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Proof that chlorine dioxide aqueous solution can inactivate the binding of the variant spike proteins
to the human ACE2 receptor protein. 

This means that if you have had the VAX and you need to get rid of the spike proteins chlorine
dioxide can do it.

If you want to learn more on Chlorine dioxide (CDS), ie. how to make it, how to take it, different
protocols etc go to Dr Andreas Kalcker’s website:

ALL THE VIRUSES are created by so called vaccines, There is no vaccine there never was. wake
up sleepy heads. LoL whole world taken for ride for last 420 years . Have a look at current
situation. No vaccine , it is a Bio- weapon. In the name of vaccine. Did you see the ingredient in the
so called all the jab they giving. They have not isolated the virus how can they make vaccines.
When a snake bites you, we used same venom to make the vaccine. Now have a look at the
restrictions given world wide. wear musk , like mask going to stop it. FOOLS. STAY APART you
idiots, what for. real virus nano level you can not stop them. stay home what the hell for. we did not
do all these in past. why eighty percent, so the other 20% can continue infecting for cover ups. Or
reduce the population to one billion around. do the maths. watch the whole video. Think again. If
that does not get in the brain in correct direction. watch Elysium if have not yet, Then watch 100
THE SERIES ON NETFLX. They bring the movies first then the reality after in bits and pieces.
More then one hundred major stores closing world wide. that includes Aldi and Kmart. Mcdonalds.
China already started bank not giving the money to the customers. It is called TOTALITARIAN and
the moment it is authoritarian. If you donot stand up now. Human value is out the door. [show less]

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