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 This course will covers concepts and skills that are used by
manager to propose, plan, secure resources, budget, and
lead project team to successful completions of their
 The course will help student to understand the concepts
and techniques to manage a project, providing not only a
rationale for the use of project management processes,
but also why it works, the concepts, principles and
techniques are universally applicable.
 This course does not specialize by industry type or project Project Management
scope, instead, the course will help individual to manage a The Managerial Process 7E
variety projects, a few of steps of the techniques can be Erik W.Larson
omitted but the conceptual frame-approach can be used. Clifford F.Gray

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email: Page: 1

Upon the course, the students will be able to:

1. Learn the stages of project development and how they are implemented.

2. Develop skills in effective time management and planning while determining

how deliverables and milestones can have a major impact upon the success of a
project. Quality management, effective resource allocation and risk analysis are
also determining factors that will be discussed.

3. Learn on the progress and performance measurement and evaluation a


Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email: Page: 2

Item Weightage Passing Mark Assessed Learning Outcomes
Group Assignment 20% 50 pts. Meeting All Learning Outcomes
Group Presentation 10% 50 pts. Meeting All Learning Outcomes
Quiz (1) 10% 50 pts. Meeting All Learning Outcomes
Mid-Term Exam 20% 50 pts. Meeting All Learning Outcomes
Final Exam 30% 50 pts. Meeting All Learning Outcomes
Attendance 10% 70 pts. Meeting All Learning Outcomes

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email: Page: 3


Project Management
The Managerial Process 7E
Erik W.Larson
Clifford F.Gray

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email: Page: 4

Estimate Project Schedule
5 networks 6 resources/costs 8

Define Reducing project International

project 4 duration 9 Project 15

Managing Monitoring Project

Introduction Organization
risk 7 process 13 Closure 12
1 3

Agile PM
Strategy Project Team Outsourcing
2 Manager 10 11 12

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

1. What Is a Project?
2. What is Managed?
3. Current Drivers of Project Management
4. Project Governance
5. Case Study – Win Power Project

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email: Page: 6

1. What is a Project
What is a Project? Definition Major characteristics of a project

A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique

product or service.

The major characteristics of a project are as follows:

1. An established objective
2. A defined life span with a beginning and an end
3. Usually, the involvement of several departments and professionals
4. Typically, doing something that has never been done before
5. Specific time, cost, and performance requirements

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

1. What is a Project (cont.)
Projects and Routine works
Routine works typically requires
Project is done only once doing the same or similar work over
and over
 Taking class notes  Writing a term paper
 Daily entering sales receipts  Setting up a sales kiosk for a
into the accounting ledger professional accounting meeting
 Responding to a supply-  Developing a supply-chain
chin request information system
 Practicing scales on the  Writing a new piano sheet
Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:
1. What is a Project (cont.)
Projects and Program  Program is a group of related
Each project within a program projects designed to accomplish
has a project manager a common goal over an
extended period of time
Projects are parts of overall  Program management is the
programs and may be broken process of managing a group of
down into tasks, subtasks, and ongoing, interdependent,
further if desired. related projects in a coordinates
way to achieve strategic

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

2. What is Managed

Generate deliverables
that satisfy the client Scope
Meet the budget


Finish on schedule date

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

2. What is Managed (cont.) wane
The Project Life Cycle


Planning Closing
Defining Executing
1. Schedules 1. Train customer
1. Goals 1. Status reports
2. Budgets 2. Transfer documents
2. Specifications 2. Changes
3. Resources 3. Release resources
3. Tasks 3. Quality
4. Risks 4. Evaluation
4. Responsibilities 4. Forecasts
5. Staffing 5. Lessons to learn

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

2. What is Managed (cont.)
S-shaped life path cycle J-shaped life path cycle

Traditional PM life cycle Baking a cake

Building a house. The development of computer software
Progress is slow-fast-slow
Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:
3. Current Drivers of Project Management
(1) Is the project potentially (4) Does the project involve
profitable? Does it have a chance building competencies that are
of meeting our return-on- considered consistent with our
investment hurdle rate? firm’s strategic plan?

Funding (2) Is the project required by law or (5) Does the organization currently
& the rules of an industrial have the capacity to carry out the
approval association; i.e., a “mandate?” project on its proposed schedule?

(3) Does the firm have, or can it (6) In the case of R&D projects, if
easily acquire, the knowledge and the project is technically successful,
skills to carry out the project does it meet all requirements to
successfully? make it economically successful?

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

4. Project Governance
Governance is designed to improve project management in the
whole organization over the long haul

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

4. Project Governance (cont.)
The rationale for integration of project management
was to provide senior management with:
- An overview of all project management activities
- A big picture of how organization resources are
being used
- An assessment of the risk their portfolio of
projects represents
- A rough metric for measuring the improvement
of managing projects relative to others in the
- Linkages of senior management with actual
project execution management

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

4. Project Governance (cont.)
Comparison of Project Management & General Management
Dimension Project Management General Management
Type of work activity Unique Routine
Management Approach Ability to adapt to change Manage by exception
Planning Critical Important
Budgeting Start from scratch, multiple Modify budget from
budget periods previous budget period
Sequence of Activities Must be determined Often predetermined
Location of work Crosses organizational units Within an organizational unit
Reporting Relationships Informal Well defined

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

5. Case Study

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

5. Case Study


The Government of Vietnam seeks to promote the power development in order to meet the requirements
of socio-economic development, ensure the national energy security, and satisfy the daily power needs.
Assignment 1 The continuous effort of everyone in the electricity sector together with the support from the Government
has made a significant improvement in the national power system of Vietnam. Electricity supply is
guaranteed to be enough for socio-economic development demands. Its quality and reliability is also
INTRODUCTION OF WIN POWER enhanced and improved. To date the total installed capacity of the power supply in Vietnam has reached
over 37,000 MW with the maximum power load has reached 25,800 MW. The national power system has
had backup power sources, though not equally distributed for all regions. In the period from 1995 to 2014,
PROJECT IN VIETNAM the average growth rate of commercial electricity was always among the highest level regionally and
internationally, which is 13.8%/ year while the annual GDP increased by 6.7% on average. In the future,

Vietnam electricity sector still faces big challenges. One of them is the lack of primary energy sources for
electricity generation leading to the needs for importing coal in the coming years. Another challenge is
the requirement for ensuring national energy security to meet the socio-economic development strategy
as well as national security and defense. Last but not least, Vietnam has to fulfill its commitment to reduce
the greenhouse gas emission and protect the environment; most recently it set the target of greenhouse
gas reduction of Vietnam in the COP21 Paris Climate Conference in December 2015. The Prime Minister
has issued a number of support mechanisms and policies that prioritize and encourage renewable energy

The Renewable Energy Development Strategy until 2030, with the vision towards 2050 approved by the
PM in Decision No.2068/ QĐ-TTg dated 25/11/2015 sets out the following objectives:

• Increase the electricity generation from renewable sources from 58 billion kWh in 2015 (which accounts
for 35% of the total national electricity generation) to approximately 101 billion kWh in 2020 (38%), 186
billion kWh in 2030 (accounting for 32%) and 452 billion kWh in 2050 (43%).

• The detailed target for wind power is as follow: Wind power generation is expected to increase from
180 million KWh in 2015 to about 2.5 billion kWh in 2020 (accounting for 1% of total power generation),
16 billion kWh in 2030 (2.7%) and 53 billion kWh in 2050 (5.0%).

Driven by rapid economic development, electricity demand in Vietnam has experienced double-digit
growth rates during the past decade. In the future, this growth is expected to continue, albeit at single
digits. The Revised National Power Development Master Plan VII foresees an electricity installed capacity

Lecturer: Tran Dai Trang Email:

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