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E s s e n t i a l P h y s i c s f o r C a m b r i d g e I G C S E ® 2 nd E d i t i o n

Unit 5 Pressure
1 See Topic 5.9 and Figure 5.9.2.
– carry out the experiment slowly to maintain constant temperature,
– allow volume and pressure to stop changing before measuring,
– view with line of sight perpendicular to scales to prevent parallax errors.
2 (a) To spread the weight of the tractor over a large area reducing the pressure of the vehicle on
the ground.
(b) The edge of the blade of a sharp knife has smaller surface area than a blunt knife. It exerts
a greater pressure when the same force is applied.
(c) Your weight is distributed over the small surface area of the stone (rather than your whole
foot) so a very large pressure is exerted.
3 (a) Fast moving, random directions, differing speeds
(b) Negligible
(c) Increasing the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the particles. The particles hit the
walls more often and harder (more momentum). Therefore a larger force is exerted on the
walls and the pressure increases.
4 (a) Particles with greater kinetic energy leave the surface so the average kinetic energy of
particles in the liquid falls, hence a cooling is experienced.
(b) Temperature, surface area, draughts
5 (a) 100 Pa
(b) 400 N

1 D N/m2
2 C P=F/A
3 B 2000 Pa
4 D the pressure in a liquid is greatest near the walls of the container (False)
5 B A fixed mass of gas at constant temperature
6 (a) (i) Diagram showing water spouting out furthest from lowest hole and least from
the top hole.
(ii) Pressure increases with depth.
(b) Pressure is the same in all directions.
(c) The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the dam.
7 (a) Liquid: Yes, takes shape of container.
Gas: Yes, no shape but fills a container.
(b) (i) 100 C, boils (ii) sublimes, gas (iii) freezes, ice

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E s s e n t i a l P h y s i c s f o r C a m b r i d g e I G C S E ® 2 nd E d i t i o n

8 (a) Diagram to show random jerky motion.

(b) Random, jerky
(c) Constant bombardment by fast moving air molecules produces a resultant force on the
smoke particles. The direction of the resultant force constantly changes due to the random
movement of air molecules.
9 (a) (i) Molecules with greater than average kinetic energy can escape from the surface.
Only a small percentage of these fall back into the dish, most are carried away by air
(ii) Increased temperature, larger surface area, stronger draughts (wind)
(b) Raising the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the gas particles. The particles then
hit walls more often and harder. Therefore a larger force is exerted on the (fixed) container
walls and the pressure increases (P = F / A).
(c) 50 cm3

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