March 14 Minutes

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Billings Township

March 14, 2011

Meeting called to order by Nephew at 7:00 PM with Pledge of Allegiance

In attendance all board members and 24 others, agenda adopted

Introduction of new Clerk, Sue Brancaleone

Minutes approved from February, 2011 Meeting

Bills approved as submitted

AI Vincent, Fire Chief Update on search for missing person on Sanford Lake

Dave provided updates on WWTP

Commissioners report Terry Whittington (Absent)

Correspondence- None

Old Business- Budget workshop date and time set for 3/17 @8:00 am

New Business - Update on gravel roads, list submitted for consideration, Carl ZBA requested funding for
planning workshop, approved.

Public Comment: Concern training is considered a meeting and should be open to everyone. Sid Hansen
recommended a 5 year plan. That covers capital improvements, roads commission. Concerned citizen
commented on being forced to hook-up up sewers

Board Comment: Nelson recommended the outdoor flags are in need of replacement, suggested place
to purchase, expense approved

Meeting adjourned by Nephew, Supervisor @ 8: 15

Submitted by: Sue Bancaleone, Billings Township Clerk

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