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Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

Trường đại học FPT cơ sở Hà


Individual Assignment
Marketing Principles
Topic: Write about a topic of your choice, related to a brand (or a
company) of their choice.

Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

Name: Đỗ Thu Trà
Student ID: HS140480 Subject: MKT101
Class: BA1403 Room No: Beta 213

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 1 Class: BA1403

Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

Table Content

A. Overview…………………………………………………………..3

1. The brand…………………………………………………...3
2. The marketing topic………………………………………...3

B. The marketing topic and the brand

1. The promotion of Coca…..………………………………….4

2. The campaign “Share a Coke”..…………………………….4
3. Success of factors…………………………………………….5
4. Evaluation……………………………………………………6

C. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..6

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 2 Class: BA1403

Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

A. Overview

Coca Cola is the leading beverage manufacturer and operates in more than 200 countries around the
world. It sells a variety of drinks. It generates 60% of revenue and about 80% of operating profits from
outside the United States. It has popular brand recognition globally. According to business insiders, about
94% of the world's population knows the red and white logo of Coca Cola.

1. The Brand

As the first owner of Coca-Cola, but Asa Griggs Candler is not the inventor of this special drink. The first
inventor of Coca-Cola was pharmacist John Styth Pemberton, owner of a private laboratory and
pharmacy. With the purpose of inventing a popular medicine to combat headaches and fatigue, Pemberton
tried to experiment and concoct a coffee-black syrup. Just a spoonful of syrup mixed with a glass of cold
water can get refreshments but can reduce headaches, increase pleasure.

Pemberton kept the invention secret and only knew that the most important ingredient of the drink
contained a certain percentage of essential oils extracted from the leaves and fruit of the Kola tree. It is a
species found only in the rainforests of South America and has significant components of koffein and
kokain. Thanks to that, drinking water with Kola essential oil has a refreshing, anti-fatigue effect. The
name Coca-Cola was named by Frank M. Robinson, chief accountant of Pemberton, starting from that
origin but replaced the "K" with the "C" that looks more familiar and familiar.

When inventing Coca-Cola, pharmacist Pemberton was very fond of and he went on marketing
everywhere, especially in the "Soda-Bar" is very popular in the city of Atlanta. It was 1886. But
Pemberton was disappointed that the brown drink was too new and not many people tried it, because
everyone still considered it to be a drug rather than a beverage.

The recipe for Coca-Cola was completed by accident. A "Jacobs Pharmacy" bar employee mistakenly
mixed Coca-Cola syrup with soda water instead of normal water like Pemberton's formula. But
miraculously, the mixed Coca-Cola was delicious and refreshing. Coca-Cola was really the beverage that
could serve the majority of consumers.

2. The marketing topic

When we talk about brand equity it's about its value and it's about stories, memories, links and
connections (though of course, these connections will be marketed by marketers. Very careful design
talent for many years and countless board meetings). This is what Coca-Cola has been a master for over
100 years. Coca-Cola's marketing strategy is always associated with happiness, optimism and a good life
with their products, and that's how they can create a high TOMA (Top of mind awareness). "Share a
Coke" is a campaign to bring Coca-Cola to a new level and closer to consumers through advertising in
almost all mass media channels.
B. The marketing topic and the brand

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 3 Class: BA1403

Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

 Coca Cola - the brand has always taken the world by its creative marketing mix strategies. Creative
marketing mix strategy is an art.

1. The promotion of Coca-Cola

Communication is the most special strategy in Coca Cola's marketing mix strategy. Through diverse
advertising campaigns, Coca-Cola has created a demand in the market by combining lifestyle with daily
behavior. Therefore, you can easily come across an Coca-Cola ad for each individual on special occasions
or when Coca-Cola wants to convey a good message to the whole society. Coca-Cola uses its social
responsibility (CSR) as an advertising tool, hitting customers' emotions and thoughts thanks to the
campaign, Coca-Cola products have been discounted more than normally in this country and some other
advertising and distribution privileges
Coca-Cola is one of the few companies to spend an equal amount of production cost to polish the brand
name right from its inception.
Understanding the psychology of consumers, Coca-Cola does not forget that promotion is one of the best
tools to promote the image of the product. The use of promotions not only helps the company's sales
increase, but it also represents the value the company brings to its customers.

2. The campaign “Share a Coke”

a) Ideas and goals

The idea of the “Share a coke” campaign is the cohesion, the moments of reunion with family and friends
sharing comfortable moments together with Coca. Start of this marketing campaign Coca Cola printed
150 most popular names in Australia on bottles of coca to remind people to remember one of their
friends. It could be a friend who has not been in touch for a long time, or even a friend who is new to the
message: "If you love / want to meet / remember / like / haven't seen / ... have shared 1 Coke bottle (with
the friend's name printed on the bottle) with him / her.
Coca-Cola's marketing goal is to increase business revenue in the summer, stirring the world of young
people in all countries, making them “talk more about Coca Cola, then consume more - more talk more
consuming”. Throughout the campaign, ideas and content are always changed to suit consumers' wishes,
giving them the most unexpected moments.

b) Process of implementation

Mobile fridges across Australia, in turn, sell their own branded Coca Cola. This was the origin of the first
social media exchanges. In addition to using pictures of volunteers sharing coca with friends and relatives
on programs broadcast on weekend sports events, the company also uses images of celebrities sharing
bottles coca with his fan community. In addition to the bottles of coca sold on the street, the company also
created an online marketing campaign for everyone to create coca bottle models with names, images of
friends with simple steps. Share on facebook. After this online campaign thousands of new names
appeared. Coca-Cola has also opened 18 additional sales points to invite users to share the names they

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 4 Class: BA1403

Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

want to be shared. After listening to the opinions of 65,000 customers, 50 more popular names were
added to the list of popular names and printed on bottles for sale.

c) The results that the campaign achieved

This marketing campaign has been a great success with the participation of millions of Australians. Cocoa
consumption after the campaign increased by 7% compared to before the campaign took place. The effect
of attracting media is 18 million views on social networks. 378,000 bottles of coca have been produced
with proper names printed on the bottles, 76,000 models of bottles are created and shared on facebook.
This has led to an increase in traffic to the fanpage of coca-cola 87%. A very high number compared to
before. The most successful thing that coca-cola achieved through this campaign is the change in the
attitude of young Australians about the Coca-Cola brand. Coca-Cola was later referred to as "a brand that
always makes new things", "brands I love", "brands for the people I love" ...

3. Success of factors
a. Consumers have been encouraged to participate and build media content

Coca-Cola has succeeded in building a large amount of media content by selecting target customers who
use social networks and can share their photos and stories.
The company has given these customers the right to be creative with their own brands, making people
feel like they're not advertising for Coca-Cola but starting a media campaign of their own.
This has prompted cross-platform interaction between many social networking sites like Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram. The online interaction is increasingly replicated and developed by customers
rather than companies. This has helped bring Coca-Cola to every home, becoming a part of customers'
daily lives. That online campaign that fostered cross-platform interaction between many social
networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has achieved tremendous success. More than
500,000 images with the hashtag #ShareaCoke have been shared.
As of September 2015, more than 6 million bottles of virtual coca were shared by its customers. In
addition, through this campaign, Coca-Cola has gained nearly 25 million followers on Facebook.

b. Create a direct connection to each individual customer

Coca-Cola has also acknowledged that, for young people, personalization is not a temporary desire but a
way of life. These customers value being able to express themselves, share personal stories and be
connected with friends. The "Share a Coke" campaign gave them the opportunity to do all three in parallel
with helping Coca-Cola promote the image.

For example, when a customer shares a bottle of Coke with the name of his mother or "mother in love" on
it, they will feel they are showing affection to their mother rather than advertising for the company.
Moreover, when customers take photos and share those moments through the hashtag #Shareacoke, they
created more online media content and helped increase the sharing ability of that content.

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 5 Class: BA1403

Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

Although there are 250 common names included in the campaign, that is not all of the customers' names,
which led to a decrease in the individualization of the campaign. Understanding that limitation, Coca-
Cola has conducted a "Share a Coke" tour through 500 cities of countries around the world. This "Share a
Coke" tour allows customers to create their own mini can of Coca and another for their loved ones.
The tour also offers nickname options for customers, such as "bestie", "star", or "BFF". This has brought
more and more ways to express personal feelings to users.

c. The language used in the campaign is of high encouragement action

The main slogan of this campaign is "Share a Coke", which is a clear call to action phrase. This slogan
encourages customers to buy and share a bottle of Coke with relatives, and tell their stories online.
This slogan is easy to read and remember, acting as a memory card, a reminder in the minds of customers.
Moreover, Coca-Cola intentionally set the phrase "Share a Coke" to encourage customers to buy and give
Coke bottles to their relatives, not just keep them to themselves.

4. Evaluation

"Share a Coke" is the most innovative Coca-business campaign ever made. The campaign was a big
success thanks to winning the hearts of young people, especially the youth who are using social networks:
it is the individualism that likes to express themselves. Everyone wants to see their name on mass ads,
they want to see their pictures in the newspaper. So even a very simple act of seeing his name on a can of
Coke is enough interest for this customer group. Coca-Cola's Share a Coke campaign is not only a success
in sales, but also a demonstration of how social media can radically change brand awareness among
consumers. Prior to the campaign, Australian consumers had no clear impression on Coke. After the
campaign, mentioning Coke is about young people, creativity and activism.

C. Conclusion

Coca Cola has always affirmed its position in the beverage business market by its business strategies,
content, and messaging. Thanks to the continuous creativity and understanding of customer psychology,
Coca-Cola always makes a difference to other competitors in this field of business. Many of us believe
that Coca Cola's mission is to sell products and increase sales. However, completely different from that
thought, Coca Cola wishes to make positive changes and make life more and more meaningful. So when
implementing any business campaign, always make sure that the content of the message is always in the
purpose and mission of the business, avoiding creating content that goes too far away from the general
strategy of the whole company. This will help create consistency for both the company and its customers.
When customers remember the image of the business, they will immediately remember the message and
mission that the company brings. It can be said that Coca-Cola always knows how to give customers what
they want, they bring the element of desire into each product through many different messages in each
campaign. So, to succeed in business, learn Coca-Cola!

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 6 Class: BA1403

Marketing Principles Lecturer: Phạm Thị Thủy Triều

Auther: Đỗ Thu Trà 7 Class: BA1403

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