Aortic Elongation and Stanford B Dissection: The Tübingen Aortic Pathoanatomy (TAIPAN) Project

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Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (2017) 54, 164e169

Aortic Elongation and Stanford B Dissection: The Tübingen Aortic

Pathoanatomy (TAIPAN) Project
M. Lescan a,*, K. Veseli a, A. Oikonomou a, T. Walker a, H. Lausberg a, G. Blumenstock b, F. Bamberg c, C. Schlensak a, T. Krüger a
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, University Medical Centre Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Applied Biometry, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Centre Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany


Aortic elongation has not yet been considered a potential risk factor for type B dissections (TBD). Herein, a
significant elongation and dilatation in the non-dissected aortic arch of patients with TBD is demonstrated for
the first time. The question of risk stratification on the basis of these parameters is raised and the draft of a
predictive score for TBD presented.

Objective/Background: Aortic elongation has not yet been considered as a potential risk factor for Stanford type
B dissection (TBD). The role of both aortic elongation and dilatation in patients with TBD was evaluated.
Methods: The aortic morphology of a healthy control group (n ¼ 236) and patients with TBD (n ¼ 96) was
retrospectively examined using three dimensional computed tomography imaging. Curved multiplanar reformats
were used to examine aortic diameters at defined landmarks and aortic segment lengths.
Results: Diameters at all landmarks were significantly larger in the TBD group. The greatest diameter difference
(56%) was measured in dissected descending aortas (p < .001). The segment with the most considerable
difference between the study groups with regard to elongation was the non-dissected aortic arch of patients with
TBD (36%; p < .001). Elongation in the aortic arch was accompanied by a diameter increase of 21% (p < .001). In
receivereoperating curve analysis, the area under the curve was .85 for the diameter and .86 for the length of
the aortic arch.
Conclusions: In addition to dilatation, aortic arch elongation is associated with the development of TBD. The
diameter and length of the non-dissected aortic arch may be predictive for TBD and may possibly be used for risk
assessment in the future. This study provides the basis for further prospective evaluation of these parameters.
Ó 2017 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Article history: Received 15 February 2017, Accepted 28 May 2017, Available online 27 June 2017
Keywords: Aneurysm, Aorta, Aortic dissection, Aortic elongation, Computed tomography

INTRODUCTION occurrence of the TBD.7 Thus, the identification of further

Genetic predisposition, inflammatory aortic disease, hy- morphological risk factors may help to better identify pa-
pertension, age  60 years, and male sex are well estab- tients at risk for TBD.
lished risk factors for Stanford type B aortic dissection Under physiological conditions, the aortic “Windkessel
(TBD).1,2 Aortic dilatation is the only established morpho- effect” functions in both the longitudinal and circumferen-
logical risk factor, and prophylactic intervention on the tial directions.8,9 Aortic elongation, analogously to dilata-
ascending and descending aorta is recommended at a tion, probably leads to a sustained loss of elastic fibres and,
diameter of 55 mm.3,4 However, most aortic dissections consequently, to inelastic wall properties.10 Longitudinal
occur at lesser diameters.5,6 Therefore, the currently pub- wall stress and failure of longitudinal wall properties result
lished European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) guide- in a circumferential laceration, as observed in dissections.
lines for management of descending thoracic aorta diseases Recently, it was shown that the ascending aortas of patients
state that the aortic diameter is not closely related to the before Stanford type A aortic dissection are significantly
elongated.5,6 Hence, it was hypothesized that the incidence
of TBD is increased among patients with an elongated aortic
* Corresponding author. Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular arch and descending aorta.
Surgery, University Medical Centre Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. The aim of this study was to compare the three dimen-
E-mail address: (M. Lescan).
sional (3D) morphology of TBD and healthy control aortas
1078-5884/Ó 2017 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. and, specifically, to evaluate the role of aortic elongation in TBD.
Aortic Elongation and Stanford B Dissection 165

MATERIALS AND METHODS obtain reliable measurements, and curved multiplanar

reformats from the aortic valve annulus to the aortic
Study design bifurcation were prepared.12 The aortic perimeter was
In this retrospective observational cross sectional study, all delineated using the pencil tool in the short axis view at
patients diagnosed with an acute TBD at University Medical defined landmarks, and the optimised aortic diameter was
Centre Tübingen between 2002 and 2016 were analysed. All calculated to minimise errors due to elliptical shaped
patients with known connective tissue disorders, iatrogenic aortas. The true lumen, false lumen, and thrombus (if pre-
dissections, and those who had previously undergone sur- sent) were included in the diameter measurement. Having
gery on the aorta were excluded. Importantly, all TBD with identified the defined aortic landmarks, aortic segment
significant retrograde involvement of the aortic arch (other lengths were measured in the curved multiplanar reformats
than minimal wall haematoma) were excluded. Finally, 96 along the centreline.
patients were included in the TBD group. The control group
consisted of patients who received computed tomography Aortic landmarks
angiography (CTA) for a non-vascular emergency at Uni-
Guideline consistent aortic landmarks were applied (Fig. 1).4
versity Medical Centre Tübingen’s emergency department
Because it was challenging to reproduce the diaphragm as a
between 2014 and 2015. Because the youngest patient in
landmark for measurements, it was replaced by the orifice
the TBD group was 22 years old, only patients  22 years of
of the coeliac trunk. The following landmarks were applied
age were included in the control group (age homogenisa-
for assessment of aortic diameters: D1 (aortic valve
tion). Demographic data, including age, sex, body height,
annulus); D2 (sinus of Valsalva [halfway between D1 and
and weight on admission, were collected. This study was
D3]); D3 (sinotubular junction); D4 (mid-ascending aorta
approved by the local ethics committee (no. 076/2015R).
[halfway between D3 and D5]); D5 (orifice of the brachio-
Obtaining written informed consent was not necessary
cephalic trunk); D6 (mid-aortic arch [halfway between D5
because of the retrospective, observational nature of the
and D7]); D7 (distal aortic arch [directly downstream of the
left subclavian artery]); D8 (descending aorta [at the level of
the pulmonary artery bifurcation]); D9 (thoraco-abdominal
CTA scans [orifice of the coeliac trunk]); D10 (mid-abdominal [halfway
CTA scans were carried out at University Medical Centre between D9 and D11]); D11 (distal abdominal [distally
Tübingen’s emergency department using a second genera- bounded by the aortic bifurcation]).
tion dual source CT scanner (Somatom Definition Flash; The aortic segments for length measurement were
Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany), with a high defined as follows: L1 (aortic root [D1eD3]); L2 (ascending
iodinated contrast bolus of 100 mL (400 mg/mL iodine). The aorta [D3eD5]); L3 (aortic arch [D5eD7]); L4 (distal aortic
bolus was injected at a rate of 4e5 mL/s and was chased by arch [D7eD8]); L5 (descending aorta [D8eD9]); L6
saline. CTA images with a maximum slice thickness of 3 mm (abdominal aorta [D9eD11]).
were accepted for further processing.
Statistical analysis
Image processing Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0 software
CTA datasets were processed using OSIRIX MD (Pixmeo, (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Because criteria for normality were
Bernex, Switzerland) software.11 Three dimensional not fulfilled in all cases in the ShapiroeWilk test, contin-
modeling of the aorta with the centreline tool was used to uous data are described as the medians with interquartile

Figure 1. Curved multiplanar reformat, aortic landmarks. Centreline of the entire aorta with short-axis view at landmarks D1eD11 used for
diameter assessment. Note. L1eL6 ¼ aortic segments for length measurement.
166 M. Lescan et al.

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients included in the analysis.

Control (n ¼ 236) TBD (n ¼ 96) p
Male (%) 66.5 65.6 .875
Hypertension (%) 39.8 83.3 < .001
Age (y) 64.4 (51.4e77.25; 22e96) 66.00 (55.00e75.00; 22e91) .896
Height (cm) 173 (152e196; 168e180) 172 (150e199; 166e178) .270
Weight (kg) 80 (50e140; 70e90) 80 (43e130; 70e90) .627
BMI 26 (17e46; 24e29) 27 (16e45; 24e30) .132
Note. Data are median (interquartile range; min.emax.) unless otherwise indicated. BMI ¼ body mass index.

range (Q1eQ3) and the range (minimumemaximum) and the coeliac trunk (D9; control: 22.1 mm [20.4e23.9; 15.5e
presented with box and whiskers plots. Categorical data are 57.3]; TBD: 32.6 mm [29.3e36.0; 22.0e50.3]).
reported as percentages. Differences between the study However, even in the non-dissected segments, aortic di-
groups were tested for significance using a closed testing ameters were larger in the TBD group, with the largest
procedure: a KruskaleWallis test was run followed by a difference observed for the mid-arch (D6; control: 28 mm
ManneWhitneyeWilcoxon rank sum test or chi-square test. [25.7e30.5; 18.1e36.6]; TBD: 33.9 mm [31.3e37.5; 24.0e
Receivereoperating characteristic (ROC) curves were 45.7]).
analysed to assess the diagnostic value of the individual A wide range of diameters in both study groups was
aortic parameters and to identify those which can best evident at the level of the abdominal aorta (D10 and D11).
differentiate the two groups.13 The sensitivity and speci- The outliers result from the coincidental diagnosis of an
ficity of the variables and scores were calculated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in the control group and
contingency tables for the dissection and control groups. dissection related dilatation or pre-existing AAA in the
All reported p values were two sided; p < .001 was dissection group.
considered significant.
Aortic segment lengths
RESULTS The greatest difference in the aortic segment lengths be-
Baseline characteristics tween the two study groups (Fig. 3) was in the non-dissected

There were no significant differences in the demographic

data between the control group and the TBD group
(Table 1). The prevalence of hypertension was higher in the
TBD group.

Aortic diameters
All aortic diameters (except the annulus) in the TBD group
were significantly (p < .001) larger than those in the control
group (Fig. 2). The largest differences between the groups
were observed in the dissected segments, which were at
the level of the distal arch (D7; control: 26.4 mm [24.2e
28.3; 14.3e35.7]; TBD: 35.2 mm [31.3e38.9; 23.7e48.8]),
the descending aorta (D8; control: 25.3 mm [22.9e27.6; Figure 3. Lengths of aortic segments L1eL6 for control and type B
17.5e39.7]; TBD: 39.2 mm [33.4e42.4; 10.1e60.9]), and dissection (TBD) groups.

Figure 2. Aortic diameters at landmarks D1eD11 for the control and type B dissection (TBD) groups.
Aortic Elongation and Stanford B Dissection 167

Table 2. Receivereoperating area under the curve (ROCeAUC), sensitivity, and specificity for selected parameters of non-dissected aortic
Aortic variable ROCeAUC Value (diameter or length [mm]) Sensitivity Specificity
Ascending diameter D4 .769 45 .16 .98
50 .04 1.0
55 .01 1.0
Aorta diameter at BCT (D5) .792 40 .31 .97
45 .06 1.0
50 .01 1.0
Diameter aortic arch (D6) .849 35 .45 .97
40 .14 1.0
45 .03 1.0
Length ascending Ao (L2) .588 90 .07 .97
95 .04 .98
100 .02 .99
Length aortic arch (L3) .863 50 .43 .97
55 .19 .99
60 .08 1.0
Note. BCT ¼ brachiocephalic trunk; Ao ¼ aorta.

aortic arch (L3; control: 36.3 mm [32.3e40.2; 21.7e86.6]; reconstruction strategy is a widely accepted method.12
TBD: 49.0 mm [42.0e54.2; 31.2e99.5]; p < .001). The However, the determination of the blood/intima margin,
dissected distal arch (L4; control: 60.3 mm [49.2e74.4; the non-central placement of the centreline tool, and the
25.3e142.4]; TBD: 69.9 mm [54.0e94.3; 23.1e201.4]; impairment of CT scan quality due to artifacts (pulsation,
p < .001) and descending aorta (L5; control: 174.6 mm implants) can still be problematic.
[161.1e188.2; 115.5e258.5]; TBD: 202.9 mm [173.0e229.8; The control group consisted of individuals without pre-
60.3e328.7]; p < .001) were also significantly elongated in viously known aortic pathology and represented the aortic
the TBD group, whereas the lengths of the aortic root, morphology of a clinically healthy population. However, it
ascending aorta and abdominal aorta showed no significant included individual patients with incidental AAAs. Owing to
differences between the TBD and control groups. the cross sectional design of this study, there were no
further follow-ups of the control group. The incidence of
ROC analysis later TBD in that group remains unknown.
Patients with retrograde dissection of the arch were
ROC curves for the aortic dimensions were analysed to
excluded from the TBD group. This was owing to the fact
identify parameters that best distinguished the control and
that the classification of these retrograde (proximal) dis-
TBD groups. Table 2 shows the ROC area under the curve
sections is somewhat unclear.2 Also excluded were all pa-
(ROCeAUC) values, as well as the sensitivity and specificity
tients with previously known connective tissue disorders
for specific parameters of the non-dissected segments. With
and with previous aortic surgery. The TBD group repre-
respect to aortic diameters, the non-dissected aortic arch
sented a cohort of patients who had a diagnosis of TBD
(D6) had a ROCeAUC of .849, whereas the more upstream
without prodromi.
segments (D4 and D5) had ROCeAUCs of < .8. With respect
Increased diameter and length parameters were found,
to the aortic length parameters, the length of the non-
particularly in non-dissected aortic arches, to be associated
dissected aortic arch (L3) had a ROCeAUC of .863,
with TBD, but the retrospective character of this study did
whereas the ascending aorta length had a ROCeAUC of
not allow determination of the predictive value of aortic
.588. The dissected segments of the aorta, distal arch, and
elongation with regard to TBD. This study should be regar-
descending aorta had high ROCeAUCs with respect to the
ded as a first insight into the topic, and larger prospective
diameter (>.9) but not with respect to the length param-
studies are needed to confirm the findings and to judge the
eters (.7).
predictive value of arch elongation and diameter.
Aortic diameters
Methodological considerations The aortic diameters of the control group were comparable
Aortic dilatation and elongation are correlated with age,14 with those reported in the literature.15 Significantly larger
whereas correlations with body size and weight are diameters were found in the TBD aortas compared with
weak.6 All these parameters were equally distributed in those of the controls at all measuring points. As expected,
both study groups (structural equality), such that con- the largest differences were observed in the dissected
founding appears unlikely. segments. Aortic dissection leads to an acute expansion of
Three dimensional CTA modelling was used to overcome the diameter due to the sudden weakness of the false
the problems of incorrect measurement due to oblique lumen wall.16 This is the most likely explanation for this
cross sections of the aorta. The curved planar finding. No reliable estimation of the distal arch and
168 M. Lescan et al.

descending aortic diameters shortly before the event of number TBDs do occur in aortas with normal diameters.
acute dissection can be made on the basis of the present However, the appearance of TBD in patients with normal
data. Consequently, the prognostic values of these param- aortic diameters points out the need for further morpho-
eters remain unknown. However, with respect to the rele- logical criteria to predict the occurrence of TBD. This work
vant guidelines, it appears interesting that even in the focuses on the role of aortic elongation as a predictor for
dissected distal arch (D7) and descending aorta (D8), a dissections in addition to the aortic diameter in the non-
diameter of 55 mm was reached in just one (D7) and four dissected mid-arch portion. Both parameters were not
(D8), respectively, out of the 96 patients with TBD. In the addressed in the current guidelines nor in previous publi-
control group, no patient had a diameter 55 mm in the cations dealing with morphological risk factors of TBD.7
entire thoracic aorta. Consequently, a strictly diameter Recently, a risk score for Stanford A dissection based on
based screening for patients at risk for TBD would be ascending aorta diameters and lengths was proposed.5,6
ineffective. However, at that time a group of patients with CTA scans
However, the non-dissected segments of the thoracic prior to type A dissection was included in order to show that
aorta in the TBD group, namely the ascending and espe- ascending aortic elongation is not a result of dissection. In
cially the arch, showed relevant differences between the the present study, there was no such pre-TBD group, which
groups: the non-dissected mid aortic arch (D6) was signifi- is a disadvantage, but only a small minority of patients re-
cantly larger in the TBD aortas compared with controls, and ceives a CTA scan by chance before they suffer dissection.
an arch diameter of 35 mm identified patients with TBD in The retrospective approach further limits the application of
this retrospective analysis with a sensitivity of .45 and a the findings to prove that elongation is a new risk factor and
specificity of .97. Just seven of the 236 control group pa- establish a risk score for TBD. Nevertheless, the finding of
tients exceeded this value. Thus, dilatation in the arch of significant morphological differences in the non-dissected
TBD aortas was more pronounced than in all other non- arch of TBD aortas compared with control aortas is inter-
dissected segments. esting. Both the arch diameter (D6, mid-arch) and the arch
length (L3; from the beginning of the brachiocephalic trunk
Aortic elongation to the end of the left subclavian artery) differentiated be-
tween the TBD and control aortas with ROCeAUCs of .849
Elongation is observed as a physiological result of aortic
and .863, respectively (Table 2), and they are certainly not
aging. Morrison et al. described a length increase of 10e15%
affected by the dissection. Combining both parameters with
in the aortic arch,17 whereas Sugawara et al. showed aortic
the thresholds of a 35 mm arch diameter and a 50 mm arch
elongation only in the ascending aorta.14 The present au-
length to create a score (Table 3), a score of 1 point was able
thors recently described a significant age related length in-
to identify TBD aortas with a sensitivity of .54 and a speci-
crease predominantly in the distal aortic arch (L4) and, to a
ficity of .93, whereas a score of 2 points had a sensitivity of
lesser extent, in the ascending aorta (L2) and arch (L3) but
.23 and a specificity of 1.0.
not in the root or in the descending aorta.6 However, age was
controlled by the structural equality of the study groups.
Importantly, compared with control aortas, patients with Clinical relevance
TBD were characterized by a 36% longer non-dissected Establishment of reliable predictors for TBD would enable
aortic arch (L3), which was by far the greatest difference effective risk stratification and prophylaxis. Intensified hy-
in length between the study groups. The dissected distal pertension treatment could be considered in order to pre-
arch (L4) and descending aorta (L5) were both found to be vent dissections. Currently, the best medical treatment for
16% longer than healthy aortas. TBD consists of beta blockers and calcium antagonists.19
Rylski et al. reported geometrical changes in the The use of these substances in a prophylactic setting has
ascending aorta during the process of dissection.18 It is to be evaluated. Medical research aiming to directly influ-
plausible that similar morphological changes occur in the ence pathological changes in the aorta is ambitious. Risk
descending aorta during TBD development. It remains un- prediction would further put the emphasis on this field: the
clear to what extent the length differences of the dissected ideal, but currently unavailable, therapy would allow an-
segments precede or result from TBD. The significant eurysms to shrink and reverse the elongation. In patients
elongation of the arch (L3) may be a TBD risk factor because with thoracic aneurysms, statins seem to reduce the inci-
this segment is not dissected, even in the TBD group. dence of dissections,20 and in patients with Marfan syn-
Furthermore, from a biomechanical standpoint, the drome, sartans improve the aortic prognosis.21 The
involvement of aortic arch elongation in TBD pathogenesis
appears plausible: loss of longitudinal elasticity and wall Table 3. Proposed type B dissection risk score.
weakening are possible factors.8,9 Parameter Criteria Points
D6 arch diameter (mm) <35 0
35 1
Prediction of Stanford B dissection
L3 arch length (mm) <50 0
The currently published ESVS guidelines clearly state that 50 1
the aortic diameter has no close relationship to the occur- Note. Calculated specificity of 1.0 and sensitivity of 0.23 for 2
rence of TBD. Moreover, the authors emphasize that a large points.
Aortic Elongation and Stanford B Dissection 169

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