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A Research Study Presented to the Faculty of the Senior High School Department,
Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Davao City in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements in Practical Research I


Alcantara, Kristine Mae

Colandog, Ronnel Chester
Mates, Samantha Marie
Nonog, Jessica
Perlas, Dante
Rebalde, Jenefe
Sante, Mery Ann
Sante, Mery Joy
Taboada, Ian
Zaragoza, Jovito

March 2019
R. Magsaysay St. Cor. Chavez St. Davao City


OF DAVAO” prepared and submitted by Alcantara, Kristine Mae C.; Colandog,
Ronnel Chester; Mates, Samantha Marie O.; Nonog, Jessica; Perlas, Dante;
Rebalde, Jenefe R.; Sante, Mery Ann T.; Sante, Mery Joy T.; Taboada, Ian B. and
Zaragoza, Jovito. In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research I of
the Senior High School department of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao and
has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for




Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ____


Traditionally K-12 students have not given many opportunities to offer their insights
and comments on education and schooling. This study which asked students to list
the Quality of Senior High School Teachers as preferred by the K-12 Students in
Samson Polytechnic College of Davao. Their perceptions are congruent with the
literature and one of the several conclusions is that teachers, administrator , and
other stakeholders in education should pay attention to what students have to say
about the characteristics of effective Teachers.
Chapter 1



This Thesis will focus on attitudes and teaching practices of teachers in

Samson Polytechnic College of Davao that is essential for learning of the students.

Teachers have a big role in the education of their students. Their abilities in
teaching will really give effect in students, neither bad nor good. Teachers must have
the right skill, abilities and attitude so that students will enjoy in learning and will have
a better education. Students are now under the K-12 education program of the
government. In this case, students are requiring having deeper knowledge about
their chosen tracks that will help them in their future job, and this thing is possible
through help of the teachers.

Teachers will lead students to choose their career in the future that is the
reason why teachers must have the right skills, abilities, and attitudes. Teaching
style and attitude are included in factors if a student does not effectively learned in
school. Those things are also helpful to the teachers in handling classes. If all
teachers have good teaching practice and good attitude, for sure student will catch
up immediately in the lessons in school. We will know if those things affect the ability
to learn of the students.

Teachers must have unique strategies so that students will learn a lot from the
lesson and will learn affectively from the lesson. Teachers is the role model to the
students therefore, teachers must have good attitudes not only because to learn
effectively but also to learn in how to do good deeds.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find the quality of senior high school teachers as preferred by
the K-12 students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao.

Specifically, this study sought to find answers to the following questions.

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
b. Gender
c. Previous school attended

2.What is the quality of senior high school teachers as preferred by the K-12
students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao in terms of:

A. Attitude
a. Patience
b. Understanding
c. Considerate
d. Sense of Humor
e. Approachable
B. Classroom Teaching Practices
a. Structuring Practices
b. Student Oriented Practices
c. Enhanced Practices
C. Personality
a. Mood/Behavior
b. Grooming

3. Is there a significant difference in the quality of senior high school teachers as

preferred by the K-12 students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao when the
respondents are grouped according to their profile?
Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance.

There is no significance difference in the Quality of Senior High School Teachers as
Preferred by The K-12 Students in Samson Polytechnic College of Davo.
Theoretical Framework

Some theoretical frameworks have been developed regarding the study of

The Quality of Senior High School Teachers as Preferred by The K-12 Students in
Samson Polytechnic College of Davao. This theoretical framework will help us to
understand well why this issue is existing, why we must focus in the qualities of
teachers in Samson Polytechnic College of Davao. And how does it affects the
learning of the students.

According to Ashley Peterson-Deluca (2016) Students are most affected by

the quality of their teachers. Not only they interact with teachers everyday in
classroom, but the quality of that interaction matters for our students future.

These are the qualities of an effective teachers according to Ashley Peterson-

Deluca (2016)
 The ability to develop relationships with their students
 Patient, Caring, and kind personality
 Knowledge of teachers
 Dedication in teaching
 Engaging students in learning

Teachers will fill up the empty minds of students in sharing their knowledge
through the students. Teachers will complete all things that a student should learn in
Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Profile of Respondents The Quality of Senior High School

Teachers as Preferred by the K-12
 Age
\ Students of Samson Polytechnic
 Gender College of Davao
 Previous School Attended
 Attitude
 Classroom Teaching Practices
 Personality

Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the study showing the interplay between the
Independent and the Dependent Variables.
The figure 1 presents the relationship between the independent variables to
the dependent variables. The independent variables defined as the profile of the
respondents include the gender, age, previous school attended. This further implies
that these independent variables are the factors that may affect the dependent
variables defined as the quality of the Senior High School Teachers as preferred by
the K-12 students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao in terms of attitude,
classroom practices, and personality.

The age of the respondent can possibly affect their perception about the quality of
the senior high school teachers as preferred by the k-12 students in Samson
Polytechnic College of Davao in terms of attitude, classroom practices, and
personality. This is due perhaps to the fact that even a few generation gaps could
have different awareness about an issue because they are apart from experience
and timeline of events.This claim is supported by Macro(2004). Who stated that age
of the respondents is one of the most important characteristics in understanding their
views about the particular problems; by and large age indicates level of maturity of
individuals, in that sense, age becomes more important to examine the response.

The gender of the respondents can possibly affect their perception about the quality
of the senior high school teachers as preferred by the k-12 students in Samson
Polytechnic College of Davao in terms of attitude, classroom practices, and
personality. This is due perhaps to the fact that male and female could have a
difference in their opinions and understandings.This claim is supported by Book of
Human Science (2003), stating that there could be difference between the thinking
patterns of a male and female, one factor of this is their chromosomal difference.

The previous school attended of the respondents can possibly affect their perception
about the quality of the senior high school teachers as preferred by the k-12 students
in Samson Polytechnic College of Davao in terms of attitude, classroom practices,
and personality. This due perhaps to the fact that the aspirations of the students are
influenced by the kind of school they attend. The study assessed school
environment factors and peer influence in term of the level of psychological impact
they have on learners. The school as an institution of learning which also act as a
second home for learners has been found to have a strong relationship with students
academic performance.
Scope and Limitation of the study

This study will focus in finding The Quality of Senior High School Teachers as
preferred by the K-12 Students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao using the
independent variables such as Age, Gender, and Previous school attended and the
dependent variables such as Attitude, Classroom teaching practices, and Personality

The study will be conducted at Samson Polytechnic College of Davao with 50

respondents representing a sample taken from the population of Senior High School
students, apparently enrolled at Samson Polytechnic College of Davao, Davao City,
S.Y. 2016-2017.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally the way they are used in the
Significance of the study

The results of the study could be beneficial to the following:

Administration. This study will help the administration to know the

effectiveness effects of employees and they can take measures to increase

Teachers. This study will help the teachers to understand themselves more
and improve their performance in order to achieve specific target that have been set.

Researchers. This study will help future researchers by providing them

information about the matter.

In essence, the findings can be of important advantage to those people who

are engrossed in prying work motivation as an indicator in becoming teaching
Part I

Profile of the Respondents

Direction : Kindly provide checkmarks( / ) in the spaces provided for your responses.

Age: □15-16 years old

□17-18 year old
□19-20 years old
□21 years old & above

Gender: □Male

School Previously Attended


TVL Track □Automotive Technology

Part II
Questionnaire Proper

The Quality of Senior High School Teachers as Preferred by the K-12

Student of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao

Direction: Using the rating below, kindly provide checkmarks(/) in the

appropriate columns/cells corresponding to how you rate your
preferred quality or qou.

Rating Scale Range of Interval Verbal Descriptive

5 4.01- 40.75 Excellent
4 3.26 – 4.0 Very Satisfactory
3 2.51 – 3.25 Satisfactory
2 1.76 – 2.50 Poor
1 1.0 – 1.75 Very Poor

A. Communication Skill. My Teachers… 5 4 3 2 1

a. Speak the message clearly.
b. Talk and pronounces the words clearly.
c. Handle the flow of communication continuously.
d. Speak the language fluently.
e. Modulates voice well.
B. Mastery of the subject matter. My teachers… 5 4 3 2 1
a. Follow the system by the students like syllabus or charts of
topics and schedules of submitting the requirements.
b. Know the subject matter
c. Show expertise in the field of teaching.
d. Show effectiveness teachers .
e. Give effective strategies and techniques to deal with the
C. Visual aids preparations. My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1

a. Use Power points presentation.

b. Use the traditional visual aids like printing words in the
piece of papers and writing on the blackboard.
c. Use overhead projector.
d. Use marker on whiteboard.
e. Use visual aids in relation with the lesson presented.
D. Classroom Management. My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
a. Show harmonious relationship with the students in the
b. See to it that the classroom is conducive to learning.
c. Make the chairs enough for the students.
d. Establish routinely activities.
e. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom.
E. Teaching Methodologies / Techniques. My teachers… 5 4 3 2 1
a. Varies teaching methodologies and techniques.
b. Consider the nature and interest of the learners in adopting
the teaching strategies.
c. Get active involvement of the students in the deliberation.
d. Motivate students to express their opinions / ideas of the
topics presented.
e. Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies and

Profile of Respondents The Quality of Senior High School

Teachers as Preferred by K-12 Students
of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao
Age a. Attitude
Gender b. Classroom Practices
Previous School Attended c. Personality


(Formerly Samson Technical Institute)
R. Magsaysay Avenue Cor. Chavez St. Davao City
Tel. No. 227-2392/300-1493

August 2018

Dear Respondents,

We , a research group from the Grade – 12 , Section Therese of Senior High School
department is currently conducting a research study entitled The Quality of Senior
High School Teachers as Preferred by the K-12 Students in Samson Polytechnic
College of Davao as one of the requirements for the subject in Practical Research.

Through this, our group request assistance in answering the accompanying


Thanks for your help.

Truly yours,

Grade 12- Therese students


(Formerly Samson Technical Institute)

R. Magsaysay Avenue Cor. Chavez St. Davao City

Tel. No. 227-2392/300-1493

August 14, 2018

Mrs. Remedios Remis

Samson Polytechnic College of Davao

Davao City

Dear Ma’am.

We the Senior High School students of Samson Polytechnic College of

Davao conducting research entitled The Quality of Senior High School Teachers as
preferred by the K-12 Students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao as
perceived by Senior High School students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao.
The purpose of this study is to determine the awareness of the students regarding
the impact of The Quality of Senior High School Teachers as preferred by the K-12
Students of Samson Polytechnic College of Davao. It will serve as guide for the
students to have deeper understanding on this prevailing issue.

In connection with this , we seek your approval for following us to administer out
questionnaire to the students.

Rest assured that whatever data gathered will be strictly treated with confidently.

Thank you so much for your favorable reply to our request.

Respectfully yours,

Alcantara, Kristine Mae C.

Colandog,Ronnel Chester
Mates, Samantha Marie
Nonog, Jessica
Perlas, Dante
Rebalde, Jenefe
Sante, Mery Ann
Sante, Mery Joy
Taboada, Ian

Direction: Indicate your rating of the item by putting a check (/) mark using the
following key 5= Excellent, 4= Very satisfactory, 3= Satisfactory, 2= Poor, 1= Very
Poor. Write your comments on the space provided below.

5 4 3 2 1
The direction is clearly stated.
The word in each items are clear and
The text of each item is clear and readable
Each item convey single idea or concept
The item provide the needed information relevant to
the research problem
The item are congruent to the
conceptual/theoretical construct of the study
The items are adequate measure the variables of
the study
The items are worded objectively
The response options adequate cover all the
significant alternatives


( ) Recommended ( ) Not recommended

Validated by: Date of Validation

Signature above Printed Name

Noted by:

Berbnardito L. Dacubor, DM

Research Instructor

Joy Tadle

St. Therese, Class Advicer

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