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Consumer Behavior Movie Project – Jerry Maguire

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Consumer Behavior Movie Project – Jerry Maguire

Plot Summary
Jerry Maguire is a successful sports agent in a renowned sports agency. He is more than
willing to do anything in his power to ensure that his clients secure the prominent contracts and a
commission as a bonus on his part. He respects, represents big clients, and a beautiful fiancée,
everything that a successful could need. One of his clients is injured and is insulted by the client's
child because he did not have the best interests of the heart of the client's dad. The event gets him
thinking about his purpose in life, and he does a lot of introspection on his life. He is motivated
to write a memo that he distributes to all who attended the conference but is unfortunately sacked
from his job. He is desperate to hang on to the clients he represented, making him start his
management firm. Maguire is left with only one client, Rod Tidwell, who is the only client that
believes in him.
Dorothy Boyd, an accountant in the firm inspired by the memo, decides to side with him.
Along their journey of building a successful firm, Dorothy and Jerry fall in love. They go
through hardships and struggles together that they never knew they would. Rod and Jerry
become close friends in the course of success. Jerry guides Rod into realizing his dream of
finishing his career in Arizona. Dorothy and Jerry, on the other hand, get married and get a son.
The film comes to an end with the couples, Jerry and Dorothy, holding their eight-year-old son.
Finally, his efforts paid off as he gets all he ever wanted in the first place.
Lifestyle, Demographics, and Psychographics of Characters
1. Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire lived in southern California, Avery, his fiancée, during his time working as
sports n a sports agency. Avery moved out as soon as Jerry Maguire lost his job as a sports agent
in the agency. As an agent, Jerry represented more than two thousand famous and paid clients in
the world. He, however, got fired from the agency over a memo that he wrote to everyone in the
agency. Jerry had a vision of owning a firm that will allow him to earn him and his long-term
client success. He had limited options that led to having his firm by which he worked on his
terms and conditions.
Jerry had few interests because he did not have a more excellent vision than dedicating
his life to his job. In his quest to build his own business from nothing, he leaves little time for
himself. He spends most of his time coaching his client Rod Tidwell and coping with his
problems and challenges. Therefore, Maguire had few ambitions and interests in his life since
most of his life revolved around his job and his aim of creating his agency.
Jerry had many personalities outlined throughout the movie. He was charming, tenacious,
diligent, and energetic. His charm won Dorothy's love and trust that led to them getting married.
His hardworking nature enabled him to represent more than 2000 renowned athletes and clients.
He undergoes many changes in his life, yet he remains true to his vision that he achieves in the
long run—his confidence in the skills and abilities he had made him come to the ultimate top. In
the agency, he was one of the top agents respected for his skills and capabilities, and when he
owned his firm, he somehow managed to get to the top.
2. Rod Tidwell
Rod Tidwell grew up with his big family guided by love, respect, serving the community,
and a quest for a lot of money. He lived with his wife (Marcee), children, and his sibling that
regularly visited him. He held family meetings in his house, where all his siblings attended. His
relationship with his good though he never used to spend most of the time with her since he was
mainly in the field. This made his wife hate to see him go to the area for practice since he usually

took a lot of time to come home to her. She also feared for his safety as she thought that the
opposing team wanted to hurt him for his skills and expertise.
Rod's profession was sports. He was a football player, and he loved it for the longest time
possible. He played football which enabled him to earn money to feed his family and buy his
family essentials. More than making money, he wanted to be somebody in his football career.
Jerry Maguire, whom he wants to help him get to the occupation, asked him to be his agent by
asking him to "show him the money."
His interests were many and varied. He was an ambitious young man interested in
money, family, Kwan his agent- Jerry Maguire. Kwan was his won personal by-name that meant
love, respect, community, and money(45 minutes and 16 minutes into the movie). He finds a big-
time challenge in accessing his interests and chooses to be represented by Jerry, who had become
his closest friend and agent. Even though both Jerry and Rod had gone through mixed feelings of
hate and love from love to hate and then they love each other again. He meets many challenges
in life in his career, but fortunately for him, he meets Jerry, who holds his hand to the top of his
career. Rod had the aspiration of appearing in the most famous commercials such as shoe and car
commercials as he had gotten tired of being left out on all the big deals.
Rod has an exciting personality that saw him to the climax of his career. He was loving
but very emotional. His kind heart made him choose Jerry after he was fired from the agency. He
had a funny character where he enjoyed being without a shirt and opted to air dry instead of
using a towel. Rod is a firm believer since he had faith that Jerry was a great agent and he will
help him in achieving his goal. Despite the hardships they go through in their journey to success,
the rod remains true to his belief and motivation until he gets to Arizona, which was his longtime

3. Dorothy Boyd
Dorothy is a single mom with big dreams. She followed Jerry after he was fired from the
agency. She leaves the overdue promotion to follow Maguire into her freedom because she
believed that Jerry would help her achieve her dreams. In the movie, she is a single mother, but
she falls in love with Jerry, and they end up together.
Dorothy is a hopeful and responsible woman who has a clear definition of what she wants
in life. She hopes that things will work between her and Jerry since they lacked a clear option
and pathway after Jerry is fired. She is jealous of other ladies of her age that could go out for
parties since she could go due to the child. However, she was proud of her son, whom she loved
The characters (Maguire Rod Tidwell and Dorothy Boyd) as consumers, their
demographic and psychographic characteristics helped understand the various market processes
as marketing strategies and advertising strategies.
From the movie, the characters' contributions as marketers are clearly outlined. Their
analytical capacities are shown in the film where Jeff Maguire can make critical decisions to
make to the top. Communication between the three characters is efficient since they can
understand. Jeff writes a memo where he expresses himself, which led to him winning the trusts
of Dorothy and Rod. Rod asks Maguire to "show him the money."
On the other hand, Dorothy tells Jeff how the memo inspired her; hence, she left the
agency to join hands with Maguire to create a new firm. Communication enabled the characters
to achieve their dreams and visions. Creativity is another marketer's skill that the characters have
brought out clearly. Creativity helped the characters to think outside the box and find new

marketing methods for their agency. With creativity, they were able to create an agency from
scratch till it reached the utmost. As seen in the movie, teamwork is another skill that is an
evident movie. the three characters worked together to ensure the agency's success. Jeff and Rob
spent a lot of their time in the field dedicated to achieving good skills, while Dorothy provided
Jeff with the support, he needed to see the agency's success.
The Decision-making process in the movie is evident and has influenced the actions and
outcomes of people in the film. The characters make a various decision with a specific reason
which affects their actions. Jeff Maguire decides to write a memo that states that the fewer the
clients, the more the money leads to him losing his job (18 minutes and 57 seconds into the
movie). Despite being fired, Maguire was motivated to create his firm, where he worked by his
terms of conditions. The level of income of Jeff reduced as a result coupling with losing his
profession and the many clients he represented in the sports. He is sad after losing his job and
fiancée, which made him get heavily drunk that night to drain away his stress. The decision was
made after a lot of thinking and him questioning his purpose in life. He is insulted by the client's
child, which made him make the decisions that affected him. The agency decides to fire Jeff
despite being one of the most respected and top agents in the agency. Their decision makes them
lose their accountant, Dorothy, who believes that Jeff had a point. The agency also loses a client
who chooses to follow Jeff since he thought Jeff would lead him to get the money he wanted.
Dorothy, who was about to be promoted, left the agency to follow Jeff, yet she knew she was
putting her career in jeopardy. She had a son who depended on her, yet she decided to leave the
job to follow Jeff on account of the faith that things will work for her. The level of income of
Dorothy, therefore, reduced, leaving her with little money. Her decision increased her motivation
as she felt that she had made the right decision.
Consumer behavior concepts
Jeff took a risk and was willing to leap of faith after he was fired. Starting a new business
involves bad risk-taking decisions and great courage. Venturing into a new business requires
taking the risk and willingness to take big steps that you have not done before. Engaging with
clients is evident through Jeff Maguire. He encouraged agents to work with fewer clients to give
the clients the deserved attention. It is only possible to understand your clients and their desire by
giving them the attention they deserve. The closeness one is to other people with working issues
helps to build their motivation and psyche in doing their work. Therefore, it is easy to create
strong relationships giving them attention. If you are a caring person to the consumers, they will
care for your services. Jerry is stuck with Rod, who has attitude issues, yet he manages to make
him the best player who wins the award and makes it to Arizona.
Dorothy is a risk-taker, an optimist, kind, and a believer. He leaves his job and follows
Jeff, who had no clear plan to create a firm of his own (28 minutes and 47 seconds into the
movie). She is observant, easy to learn, and lives with others. Boyd understood how emotional
Jeff could be and decided to support him. She helps Jeff in understanding his choice and the
reasons that underlie their actions. She was, therefore, able to create a personal relationship that
made her be able to relate well with Maguire, who then gained focus to work with Rod. She is an
ideal business partner that Maguire needed. She completes him since she had the simplicity,
straightforwardness, and authenticity that Jerry admired. Her personality and skills were
necessary for building and growing the business and their firm. Therefore, in business, the
consumer behavior concept has the best small business partner.
Rod Tidwell is loving and emotional, which gives rise to his character; kind. He is kind,
which is a good thing in business. Being king to the customers will make them want to get the

services that you offer. His love and interest in money make him risk putting his trust in
Maguire. He wants to hear Maguire say the words: "Show me the money" (26 minutes and 7
seconds into the movie). He portrays the behavior of a customer who is willing to learn. Jeff tells
him, "Help me to help you," which shows cooperation that will lead to mutual benefits by both
parties. Rod spends most of his time with Jeff since he wants to learn, and they develop a strong
relationship. Therefore, Rod shows a willingness to learn and develop his skills. The created
relationship helps to change Rod's attitude, redefine his dreams, and better himself towards
achieving the dreams.


Jerry Maguire Full Movie Tom Cruise Movies. (1996). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from

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