G - Ps - PC - Will - Going To - Ex 3

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Exercise 1: Complete the following sentences.

Use the present simple, present

continuous, and will future form of the verbs.

1. There's a special bus to the conference centre, which leaves (leave) the hotel at 8
2. I think I ___ (apply) for a job when I have finished university.
3. My friends ___ (have) dinner at my house tonight and I haven't started cooking
4. You should meet me at 7 o'clock, the concert ___ (start) at 7:30.
5. I can't meet you on Saturday because a cousin of mine ___ (come) from Bologna.
6. I have just bought a new bicycle, so maybe I ___ (lose) some weight.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the future, using will or going

A: I'm afraid the fax machine isn't working.

B: Don't worry, it's not a very urgent letter. I'll post (post) it.

1 A: Have you decided what to do about improving the circulation of the magazine?
B: Yes, we ___ (cut) the cover price by 10% as from October.
2 A: I'm afraid I can't take you to the airport. Something important has just come up.
B: Never mind. I ___ (take) a taxi.
3 A: Do you need any help?
B: Oh, yes please ___ (you/carry) the display stand for me?
4 A: Could you make sure Mr Wilson gets my message?
B: Yes, I ___ (tell) him myself when he gets in.
5 A: Why are you taking the day off on Friday?
B: I ___ (look) at a new house.

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