A 1985 Aug 6900001

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This Week’s Citation Classic®________

Singleton V L & Rossi J A Jr. Colorunetry of total phenolics with
phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acid reagents.
Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 16:144-58, 1965.
[Department ot Viticulture and Enology. University ot Calitornia, Davis. CA]

Folin-Denis and Folin-Ciocalteu reagents were od is useful for products other than wines
compared for estimation of plant phenols by color and’ spirits. The molar color yield for a given
phenol can be estimated from the
yield, spectrum, time-temperature effects, and 3 number of
interferences. The Fol in-Ciocalteu formulation its oxidizable hydroxyl groups. For exam-
avoided a precipitation problem, gave greater col- ple, the flavonoid catechin has three (3) re-
or, less variation, and better recovery, Warming active phenolic groups and behaves as an
shortened analysis time and gallic acid standards equimolar mixture of phloroglucinol (1) pIus
were recommended. [The SQ® indicates that this protocatechuic or gallic acid (2). By analysis
paper has been cited over145 times. makingit the before and after selective removals, the
most-cited paper for this journal.) method can 4 be adapted to flavonoid-non-
flavonoid and other specialized
5 assays. It
has also been automated.
p —
Because these improvements are yet to be
2 in the “official” methods sum-
Vernon 1. singleton mary, it remains necessary to cite our pa-
Department of Viticulture and Enology per. Also, the method can have serious inter-
University of California ference problems, leading to further work
Davis, CA 95616 and resultant citation. Readily3oxidized sub-
stances such as ascorbic 3 6 acid interfere, as
does especially sulfite, ’ particularly if free
August 12, 1985 and high relative to the phenol content.
High sugar can necessitate large corrections
It was, in 1965, becoming increasingly by forming reactive reductones (endiols) in
clear that the amount and specific mixture the alkaline final solution, especially if
of natural phenols are crucial to characteris- warmed;35and aromatic amines react as
tics, quality, and storage reactions of differ- phenols.
ent wines and other foods and beverages Nevertheless, the method remains useful,
from plants. A predictable method for total especially for products such as dry red
phenol analysis was essential; ultraviolet- wines. Also it can provide a reproducible
visible spectral characteristics of different total against which contributions by specific
natural phenols were too variable for a gen- phenols, separately determined, can be
eral analysis. Folin-Denis colorimetry was 12 compared. High-pressure liquid chromatog-
considered the best and “official” method ’ raphy and multicomponent spectrophotom-
but was subject to precipitations that inter- etry are’ making colorimetry of this type ob-
fered with colorimetry. We set out to cor- solete for efficient research, but owing to
rect this and to understand the method bet- low equipment costs it still has attractions
ter. for processors’ laboratories.
Joe Rossi was an ideal graduate student, Selection of this paper as a Citation Clas-
able to help with this project while carrying sic also draws attention to the American
out master’s thesis research that led to two Journal of Enology and Viticulture, a refer-
other papers. He was a collegiate wrestler of eed quarterly scientific journal we believe
note, and the only problem between us was deserving of wider recognition in the scien-
that I couldn’t open any screw-capped bot- tific community. On the other hand, the pa-
tle after he closed it! Today he is chief wine- per itself calls up mixed feelings. It reminds
maker with Heublein, Inc., at Madera, me that there are two further related studies
California. I intend to do and that, like the little girl,
Part of the reason the paper has been when this method is good, it is very, very
cited frequently is that the improved meth- good and when it is bad, it is horrid.

I. FolIo 0 & Deith W. On phosphotungstic-phosphomolvbdic compounds as color reagents.

J. Biol. Chem. 12:239-43, 1912. cited 60 times since 955.)
2. WIlliams 5. ed, Officio! methods of 000!s’sis of the Association of Officio!Ano!s’tica! Chemists.
Arlington, VA: AOAc. 1984. 1.141 p.
3. SIngleton V I,. Analytical fractionation of the phenolic substances ol grapes and wine and some practical uses of such
analyses. Adios. Chem. See. 137:184-211, 1974.
4. Kramllng I E & Singleton V L. An estimate of the ni,nflavonoid phenols in wines.
Amer. I. Fool. Viticu/.i. 20:86-92. 969.
5. Sllnkard K & Singleton V L. Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods.
Amer. I. Fool. Vjdcu!t. 28:49-55, 1977.
6. Somem I~ & Zlemells 0. Gross interference by sulfur diouide in staddard determinations of wine phenolics.
I. Sci. Food Age. 31:600-tO. 1980.

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