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• is the study of drugs Chemotherapy NATURAL SOURCES:

(chemicals) that alter
• Treatment of systemic 1.) Plants – e.g.
functions of living
infections/malignancie Atropine SO4
s with specific drugs. 2.) Animals – e.g. Insulin
• Derived from the
Greek word 3.) Minerals – e.g. Mg
1. Antibiotics SO4
‘Pharmakon” which
- Substances 4.) Microbiological –
mean drug and logos
derived from micro e.g. antibacterial
means study
organisms used agents
Drug therapy against micro
organisms[Antimic TECHNOLOGY: -
• also called robial agents]
pharmacotherapy. Human Insulin,
• Is the use of drugs to Human Growth
prevent, diagnose or Hormone
symptoms and disease Pharmacy
• It is the art and science DRUGS
Medications of compounding and - have prescription
dispensing drugs or legend in their labels.
• drugs given for
preparing suitable It is prescribed by
therapeutic purposes.
dosage forms for the physicians,
• is a substance that is
administration of dentist, veterinarian
taken into or placed in
drugs in man or and other medical
the body that does one
animals. practitioners.
of the following things
most medications are Toxicology
used to cure a disease B. NON-PRESCRIPTION
• The study of poisonous DRUGS
or condition for
effects of drugs and - may be legally
example antibiotics are
other chemicals (house acquired by the
given to cure infection.
hold, environmental client without the
PHARMACODYNAMICS & pollutants, industrial prescription order.
PHARMACOKINETICS chemicals, etc), with Also known as OTC.
emphasis on
detection, prevention C. INVESTIGATIONAL
and treatment of DRUGS
poisoning - A new drug which
a manufacturer
wishes to market
and must fulfill the
requirements of FDA
studies have potentials such as
D. ORPHAN DRUG shown an adverse opioid analgesics,
- Are drugs that are effect on the fetus CNS stimulants,
discovered but are and there are no barbiturate
not financially viable adequate and well- sedative hypnotics.
and therefore have controlled studies • Schedule III
not been adapted by in humans, but - Drugs with less
any drug company. potential benefits potential for abuse
may warrant use than those in
E. ELLICIT DRUG of the drug in schedule 1 and 2
- Also known as pregnant women but abuse may
street drugs. Those despite potential lead to
that are used or risks. psychological or
distributed illegally. • Category D physical
- There is positive dependence such
evidence of human as antigens and
fetal risk based on anabolic steroids
Legal Regulation of Drugs
adverse reaction and some CNS
FDA Pregnancy Categories data from stimulants.
investigational or • Schedule IV
• Category A
marketing - Drugs with some
- Adequate studies
experience or potential for abuse
in pregnant
studies in humans, such as
women have not
but potential benzodiazepines
demonstrated a
benefits may and other sedative
risk in the fetus in
warrant use of the hypnotics
the first trimester
drug in pregnant medications and
of pregnancy and
women despite some prescription
there is no
potential risks. appetites
evidence of risk in
suppressants such
later trimester. Controlled Substances
as mazindol.
• Category B
• Schedule I • Schedule V
- Animal
- Drugs that are not - Products
approved for containing
studies have failed
medical use and moderate amounts
to demonstrate a
have high abuse of controlled
risk to the fetus
potentials such as substances. They
and there are no
heroine, lysergic may be dispensed
adequate and well-
acid, and by the pharmacists
controlled studies
marijuana without a
in pregnant
• Schedule II physician
- Drugs that are prescription but
• Category C
used medically and with some
- Animal
have high abuse restrictions
regarding amount dosages, routes of • Contraindications
record keeping administration, -
A list of conditions
and other ADME, and for which the drug
safeguards toxicity. should not be
included are the • Phase II given.
antidiarrheal drugs - A few doses are • Side effects and
such as given to a few adverse reactions
diphenoxylate and subjects with the - a list of possible
atrophy. disease or dangerous effects
symptoms for other than the
which the drug is desired effects.
• being studied and
GENERIC NAME - not • Interactions
capitalized responses are
- a list of other
• TRADE NAME- compared with
drugs and foods
capitalized first letter those of healthy
that may alter the
• CHEMICAL NAME- subjects.
effects of the
exact chemical formula • Phase III
drugs and usually
of the drug. - The drug is given
should not be
• OFFICIAL NAME - to larger and more
given during the
name of the drug in representative
same course
the official reference. group of subjects.
health therapy.
• Phase IV
DRUG APPROVAL - After a drug is Basic Concepts and
PROCESSES FDA approved for Processes
market, it enters a
FDA (Food and Drug
phase of continual
Administration) is
evaluation. DRUG TRANSPORT
responsible for assuring that
new drugs are safe and THROUGH CELL
effective before approving MEMBRANES
and allowing them to be
marketed. • Indications
- A list of medical
• Animal studies conditions or
- Testing and Clinical diseases for which
Trials Starts with the drug is meant
an animal study to to be used.
• Actions
potential uses and
- Are descriptions
of the cellular
• Phase I
changes that occur
- a few doses are
as the result of the
given to few
healthy volunteers
to determine safe
Schematic Representation • PHYSICAL FACTORS of the circulatory
Of Drug Absorption, INFLUENCING system and of the
Distribution, Metabolism ABSORPTION organs of excretion
And Elimination 1. BLOOD FLOW such as kidneys,
2. TOTAL SURFACE bowel, lungs, and
AREA skin.
Serum Drug Levels
•serum drug level is a
BIOAVAILABILITY laboratory measurement
of the amount of a drug
in the blood at a
particular time.

•toxic concentration is
For a drug to cause an excessive level at
therapeutic response, it must which toxicity occurs.
reach an adequate
•Serum half-life, also
concentration in the blood so called elimination half-
that it can reach and interact life, is the time required
with drug receptors in for the serum concentration
adequate numbers to trigger 2. DISTRIBUTION of a drug to decrease by 50%
the desirable action.
• Distribution
- involves the
transport of drug
molecules within
the body.
- Depends largely on
the adequacy of
blood circulation.


• •is the method by

which drugs are
inactivated or bio
1. ABSORPTION transformed by the
• Absorption -refers to body.
the route a drug 4. EXCRETION
takes from the time Dosage - indicates the
it enters the body • refers to elimination amount to be given at one
until it is absorbed in of a drug from the time and those stage refers
the circulating fluids. body. Effective to the frequency, size, and
excretion requires number of doses. Dose is a
adequate functioning major determinant of drug
actions and responses, both adjusted accordingly o INHALATION
therapeutic and adverse to variations from o INTRANASAL
effects. the norm. o INTRATHECAL
• Minimum dose– is ROUTE OF o TRANSDERMAL
the smallest amount ADMINISTRATION o TOPICAL
of drug that will
produce a Drug–Diet Interactions
therapeutic effect. • ORAL -- the most
Food may alter the
• Maximum Dose – common route.
absorption of oral drugs.
largest amount of a Usually produces a
drug that will slower drug action • food slows
produce a desired than parenteral absorption by
effect without routes. slowing gastric
producing symptoms • SUBLINGUAL- emptying time and
of toxicity. prevents the altering GI secretions
and motility.
• Loading Dose - those destruction of the
drug by intestinal Drug–Drug Interactions
initial high doses
used to quickly enzymes or low ph in
the stomach. The action of a drug may be
elevate the level of increased or decreased by its
the drug in the blood • RECTAL- prevents
interaction with another
often followed by a the destruction of
drug in the body.
series of lower the drug by intestinal
doses. enzymes or low ph in
the stomach.
• Maintenance Dose-
is the dose PARENTERAL
• IV (Intravenous)-
throughout a dosage
most effective
regimen to maintain
because the drug is
effective drug
injected directly into
the bloodstream. Synergism or potentiation
• Toxic Dose – is the • IM (Intramuscular)-
amount of drug that •Synergism is a coordinated
also produces drug or correlated action of two
will produce harmful action within or more agents.
effects of minutes because •Potentiation is an
symptom/symptoms muscles have a large interaction between two or
of toxicity. blood supply. more drugs or agents.
• Lethal Dose – these • Subcutaneous – it
are those dose that requires absorption
can cause death. and somewhat
• Therapeutic Dose – slower than the IV
dose that is route.
customarily given,
Interference Decreased Drug Effects Toxic Effects of Drugs
• Interference by one • Interactions in which •Drug toxicity (also called
drug with the drug effects are poisoning, overdose, or
metabolism or decreased are intoxication) results from
elimination of a grouped under the excessive amounts of a drug
second drug may term antagonism. and may cause reversible or
result in intensified irreversible damage to body
effects of the second tissues
Client-Related Variables

Intensified effects


Displacement • Drug tolerance -
• Displacement of one larger doses must be
drug from plasma given to produce the
protein binding sites same effects
by a second drug • Cross-tolerance -
increases the effects Tolerance to
of the displaced pharmacologically
drug. The molecule related drugs
of the displaced drug ADVERSE EFFECTS OF
is freed from their DRUGS
bind form and
become • any undesired
pharmacologically responses to drug
active. administration
Increases the effects Common or serious
adverse effects
•CNS effects
•Gastrointestinal effects
•Hematologic effects
•Nephrotoxicity •Drug fever
•Drug dependence

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