Unit 2: Your Body and You: GROUP 3 - LA - Week 5 Homework

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GROUP 3_ LA_Week 5 homework


(Tiếng Anh lớp 10, tập 1, p.51)

1. Project title: Tendency towards unhealthy eating habits among Vietnamese


2. Project objectives: Students will be able to:

- Objective 1: Interview classmates & Make an oral presentation, using:
+ passive voice to describe and report classmates’ usual food habits
+ vocabulary related to illnesses, health and body systems
+ correct pronunciation of the following consonant clusters: /pr/, /pl/, /gr/, /gl/

- Objective 2: Make a plan, using:

+ will and be going to to talk about intentions, plans and willingness to get rid of
unhealthy eating habits
+ vocabulary related to body systems and healthy living in the correct spelling


1. Create a rubric based on project objectives & Make a step-by-step project plan

a. Rubric
Rubric 1: (making an oral presentation)
CATEGORY 1. Inadequate 2. Need 3. Meet 4. Exceed
Improvement Expectations Expectations
Grammar  makes more  makes 3-4 errors  makes 1-2  makes no errors
than 4 errors in in the passive errors in the in the passive
the passive voice that passive voice voice and does
voice that distract the that distract the not distract the
distract the reader from the reader from the reader from the
reader from the content content content
Vocabulary  uses an  uses 2-3 words  uses 4-5 words  uses a wide
extremely related to related to range of
limited range of illnesses, health illnesses, health vocabulary
vocabulary and body and body related to
related to systems, but this systems illnesses, health
illnesses, health is minimally and body
and body adequate for the systems
systems task
Pronunciation  makes more  makes 3-4 errors  makes 1-2  properly
than 4 errors in in the errors in the pronounces all
the pronunciation of pronunciation of of the
pronunciation the consonant the consonant consonant
of the clusters /pr/, clusters /pr/, clusters /pr/,
consonant /pl/, /gr/, /gl/ /pl/, /gr/, /gl/ /pl/, /gr/, /gl/
clusters /pr/,
/pl/, /gr/, /gl/

Rubric 2: (making a plan)

CATEGORY 1. Inadequate 2. Need 3. Meet 4. Exceed
Improvement Expectations Expectations
Grammar  makes more  makes 3-4  makes 1-2 errors  makes no
than 4 errors in errors in the in the future tense errors in the
the future tense future tense with will and be future tense
with will and with will and be going to that with will and
be going to that going to that distract the reader be going to and
distract the distract the from the content does not
reader from the reader from the distract the
content content reader from the
Vocabulary  uses an  uses 2-3 words  uses 4-5 words  uses a wide
and Spelling extremely related to body related to body range of
limited range systems and systems and vocabulary
of vocabulary healthy living, healthy living related to body
related to body but this is  makes 1 error in systems and
systems and minimally spelling that may healthy living
healthy living adequate for the cause some  makes no
task difficulty for the errors in
 makes 2-3 reader spelling and
errors in does not cause
spelling that any difficulty
may cause some for the reader
difficulty for the
Task  answer is  makes an  makes an  fully writes
achievement completely adequate plan adequate plan about more
unrelated to the with 1-2 actions with 3-4 actions than 4 specific
task to get rid of to get rid of actions to get
unhealthy unhealthy eating rid of
eating habits, habits, but with unhealthy
but with few inadequately eating habits
ideas and developed/unclear with relevant
irrelevant ideas and supported
details ideas

b. Step-by-step Project Plan

- Lead in: Inform the class of the project objectives

 Objective 1: Interview classmates & Make an oral presentation:
+ Lead in: Inform the class of the Objective 1
+ Each T goes round the class and interviews at least 3 classmates using a list of given
questions in form of a worksheet. T observes.
1. Who prepares your meals?
2. What does your main meal consist of and how is it prepared?
3. What percentage of your regular diet consists of meat and meat products?
4. Do you have a lot of vegetables and non-animal products with your meals?
5. How often do you eat fresh fruit?
6. Do you prefer healthy food or unhealthy food?
7. What benefits does eating healthy food bring to your body and you?
8. What health problems do you often experience when eating unhealthy food?

+ Ss then have some time to compare their findings in their own groups and 1 volunteer
from each group makes an oral presentation on their findings to the class. T uses informal
questioning to elicit further information on their classmates’ usual food habits.
+ Other groups give oral comments based on the rubric 1.
+ T gives brief comments on the overall performance of all presentations based on the
rubric 1

 Objective 2: Make a plan:

+ Lead in: Inform the class of the Objective 2
+ Ss in groups are first asked to brainstorm some actions to get rid of unhealthy eating
habits. T goes around the class when Ss are brainstorming.
+ T then gives some general comments on the ideas from all groups.
+ Ss are asked to work individually to make their own draft plan to get rid of unhealthy
eating habits, using some ideas discussed in groups and the rubric 2. T observes.
+ After finishing their draft, Ss are asked to exchange it with their team members for peer
comment, using the rubric 2.
+ T goes around the class and takes notes of some common errors and comments from all
+ T gives brief comments on the Ss’ first draft of the plan based on the rubric 2.
+ Ss are then asked to revise their draft and make a finalized version of their own plan,
based on the T’s and peers’ comments together with the rubric 2.
+ The finalized version together with the first draft is submitted to T as evidence of
students’ progress. T provides feedback on the finalized version in the next lesson.

2. Choose a writing lesson in the textbook and apply the Process Writing Approach.
How does formative assessment work within this lesson?

a. Process Writing Approach

“Process writing is an interrelated set of recursive stages:

- drafting
- structuring (ordering information, experimenting with arrangements, etc)
- reviewing (checking context, connections, assessing impact, editing)
- focusing (making sure you are getting the message across you want to get across)
- generating ideas and evaluation (assessing the draft and/or subsequent drafts)”

(White & Arndt, 1991:5, cited in Harmer, 2001:258)

b. Apply the Process Writing Approach : Unit 5 Inventions, p.54 tiếng Anh 10, tập 1
“Write a paragraph about the benefits of an invention”
+ Lead in: Inform the class of the lesson objective
+ Ss are provided with a rubric related to the assigned topic as help Ss to achieve the task.
+ Ss in groups are first asked to choose one specific invention and brainstorm some
benefits related to the chosen invention. T goes around the class when Ss are
+ T then gives some general comments on the ideas collected from all groups.
+ Ss are asked to work individually to outline a topic sentence and various supporting
ideas with further explanations, using the ideas generated in groups and the last 2
categories in the given rubric. T observes to check where the Ss are right now.
+ After finishing their outline, Ss are asked to exchange it with their team members for
peer review, using the last 2 categories in the given rubric. T observes.
+ Then, each S quickly edits their outline and writes the first draft of the paragraph on the
assigned topic, using the revised ideas and the given rubric. Each S decides on the ideas
for the draft as well as reviews the logical organization of ideas and makes sure they are
focusing on what they want to focus. T observes to check where the Ss are right now. At
this stage, a few Ss may want to change the focus and start outlining again before writing
a paragraph.
+ After finishing their writing, Ss are asked to exchange it with other team members for
peer comment, using the given rubric.
+ T goes around the class and takes notes of some common errors and comments from all
groups. T gives brief comments on the Ss’ first draft based on the rubric.
+ Ss are then asked to revise their draft and make a finalized version of their own
paragraph, based on the T’s and peers’ comments together with the rubric. In the final
version, Ss select the best ideas for inclusion and write a clean copy.
+ The finalized version together with the first draft is submitted to T as evidence of
students’ progress. T provides feedback on the finalized version in the next lesson.

Rubric: Writing a paragraph

CATEGORY 1. Inadequate 2. Need 3. Meet 4. Exceed
Improvement Expectations Expectations
Grammar  makes more  makes 3-4 errors  makes 1-2  makes no errors
than 4 errors in in Gerunds and errors in in Gerunds and
Gerunds and Infinitives that Gerunds and Infinitives and
Infinitives that distract the Infinitives that does not
distract the reader from the distract the distract the
reader from the content reader from the reader from the
content content content
Vocabulary  uses an  uses 2-3 words  uses 4-5 words  uses a wide
and Spelling extremely related to related to range of
limited range of inventions, but inventions vocabulary
vocabulary this is minimally  makes 1 error in related to
related to adequate for the spelling that inventions
inventions task may cause some  makes no errors
 makes 2-3 errors difficulty for the in spelling and
in spelling that reader does not cause
may cause some any difficulty
difficulty for the for the reader
Coherence  organizes ideas  presents an  presents a clear  presents a well-
and Cohesion illogically and unclear thesis thesis sentence, developed
fails to indicate sentence, and but supporting thesis sentence
a logical supporting ideas ideas and and logically
relationship and further further sequences
between explanations are explanations are supporting
sentences not coherently not logically ideas and
arranged and connected further
logically explanations
Task  answer is not in  writes a short  writes an  fully writes
achievement the paragraph paragraph with 1 adequate plan about 2-3
form and/or benefit of the with 2 benefits benefits of the
completely chosen of the chosen chosen
unrelated to the invention, but invention, but invention with
task with few ideas with unclear or relevant and
and irrelevant irrelevant ideas. supported ideas

3. Competency-based assessment:
- What: “there has been a movement toward the use of some form of competency-based
evaluation, and this has led to the need for measures of language ability based on a
“common yardstick”(Bachman, 1990, p.334)

- How: products of learning, rating scales / scoring schemes

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