Glo-Bus Free Tips

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What if You Had a Leg-Up in the Global Business Simulation Game?

If you’ve played Glo-Bus Online, you know that sometimes it can be a challenge. Maybe you’re a new
user who feels overwhelmed. Or maybe you’re someone who’s been playing the game but can’t seem to
find an edge.

Wherever you are with the Global Business Simulation Game , don’t worry: you can always dominate
your opponent.

First, you’ll have to be armed. You need to be armed with the right strategies to win. You need to be
armed with the wisdom of experience. And, most of all, you have to be armed with the technical
knowledge and skill of someone who’s been there before—and has won, over and over again.
Are you interested in getting a leg-up in Glo-Bus Online, defeating your opponents, and reproducing the
same quality results game in and game out?

Then keep reading.

My name is Dave Mar, a Glo-Bus Online “Grandmaster” who’s taken first place at the Best Strategy
Invitational (BSI) of the Global Business Strategy Game. BSI is the Glo-Bus Online competition for players
who have taken first place in their class. And I’m about to teach you how to dominate Glo-Bus Online.

I first came across Glo-Bus Online as a MBA student, armed with prior knowledge of the BSG and easily
placed first in the world within the first round that was played.

And now I want to share my knowledge and experience with you.

In my eBook, you’ll receive the full plethora of tips, chunks of knowledge, strategies, and time-tested
rules that will help you become successful at Glo-Bus Online. If you don’t believe
me, take a look at these free ten tips – tips you can start applying right away – to get you started:

The Top Ten Tips for Winning at the Glo-Bus Online

#1 Max out Research and Development. If you invest money now, you will get to enjoy your investment
for years to come. Investing later means you won’t get to enjoy it for as many years.

#2: Camera builds are important. Make sure you are having the lowest amount of costs for your camera

#3: Buy back as much stock as possible early on. The early stages of the game are critical, which is why
it’s critical that you use them to the fullest. Buying back stock is the only move that will guarantee an
increase in your financial benchmarks. It is important to do this in the beginning stages of the game
while the stock prices are still cheap—take out loans if necessary.

#4: Be conservative with your 3-year financial projections. Glo-Bus penalizes you a lot for missing the
3-year financial projections. On the other hand, if you try to be as spot on as you can with your credit
rating, in the long-term you’ll be rewarded for it.
#5: Ensure your workforce is productive. Nothing kills a company than a workforce who is doing the
bare minimum. If productivity is decreasing every year then you have a big problem in your employee
morale and I suggest you look into it.

#6: Don’t try to dominate by having the lowest price. Making customers loyal to price and not your
brand itself is playing the game very dangerously.

#7: Retailers define success. The number of retailers you have and the general trend of whether or not
they have stocking your brand or abandoning it is very indicative of which way the market is turning.

#8: Refinance loans. As your credit rating improves or interest rates fall, it’s time to refinance your
loans. To refinance a loan, pay off the loan and then take a new one out at the exact same amount.

#9: Don’t focus too much on CSR. The Corporate Social Responsibility Screen is the newest addition to
the Glo-Bus Online and has virtually no effect on increasing EPS, ROE, Credit Rating, or even Image
Rating. Once again, spending excessive money on various CSR measures will not give the image rating
boostsyou hoped for or drive any additional sales. Image rating primarily relies on SQ and market share.
Particularly when there are other ways to get 100 image with investing minimal in CSR.

#10: Don’t over think the assembly screen just match it. Trust me, this is one 2 screens you want to
save time on.

Why You Should Order Today

The ten helpful hints you just learned are just a taste of the new expertise you’ll acquire when you
purchase my guide to Glo-Bus Online. In this guide, you’ll learn:

The Twin of Strategies of Deferred Strength and Deferred Weakness and how you can play
off these internally strategies throughout the life of your company for maximum points.
How to pull yourself out of last place when there are few options
Why the market map doesn’t matter
What your success in the game truly depends on
How to create a superior distribution network that will leave your opponents stranded
How to defend against other teams trying to copy your strategy
How to develop a strategy that can’t be copied by your teammates
How to go through the game as efficiently as possible, helping you save time

And lastly.... The ZEO Formula

My killer Glo-Bus strategy that has won dozens of games and saved countless companies
from certain defeat.

What’s more, if you have any questions or want any clarifications on this guide, I’m making myself
available via email. Don’t hesitate to contact me at:
Don’t rely on inferior tips and speculative strategies to win the Glo-Bus Online. Instead, use tips like the
ones you’ve read above. Get your information from the masters. And most of all, check out my eBook
guide to dominating at the Glo-Bus Online if you want to turn around your own level of success and
never be left in the dust again.
Remember: there is a proven, repeatable formula that you can utilize today to begin dominating at Glo-
Bus Online.

It doesn’t matter how good you are at the game—or how good you used to be. Whether you’re
new to Glo-Bus Online or need to improve your current standing, there is always a way to dominate

All that matters is that you follow the right tips.

If you want the right tips, be sure to check out my guide to Glo-Bus Online at .

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