Africa Day Assignment

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Africa day assignment

1. Africa day is the annual commemoration of the

foundation of the organisation of African unity on 25
may 1963.
2. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Cameroon, Senegal,Algeria
Egypt,Uganda and Kenya.
3. Nile river-Egypt
Limpopo river- south Africa
Zambezi- Zimbabwe/Zambia/angola/Botswana/Namibia
Congo river- DRC
4. Togo mountains, eastern highlands, Mandara
mountains, Ethiopian highlands
5. Victoria falls- Zimbabwe
Ouzoud falls- morocco
Kalandula falls- angola
Kongou falls- Gabon
6. Lake Malawi- Malawi
Lake Kariba- Zimbabwe
Lake Victoria- Tanzania
Lake Chad- chad
7. Sahara desert- north Africa
Namib desert- Namibia
Kalahari desert- Botswana
Libian desert- Libya
8. Atlantic ocean- Algeria, angola, benin, Cameroon cape
verde, DRC, Egypt, equatorial guinea, gabon, gambia,
Ghana, guinea, guinea Bissau, ivory coast, Liberia,
Libya,Namibia and Senegal.

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