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Discussion Notes

 Assessment is an ongoing process of gathering information or data

Assessment should not be done in a day/ in a certain time only

Assessment is continuous process/process oriented

“You will have a Portfolio”

Why we assess

1. To improve student learning- exhibit collaboration/ advocated independent learning

2. Provide reliable information regarding student learning

Main Question: Are the students learning?

 Evaluation- culminating aspect/ we provide closure/ making judgment

 Product oriented/ we look into the totality of learning
 It is all about decision making to either promote or retain a student
 Measurement - Process of determining quantity of students achievement
 Competency evaluation- to determine the ability of the students/ not to standardize
 Course evaluation – requires written response/ answering questions provided by the school or
 Education evaluation- evaluate the instruction/ the best practices
 Program evaluation -Methods of collecting analyzing to answer question to determine the
effectiveness of a program
 Performance evaluation- Systematic and periodic process to assess performance or productivity


Principles- guide

1. Clear and appropriate learning targets- learning targets includes

knowledge, reasoning, skills, the affect and product.
2. Appropriate methods – should utilize methods suitable and appropriate in
learning/ should assess all the domains of learning to make it balance
3. Assessment should be Balance- consider the domains of learning/ assess
all the domains of learning
4. Assessment should be Valid- should measure what is intended to be
measured. Types of validity are the following

Content Validity
Construct validity
Face validity
5. Assessment should be Reliable- assessments should show consistency
6. Assessment should be Fair – there must be no biases/ there must be no
discrimination/ it must be equal/ it must be true to all
7. Assessment should be Continuous – assessment must not stop/ gather
evidence of learning
8. Assessment should be authentic – should have something to do with real
life scenario/ should not only talk on the personal knowledge but the real
world situation/ should practicability
9. Assessment should be Practical and Efficiency- should two birds with one
stone/ maximum result to minimum effort
10.Assessment should be made Public-
11. Assessment should have Positive Consequences- to motivate students
12.Assessment should be Ethical – should not be used to belittle students

 Assessment for Learning – placement (to assess the needs of the learner to
have a basis in planning a relevant instruction; enables to identify the
learning groups of the students),formative (done during discussion; formal
and informal) diagnostic (used to determine students recurring persistent
difficulties; it will help us to formulate remedial instructions),
 Assessment of Learning- done at the end summative assessment; it is use
to grade the students and the results are usually communicated to the
students and with the parents
 Assessment as learning- sharing of insights, making of reflection; reflecting
to monitor your progress; self- assessment

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