicious Access via Networks

Is the art of manipulating people so that they give up their confidential information like bank account details, password etc.

Answer: Social Engineering

These days every organization follows a rule BYOD.

Answer: Corporation data on personal devices

With new threats emerging everyday, update in security software is a pre- requisite to have a fully secured environment.

Answer: Outdated Security Software

There is a saying when there is a connectivity to Internet there will be danger to Security.

Answer: Mobile Malware

In this cyber criminals identify and infect a cluster of websites that persons of a particular organisation visit, to steal information.

Answer: Social media attacks

With the advancement in technology, with every passing day a new gadget is being released in the market.

Answer: Technology with weak security

It is type of malware that will either encrypt your files or will lock your computer making it inaccessible either partially or wholly.

Answer: Ronsomware

Can be seen as advanced form of worms.

Answer: Bots

Were very fond of horses and trusted the gift blindly. In the night, the soldiers emerged and attacked the city from the inside.

Answer: Trojan

It is a program or we can say software that monitors your activities on computer and reveal collected information to interested party.

Answer: Spyware

Is not exactly malicious but they do breach privacy of the users.

Answer: Adware

Are also self replicating in nature but they don’t hook themselves to the program on host computer.

Answer: Worms

They have the ability to replicate themselves by hooking them to the program on the host computer like songs, videos etc and then they
travel all over the Internet.

Answer: Virus

Quick browsing , Quick Page sharing and Multiple Apps

Answer: UC Browser

Dynamic HTML , Integrated Search Engine and Opensource Development

Answer: Netscape Browser

Omni Bar mode , Integrated Plugins(Ad Blocker, Photo Salon) and Low Crash and Bugs

Answer: Slim Browser

Anti Spyware , Pop up Blocker and Cloud Browsing

Answer: Maxthon

Ad blocker & Download Manager , Social Sharing and Youtube Downloader and Faster, Secure and Reliable

Answer: Slimjet Browser

Add ons, Customization options and Mouse Gestures

Answer: Internet Explorer

Most Popular Macintosh Browser, Import Bookmarks from any browser and Private Browsing

Answer: Safari Web Browser

Email Suite, Phishing Filter and Bit Torrent

Answer: Opera Web Browser

RSS Headlines, Chat Extension and Spam / Malware Filter

Answer: Mozilla Firefox

Private Browsing, Fast Startup and Phishing / Marlware Filter

Answer: Google Chrome

Internet browsers spoke with web servers principally utilizing HTTP (hypertext move convention) to bring website pages.

Answer: Protocol and Standards

Is at the center of each site page, in any case the multifaceted nature of a site or number of advances included.

Answer: HTML

Four Broad Categories Of Search Tools

Answer: Search engines, Directories, Meta-search engines and Other Web resources such as Web bibliographies
A popular meta-search engine, routes search terms to more than ten search engines and Web directories.

Answer: Profusion

Is a multi-client visit framework that permits to individuals assemble on "channels" or "rooms" to talk in gatherings or secretly.

Answer: IRC

Is a gathering between at least two members at various locales by utilizing PC systems to transmit sound and video information.

Answer: Video conferencing

Wireless networks can be used to connect distant buildings or areas. It usually requires very focused antennas - such as a dish antenna - that
can send a narrow beam in a specific direction.

Answer: Point to Point link - Long Distance Connections

Can also refer to unplanned, decentralized network connections.

Answer: Ad-hoc Network / Device Network

Person who moderates a mailing list to ensure that the list always receives and sends appropriate and relevant information to its members.

Answer: List Moderator

A mailing list for which a list moderator is responsible for discarding any messages that are inappropriate for or irrelevant to the list’s

Answer: Moderated List

A mailing list for which no one moderates the list and postings are sent to list members automatically.

Answer: Unmoderated List

Acronym for BYOD

Answer: Bring Your Own Devices

Acronym for ATM

Answer: Automatic Teller Machine

Acronym for EDI

Answer: Electronic Data Interchange

Usenet was founded in at Duke University as a way of collecting information and storing that information by topic category.

Answer: 1979

Acronym of NNTP

Answer: Network News Transfer Protocol

Google Groups has stored over newsgroup articles dating from 1981 in its database.

Answer: 800 million

A very small and lightweight portable media player that first became popular because it can store and play hundreds of songs which are
downloadable from the Internet at a minimal cost.

Answer: iPod

Acronym for RSS

Answer: Really Simple Syndication

This can connect two Ethernet systems, or interface with progressively far off

Answer: Access Points

Is like an individual in the group of spectators of a play or motion picture.

Answer: Wireless Client

Acronym for SMS

Answer: Short Message Administration

Acronym for IRC 

Answer: Internet Relay Chat

Five Criteria for Evaluating Resources: AAOCC. What is the acronym of last letter C

Answer: Coverage
Five Criteria for Evaluating Resources: AAOCC. What is the acronym of fourth letter C

Answer: Currency

Five Criteria for Evaluating Resources: AAOCC. What is the acronym of third letter O

Answer: Objectivity

Five Criteria for Evaluating Resources: AAOCC. What is the acronym of second letter A 

Answer: Accuracy

Five Criteria for Evaluating Resources: AAOCC. What is the acronym of first letter A 

Answer: Authority

Your site should definitely let the customers register and login. It’s best to place this on the top bar for easy access.

Answer: Customer login

Sometimes, a customer may be interested in a product but decide to buy it later.

Answer: Wishlist

A clear navigation bar improves the UX of your site – mandatory for every page.

Answer: User-friendly Navigation

An e-commerce site must have a top level domain with a secured connection.

Answer: Top level domain with HTTPs

Malware can be divided in 2 categories

Answer: Infection Methods and Malware Actions

Infection mechanism is same but they don’t spy and steal information rather they wait for the command from hackers.

Answer: Zombies

Are designed to gain root access or we can say administrative privileges in the user system.

Answer: Rootkits
It masquerades as a tool to help fix your system but when the software is executed it will infect your system or completely destroy it.

Answer: Scareware

Is the space wherein you see this site at the present time.

Answer: Scroll Bars

Is the space wherein you see this site at the present time.

Answer: Display Window

Is our method for speaking with programming.

Answer: Programming Language

Stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

Answer: CSS

You will discover this bar at the highest point of your program window and its motivation is to demonstrate to you the entire URL or site

Answer: Address Bar

You will discover the status bar at the extremely base of your program window.

Answer: Statur Bar

You will discover this bar at without a doubt the highest point of your program and in will be the shading blue for the significant programs.

Answer: Title Bar

You will discover the Toolbar straightforwardly under the Title Bar. The Toolbar is the place you will locate the back catch, home catch and the
revive catch and so forth.

Answer: Toolbars Icon

A is a question that you can phrase easily and one for which you will recognize the answer when you find it.

Answer: specific question

An is an open-ended question that can be harder to phrase; it is also difficult to determine when you find a good answer.

Answer: exploratory question

A web  is a Web site (or part of a Web site) that finds other Web pages that match a word or phrase you enter.

Answer: search engine

The word or phrase you enter in a search engine is called a search expression or a .

Answer: query

A , also called a bot or a spider, is a program that automatically searches the Web to find new Web sites and update
information about old Web sites that already are in the database.

Answer: Web robot

A  is a Web page that is indexed in the search engine’s database and that contains text that matches your search expression.

Answer: hit

If the advertising appears in a box on the page (usually at the top, but sometimes along the side or bottom of the page), it is usually called a

Answer: banner ad

All search engines provide a series of , which are Web pages that contain hyperlinks to the Web pages that contain text
that matches your search expression.

Answer: results pages

Some search engine operators sell paid placement rights on results pages.  These paid placement links are often labeled as “sponsored,” and
they are usually called .

Answer: sponsored links

is one of the oldest and most respected directories on the Web.

Answer: Yahoo
A  is a listing of hyperlinks to Web pages that is organized into hierarchical categories.

Answer: Web directory

The combination of search engine and directory is sometimes called a .

Answer: hybrid search engine directory.

A  is a tool that combines the power of multiple search engines.

Answer: meta-search engine

was developed by George Boole, a nineteenth century British mathematician.

Answer: Boolean algebra

Three basic Boolean operators , __________ and ________ are recognized by most search engines.

Answer: AND, OR and NOT

A allows you to omit part of a search term.

Answer: wildcard character

One of the quickest developing types of Internet interchanges

Answer: Instant Messaging

Web communication comprises of a blend of equipment and programming that empowers you to utilize the Internet as the transmission
mechanism for phone calls.

Answer: Internet Telephony & VoIP

Short for electronic mail, email is the transmission of messages over correspondences systems.

Answer: E-mail

Is a worldwide remote help that empowers the transmission of alphanumeric messages between versatile supporters and outer frameworks

Answer: SMS & Wireless Communications

Converts electrical signals to radio waves.

Answer: Antenna

A type of networking protocol - it defines the types of cables and connections that are used to wire computers, switches, and routers

Answer: Ethernet

People interact with mailing lists by posting messages.

Answer 'True'.

Mention things like reward points and other special offers for your long time customers. Include a link that takes them to more a more
detailed offer page.

Answer 'True'.

Include a few good risk reducers, such as free shipping and return offers at this point to attract your potential customers.

Answer 'True'.

Use Unique Value Propositions or UVPs mentions those things about your business that make it special.

Answer 'True'.

Whether it be enquiring about a particular product or clarifying business hours, customers may need to call you for various reasons.
Mentioning the contact number at the top makes this easy for them.

Answer 'True'.

If you optimise your search bar properly, it can become a powerful tool for conversions.

Answer 'True'.

Obviously, the shopping cart is an integral part of any ecommerce site. The best position to place it is the upper right corner.

Answer 'True'.
If your ecommerce site has multiple versions for different regions, then you can include language options to let users switch between
different languages/regions.

Answer 'True'.

If your ecommerce site has physical stores or pick-up points, a store locator at the top bar can make them easy for your customers to find.

Answer 'True'.

Is HTML provides the basic structure of sites, which is enhanced and modified by other technologies like CSS and JavaScript.

Answer 'True'.

Is CSS is used to control presentation, formatting, and layout.

Answer 'True'.

Is JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different elements.

Answer 'True'.

Under World Wide Web

On the web, anyone can, with no supervision or review at all, put up a web page.

Answer 'True'.

Under Print Sources

Materials in printed form are stable.

Answer 'True'.

Under Print Sources

Quality standards of printed materials are controlled through a system of checks and balances imposed by peer review, editors, publishers,
and librarians, all of whom manage and control access to printed information.

Answer 'True'.

Under Print Sources

In academic and other research libraries, most books and periodicals are a product of the scholarly communication system.

Answer 'True'.
Under Print Sources
Printed information in books and periodicals follows established linear formats for logical and effective organization.

Answer 'True'.

Under World Wide Web

On the Web, there is no systematic monitoring of much of what appears, except, of course, for articles published in the online forms of
otherwise reputable scholarly journals and books.

Answer 'True'.

Under World Wide Web

There is no standard format for web sites and documents.

Answer 'True'.

Under World Wide Web

Internet sources are also not stable.

Answer 'True'.

Under World Wide Web

Web resources use hypertext links and need not be organized in any linear fashion.

Answer 'True'.

Under World Wide Web 

The changing nature of the web and web documents create major problems with the stability of information and with links between different
units of information.

Answer 'True'.

You might receive many e-mail messages every day from the list server. If you subscribe to several mailing lists, you might find that the mail
volume is more than you can read.

Answer 'True'.

A popular way of sharing information is to join, or subscribe to, a mailing list.

Answer 'True'.

Many list servers file every message received by the list in an archive , although the list server might delete the messages periodically to
recover disk space.

Answer 'True'.
The Internet provides access to thousands of mailing lists on many different topics.

Answer 'True'.

Some mailing lists support a command that lets you receive information about the people subscribed to a mailing list.

Answer 'True'.

When you leave a mailing list, also referred to as dropping the mailing list or unsubscribing from the mailing list, you will stop receiving

Answer 'True'.

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