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Question 1.

Find all the points of local maxima and local minima of the function f(x) = (x –
1)3 (x + 1)2
(a) 1, -1, -1/5
(b) 1, -1
(c) 1, -1/5
(d) -1, -1/5
(a) 1, -1, -1/5

Question 2.
Find the local minimum value of the function f(x) = sin4x + cos4x, 0 < x < π2
(a) 1√2
(b) 12
(c) √32
(d) 0
(b) 12

Question 3.
Find the points of local maxima and local minima respectively for the function
f(x) = sin 2x – x , where
(a) −π6, π6
(b) π3, −π3
(c) −π3, π3
(d) π6, −π6
(d) π6, −π6

Question 4.
If y=ax−b(x−1)(x−4) has a turning point P(2, -1), then find the value of a and b
(a) 1, 2
(b) 2, 1
(c) 0, 1
(d) 1, 0
(d) 1, 0

Question 5.
sinp θ cosq θ attains a maximum, when θ =
(a) tan−1pq−−√
(b) tan−1(pq)
(c) tan−1q
(d) tan−1(qp)
(a) tan−1pq−−√

Question 6.
Find the maximum profit that a company can make, if the profit function is
given by P(x) = 41 + 24x – 18x2.
(a) 25
(b) 43
(c) 62
(d) 49
(d) 49

Question 7.
If y = x3 + x2 + x + 1, then y
(a) has a local minimum
(b) has a local maximum
(c) neither has a local minimum nor local maximum
(d) None of these
(c) neither has a local minimum nor local maximum

Question 8.
Find both the maximum and minimum values respectively of 3x4 – 8x3 + 12x2 –
48x + 1 on the interval [1, 4].
(a) -63, 257
(b) 257, -40
(c) 257, -63
(d) 63, -257
(c) 257, -63

Question 9.
It is given that at x = 1, the function x4 – 62x2 + ax + 9 attains its maximum
value on the interval [0, 2]. Find the value of a.
(a) 100
(b) 120
(c) 140
(d) 160
(b) 120

Question 10.
The function f(x) = x5 – 5x4 + 5x3 – 1 has
(a) one minima and two maxima
(b) two minima and one maxima
(c) two minima and two maxima
(d) one minima and one maxima
(d) one minima and one maxima

Question 11.
Find the height of the cylinder of maximum volume that can be is cribed in a
sphere of radius a.
(a) 2a3
(b) 2a3√
(c) a3
(d) a3
(b) 2a3√

Question 12.
Find the volume of the largest cylinder that can be inscribed in a sphere of
radius r cm.
(a) πr333√
(b) 4πr2h33√
(c) 4πr3
(d) 4πr333√
(d) 4πr333√

Question 13.
The area of a right-angled triangle of the given hypotenuse is maximum when
the triangle is
(a) scalene
(b) equilateral
(c) isosceles
(d) None of these
(c) isosceles

Question 14.
Find the area of the largest isosceles triangle having perimeter 18 metres.
(a) 9√3
(b) 8√3
(c) 4√3
(d) 7√3
(a) 9√3

Question 15.
2x3 – 6x + 5 is an increasing function, if
(a) 0 < x < 1
(b) -1 < x < 1
(c) x < -1 or x > 1
(d) -1 < x < −12
(c) x < -1 or x > 1

Question 16.
If f(x) = sin x – cos x, then interval in which function is decreasing in 0 ≤ x ≤
2π, is
(a) [5π6,3π4]
(b) [π4,π2]
(c) [3π2,5π2]
(d) None of these
(d) None of these

Question 17.
The function which is neither decreasing nor increasing in (π2,3π2) is
(a) cosec x
(b) tan x
(c) x2
(d) |x – 1|
(a) cosec x

Question 18.
The function f(x) = tan-1 (sin x + cos x) is an increasing function in
(a) (π4,π2)
(b) (−π2,π2)
(c) (0,π2)
(d) None of these
(d) None of these

Question 19.
The function f(x) = x3 + 6x2 + (9 + 2k)x + 1 is strictly increasing for all x, if
(a) k>32
(b) k<32
(c) k≥32
(d) k≤32
(a) k>32

Question 20.
The point on the curves y = (x – 3)2 where the tangent is parallel to the chord
joining (3, 0) and (4, 1) is
(a) (−72,14)
(b) (52,14)
(c) (−52,14)
(d) (72,14)
(d) (72,14)

Question 21.
The slope of the tangent to the curve x = a sin t, y = a{cot t + log(tan t2)} at the
point ‘t’ is
(a) tan t
(b) cot t
(c) tan t2
(d) None of these
(a) tan t

Question 22.
The equation of the normal to the curves y = sin x at (0, 0) is
(a) x = 0
(b) x + y = 0
(c) y = 0
(d) x – y = 0
(b) x + y = 0

Question 23.
The tangent to the parabola x2 = 2y at the point (1, 12) makes with the x-axis
an angle of
(a) 0°
(b) 45°
(c) 30°
(d) 60°
(b) 45°

Question 24.
The two curves x3 – 3xy2 + 5 = 0 and 3x2y – y3 – 7 = 0
(a) cut at right angles
(b) touch each other
(c) cut at an angle π4
(d) cut at an angle π3
(a) cut at right angles
Question 25.
The distance between the point (1, 1) and the tangent to the curve y = e2x +
x2 drawn at the point x = 0
(a) 15√
(b) −15√
(c) 25√
(d) −25√
(c) 25√

Question 26.
The tangent to the curve y = 2x2 -x + 1 is parallel to the line y = 3x + 9 at the
(a) (2, 3)
(b) (2, -1)
(c) (2, 1)
(d) (1, 2)
(d) (1, 2)

Question 27.
The tangent to the curve y = x2 + 3x will pass through the point (0, -9) if it is
drawn at the point
(a) (0, 1)
(b) (-3, 0)
(c) (-4, 4)
(d) (1, 4)
(b) (-3, 0)

Question 28.
Find a point on the curve y = (x – 2)2. at which the tangent is parallel to the
chord joining the points (2, 0) and (4, 4).
(a) (3, 1)
(b) (4, 1)
(c) (6,1)
(d) (5, 1)
(a) (3, 1)
Question 29.
Tangents to the curve x2 + y2 = 2 at the points (1, 1) and (-1, 1) are
(a) parallel
(b) perpendicular
(c) intersecting but not at right angles
(d) none of these
(b) perpendicular

Question 30.
If there is an error of 2% in measuring the length of a simple pendulum, then
percentage error in its period is
(a) 1%
(b) 2%
(c) 3%
(d) 4%
(a) 1%

Question 31.
If there is an error of a% in measuring the edge of a cube, then percentage
error in its surface area is
(a) 2a%
(b) a2 %
(c) 3a%
(d) None of these
(b) a2 %

Question 32.
If the radius of a sphere is measured as 9 cm with an error of 0.03 cm, then
find the approximating error in calculating its volume.
(a) 2.46π cm3
(b) 8.62π cm3
(c) 9.72π cm3
(d) 7.46π cm3
(c) 9.72π cm3
Question 33.
Find the approximate value of f(3.02), where f(x) = 3x2 + 5x + 3
(a) 45.46
(b) 45.76
(c) 44.76
(d) 44.46
(a) 45.46

Question 34.
f(x) = 3x2 + 6x + 8, x ∈ R
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) -8
(d) does not exist
(d) does not exist

Question 35.
The radius of a cylinder is increasing at the rate of 3 m/s and its height is
decreasing at the rate of 4 m/s. The rate of change of volume when the radius
is 4 m and height is 6 m, is
(a) 80π cu m/s
(b) 144π cu m/s
(c) 80 cu m/s
(d) 64 cu m/s
(a) 80π cu m/s

Question 36.
The sides of an equilateral triangle are increasing at the rate of 2 cm/s. The
rate at which the area increases, when the side is 10 cm, is
(a) √3 cm2/s
(b) 10 cm2/s
(c) 10√3 cm2/s
(d) 103√ cm2/s
(c) 10√3 cm2/s

Question 37.
A particle is moving along the curve x = at2 + bt + c. If ac = b2, then particle
would be moving with uniform
(a) rotation
(b) velocity
(c) acceleration
(d) retardation
(c) acceleration

Question 38.
The distance ‘s’ metres covered by a body in t seconds, is given by s = 3t2 – 8t
+ 5. The body will stop after
(a) 1 s
(b) 34 s
(c) 43 s
(d) 4 s
(c) 43 s

Question 39.
The position of a point in time ‘t’ is given by x = a + bt – ct2, y = at + bt2. Its
acceleration at time ‘t’ is
(a) b – c
(b) b + c
(c) 2b – 2c
(d) 2b2+c2−−−−−−√
(d) 2b2+c2−−−−−−√

Question 40.
The function f(x) = log (1 + x) – 2x2+x is increasing on
(a) (-1, ∞)
(b) (-∞, 0)
(c) (-∞, ∞)
(d) None of these
(a) (-1, ∞)

Question 41.
f(x)=(e2x−1e2x+1) is
(a) an increasing function
(b) a decreasing function
(c) an even function
(d) None of these
(a) an increasing function

Question 42.
The function f(x) = cot-1 x + x increases in the interval
(a) (1, ∞)
(b) (-1, ∞)
(c) (0, ∞)
(d) (-∞, ∞)
(d) (-∞, ∞)

Question 43.
The function f(x) = xlogx increases on the interval
(a) (0, ∞)
(b) (0, e)
(c) (e, ∞)
(d) none of these
(c) (e, ∞)

Question 44.
The length of the longest interval, in which the function 3 sin x – 4sin3x is
increasing, is
(a) π3
(b) π2
(c) 3π2
(d) π
(a) π3

Question 45.
The coordinates of the point on the parabola y2 = 8x which is at minimum
distance from the circle x2 + (y + 6)2 = 1 are
(a) (2, -4)
(b) (18, -12)
(c) (2, 4)
(d) none of these
(a) (2, -4)
Question 46.
The distance of that point on y = x4 + 3x2 + 2x which is nearest to the line y =
2x – 1 is
(a) 35√
(b) 45√
(c) 25√
(d) 15√
(d) 15√
Question 47.
The function f(x) = x + 4x has
(a) a local maxima at x = 2 and local minima at x = -2
(b) local minima at x = 2, and local maxima at x = -2
(c) absolute maxima at x = 2 and absolute minima at x = -2
(d) absolute minima at x = 2 and absolute maxima at x = -2
(b) local minima at x = 2, and local maxima at x = -2

Question 48.
The combined resistance R of two resistors R1 and R2 (R1, R2 > 0) is given
by 1R=1R1+1R2. If R1 + R2 = C (a constant), then maximum resistance R is
obtained if
(a) R1 > R2
(b) R1 < R2
(c) R1 = R2
(d) None of these
(c) R1 = R2

Question 49.
Find the height of a cylinder, which is open at the top, having a given surface
area, greatest volume and of radius r.
(a) r
(b) 2r
(c) r2
(d) 3πr2
(a) r
1. What is the saddle point?
a) Point where function has maximum value
b) Point where function has minimum value
c) Point where function has zero value
d) Point where function neither have maximum value nor minimum value
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Answer: d
Explanation: Saddle point is a point where function have neither maximum
nor minimum value.
2. Stationary point is a point where, function f(x,y) have?
a) ∂f⁄∂x = 0
b) ⁄∂y = 0
∂f ∂f
c) ⁄∂x = 0 & ⁄∂y = 0
∂f ∂f
d) ⁄∂x < 0 and ⁄∂y > 0
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Answer: c
Explanation: Point where function f(x,y) either have maximum or minimum
value is called saddle point. i.e, ∂f⁄∂x = 0 & ∂f⁄∂y = 0.

3. For function f(x,y) to have minimum value at (a,b) value is?
a) rt – s2>0 and r<0
b) rt – 2
s >0 and r>0
c) rt – 2
s <0 and r<0
d) rt – 2
s >0 and r>0
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Answer: b
Explanation: For the function f(x,y) to have minimum value at (a,b)
rt – s2>0 and r>0
∂2 2 ∂2 2 ∂2
where, r = f⁄∂x , t= f⁄∂y , s= f⁄∂x∂y, at (x,y) => (a,b).

4. For function f(x,y) to have maximum value at (a,b) is?
a) rt – s2>0 and r<0
b) rt – s2>0 and r>0
c) rt – 2
s <0 and r<0
d) rt – 2
s >0 and r>0
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Answer: a
Explanation: For the function f(x,y) to have maximum value at (a,b)
rt – s2>0 and r<0
∂2 2 ∂2 2 ∂2
where, r = f⁄∂x , t= f⁄∂y , s=( f⁄∂x∂y, at (x,y) => (a,b).
5. For function f(x,y) to have no extremum value at (a,b) is?
a) rt – s2>0
b) rt – s2<0
c) rt – s2 = 0
d) rt – s ≠
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Answer: b
Explanation: For the function f(x,y) to have no extremum value at (a,b)
rt – s2 < 0 where, r = ∂2f⁄∂x2, t=∂2f⁄∂y2, s=∂2f⁄∂x∂y, at (x,y) => (a,b).

6. Discuss minimum value of f(x,y)=x2 + y2 + 6x + 12.
a) 3
b) 3
c) -9
d) 9
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Answer: b
2 2
Explanation: Given, f(x, y) = x + y + 6x + 12
∂f ∂f
Now, ⁄∂x = 2x + 6 and ⁄∂y = 2
∂f ∂f
Putting, ⁄∂x and ⁄∂y = 0 we get,
(x,y) = (-3,0)
∂2 2 ∂2 2 ∂2
Now, r= f⁄∂x = 2>0 and t= f⁄∂y = 2 and s= f⁄∂x∂y = 0
hence, rt – 2
s = 4>0 and r>0
hence. f(x,y) has minimum value at (-3,0), which is f(x,y) = 12 + 9 – 18 = 3.
7. Discuss maximum or minimum value of f(x,y) = y2 + 4xy + 3x2 + x3.
a) minimum at (0,0)
b) maximum at (0,0)
c) minimum at (2/3, -4/3)
d) maximum at (2/3, -4/3)
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Answer: c
2 2
Explanation: Given,f(x,y) = y + 4xy + 3x + x3
Now,∂f⁄∂x = 4y + 6x + 3x2 and ∂f⁄∂y = 2y + 4x
∂f ∂f
Putting, ⁄∂x and ⁄∂y = 0,and solving two equations,we get,
(x,y) = (0,0) or (2/3, -4/3)
∂2 2 ∂2 2 ∂2
Now,at (0,0) r= f⁄∂x =6+6x=6>0 and t= f⁄∂y =2>0 and s= f⁄∂x∂y=4
hence, rt – s2 = 12 – 16<0,hence it has no extremum at this point.
Now at (2⁄3,-4⁄3) r=∂2f⁄∂x2= 6 + 6x = 10>0 and t= ∂2f⁄∂y2 =2>0 and s= ∂2f⁄∂x∂y=4
hence, rt – s2 = 20 – 16 > 0 and r>0, hence it has minimum at this point.(2⁄3,
8. Find the minimum value of xy+a3 (1⁄x + 1⁄y).
a) 3a2
b) a2
c) a
d) 1
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Answer: a
Given,f(x,y) = xy+a3(1x+1y)
Now, ∂f∂x=y−a3x2 and ∂f∂y=x−a3y2
Putting, ∂f∂x and ∂f∂y=0,and solving two equations,we get,
(x,y)=(a,a) or (-a,a)
Now, at (a,a) r = ∂2f∂x2=2a3x3=2>0 and t=∂2f∂y2=2a3y3=2>0
and s=∂2f∂x∂y=1
hence, rt-s2=3>0 and r>0,hence it has minimum value at (a,a).
Now, at (-a,a) r=∂2f∂x2=2a3x3=-2<0 and t=∂2f∂y2=2a3y3=2>0 and
hence, rt-s2=-5<0,hence it has no extremum at this point.
Hence maximum value is, f(a,a)=a2+a3 (1a+1a)=a2+2a2=3a2
9. Divide 120 into three parts so that the sum of their products taken two at
a time is maximum. If x, y, z are two parts, find value of x, y and z.
a) x=40, y=40, z=40
b) x=38, y=50, z=32
c) x=50, y=40, z=30
d) x=80, y=30, z=50
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Answer b

Explanation: Now, x + y + z = 120 => z = 120 – x – y

f = xy + yz + zx
f = xy + y(120-x-y) + x(120-x-y) = 120x + 120y – xy – x – y2 2

Hence, ∂f⁄∂x = 120 – y – 2x and ∂f⁄∂y = 120 – x – 2y

putting ∂f⁄∂x and ∂f⁄∂y equals to 0 we get, (x, y)=>(40, 40)
∂2 2 ∂2 ∂2 2
Now at (40,40), r= f⁄∂x = -2 < 0, s = f⁄∂x∂y = -1, and t = f⁄∂y = -2
hence, rt – s2 = 5 > 0
since, r<0 and rt – s > 0 f(x,y) has maixum value at (40,40),

Hence, maximum value of f(40,40) = 120 – 40 – 40 = 40,

Hence, x = y = z = 40
10. Find the maximum value of Sin(A)Sin(B)Sin(C) if A, B, C are the angles
of triangle.
a) ⁄8
b) 3√4⁄8
c) –3√3⁄8
d) π⁄8
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given f(A,B,C)=Sin(A)Sin(B)Sin(c),
Since A, B, C are the angle of triangle, hence, C = 180 – (A+B),

hence, f(x,y) = Sin(x)Sin(y)Sin(x+y), where A = x and B = y

Hence, ∂f⁄∂x = Cos(x)Sin(y)Sin(x+y) + Sin(x)Sin(y)Cos(x+y) = Sin(y)Sin(y+2x)

and, ∂f⁄∂y = Sin(x)Cos(y)Sin(x+y) + Sin(x)Sin(y)Cos(x+y) = Sin(x)Sin(x+2y)
Hence, putting ∂f⁄∂x and ∂f⁄∂y = 0, we get (x,y)=(60,60), (120,120)
Hence, at (x,y) = (60,60)we get,r = -√3, s = -√3/2, t = -√3, hence, rt-s2= 9⁄4∂x>0
hence, r<0 andrt-s2>0 hence, f(x,y) or f(A,B) have maximum value at (60,60)
Hence, at (x,y)=(120,120)we get,r=√3,s=√3/2,t=√3,hence,rt-s2 = 9⁄4∂x>0
And this value is 3√3⁄8
hence, r>0 and rt-s2 >0 hence, f(x,y) or f(A,B) have minimum value at (60,60)
and this value is –3√3⁄8.
11. The drawback of Lagrange’s Method of Maxima and minima is?
a) Maxima or Minima is not fixed
b) Nature of stationary point is can not be known
c) Accuracy is not good
d) Nature of stationary point is known but can not give maxima or minima
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Answer: b
Explanation: In lagrange’s theorem of maxima of minima one can not
determine the nature of stationary points.

1. The pth derivative of a qth degree monic polynomial, where p, q

are positive integers and 2p4 + 3pq3⁄2 = 3q3⁄2 + 2qp3 is given by?
a) Cannot be generally determined
b) (q – 1)!
c) (q)!
d) (q – 1)! * pq
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Answer: c
Explanation: First consider the equation
2p + 3pq ⁄2 =
3q ⁄2 +
After simplification, we get
(2p + 3q ⁄2)
(p – q) = 0
This gives us two possibilities
2p = – 3q1⁄2
p = q
The first possibility can’t be true as we are dealing with positive
Hence, we get
p = q
Thus the p derivative of any monic polynomial of degree p(p = q)
p! =q!.
2. The first and second derivatives of a quadratic Polynomial at x =
1 are 1 and 2 respectively. Then the value of f(1) – f(0) Is given by?
a) 3⁄2
b) 1⁄2
c) 1
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: Let the quadratic polynomial be
f(x) = ax + bx + c
The first derivative at x = 1 is given by
2a + b = 1
Now consider the second derivative at x = 1 which is given by
2a = 2
Solving for the coefficients using equations, we get the values as a
= 1 and b = -1
Putting these values back in the polynomial yields
f(x) = x2 – x + c
Now the required value can be computed as
f(1) – f(0) = (1 – 1 + c) – (0 – 0 + c)
2 2

= (0 + c) – (0 + c) = 0.
3. Let f(x) = sin(x)x–54, then the value of f(100)(54) is given by?
a) Undefined
b) 100
c) 10
d) 0
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Answer: a
Explanation: The key here is to expand the numerator into a taylor
series centered at 54
Doing this gives us the following
Now the function transforms into
Observe the first term in the infinite series there is always (x – 54)
in the denominator which goes to 0 when we substitute x = 54
Every derivative also will have this term
Hence any derivative of the given function goes to ∞ as x = 54
Hence, the answer is Undefined.
4. Let f(x) = ln(x2 + 5x + 6) then the value of f(30)(1) is given by?
a) (29!)(1330+1430)
b) (-29!)(1330+1430)
c) (30!)(1330+1430)
d) (-30!)(1330+1430)
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given function
f(x) = ln(x + 5x + 6)
Factorising the inner polynomial we get
f(x) = ln((x + 3) (x + 2))
Now using the rule of logarithms ln (m * n) = ln(m) + ln(n)
we get
f(x) = ln(x + 3) + ln(x + 2)
Now using the n derivative of logarithmic
function dn(ln(x+a))dxn=(−1)n+1×(n−1)!(x+a)n
We have
Which simplifies
to dn(f(x))dxn=(−1)n+1×(n−1)!(x+3)n+(−1)n+1×(n−1)!(x+2)n
Substituting x=1 and n=30
Gives us the answer as (-29!)(1330+1430)
5. f(x) = ∫π/20sin(ax)da then the value of f(100)(0) is?
a) a(100) sin(a)
b) -a(100) sin(a)
c) a(100) cos(a)
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: First solve the integral f(x)=∫π/20sin(ax)da
Which gives =[−cos(ax)x]π/20=1−cos(πx2)x
Now expanding into Taylor series yields
Observe that every term in the expansion is odd powered
Hence even derivative at x = 0 has to be 0.
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6. Let f(x) = x9 ex then the ninth derivative of f(x) at x = 0 is given
a) 9!
b) 9! * e9
c) 10!
d) 21!
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Answer: a
Explanation: The key here is to expand e as a mclaurin series and
then multiply it by x9
We have ex=x00!+x11!+x22!…∞
Now multiplying it by x9 we get
This simplifies into polynomial differentiation and the ninth
derivative is as follows
Substituting x = 0 gives us the result
f (0) = 9!.
7. The following moves are performed on g(x).
(i) Pick (x0, y0) on g(x) and travel toward the left/right to reach the y
= x line. Now travel above/below to reach g(x). Call this point on
g(x) as (x1, y1)
(ii) Let the new position of (x0, y0)be (x0, y1)
This is performed for all points on g(x) and a new function is got.
Again these steps may be repeated on new function and another
function is obtained. It is observed that, of all the functions got, at
a certain point (i.e. after finite number of moves) the nth derivatives
of the intermediate function are constant, and the curve passes
through the origin. Then which of the following functions could be
a) y = 1–x2−−−−√
b) xy3⁄2 + y = constant
c) x y ⁄2 +
9 3
y x ⁄2 =
6 3
7 8
d) x y + 4y = constant
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The phrasing is a bit convoluted. It is asking us to
convert a given function f(x) into its own composition f(f(x))
Now the set of finite number of moves asks us to find the
composition of composition i.e. f(f(x)) and f(f(x)) and so on.
It also says that the intermediate composition function has the
property of all nth derivatives being constant. This is possible only
if the intermediate function is of the form k(x) = ax + b (Linear
Given another condition that it has to pass through origin leads to
the conclusion that b = 0
So the intermediate function has the form
k(x) = ax
The first possibility gives rise to
k(x) = x
Now one has to select from the options as to which curve would
give k(x) = f(f(….(x)…)) = x when composed with itself a finite
number of times.
This can be done by simply interchanging the position of y and x
in the options and check whether it preserves its structure.
For y = 1–x2−−−−√ we have after changing the position
This has the same structure.
8. The first, second and third derivatives of a cubic polynomial f(x)
at x = 1, are 13, 23 and 33 respectively. Then the value of f(0) + f(1)
– 2f(-1) is?
a) 76
b) 86
c) 126
d) 41.5
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Assume the polynomial to be of the form f(x) = ax3 +
bx2 + cx + d
Now the first derivative at x = 1 yields the following equation
13 = 1 = 3a + 2b + c
The second derivative at x = 1 yields the following expression
23 = 8 = 6a + 2b
The third derivative at x = 1 yields the following equation
33 = 27 = 6a
Solving for a, b and c simultaneously yields
(a, b, c) = ( ⁄2, ⁄2, 13⁄2)
9 -19

Hence the assumed polynomial is f(x) = 9x3 – 19x2 + 13x ⁄ 2 + d

Now the given expression can be evaluated as
f(0) + f(1) – 2f(-1) = (d) + ( ⁄2 + d) – 2(-20 + d)

= 40 + 3⁄2
= 41.5.
9. Let g(x) = ln(x) ⁄ x – 1 Then the hundredth derivative at x = 1 is?
a) 100!⁄101
b) 99!⁄101
c) 101⁄100!
d) 1⁄99!
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The key here is to again expand the numerator as a
Taylor series centered at x = 1
Hence we have the Taylor series as
Hence our function g(x) transforms into
This now simplifies into polynomial differentiation and the
hundredth derivative can be written as
g (x)=100!101−101!×(x−1)102…..∞
Substituting x = 1 yields
10. Let f(x) = ln(x3 – 3x2 – 16x – 12) , then the 1729th derivative at
x = 234 is?
a) (1728!)×(12281729+12361729+12351729)
b) (-1728!)×(12281729+12361729+12351729)
c) (1728!)×(12281729+12361728+12351729)
d) (-1729!)×(12281729+12361729+12351729)
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The function can be written as f(x) = ln((x – 6)(x + 1)(x
+ 2))
Using property of logarithms we have
f(x) = ln(x + 1) + ln(x + 2) + ln(x – 6)
Using the nth derivative of logarithmic functions
We have the 1729th derivative of f(x) as
Now substituting x=234 we get our answer as
= (1728!)×(12281729+12361729+12351729).
11. Find the value of S=∑∞n=1(−1)n+1×(2n−1)3(2n−1)! using
nth derivatives.
a) – 2 * sin(1)
b) 3 * sin(1)
c) 3 * cos(1)
d) – 3 * cos(1)
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Answer: a
Explanation: We have to consider the function f(x) = sin(e ) in order
to get the series in some way.
Expanding the given function into a Taylor series we have
Now observe that our series in question doesn’t have the
exponential function, this gives us the hint that some derivative of
this function has to be taken at x = 0
Observe that the term (2n – 1)3 has exponent equal to 3
Hence we have to take the third derivative of the function to get the
required series
Now taking the third derivative yields
Now substituting x=0 we get
To find the value of this series we need to take the third derivative
of original function at the required point, this is as follows
f(3)(x) = -2exsin(ex)
Substituting x = 0 we get
f (0) = -2sin(1).
12. Let f(x)=ln(1−x)ex. Find the third derivative at x = 0.
a) 4
b) ⁄3

c) Undefined
d) ⁄4

View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Again the key here is to expand the given function into
appropriate Taylor series.
Rewriting the function as f(x) = e-x(ln(1 – x)) and then expanding
into Taylor series we have
Now the question asks us to find the third derivative at x = 0. Thus,
it is enough for us to find the coefficient of the x3 term in the infinite
polynomial product above
The third degree terms can be grouped apart as follows
= x3⁄3 – x3⁄2 + x3⁄2
Hence the third derivative at x = 0 is simply the coefficient of the
third degree term, which is
coefficient( ⁄3) = ⁄3.
x3 1

1. For y = -x2 + 2x there exist a c in the interval [- 19765, 19767] Such that
f'(c) = 0.
a) True
b) False
view answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The key here is to rewrite the function as y = -(x – 1) + 1 2

Observe here that on substituting – 19765 and 19767 in the equation we get
(-19766)2 + 1 and (-19766)2 + 1 respectively.
As we are dealing with their squared values they have to be equal
We have
f(-19765) = f(19767)
Polynomial functions are continuous and differentiable over the whole
domain and hence by Rolles Theorem we must have a c such that f'(c) = 0
in the interval [-19765, 19767]
Hence, the claim is true.
2. For the function f(x) = sin(x)x2 How many points exist in the interval [0, 7π]
Such that f'(c) = 0.
a) 8
b) 0
c) 7
d) 6
view answer
Answer: d
Explanation: We know that sine is a periodic function and it is divided by x .
Observe that the sine takes the value of zero at integral arguments of π
hence at every interval of the form [nπ, (n + 1)π] We have f(nπ) = f((n + 1)
The sine and the polynomial combination is continuous and differentiable at
every point except x = 0
Every such interval has a point such that f'(c) = 0
Hence, by Rolles theorem, in every interval of the form [nπ, (n + 1)π] we
must have a point such that f'(c) = 0
Leaving the interval [0, π] we are left with six such intervals from 0 to 7π.
3. f(x) = sin(x)x, How many points exist such that f'(c) = 0 in the interval [0,
a) 18
b) 17
c) 8
d) 9
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Answer: a
Explanation: We have the sine function that takes the value of zero at Integral
multiples of π
But for sin(x)x we have the exceptional value of limx→0sin(x)x reaching one.
So leaving the first interval [0, π], for every other interval of the form [nπ (n
+ 1)π] we must have f(nπ) = f((n + 1)π)
By Rolles theorem we have
f’ (c) = 0 For every interval of the form [nπ (n + 1)π] There are 17 such
4. Let f(x) = x + sin(x) Every point on the graph is rotated by 45 degree with
respect to the origin along the radius equal to the radius vector at that point.
How many c that belong to [0, 11π] exist Such that f'(c) = 0.
a) 10
b) 11
c) 110
d) 9
view answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The function has the beautiful property that the sine function is
built over the line y = x
In other words the axis for the sine graph is no more on the x axis but is the
line y = x.
When this graph is rotated by 45 degrees which Is equal to the slope of the
line y = x we must get the original graph sin(x) again. The number of c in the
interval [0, 11π] is then obviously equal to eleven.
5. A Function f(x) has the property f(a) = f(b) for ∀a,b…∊….I and a + b = 20
then which of the following even degree polynomials could be f(x)?
a) x4⁄4 – 10x3 + 150x2 – 1000x + 10131729
b) x + 5x + 6
c) x + x + 1
d) Polynomial functions are inadequate representations
view answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Given that f(a) = f(b) for all integral values of a, b, one additional
constraint is that a+b2 = 10
This means that the graph is symmetric about the line x = 10
This means that the even degree polynomial has a Rolle point(the only Rolle
point) at x = 10
We need to differentiate the functions given in the options and observe which
of these has a single(OR repeated root), which is equal to 10.
The first Option when differentiated yields
f'(x) = x –
30x +2
300x – 1000
Equating to zero, we see that x = 10
satisfies the equation
(10) – 30(10) + 300(10) – 1000 = 0.
3 2

6. For some function f(x) we have f(a) = f(b) for ∀a,b…∊….I and a + b = 2
then which of the following even degree polynomials could f(x) be
a) x2 + 3x +1
b) ⁄2 –
5x + 101
c) x + 2x + 1
d) Even degree polynomials of such kind cannot exist
view answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Given that f(a) = f(b) for all integral values of a, b with the
condition a+b2 = 1
We know that the function is symmetric about the line x = 1
Thus we must have a Rolle point at 1 for any function that satisfies these
Differentiating the given functions in the options we have for a
2x + 3 = 0
x = ⁄2 ≠
Doing the same for (b) we get
5x – 5 = 0
x = 1.
7. For all second degree polynomials with y = ax2 + bx + k, it is seen that the
Rolles’ point is at c = 0. Also the value of k is zero. Then what is the value of
a) 0
b) 1
c) -1
d) 56
view answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Given that k = 0 we must rewrite the function to get
y = ax2 + bx
Now differentiating the function yields
y’ = 2ax + b = 0
Equating it to zero we get the Rolle point which is also zero
2a(0) + b = 0
b = 0.
8. For second degree polynomial it is seen that the roots are equal. Then
what is the relation between the Rolles point c and the root x?
a) c = x
b) c = x2
c) They are independent
d) c = sin(x)
view answer
Answer: a
Explanation: For a polynomial with equal roots we can write the polynomial
as f(x) = (x – a)2
Where a is the repeated root.
Differentiating it and equating the function to zero we get the Rolles point,
f'(x) = 2(x – a) = 0
x = a = c.
9. For any second degree polynomial with two real unequal roots. The
relation between Rolles point r1 and the two roots r2 is
a) They are independent
b) c = r1 – r2
c) c = r1 * ⁄r2
d) c = r1+r22
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Answer: d
Explanation: Given the polynomial has two real and unequal roots, we can
write the polynomial in the following form
y = (x – a)(x – b)
Where a ≠ b are the two, unequal, real roots.
Now differentiation and equating to zero yields
y = (x – b) + (x -a ) = 0
Put x = c (because is the Rolles point here)
(c – a) + (c – b) = 0
2c – (a + b) = 0
c = a + b / 2 = r1+r22.
10. If the domain of a function can be broken into infinite number of disjoint
subsets such that every subset has a Rolles point then the function cannot
be in a polynomial structure.
a) True
b) False
view answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The function could be an infinite degree polynomial (similar to
Taylor series), such that after differentiating once we get another polynomial
with infinite degree.
Hence, we may conclude that it has infinite distinct roots (with proper choice
of polynomial) and hence, the domain can be broken into epsilon (very small)
intervals around the roots of the differentiated polynomial to get infinite
intervals containing the Rolles point.
MCQs on Applications of Derivatives – 1
1. The equation of tangent to curve y = e–|x| at the points where the curve cuts
the line x = 1 is

(a) x+ y = e

(b) e (x + y) = 1

(c) y + ex = 1

(d) None of these

2. The least natural number a for which x + ax–2 > 2 for all x  R+

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 5

(d) 9

3. The number of solutions of equations 3x2 + xsinx + cosx = 0

(a) 3

(b) 2

(c) 1

(d) 0

4. The equation of the tangent to the curve y = 4 + sin2 x at x =0 is

(a) y=2

(b) y=3

(c) y = 4

(d) y = 6
5. Let f (x) = if f (x) has local minimum at x = 2, then

(a) a  –2

(b) 1  a  10

(c) 0  a  9

(d) None of these

6. If y = f (x2 – 1) and f (x) = x2 + 1, then at x = –1 is

(a) –2

(b) –4

(c) –6

(d) –8

7. A particle moves along a straight line according to the law s = – 3t2 + 9t +

17, where s is in meters and t in seconds. Velocity decreases when

(a) 0 < t < 5

(b) 0 < t < 3

(c) t > 5

(d) t > 3

8. The maximum and minimum value of ab sin x +b . cos x + c lie in the

interval where < 1, b > 0

(a) [b –c, b + c]
(b) (b – c , b + c)

(c) [c –b , b + c]

(d) None

9.The function has no maximum or minimum if (where k  I)

(a)  –  = k 

(b)  –  k

(c)  –  = 2k 

(d) None of these

10. The angle of intersection of the curves y = x2, 6y = 7 –x3 at (1, 1) is




(d) None of these

11. Let f (x) = x3 –6x2 + 9x + 18, then f (x) is strictly decreasing in

(a) (–, 1]

(b) [3, )

(c) (–, 1]  [3, )

(d) (1, 3)
12. On the interval the function log sin x is

(a) Increasing

(b) Decreasing

(c) Neither increasing nor decreasing

(d) None of these

13. Let f (x) = 1 + 2x2 + 22x4 + …… + 210x20. Then f (x) has

(a) More than one minima

(b) Exactly one minima

(c) Ablest one maximum

(d) None of these

14. The function f (x) = (x  0) is

(a) Increasing in [0, )

(b) Decreasing in [0, )

(c) Increasing in and decreasing in

(d) Decreasing in and increasing in

15. Let y = |x| + |x – 2|, then at x = 2

(a) 2

(b) 0
(c) Does not exist

(d) None of these

16. Let h(x) = f(x) – [f (x)]2 + [f (x)]3 for every real number x. Then

(a) h is increasing whenever f is increasing

(b) h is increasing whenever f is decreasing

(c)h is decreasing whenever f is increasing

(d) Nothing can be said in general

17. If u = f (x3), v = g(x2), f (x) = cosx and g (x) = sinx, then is



(c) tan x

(d) None of these

18. The parabolas x2 = 5 -4y and y = x2 cut at the point (1,1) at an angle




(d) None of these

19. If f (x) = x.ex(1  x) then f (x) is

(a) Increasing on

(b) Decreasing on R

(c) Increasing on R

(d) Decreasing on

20. The number of roots of x3 3x + 1 = 0 in [1, 2] is

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Three

(d) None of these

1. The tangent to the curve y = ex drawn at the point (c, ec) intersects the line
joining the points (c – 1, ec–1) and (c + 1, ec+1)

(a) One the left of x = c

(b) On the right of x = c

(c) At no point

(d) At all points

[IIT JEE 2007]

2. The tangent at (1, 7) to the curve x2 – y – 6 touches the circle x2 + y2 + 16x +

12y + c = 0at

(a) (6, 7)

(b) (– 6, 7)
(c) (6, –7)

(d) (–6, –7)

[IIT JEE 2005]

3. The angle between the tangents drawn from the point (1, 4) to the parabola
y2 = 4x is





[IIT JEE 2004]

4. Tangents are drawn to the ellipse x2 + 2y2 = 2, then the locus of the mid point
of the intercept made by the tangents between the coordinate exes is





[IIT JEE 2004]

5. The equation of the common tangent to the curves y2 = 8x and xy = – l is

(a) 3y = 9x + 2

(b) y = 2x + 1

(c) 2y = x + 8

(d) y=x+2

[IIT JEE 1986]

6. The points(s) on the curve y3 + 3x2 = 12y where the tangent is vertical, is (are)



(c) (0, 0)


[IIT JEE 2002]

7. If the normal to the curve y = f(x) at the point (3, 4) makes an angle with
the positive x-axis, then f'(3) is equal to

(a) –1

(b) –3/4

(c) 4/3

(d) 1

[IIT JEE 2000]

8. The slope of tangent to a curve y = f(x) at [x, f(x)] is 2x + 1. If the curve passes
through the point (1, 2), then the area bounded by the curve, the –axis and the
line x = 1, is

(a) 5/6

(b) 6/5

(c) 1/6

(d) 6

[IIT JEE 1995]

9. The normal to the curve x = a (cos +  sin ), y = a (sin  –  cos ) at any point
‘‘ is such that

(a) It makes a constant angle with the x-axis

(b) It passes through the origin

(c) It is at a constant distance from the origin

(d) None of the above

[IIT JEE 1983]

10. Let the function g : (– , ) →

be given by g(u) = 2tan–1 (eu) – . Then, g is

(a) Even and is strictly increasing in (–, )

(b) Odd and is strictly decreasing in (–, )

(c) Even and is strictly increasing in (–, )

(d) Neither even nor odd, but is strictly increasing in (–, )

[IIT JEE 2008]

11. The second degree polynomial f(x), satisfying f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f'(x) > 0for

all x (0, 1)




(d) No such polynomial

[IIT JEE 2005]

12. If f (x) is differentiable and strictly increasing function, then the value

of is

(a) 1

(b) 0

(c) –1

(d) 2

[IIT JEE 2004]

13. If f(x) = x3 + bx2 + cx + d and 0 < b2 < c, then in (–, )

(a) f(x) is strictly increasing function

(b) f(x) has a local maxima

(c) f(x) is strictly decreasing function

(d) f(x) is bounded

[IIT JEE 2004]

14. The length of a longest interval in which the function 3sin x – 4 sin3 x is
increasing is




(d) 

Squeeze Theorem

f is continuous at x=c if...

Intermediate Value Theorem

If f is continuous on [a,b] and k is a number between f(a) and f(b), then there exists at
least one number c such that f(c)=k

Global Definition of a Derivative

Alternative Definition of a Derivative
f '(x) is the limit of the following difference quotient as x approaches c









Extreme Value Theorem
If f is continuous on [a,b] then f has an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum on
[a,b]. The global extrema occur at critical points in the interval or at endpoints of the

Critical Number
If f'(c)=0 or does not exist, and c is in the domain of f, then c is a critical number.
(Derivative is 0 or undefined)

Rolle's Theorem
Let f be continuous on [a,b] and differentiable on (a,b) and if f(a)=f(b) then there is at
least one number c on (a,b) such that f'(c)=0 (If the slope of the secant is 0, the
derivative must = 0 somewhere in the interval).
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Mean Value Theorem

The instantaneous rate of change will equal the mean rate of change somewhere in the
interval. Or, the tangent line will be parallel to the secant line.

First Derivative Test for local extrema

First Derivative Test for local extrema

Point of inflection at x=k

Combo Test for local extrema

If f'(c) = 0 and f"(c)<0, there is a local max on f at x=c.
If f'(c) = 0 and f"(c)>0, there is a local min on f at x=c.
Horizontal Asymptote







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