10.01.21 IRN Email From Alan Reitman Gmail - Re WSJ's Reporters Concerning Edgardo Ramos and Laura Taylor-Swain

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10/1/21, 12:31 PM Gmail - (no subject)

Ulysses Ware <utware007@gmail.com>

(no subject)

1 message

Alan Reitman, JD, Ph.D, Esq. <IRNewswires@mail.com> Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 12:28 PM
To: james.grimaldi@wsj.com, coulter.jones@wsj.com, joe.palazzolo@wsj.com
Cc: chambersNYSDRamos@nysd.uscourts.gov, SwainNYSDCorresp@nysd.uscourts.gov, Audrey Strauss
<audrey.strauss@usdoj.gov>, bhauss@aclu.org, ademas@aclu.org, veidelman@aclu.org

IRNewswires.com is a worldwide and premier news media organization dedicated to uncovering and exposing
judicial and governmental corruptions and frauds in the federal courts and the governmental agencies. We are a
champion of governmental transparency and full accountability. Our reporters are expert in news gathering,
investigations, and uncovering that which does not want to to be uncovered and exposed.
To: The Wallstreet Journal
RE: September 28, 2021, reporting on undisclosed conflicts of interest of District Judge Edgardo
Ramos (SDNY).
Dear Sirs:
Attached is a recently submitted application of Mr. Ulysses T. Ware to the Chief Judge Laura
Taylor-Swain (SDNY) that seeks the entry of a Supervisory Writ directed to Judge Edgardo Ramos
regarding his illicit and unethical activities in Mr. Ware's cases. 
Mr. Ware presented to the District Court (SDNY) indisputable dispositive Brady exculpatory
evidence that was previously knowingly and intentionally suppressed and concealed by the Office
of the U.S. Attorney (SDNY) during the 2007 trials in the district courts. The Brady exculpatory
evidence was subject to written Brady court orders which have very dire consequences for the
Government's prosecutors and all those that aided or abetted the civil or criminal contempt of the
Brady court orders.
Judge Ramos has also actively and knowingly concealed and suppressed Mr. Ware's Brady
exculpatory evidence to such an extent that Judge Ramos has essentially acted and functioned as
co-counsel to the Government in Mr. Ware's cases. A disqualifying conflict of interest which
appears to be Judge Ramos' method of operation until and unless caught.
IRNewswires lawyers and investigators have uncovered a very broad range of evidence against
Judge Ramos that showed that he has an ongoing illicit and illegal relationship with the
international money laundering criminal enterprise, Alpha Capital, AG (Anstalt), see SEC v. Honig,
18cv08175 (SDNY) (Ramos, J.).
Mr. Ware submitted the attached application seeking the Supervisory Writ, October 4, 2021, from
Chief Judge Laura Taylor-Swain who also has knowledge of the ongoing high crimes and
misdemeanors being committed by Judge Ramos and the Government's prosecutors knowingly,
willfully, and in bad faith violating lawful Brady court orders, a criminal offense, 18 USC 401(2) and
401(3), criminal contempt of court orders; and yet Judge Taylor-Swain has apparently turned a
blind eye and a deaf ear to the pleas of justice and her sworn oath of office. 
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=88278c65b2&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1712435473163330686&simpl=msg-f%3A17124354731… 1/2
10/1/21, 12:31 PM Gmail - (no subject)

Chief Judge Taylor-Swain's judicial conduct regarding this very important matter raises the very
real, unfortunate, and serious concern that perhaps Judge Taylor-Swain, too, also has undisclosed
conflicts of interests or other covert and ulterior motives for her refusal to enforce Local Rule
District Court (SDNY) 1.5(b)(5) regarding the Government's prosecutors' prosecutorial misconduct
and ongoing criminal contempt of the Brady Court Orders.
However, in any event, the fact that two federal judges have actual knowledge of material
dispositive Brady exculpatory evidence that was previously willfully and knowingly suppressed by
the Government's prosecutors is of grave concern to the orderly and fidelity in the administration of
criminal justice in the SDNY federal courts, and their integrity to uphold the rule of law. 
Judge Taylor-Swain has abdicated, ostensibly, perhaps unwittingly, her oath of office and aligned
herself with the criminal activities of Judge Ramos and the Government's prosecutors to obstruct
justice, commit a fraud on the federal courts, and commit high crimes and misdemeanors,
impeachable offenses by continuing to suppress and conceal material Brady exculpatory evidence
the Government and the District Court are aware of. A fundamental miscarriage of justice that
cannot be permitted to go unpunished especially where the liberty interest of Mr. Ware, an
American citizen, has been egregiously and flagrantly violated.


Alan Reitman, Esq., International Public Corruption Investigative Reporter

cc: Ulysses T. Ware

2 attachments



09.28.21 51J-10 re Request to C.J. Taylor Swain for Supervisory Writ.pdf


https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=88278c65b2&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1712435473163330686&simpl=msg-f%3A17124354731… 2/2

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