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Penedo et al.

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33
EURASIP Journal on Advances
in Signal Processing

RESEARCH Open Access

Designing digital filter banks using

Sergio R. M. Penedo, Marcio Lobo Netto and João F. Justo*

In digital filters theory, filtering techniques generally deal with pole-zero structures. In this context, filtering schemes,
such as infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, are described by linear differential equations or linear transformations,
in which the impulse response of each filter provides its complete characterization, under filter design specifications.
On the other hand, finite impulse response (FIR) digital filters are more flexible than the analog ones, yielding higher
quality factors. Since many approaches to the circuit synthesis using the wavelet transform have been recently
proposed, here we present a digital filter design algorithm, based on signal wavelet decomposition, which explores the
energy partitioning among frequency sub-bands. Exploring such motivation, the method involves the design of a
perfect reconstruction wavelet filter bank, of a suitable choice of roots in the Z-plane, through a spectral factorization,
exploring the orthogonality and localization property of the wavelet functions. This approach resulted in an energy
partitioning across scales of the wavelet transform that enabled a superior filtering performance, in terms of its
behavior on the pass and stop bands. This algorithm presented superior results when compared to windowed FIR
digital filter design, in terms of the intended behavior in its transition band. Simulations of the filter impulse response
for the proposed method are presented, displaying the good behavior of the method with respect to the transition
bandwidth of the involved filters.
Keywords: Filtering, Wavelet analysis, Circuit synthesis

1 Introduction different amplitude levels in both time and wavelet

Filter design has been extensively explored in circuit transform domains, it is interesting to partition the en-
synthesis and signal processing, as a part of circuit the- ergy into several frequency sub-bands for several appli-
ory [1–7]. Within this context, one of the major chal- cations. This could be achieved using low-pass or high-
lenges of the IIR filters is determining its respective pass filters, associated with wavelets respectively with
coefficients: in a digital form, the IIR filters can be de- few or many vanishing moments [8–10]. This apparent
signed from their analog versions, a procedure that is duality could be better described using spectral
not easily performed [2, 4]. On the other hand, the FIR factorization [9–12], which allows separating polynomial
filters are more powerful than the IIR ones [4], but they roots into two corresponding sequences of low-pass fil-
also require more processing power. In this scenario of ters in a wavelet filter bank, according to a criterion of
drawbacks, the frequency partitioning into sub-bands, perfect reconstruction [12]. The selective filtering
obtained by the wavelet transform, could be useful: in method proposed here designs a wavelet family that de-
the wavelet decomposition of a given signal, frequency composes the signal to be filtered into sub-bands fitted
sub-bands are obtained with peculiar amplitude values, in amplitude, obtaining good quantitative results in
which could be explored in selective filtering techniques. terms of accuracy of filtering and simultaneously with a
The wavelet filter banks provide the advantage of sep- low computational cost. Although this technique has
arating the signal under consideration into two or more been studied in several digital signal processing applica-
signals, in the frequency domain. Since signals can show tions, so far it has not been widely explored in digital
circuit theory [13–15], which is the main focus of this
* Correspondence: investigation, primarily the digital filter synthesis,
Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas Eletrônicos, Escola Politécnica,
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP CEP 05508-970, Brazil

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Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 2 of 11

showing the good choice for wavelets in digital filtering Fourier analysis, since it reveals signal aspects that Fou-
applications. rier signal representation usually neglects, such as
This manuscript is organized as follows. Section 2 pre- trends, breakdown points, and discontinuities. In this
sents the theory of wavelet filter banks, designed to ob- context, a wavelet filter bank is an array of wavelet filters
tain perfect reconstruction. Section 3 highlights the role used to decompose a signal into sub-bands over different
of the multiplicity of a root at z = − 1 in digital filter de- regions of the frequency spectrum, without losing the
sign. Section 4 presents the methodology for designing a time domain characterization as performed by the Fou-
specific wavelet family based on the spectral rier transform, which is useful in circuit applications.
factorization algorithm [8, 12]. Section 5 presents the Particularly, wavelets are function sets obtained from a
frequency responses for the designed filter, when com- prototype function (labeled mother wavelet) through di-
pared to first-order filtering stages, generally imple- lations and translations. The general form of a wavelet
mented with circuit elements. Finally, section VI family is given by
discusses the results and possible outcomes of this  
modeling. ψ j;k ðxÞ ¼ ψ 2 j x−k ; j; k∈Z ð1Þ

2 Methods: wavelet theory and filter banks where ψj, k(x) is the ‘mother wavelet’, while j and k are
In signal processing, a filter bank is an array of band- respectively the scale and translation factors.
pass filters that separates the input signal into multiple The algebra behind the wavelet filter bank design has
components, each one carrying a single frequency sub- been extensively discussed elsewhere [8, 9]. A two-chan-
band of the original signal. For example, an application nel wavelet filter bank structure involves four filters: the
of a filter bank lies in designing a graphic equalizer, analysis stage has a low-pass H0(z) and a high-pass H1(z)
which can attenuate the components differently and re- filter (with h0[n] and h1[n] impulse responses, respect-
combine them into a modified version of the original ively), while the synthesis stage is formed by low-pass
signal [16, 17]. The decomposition process, performed G0(z) and high-pass G1(z) filters (with g0[n] and g1[n]
by the filter bank, is labeled analysis (meaning analysis impulse responses, respectively), as shown in Fig. 1. The
of the signal in terms of its components in each sub- output signals of those filters, y0[n] and y1[n], must be
band); the output of the analysis is referred to as a sub- decimated by a factor of two, retaining only the even
band signal, where each frequency sub-band is related to samples, since each filter output contains half of the fre-
a specific filter in a bank. The reconstruction process is quency content, but an equal amount of samples as the
labeled synthesis, meaning the reconstitution of a input signal. The combination of the two outputs con-
complete signal resulting from the filtering process [18]. tains the same frequency content as the input signal, but
Particularly in digital signal processing, the term filter the amount of data is doubled. Therefore, the downsam-
bank is also commonly applied to a bank of receivers pling procedure, denoted by the operator ↓ 2, is applied
[19, 20]. The difference is that receivers also down-con- on filter outputs in the analysis bank:
vert the sub-bands to a low-center frequency that can be
resampled at a reduced rate. The same procedure could
be sometimes performed by undersampling the band- y0 ½n ¼ h0 ½nx½n; v0 ½n ¼ y0 ½2n ð2Þ
pass sub-bands.
The analysis of signals by filter banks requires minim- and
ally filtering techniques using Fourier analysis [18],
which use complex sinusoids as basis functions. How- y1 ½n ¼ h1 ½nx½n; v1 ½n ¼ y1 ½2n; ð3Þ
ever, a difficulty that has often been raised with this ap-
proach is that, because of the infinite extent of the basis where the ' ∗ ' symbol is the convolution operator.
functions, any time-local information is spread out over The input signal x[n] with a fixed length q (for analysis
the whole frequency axis [18]. Under such constraints, purposes) produces two signals, v0[n] and v1[n], with
the wavelet basis is a set of functions that can represent length q/2. This analysis step is opposite to the synthesis
signals with good resolution in both time and frequency one: v0[n] and v1[n] are interpolated (by a factor of 2)
domains. The wavelet transform is well defined within with zeros in odd samples (denoted by the operator ↑ 2).
the multiresolution framework, which allows signal ana- The results are filtered by G0(z) and G1(z), and their
lysis in several scales. Wavelets are characterized by time sum gives ~x½n:
locality, allowing an efficient capture of transient behav-
ior in a signal. Furthermore, the time-frequency reso- ~x½n ¼ g 0 ½n~v0 ½n þ g 1 ½n~v1 ½n; ð4Þ
lution trade-off, provided by the multiresolution
analysis, enables a better signal representation over the where
Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 3 of 11

Fig. 1 A two-channel filter bank with analysis and synthesis stages

vi ½m=2 ; m even ~y0 ½k  ¼ x½ng 0 ½−n þ 2k  ð12Þ
~vi ½m ¼ ð5Þ
0 ; m odd: n
If ~x½n ¼ x½n−l (i.e., if the input signal is delayed by l ~y1 ½k  ¼ x½nh1 ½−n þ 2k  ð13Þ
integer samples), the filter bank allows perfect recon- n

struction [8, 21, 22]. The conditions for this case are X 
~x½n ¼ y0 ½k g 0 ½−n þ 2k  þ y1 ½k h1 ½−n þ 2k 
now explained through signal analysis along the filter k
bank, in the Z-transform domain. An analysis of Eqs. (4)
and (5) in the Z-domain leads to
This formulation motivates the study of digital filter
~ ðzÞ ¼ 1 G0 ðzÞfH 0 ðzÞX ðzÞ þ H 0 ð−zÞX ð−zÞg
X design from a perspective of filter root analysis, which is
1 explored in the following sections.
þ G1 ðzÞfH 1 ðzÞX ðzÞ þ H 1 ð−zÞX ð−zÞg ¼ z−l X ðzÞ:
ð6Þ 3 Root analysis in digital filters
Digital filters have been widely used in signal processing
To avoid output aliasing, the following conditions for and communication systems, in applications such as
perfect reconstruction must be defined [11, 21]: channel equalization, noise reduction, radar, audio and
video processing, biomedical signal processing, and ana-
G0 ðzÞH 0 ðzÞ þ G1 ðzÞH 1 ðzÞ ¼ 2z−l ð7Þ
lysis of economic data [2, 3, 23–25]. In those examples,
and the roots of the digital filters play a major role in their
design. Their location in the Z-plane allows the designer
G0 ðzÞH 0 ð−zÞ þ G1 ðzÞH 1 ð−zÞ ¼ 0 ð8Þ to establish specific applications, mainly to confine a sig-
nal in a prescribed frequency band as in low-pass, high-
The anti-aliasing condition from Eq. (8) leads to “alter-
pass, and band-pass filters; to decompose a signal into
nating signal” constructions [9], corresponding, in poly-
two or more sub-bands as in filter-banks, graphic equal-
nomial terms, to H1(z) = G0(−z) and G1(z) = − H0(−z).
izers, sub-band coders, and frequency multiplexers; to
Therefore, Eq. (8) is satisfied, and Eq. (7) reduces to an
modify the frequency spectrum of a signal as in tele-
equation of the product filter P0(z) = G0(z)H0(z), such
phone channel equalization and audio graphic equal-
izers; to model the input-output relationship of a
P0 ðzÞ−P0 ð−zÞ ¼ 2z : ð9Þ system, such as telecommunication channels, human
vocal tract, and music synthesizers [26]. Those features
This is the key equation to design filters with perfect could be directly transferred to circuit theory without
reconstruction [9], in which the left term is an odd func- loss of generality.
tion, so l must be odd. This means that the only odd Here, the task of building filter prototypes to select
term in P0(z) is equal to z−l. The solution of Eq. (9) leads specific frequency components in a signal has been pri-
to the relationships oritized. We explored the number of zeros (roots of a
polynomial filter) of digital filtering structures, placed at
h0 ½L0 −1−k  ¼ ð−1Þk g 1 ½k  ð10Þ
z = − 1. Particularly, we focused on the use of perfect re-
h1 ½L1 −1−k  ¼ ð−1Þ g 0 ½k  ð11Þ construction filter banks, as those schemes are formed
by linear phase analysis and synthesis filters, therefore
where L0 and L1 are the lengths of the filters h0[n] and avoiding the occurrence of undesired disturbances due
hi[n], respectively. This leads to to phase shifting [26].
Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 4 of 11

The design of a perfect reconstruction filter bank factors, respectively. Figure 2 shows the Daubechies
could be synthesized in three steps [11, 27]: wavelets [15], generally used in wavelet filter design, re-
lated to vanishing moments.
i) Selection of a generic polynomial P0(z) that satisfies Although the formulation to design perfect recon-
Eq. (9); struction wavelet filters is given above, there is no expli-
ii) Factorization of the polynomial P0(z) into two cit criterion on which design is the best choice. One
polynomials G0(z) and H0(z), where H0(z) contains feature that gives some information on the performance
all zeros only at z = − 1; and of the designed filters, with respect to their behavior on
iii) Determination of impulse responses of low-pass pass and transition bands, is based on the multiplicity of
filters h0[n] and g0[n], as well as the ones for high- zeros at z = − 1, which ensures the orthogonality of the
pass filters h1[n] = (−1)ng0[n] and g1[n] = (−1)n + designed wavelets and could be explored [4], being use-
h0[n], through the “alternating signal” construction ful to determine the number of vanishing moments of
[7]. that wavelet family.
Therefore, the p value assumes an important role in
According to digital filter theory [2], the magnitude wavelet filter design, defining the form of the transition
response |H(z)| of a low-pass digital filter must vanish band in filtering: a large p value characterizes low-pass
at the digital frequency Ω = π rad/sample. In Z-plane, filters with a wider passband and a narrower transition
such case corresponds to the condition z = e−iπ = − 1, band. In contrast, a wavelet function with a few vanish-
ensuring that the high-frequency components of the ing moments (a low multiplicity p for roots at z = − 1)
input signal are essentially canceled. This condition, produces low-pass filters with a wider transition band
H(−1) = 0, is relevant in wavelet theory [7, 8, 16, 17]. and a narrower passband. Exploring those features is
In a filter bank, a root located at z = − 1, with multiplicity convenient to select properly the filter to be used ac-
p, imposes a major role: the associated wavelet function ψj, cording to the nature of the input signal.
k(x) has p vanishing moments, which represents a criterion
on how those functions decay toward infinity [8]: 4 Multiresolution selective filter design
Z∞ Z∞ Over the last few years, the expansion of circuits equa-
x ψ j;k ðxÞdx ¼ xm 2 j=2 ψ j;k 2 j x−k dx
tions on wavelet basis has been explored [28, 29]. This
−∞ −∞ resulted from the fact that expanding these equations on
¼0 ; m < p; ð15Þ a wavelet basis gives algebraic systems that can be con-
veniently solved (by numerical techniques), producing
where j and k denote the dilation and translation wavelet accurate results with a low-computational cost. This

Fig. 2 Daubechies wavelets with different vanishing moments

Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 5 of 11

  Y n    
feature is particularly evident when irregular signals
(such as fast transients) are considered, since the wavelet U z−1 ; zi ¼ 1−zi z−1 1−zi −1 z−1 1−zi z−1
basis gives a concise representation (i.e., characterized i¼1 
by a reduced number of coefficients). In fact, the Daube-  1−zi −1 z−1 ð18Þ
chies wavelets, on the interval in which the representa- and
tion of circuits equations has been found [30], are the
most suitable wavelet basis for this type of problems.   Y
They are orthonormal wavelet basis, characterized by a V z ;rj ¼ 1−r j z−1 1−r j −1 z−1 ð19Þ
certain number of vanishing moments [31], since they
offer the best efficiency in terms of accuracy versus cal- are auxiliary functions obtained from the separation of
culation time. P <D>
0 ðzÞ into roots at z = − 1, complex and real roots,
Nevertheless, the uneven distribution of signal energy and where ncq and nrd are respectively the numbers of
in the frequency domain has made signal decomposition quadruple complex factors and of double real factors in
into wavelets an important practical problem. Rate-dis- QD(z). In fact, the precise separation of roots into two
tortion theory shows that the uneven spectral nature of sets, the ones located at z = − 1 and the ones located in
real-world signals can provide the basis for source com- other regions in Z-plane, is the key element of the pro-
pression techniques [32]. The basic concept explored posed algorithm for filter circuits design. It can be
here refers to dividing the signal spectrum into sub- shown that ncq = D/2 and nrd = D mod 2 [33, 34], where
bands, in a manner that the sub-spectrum with more en- ‘mod’ represents the modulus operator. The Eqs. (16),
ergy content deserves higher priority for filtering. For (17), (18), (19) could be interpreted as
example, a slowly varying signal will have predominantly
low-frequency components. Therefore, the low-pass sub- i) For an arbitrary polynomial F(z) with N coefficients,
bands contain most of its total energy. If one filters the there are N − 1 roots, from which a subset of K
high-pass analysis sub-bands and reconstructs the signal, integer roots, 0 ≤ K ≤ N − 1, may be placed at z = −
it is expected that very little or negligible reconstruction 1;
error occurs after this analysis/synthesis operation. The ii) In spectral factorization, the polynomial of the
decomposition of the signal spectrum into sub-bands product filter P <D>
0 ðzÞ with NP = 4D + 3 coefficients
provides the mathematical basis for an important and and Kp = 2D + 2 roots at z = − 1 is factorized into
desirable feature in the signal analysis: the monitoring of polynomials; and
signal energy components within the sub-bands is pos- iii) Each polynomial corresponds to analysis low-pass
sible, as the sub-band signal can be ranked and proc- filter, H0(z), and synthesis low-pass filter, G0(z),
essed independently. respectively, with Nh and Ng coefficients and Kh and
Under such considerations and after emphasizing the Kg roots at z = − 1.
relevance of roots at z = − 1 in the previous section, the
filter bank design can be analytically developed, specific- This factorization leads to the following constraint for
ally through spectral factorization of a polynomial filter the roots at z = − 1:
[9, 22]. The construction of a filter bank, according to
that method, requires the computation of the roots of a N p ¼ N h þ N g −1 ð20Þ
particular product filter and

 2ðDþ1Þ Kp ¼ Kh þ Kg: ð21Þ

0 ðzÞ ¼ 1 þ z−1 QD ðzÞ; ð16Þ
The wavelet family, chosen in the design due to its lin-
ear phase, suitable for circuit design [30], is the symmet-
where QD(z) is a Laurent polynomial with degree D and rical orthogonal one, which requires [8, 11]:
2D roots [7].
In order to separate real from complex roots of the N h ¼ K h þ 4ncq
h þ 2nh þ 1;
polynomial QD(z), a possible form of P<D>
0 ðzÞ is here
N g ¼ K g þ 4ncq
g þ 2ng þ 1;
proposed using [30], such that
 2ðDþ1Þ  −1   −1 
0 ðzÞ ¼ 1 þ z−1 U z ; zi V z ; r j ð17Þ N p ¼ 2K p −1; ð24Þ
where the subscripts h and g correspond to the analysis
where and synthesis polynomials, respectively. Non-integer
Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 6 of 11

values of ncq and nrd correspond to a pair of complex sharper response in transition band, were obtained
roots and a single real root, respectively. Additionally, for Kh = 1 and Kg = 7, leading to
Kh and Kg must be simultaneously even or odd, which
p ¼ nh þ ng
ncq cq
ð25Þ Kp ¼ Kh þ Kg ¼ 8 ð27Þ

and and

K p −2
p ¼ nh þ ng ¼ 1;
nrd ð26Þ
rd rd
D¼ ¼ 3: ð28Þ
where ncq rd
p and np denote the number of pairs of com-
plex and single real roots for both analysis and synthesis
stages, respectively. Once defined, the multiplicity of the ii) Under the assignment of the value of D, Eqs. (16)
root at z = − 1 for low-pass stages of analysis and syn- and (17) are used to determine the number of
thesis steps, Eqs. (22) and (23) could be used to obtain coefficients for each factor of QD(z). Once D = 3,
the number of coefficients for each QD(z) factor. Eqs. the number of coefficients for the factors of Q3(z)
(25) and (26) determine the splitting of roots into H0(z) must be assigned, since NP = 4D + 3 = 15 and Kp =
and G0(z) polynomials, whence the low-pass impulse re- 2D + 2 = 8. Defining ncq
h ¼ 0 and nh ¼ 0, it is
sponses h0[n] and g0[n] could be obtained and, simultan- obtained:
eously, h1[n] and g1[n] [35–37], using the alternating
signal scheme for perfect reconstruction.
As a result, the designed filtering method for circuits
applications consists in partitioning the signal to be fil- N h ¼ K h þ 1 ¼ 2: ð29Þ
tered into two wavelet sub-bands, with subsequent filter-
g ¼ 1 and ng ¼ 1 , it can be
Similarly, defining ncq
ing and wavelet reconstruction stages, described in rd

Fig. 3. The application of wavelet transform splits the shown that

signal into two parts: a set of low-frequency components
with higher amplitude values, and a set of high-fre- N g ¼ K g þ 4 þ 2 þ 1 ¼ 14: ð30Þ
quency components with lower amplitude values. The
portion of the signal energy allocated for each sub-band
determines the filtering performance.
iii) Choosing a single root at z = − 1 for the low-pass
5 Results and discussion filter into analysis step, H0(z), the low-pass impulse
The formal development of the wavelet filter bank de- responses h0[n] and g0[n] are obtained, and hence
sign was presented in Eqs. (16), (17), (18), (19). The next h1[n] and g1[n], through the “alternating signal”
step involves a particular partitioning of the signal en- scheme.
ergy, described as follows:
The resulting low-pass filters for analysis and synthesis
i) The multiplicity of roots at z = − 1 is set for low- steps in the Z domain, according to the steps performed
pass filters of analysis and synthesis steps. In the in (i)–(iii) and developed from Eqs. (16), (17), (18), and
simulations, better results, in terms of observing a (19), are respectively obtained as

Fig. 3 Block diagram for a reconstruction two-channel filter bank

Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 7 of 11

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi pffiffiffi

2 −6 2 −7 2 −6   for the synthesis low-pass stage is shown in Fig. 6 (nor-
H 0 ðz Þ ¼ z þ z ¼ z 1 þ z−1 ð31Þ malized for unitary gain at Ω = 0 rad/sample), in com-
2 2 2
parison to a second-order continuous-time low-pass
and filter with cutoff frequency of 1 kHz, converted to its
G0 ðzÞ ¼ −0; 003452ð1−z−1 −8; 8z−2 þ 8; 8z−3 þ 40; 2z−4 digital form by bilinear transformation, and, for instance,
−40; 2z−5 −204; 8z−6 −204; 8z−7 −40; 2z−8 to a windowed FIR filter—a typical filter in circuit syn-
þ 40; 2z−9 þ 8; 8z−10 −8; 8z−11 −z−12 þ z−13 Þ: thesis [36].
Figure 7 shows the frequency response in decibel for
each filter tested in Fig. 6, when compared to an ideal
Once defined, the responses H0(z) and G0(z), a wavelet digital low-pass filter. These results indicate that the
family is designed for use in a filter bank, as both filters proposed algorithm presents better performance than
form the proposed filter bank in a condensed manner. other filtering methods: at Ω = π/2 rad, the frequency
Figure 4 shows the scaling function ϕ(x) and wavelet response of the proposed filter shows a stable behavior
function ψ(x), corresponding to the designed filter bank, with lower attenuation, while presenting a fast conver-
compared to the simplest wavelet functions, the Haar gence to zero at higher frequencies (Ω = π rad). Several
functions [17], which also have a single root at z = − 1 in sets of zeros were tested to factorize the product filter,
its analysis low-pass stage, being therefore adequate for being selected the one with the best signal energy bal-
comparison due to its simplicity of representation. Fig- ance, using a few filter coefficients.
ure 5 shows the zero map for the designed low-pass fil- Figure 8 shows that the proposed wavelet filter
ters. Those simulations were performed using bank ensures high stop-band attenuation, despite its
MATLAB® software. simpler implementations when compared to typical
The designed synthesis low-pass or high-pass filters filter design methods [38, 39]. Finally, the filter devel-
could be used in circuit theory, since their roots are oped here is compared to other wavelet filters, in
known. This is a noticeable advantage in comparison to order to validate the design method. Figure 8 shows
other filtering methods, based uniquely on the frequency the frequency response of the designed synthesis low-
response modeling. Within this method, both filter re- pass filter, when compared to others obtained from
sponse and location of roots are performed, allowing a alternative wavelet functions, such as the Haar and
more flexible circuit synthesis. The frequency response ‘orthogonal db8’ (Daubechies) ones [11, 12]. The

Fig. 4 a Haar scaling function. b Haar mother wavelet. c Designed scaling function. d Designed mother wavelet
Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 8 of 11

Fig. 5 Roots of designed low-pass filters in analysis and synthesis steps. The multiplicity of roots at z = − 1 for each stage (1 for analysis and 7 for
synthesis) is pointed out in the figure

proposed algorithm is well suited to behave as a good theory applications and becomes an additional
window function in several signal processing applica- model to be compared to other well-established fil-
tions, showing a higher to accurately resolve noise ters [40–46], as it can bring out the orthogonal and
and distortion components in the frequency spectrum, the multiresolution properties of the wavelet, im-
emphasizing the performance of the proposed model proving the efficiency of the calculations. As minor
as that is measured by the behavior of the frequency disadvantages, this technique requires a pre-process-
response of the whole filter bank. ing of the signals to be filtered in the wavelet do-
The present strategy shows that the concept of main, such as symmetric extension (a mandatory
wavelets can be explored in the context of circuit procedure in wavelet filter design [47–52]).

Fig. 6 Frequency response for the proposed low-pass filter, compared to a continuous-time low-pass filter after digitization
Penedo et al. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2019) 2019:33 Page 9 of 11

Fig. 7 Frequency response absolute values (in decibels) for the proposed filter design, compared to a digitized continuous-time low-pass filter.
The relative amplitude is varied from zero to unity

6 Conclusions based on the multiplicity of roots at z = − 1 is shown to

In summary, the use of wavelet filter banks in circuit be elegant and efficient, combining mathematical
theory allows the implementation of simple filter stages, consistency and good performance. Additionally, the
in terms of the practical formulation involved in that good approximation obtained by wavelets for high-fre-
task. The separation of signals into low- and high-fre- quency components encourages the proposition of filter
quency values is noticeably efficient, as the energy of the schemes in power electronics circuits, where drastic
signals involved could be properly partitioned. Neverthe- switching procedures are observed. Nevertheless, this fil-
less, the implementation of spectral factorization to ter design method is significantly effective in obtaining a
wavelet filter design is adequate to build fast and simple fast transition out of the passband in the frequency do-
filter circuits, in the sense that the design approach main, as well as the numerical efficiency of wavelets

Fig. 8 Frequency response of synthesis low-pass filters for different mother wavelet functions
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