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Jabian, Patricia Jeanne M.

September 9, 2021

Review the DOH National Objectives for Health and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Identify 15 DOH Health Programs that you think should be prioritized based on the above-mentioned
Give the program title, short definition and its significance to the Public Health. You may use the WHO,
DOH data of health indices in stating the significance of the program.(6points per item).



ADOLESCENT HEALTH This creates an Adolescent Youth It aims to ensure that all adolescents
AND DEVELOPMENT Health Sub-program under the have equal access to
PROGRAM Children’s Health Cluster of Family comprehensive health care and
Office. In 2006, the department services appropriate for the age
created the Technical Committee for group. In addition, this program will
Adolescent and Youth Health also improve the health and well-
Program, which is composed of being of adolescents and enable
both government and non- them to full enjoy their rights to
government organization to uplift health.
the welfare of adolescents and
tasked to revitalize the program.
Due to an increasing health risky
behaviour among our Filipino

BARANGAY NUTRITION A human resource development It aims to provide nutrition and

SCHOLAR (BNS) strategy of the Philippine Plan of nutrition-related services to the
PROGRAM Action for Nutrition, that involves the barangay by caring for the
recruitment, training, deployment undernourished and the nutritionally
and supervision of volunteer vulnerable, mobilizing the
workers or barangay nutrition community, and linkage building.
scholar (BNS). They are tasked to
monitor the nutritional status of
children and/or link communities
with nutrition and related service
BLOOD DONATION Promotes voluntary blood donation According to the National Voluntary
PROGRAM to provide sufficient supply of safe Blood Services Program, there is a
blood and to regulate blood banks. total of 654,763 units of blood that
This act aims to inculcate public were collected in 2009, in hope that
awareness that blood donation is a more individuals will regular
humanitarian act. volunteer to donate blood to
guarantee sufficient blood supple to
meet the national necessities.

EMERGING AND RE- The Philippines has seen many It aims to prevent and control re-
EMERGING INFECTIOUS outbreaks of emerging infectious emerging and emerging of infectious
DISEASE PROGRAM diseases and it continues to be diseases from becoming a public
susceptible to threat of re-emerging health problem, in addition to also
infections. This situation deliver and give strength to an
emphasizes the risk and highlights integrated, responsive, and
the need to improve preparedness collaborative health system on
at local, national and international emerging and re-emerging
levels for against future pandemics. infectious diseases towards a
healthy and secure country.

HEALTH AND WELLNESS The DOH issued administrative It aims to implement a well-designed
PROGRAM FOR SENIOR Orders for health implementors to program that will strengthen health
CITIZEN handle and promote health and and wellness of senior citizens and
wellness or senior citizens and as improve their quality of life with the
well as relieve the conditions of help of stakeholders and sectors.
older persons who are suffering
from degenerative diseases.

FOOD AND This program refers to the limited It aims to reduce the morbidity and
WATERBORNE group of illnesses which are mortality due to food and water
DISEASES PREVENTION characterized by diarrhea, nausea, borne diseases, and to guarantee
AND CONTROL vomiting with or without fever, universal access to quality
PROGRAM abdominal pain, headache and/or interventions and services for all.
body malaise. To reduce morbidity
and mortality due to food and
waterborne diseases prevention and
control program.

NATIONAL LEPROSY This program is a multi-agency This is to ensure the provision of

CONTROL PROGRAM effort to control Leprosy in the comprehensive, integrated quality
Philippines with private and public leprosy services at all levels of
partnership in fulfilling the goals to health care and to reduce the
decrease the burden of Leprosy and diseases burden for all the affected
its mission to have a leprosy-free communities ensuring that the
country. principles of equity and social justice
are followed.

NEWBORN SCREENING The Newborn Screening Program is To ensure that by the year 030, all
PROGRAM a public health strategy that enables Filipino newborns are screened;
early detection and management of Strengthen quality of service and
congenital disorders in newborn intensify monitoring and evaluation
babies, which if left untreated or of NBS implementation; Sustainable
undetected may lead to mental financial scheme; Strengthen patient
retardation and/or death. management.

UNANG YAKAP A program that helps saves lives of It is a public health intervention to
(ESSENTIAL NEWBORN pregnant women and children both help reduce mother and child death
CARE: PROTOCOL FOR locally and globally. ENC is a cost- and help save their lives.
NEW LIFE) effective intervention that can
improve maternal and neonatal

RABIES PREVENTION Rabies is a human infection that Aims to reduce the morbidity and
AND CONTROL occurs after being bitten or mortality brought by rabies and to
PROGRAM scratched by an infected animal, eliminate rabies as one of public
primarily dogs and cats. It is health problems with absences of
considered to be a neglected indigenous cases for human and
disease, which is 100% fatal but animal.
also 100% preventable.

URBAN HEALTH SYSTEM Due to the rapid urbanization in This is to improve health care
DEVELOPMENT (UHSD) developing countries, the ability of system outcomes, influence social
PROGRAM the government to build essential determinants of help that is focused
infrastructures for social and health on application on urban poor
services has outpaced. Thus, UHSD population, and to reduce health
must help cities address the inequities to narrow the disparity of
challenges or rapid urbanization health outcome indicator between
brought about by the interplay of the rich and the poor.
different social determinants of

DENTAL HEALTH Oral disease continues to be a It aims to ensure that everyone will
PROGRAM serious public health problem in the be able to have quality, affordable,
Philippines. The prevalence of accessible, and available oral health
dental caries on permanent teeth care. In addition, it will also improve
has generally remained above 90% the quality of life through the
throughout the years. This program promotion of oral health and quality
is to reduce the prevalence of dental oral health care.
caries by the end of 2016, and also
to provide quality of care by
establishing a package of essential
basic oral health care.

PHILIPPINE CANCER Cancer is the third leading cause of In response to this growing and
CONTROL PROGRAM morbidity and mortality in the alarming epidemic of cancer, there
Philippines after diseases of the is a need to revisit and strengthen
cardiovascular system. It also the Philippine Cancer Control
remains a national health priority in Program, to reduce the impact of
the Philippines with significant cancer and improve the well-being
implication for individuals, families, of the Filipino people with cancer
communities, and the health care and as well as their families.

BELLY GUD FOR HEALTH Obesity and overweight is a serious It aims to reduce the cases of non-
health concern due to its strong communicable diseases and as well
association with the development of as the various medical
non-communicable diseases which consequences associated with
are among the leading cause of overnutrition, this weight problem
mortality, morbidity, and disability in that contributes to decreased
the Philippines. productivity and economic growth

EXPANDED PROGRAM It ensures that that infants/children This is to reduce the morbidity and
ON IMMUNIZATION and mothers have access to mortality among children against the
routinely recommended most vaccine-preventable diseases.
infant/childhood vaccines.

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