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Name: Mary Dazel Badilla Isales Course and Year: BEED-GE3

TEGR 120-Teaching Multigrade Classes

Learning Task# 2

Interview a teacher who had an experience or currently handling a multigrade/combination

class. Solicit answers to the following questions. (20 pts.)
Please note that the interview can be done thru phone, FB messenger, email, or face-to-face.
Encourage the interviewee to answer based on what she personally thought and feel and not from
the web or books. Moreover, the school and grade levels taught in the Interview Report should
be concerning the interviewee's multigrade teaching experience.

Interview Questions
1. Do you find it easy or difficult to handle two or more grade levels in one class? Why?
2. What is something special about being a multigrade teacher?
3. What are the things that are favorable or not in a multigrade education?
4. What message can you give to future multigrade teachers?

Interview Report

Name of the Teacher: Je Marie Talaboc

School: San Jose Elementary School
Grade levels taught: Grades Level 2 and 3

Answer to the questions:

1. I admit it wasn’t easy for me so yes, I find it difficult handling two grade levels in one
classroom due to the lack of facilities in the School where I am teaching 2 years
ago. I can say, handling or teaching over 60 pupils in one classroom is quite
challenging as a teacher. Base from my experience, it took me a lot of patient
handling my pupils as kids are known for being energetic who loves to play even
during our discussion. I have to think of an effective strategy so I could catch their
attention and let them enjoy the lesson. And considering every grade with their
subjects requires different lesson plans is already difficult.

2. Being a versatile teacher is what makes special as a multigrade teacher.

3. The things that are favorable in a multigrade education is that it allows students to
enhance their problem-solving, higher-level thinking, and learning methods develop
at an earlier point with multi-grade classrooms; due to the fact of the knowledge
experience that brings students jointly.

4. The advice that I can give to future Multigrade teachers is that you must be
versatile and make use of a very good planning. Develop teaching and learning
strategies. Above all, you should be dedicated teacher who’s willing to work hard
in order to surpass the problems and the anomaly of multigrade education.

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