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For our Asynchronous Task:

1. List down the similarities and differences of WID, WAD, and GAD. 


- Approach that focused - Approach that
on women focused on women
- Approach on gender
- Approach on gender - Approach on gender
development development
-GAD neglects to investigate in
The main focus of WAD is on detail the various aspects of
the interaction between women and their relationship
women and development with society
processes rather than purely
- WID approach to development on strategies to integrate -GAD applies gender analysis to
planning highlights the women into development uncover the ways in which men
importance of women’s and women work together,
contributions, focusing primarily - WAD is often misinterpreted presenting results in neutral
on women as WID, however what sets it terms of economics and
apart is that, WAD focuses competence
-  WID approach helped to ensure, specifically on the relation
Differences the integration of women into the between patriarchy and -the GAD approach is not
workforce and increase their level capitalism concerned specifically with
of productivity in order to women, but with the way in
improve their lives - WAD perspective states that which a society assigns roles,
women have always responsibilities, and expectations
-Liberal feminist participated and contributed to both men and women
towards economic
development, regardless of the -GAD focus primarily on two
public or private spheres. major frameworks, Gender Roles
and Social Relations Analysis
-Marxist feminist
-Socialist feminist

2. Discuss which of these models (WID,WAD,GAD) are the best approach (FOR YOU) to address
social inequalities. Write your choice and your reasons.

The best approach for me is Gender and Development or GAD to address social
inequalities. It promotes women’s empowerment, ensures their full participation and potentials
in society. Gender biases, gender imbalances, and inequalities hampered the potential of
women. GAD is there to respond and eradicate those, for women can actively participate and
perform their roles. GAD is not only concerned with women but also about men especially on
their rights, benefits, and responsibilities. However, GAD enhanced policies and programs as
well as activities and projects towards women empowerment to achieve gender equality.
3. What have you learned in the discussion of Feminism? Do you think the Feminist movement
has helped us achieve Gender Equality or has it worsened the discrimination and oppression of
women in society?

I have learned in the discussion is that feminism is all about equal rights and opportunity
for both men and women. It's about honoring the different experiences, identities, expertise,
and strengths of women, and seeking to enable all women to realize their full potential. I
believe that the main reason of gender discrimination stems from the expectations and
perceptions that existed back then and are still prevalent today. It has an impact on women's
access to resources, opportunities, and jobs in some areas where society still has doubts about
their abilities and potentials.

I believe that while the feminist movement has not completely eliminated gender
inequality, it has helped to reduce prejudice and oppression against women. This movement
works to ensure that women have the right to vote and be elected. The ability to gain power
and influence political decisions and the majority of women now live in a respectful
environment. However, women and girls over the world continue to face this issue based on
their sex and gender. We will not see improvement unless we address flaws, such as those in
the health-care system that prevent women from receiving health-care benefits.

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