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Art, also called (to

distinguish it from other

art forms) visual art, a

visual object or
experience consciously
Aesthetics a branch of created through an
philosophy concerned expression of skill or
with the study of art and imagination.The term ar
beauty. t encompasses diverse 
media such
as painting, sculpture, pr
intmaking, drawing, dec
arts, photography and

Baroque is a style of

painting, sculpture and
other arts that flourished Beautiful pleasing the
in Europe from the early senses or mind
17th century until the aesthetically.
The Baroque style used
contrast, movement,
exuberant detail, deep
colour, grandeur and
surprise to achieve a
sense of awe. 
Cubism is an early-20th-
Culture the arts and other century avant-garde art
manifestations of human movement that revolutionized

intellectual achievement European painting and sculpture,
regarded collectively. and inspired related movements
Culture is the in music, literature and architecture
characteristics and In Cubist artwork, objects are
knowledge of a particular analyzed, broken up and
group of people, reassembled in an abstracted form
encompassing language, —instead of depicting objects from
religion, cuisine, social a single viewpoint, the artist
habits, music and arts. depicts the subject from a
multitude of viewpoints to
represent the subject in a greater

Didactic Value the

value of an artwork
based on how it
instructs us beyond
Divinitas Gods in the itself. The value of an
state of perfection in artwork based on how it
heaven. increases our
knowledge of something
without have to refer to
itself specifically.

Expressionism style of
art that particularly
emphasizes the
expression of feelings. Elitist meant for the
Artists use colors in an higher social class.
outrageous way,
inscribing lines very
boldly, or employing
very jarring shapes.
Formalism describes

the critical position that
Folk handed down from the most important
generation to aspect of a work of art is
generation and usually its form – the way it is
reflects commonly help made and its purely
regional values and visual aspects – rather
customs( such as than its narrative
quilts). content or its
relationship to the
visible world.

Gothic a style
dominated the

architectural form in
Europe from the late
12th to the 15th century. Graffiti refers to the
Gothic churches are age-old practice of
characterized by writing or drawing ob
soaring heights and public walls.
light-filled open spaces
through the use of
stained-glass scenes of
religious figures and

Humanity includes all the Humans are essentially

humans, but it can also rational, both theoretically (in
refer to the kind feelings how they form beliefs) and

humans often have for practically (in how they act).
each other. But when you This last claim yields the two
talk about humanity, you main “Aristotelian” values of
could just be talking about theoretical and practical
people as a whole. When perfection, which develop
people do bad things, it theoretical and practical
tests your faith in humanity. rationality. The claim is
When people ask for defended both intuitively, in
money to help feed starving thought‐experiments, and by
children, they're appealing the analysis of psychological
to your sense of humanity. explanation, in which
rationality plays a central role.

Impressionism a
theory or practice in

painting especially Imitationalism refers to
among French painters a art that focuses on
of about 1870 of things being realistically
depicting the natural represented. It is a
appearances of objects theory of art that judge’s
by means of dabs or artwork based on how
strokes of primary real it looks.
unmixed colors in order
to simulate actual
reflected light.

There is There is

J no term no term
letter J letter J
Kinetic Art is art that
Kinaesthetic Art is art
depends on motion for
that deals with the body
its effects
in movement

Lithography is a

printing process that
uses a flat stone or
Landscape is one of metal plate on which
the principal types the image areas are
or genres of subject in worked using a greasy
Western art substance so that the
ink will adhere to them
by, while the non-image
areas are made ink-

Minimalism developed

Medieval refers to an in the 1960s and 1970s
era in European history particularly in he United
also known as the States and Europe.
Middle Ages, and These artists brought
encompasses about a trend toward
Byzantine, Carolingian, great simplicity, pared
Ottonian, Romanesque, art down to the barest
and Gothic art. essentials: just materials
and shapes.
Neoclassicism a Neo-Expressionism a
reference to the revival style, particularly of the
of ancient Greek and 1980s, that revived the
Roman models and use of jarring colors and
standards of very obvious brush-
achievement occuring strokes to infuse
at various moments in painting with energy
more recent history. feeling.

Olympians was often Objective Abstraction
used to describe the term objective
certain Victorian artists abstraction refers to a
whose work non-geometric style of
emphasised the abstract art developed
classical in both style by a group of British
and subject matter artists in 1933.


Physical Alteration painters in this late 19th
changing the physical century period turned
appearance of nature, away from the interests
like a natural marble of the
that turns into a Impressionists,focusing
sculpture by carving less on surfaces and
and cutting. fleeting effects and
more on personal
concerns, emotions, and
even spiritual matters.
There is There is

Q no term no term
letter Q letter Q
Renaissance name

given to the period in
Realism refers to European history when
techniques in art by the Middle Ages gave
which a recognizable way to “rebirth” of
subject is depicted with ideals. Artistically, the
accuracy, or realistically. focus shifted from God
to humankind, and
interest grew in calssical
Surrealism is a Symbolism a school of
movement in modern artists who at the end of

art (started in Paris in the 19th century began
1924) where artists to experiment with
believed that increasingly abstract
imagination was the ways of conveying
most exciting and alive ideas, often through
when it was the distorted or exaggerated
expression of figures as well as
unconscious, nonlogical symbols.
sensations and

Tradition a long history Texture refers to a
of doing something the surface quality; a
same way. perception of smooth or
rough, flat or bumpy,
fine or coarse.

Underground Art First

used in relation to the

cultural phenomenon of
the 1960s and early Unit One British group
1970s where groups of formed by Paul Nash in
artists, writers and 1933 to promote
other creatives and modern art, architecture
thinkers were regarded and design
as existing outside or
on the fringes of
popular culture
Value Range light side
or dark side of the scale
(or anywhere in

between) Each box is a
different value and the
Variety difference number of different
provides interest. values a scale can have
is infinite. The more
variety of values an
artwork has, even if
they're all in the middle
gray area of the scale,
the broader the value

W Western art that comes Watermark an image

from Europe and the or mark in a sheet of
Americas. paper (usually the
trademark) visible when
viewed by transmitted

There is There is

X no term no term
letter X letter X
There is There is

Y no term
letter Y
no term
letter Y
There is There is

Z no term
letter Z
no term
letter Z

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